Regarding some news about Lu Ran, Zhou Jiang had no influence, but Zhou Jiang felt that what Zhou Nan said should be true, because Xu Feng didn't even refute it at the beginning!

Looking at Lu Ran's usual style.

If you just look at it like this, you can’t see it, but everyone who has been traveling with her can still tell that she is the kind, with a kind of heroic and arrogant kind in her bones...

And she should have practiced or something, she has very strong physical fitness, so Zhou Jiang feels that the rumors are still very true.

Although it is impossible for Lu Ran to live with him now, but...

Zhou Jiang instantly thought of Xiao Xi who was fighting against him before, maybe... he really did a little too much?

On the field, the game began.

Before that man used Abelan, now he is sending a Copparon, only a Chavaron and the three brothers are together.

Lu Ran didn't keep his hands, and released the wind speed dog.

But having said that, she would have a problem if she kept her hands...

The man looked at the wind speed dog with a solemn expression, after all, wind speed dog is basically a sign of a powerful elf.

Although it is difficult to get a Caty Dog, and the Fire Stone is also very precious, if given the opportunity, no one can refuse such a powerful elf, right?

Perhaps only those trainers who specialize in training one attribute can stop this temptation?

"Kobolang, use..."


Before the man finished speaking, Ke Bolang in front of him flew out...

The strength gap is not small. Lu Ran’s wind speed dogs are all mid-level quasi-celestial kings. The original control arm is much better at the beginning level. At least it can be released. Although the timing is not effective, it will be used this time. Come out, but where's Ke Bolang? Only an elite elementary...

In addition, the wind speed dog itself is very good at running, and because of sufficient nutrition, it is very big, and it also uses super speed... so well...

"Kebolang loses the ability to fight, and Wind Speed ​​Dog wins!"

The referee glanced at Ke Bolang and pronounced the result. When the man whistled before, the referee knew that his death date was approaching.

Although he is also good at strength, it is far from the current one.

Seeing the man's dull look, Zhou Jiang felt a little funny.

Although he did not know why...

The man finally retracted Ke Bolang and walked down with a gloomy expression.

After that, it was simple. One by one challenged and defeated by Lu Ran one by one. In the end, Lu Ran achieved 30 consecutive victories!

Although due to her strong strength, not many people are willing to go up to find abusers, so it took a long time, but it was finally completed.

Zhou Jiang looked at the time, it was already past four in the afternoon...

Obviously there were only ten games, and almost all of them ended in an instant, but it was actually delayed for four hours?

Really are……

It's strong enough.

After Lu Ran won 30 consecutive victories, a staff member came over. She was responsible for leading the way for those who were rewarded. Not only was it a 30-game winning streak, but even if it was a 10-game winning streak or a 20-game winning streak, they would also appear. Go and lead the way for them.

However, because Tian Zhengjie was not over yet, the few people asked the young lady to wait for a while, saying that they would wait for a friend before going.

Little sister was puzzled at first, and after they explained, she nodded and agreed.

She is still working now. After all, it was the request of the client. "Wait a minute"? This is equivalent to blatant laziness. Can this not make her happy...

After that, the group of them went to Tian Zhengjie's ring, gathered with Chen Yongan, and watched the game together.

"How many games has Teacher Tian won?"

Zhou Nan asked Chen Yongan.

"Nine games, this is the last one."

Zhou Jiang and the others nodded, then watched the game.

Well, I said it was watching the game, but in fact it was just watching Lucario's vigorous posture.

Since the elves in this ring can't even use their skills, they can only fight against each other by their physical fitness or skills, so they are all fighting elves or huge elves.

Of course, although it is good to be large, there are also restrictions. For example, Kabimon, Big Steel Snake, and Big Rock Snake that are large enough are not allowed.

After all, it would be too disgusting if they could play, and it would be too unfair to other players.

And there is no limit, whoever comes to the roaring whale king...

The player opposite Tian Zhengjie used Haoli. After all, Haoli this series of elves can be regarded as relatively common and very powerful and easy to use fighting elves.

Haoli is only in the second stage. If it is a strange power, if the level is similar, it may be able to suppress Lucario, but it has not fully evolved, and the level is a little far behind, let alone Others too.

Zhou Jiang felt that the reason Tian Zhengjie did not end as quickly as Lu Ran was because he was not a beautiful woman...

Compared with these people, the elves of Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie are extremely strong presences. Get serious, they will be gone after an attack, but why can Lu Ran end quickly?

That's naturally this damn-looking society...

I have to say that Lu Ran is still very beautiful...

Especially when a teacher, he also has an inexplicable temperament...

Although Tian Zhengjie also has a kind of bookish temperament, he is a man!

Most of the people who are playing here are big masters, and this ring is a match between fist-to-fight "men". There is almost no female competition. Who will come to see him?

Although Zhou Jiang is the same as them, Zhou Jiang’s age and the elves like Big Sting Bee are too deceptive...

After all, who knew that the big needle bee was actually an existence that could almost overturn the entire gym?

After three or four minutes, the game is over.

I won the last game, and finally finished...

In the warm applause of many audiences, their group left.

Next is the time to collect the reward.

Followed by the staff they came to the room that Zhou Jiang was brought by the secretary Xiaolan before, and then the staff there took four of the same ones that Zhou Jiang had taken before. bag.

Then, after thanking the young lady a lot, they left here and returned to the room.

Then it's time to unpack!

After they moved the chairs away, they sat up on the floor, and then placed five bags in the middle of the circle.

Of these five bags, apart from Zhou Jiang and Lu Ran, the remaining two belong to Chen Qizhen and Xu Feng.

Chen Qizhen's ten-game winning streak, and Xu Feng's twenty-game winning streak.

To be honest, Chen Qizhen can actually continue to fight and get a reward of 30 wins, and Xu Feng is about the same, but they did not do that...

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

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