Mr. Chen slowly brought the tea cup to his mouth, nodded slowly, and said after thinking for a moment: "If you remember correctly, it should be about 13 minutes, right?"

Zhou Jiang nodded, and then pulled the video to the back.

Well, good luck, it just started in 13 minutes and 20 seconds...

Although the sound did not turn on, Zhou Jiang could also feel the fear of the people inside.

After all, the obvious jitter, and then the angle of view dropped rapidly, isn't this just the performance of falling to the ground with fright...

Zhou Jiang looked at the screen on the phone, frowning. Although his face was still expressionless, turbulent waves had already appeared in his heart.

In the video, it was already evening, and many places in the woods were dark, and just in front, behind a tree, stood a tall elves!

Of course, because the light cannot be found in that area, it looks a little dark, so the look of the elf cannot be seen clearly, but its outline can be vaguely seen.

The elf stood behind the tree, showing an outline, and that outline was very similar to a human!

Of course, this is not the point, at least not for Zhou Jiang.

For others, this may be very scary, after all, the uncanny valley effect is somewhat effective in this world.

But for Zhou Jiang...

Well, if you change to other situations, Zhou Jiang may be more afraid, but because some of the ideas before watching this video and the scenes we see now have been fulfilled, he now thinks about what ordinary people think about seeing this scene. It's totally different!

Seeing the blue eyes hidden in the shadows and the outline of the elf, Zhou Jiang almost was scared to pee.

When he asked Mr. Chen if he had any video or photos, it was because he thought of the terrible nightmare incident he encountered when he was alone to pick up the task of the prosecutor.

Although he didn't find what kind of elves it was, the nightmare plus the previous introduction to elves gave Zhou Jiang some guesses about the elves.

Zhou Jiang estimated that there was a high probability that it was a nightmare god!

Of course, Zhou Jiang hasn't seen it in detail, so I'm not sure, but now...

Although the outline of the azure blue eyes is similar to that of a human being, on its shoulders and head, it is obvious that it is pulsating like flames...

This girl is a nightmare god!


Go to trouble with the nightmare god?

Is this going to give someone a head? !

Although it is not those first-level gods, the strength of the nightmare gods is also divided into strong and weak, but the weaker is the stronger?

Zhou Jiang is sure of this thing, once he reaches adulthood, he is definitely above the champion!

Unless it is a nightmare **** in his childhood, Zhou Jiang would not dare to touch it. If he is not careful, he will die...

Zhou Jiang did not continue watching the following video.

It is completely unnecessary.

It has been determined that it is the nightmare god, then even if he gives him a generous reward, Zhou Jiang will not go.

Even if he gave Zhou Jiang an Arceus after it was over, Zhou Jiang would not go!

Damn, to get the reward, you have to survive first!

If people have their braids, how can they be rewarded?

"Did you finish?" Seeing Zhou Jiang turned off the phone and pushed it back, Mr. Chen smiled and put down the cup: "I have seen this video with an expert, and even Dr. Zhao has seen it, but he failed to recognize it. What kind of elf, I guess this is a new elf that has not been discovered by humans!"


Zhou Jiang’s mouth twitches, even if you tell me this, I won’t go...

"How about, do you have any interest? The reward is up to you. As long as it is not too excessive, even a rare elf, I can give you powerful skills, as long as you can expel that elf, of course, if you catch it, even more All right."


Tooth cup...this is a heartbeat feeling...

"Sorry, I may not be able to accept this task."

Well, it is naturally impossible for Zhou Jiang to agree to it. As I said before, no matter how generous the reward is, there must be a life flower. Was the nightmare **** strong?

Zhou Jiang said that he is not a gambler, and he will never do this dangerous job.

Just go for a fool!

There is a system, except for a few, he has what they don’t have, and he has what they have, so there is no need to fight.


Mr. Chen was startled, his hand to hold the teacup froze. He looked at Zhou Jiang with a look of surprise. He only replied after two seconds. After drinking a sip of tea, he calmly asked, "Can you tell me the reason?"


Zhou Jiang thought for a while and nodded.

"I know this elf."

"Wait..." Mr. Chen frowned: "You said you know each other?"

Zhou Jiang nodded: "Yes, I have seen it. It was in a forest not long ago. I was attacked by it..."


"It's very strong?" Mr. Chen asked tentatively.

Zhou Jiang frowned: "Yes, very strong! Not an ordinary strong! I guess it may have championship-level strength, or higher!"



The office fell into This time it was Zhou Jiang's turn to pick up a cup of tea, and Mr. Chen frowned over there thinking.

"Are you sure?"

Suddenly, Mr. Chen asked Zhou Jiang.


"Um... I am of course not sure. I can only be sure that they are the same kind of elves. As for whether they are the same or not, then I can't guarantee it, but I think it may be the same, although the video is not very attractive. Come out, but that oppressive feeling..."

Zhou Jiang didn't go on, after all, he understood later.

Sure enough, Mr. Chen nodded.

After a while of silence, Mr. Chen said again: "Thank you for your information, it seems that the development plan of that place is going to change~"

As he said, Mr. Chen stretched.

"...Can't go in"

"and many more……"

Suddenly, there was a noise outside, followed by the sound of opening the door. Zhou Jiang looked back and found a young man in a straight suit standing at the door. Next to the young man were the former beauty secretary and Chen Xi.

Although the beauty secretary wanted to stop the youth, she didn't seem to dare to stop it. She should just pretend to stop, and she didn't have much effort. After all, she couldn't stop her...

Although I could see through the "careful thinking" of the female secretary, everyone present probably knew it, just not to mention it.

Zhou Jiang's attention now is on this young man. After all, he dared to break in directly. The background is either bigger than Mr. Chen sitting opposite him or similar.

And it seems that the two have a grudge?

Zhou Jiang said that the show has begun!

I touched my hand, the drink is ready, but the popcorn is missing...

Looking at the person who broke in, Mr. Chen showed a calm expression, took a sip of his tea and looked at the person who came and said, "Luo Mingfei? What are you doing here!"

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