Zhou Jiang turned around to start eating, but found that Lu Ran and the others were looking at them...

Zhou Jiang was taken aback, then looked down, and touched his face again, only to find that they were still looking at themselves, only to wonder: "What's the matter? Look at me like this..."

Seriously, he was a little scared...

The nine people looked straight at themselves, really panicking...

Lu Ran looked at Zhou Jiang and slowly said, "Don't you invite them to dinner together?"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang looked at Lu Ran: "Please?"

Zhou Jiang had a sudden meal.

He thought about it.

People in this world, especially trainers, are nothing to others, but for food, they will never be stingy.

In the wild, every trainer will have trouble.

At that time, it was nothing more than the food was gone and the potion was not enough.

Therefore, in the long-term development, everyone has developed the habit of helping others if they have no food to eat.

Because they don't know when they will be in trouble, they want a bite of hot food.

So the current situation is similar, and after the previous episode, everyone is familiar with it.


I know, I know, but because Mao wants me to invite it! Wouldn't you girls please go...

Seeing the eyes of the nine people, Zhou Jiang nodded helplessly: "Okay, OK, can't I invite me to please..."

Zhou Jiang was helpless, so he could only put down the skewers in his hand, got up and walked towards the five women.

He also roughly guessed their intentions. He probably wanted to get acquainted with the five of them and get to know them. After all, as a trainer, he always likes to make friends...

And if someone else invites them, most of the five of them will hesitate to come because of the previous events, but Zhou Jiang will be different...

Zhou Jiang sighed...Although he understands, he doesn't care about getting acquainted with them, but he still doesn't want to negotiate...

When Zhou Jiang was halfway there, a few girls over there, sighing and frowning, saw him.

The eyes of the five people kept falling on Zhou Jiang, making Zhou Jiang a little embarrassed, but after a while, he walked up to them: "We still have extra food here, do you want to come?"

"Do not……"

"Eh! Can you?"

"..." Zhang Ning looked at Chen Jie speechlessly.

This foodie!

She just wanted to refuse. After all, what Qian Jiajia had made before, she still feels a bit embarrassed, so she went to eat?

But as soon as she uttered a word, Chen Jie interrupted her...

Now that the exchanges were made, Zhou Jiang had no feelings of embarrassment.

He just doesn't like to take the initiative to talk to strangers, but once the communication becomes available, it doesn't matter.

Zhou Jiang nodded: "Well, come here, although the food is a little bit cold, but it can still be eaten, so don't mind."

"Don't mind or mind! Thank you, haha~"

Chen Jie was very familiar, and he patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder and laughed.

Zhou Jiang was a little speechless, but didn't say anything. He just stepped back gently, letting the hand on his shoulder fall to the ground, and then said to them: "Come on, you're welcome, it just happens that there is a lot of food."

Well, this is true.

There is indeed a lot of cooked rice, but the premise is that Zhou Nan and the others do not eat three bowls of rice.

Usually they eat one bowl is enough. If the food is good, they can eat two bowls, but today Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan don’t know what they are going crazy, they actually get confused. The two have to compete with each other to eat more, um, Both of them asked Lu Ran to put more rice when he put the rice. They wanted to eat three bowls!

Now the two of them can save two bowls of rice, and if there is one bowl left, the other eight of them can make up one bowl with less each.

Eating a seven or eight minutes full at noon is enough, anyway, they eat more at night, and basically they will have supper, so it doesn’t matter if they eat less at noon.

After Zhou Jiang finished speaking to them, he stood there waiting for them.

Luo Minxu looked at Zhang Ning and wanted to let the eldest sister among the five make up her mind. She herself didn't care, and the little Lori Baiya was the same. As for Qian Jiajia's words... she probably had nothing to say, so she was there. Chen Jie and Zhang Ning made the decision for a few people.

Zhang Ning naturally felt the look in Luo Minxu's eyes. She looked at Chen Jie, then looked at the far side who was sitting there and looking here and sighed helplessly, then bowed slightly to Zhou Jiang: "Then bother you."

Zhou Jiang waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay, don't disturb, let's come together."

With that said, Zhou Jiang turned around and walked back, while Chen Jie walked to Zhang Ning and the others, walked to Luo Minxu and Bai Ya, took their hands and followed Zhou Jiang.

Lu Ran and the others seemed very enthusiastic about the arrival of the five.

Take out the folding stool from the backpack, and then make room for the five of the girls to sit down.

"Thank you."

Zhang Ning thanked Wang Qingyan for the rice bowl containing rice.

Wang Qingyan smiled and said: "It's okay, I hope you like these dishes."

Zhou Jiang sighed slightly and sat down.

Chen Jie and the others quickly established a relationship with Lu Ran and the other women. They were talking and laughing over there, and Zhou Jiang and the others also knew their names.

Well, of course, although the relationship is good, the two people are a little out of sync.

One is Qian Jiajia, she is still a little guilty, so she doesn't dare to talk more, the other is Bai Ya.

Apart from her previous self-introduction, she has nothing else to say. She just ate silently all the time, but I don't know if it was an illusion. Sometimes Zhou Jiang would think she was looking at herself?

But when he looked over, he didn't notice anything, and he was a little confused, and he only felt that it was his own illusion.

The meal was finished soon, Zhou Jiang put down his bowl and chopsticks and went to look for Kirulian.

When he was eating, because there was a stranger, he kept thinking without speaking, and then suddenly thought of a move...

He felt that Kirulian could have a try. If she succeeds, then her combat power can definitely be improved!

And more than that, if you really learn, then...

When Zhou Jiang left the meeting, Bai Ya saw it too. She glanced at him and didn't pay attention anymore. It was just that the charm in her eyes dimmed slightly at this time. It was obvious that she was lost in thought, but she didn't know who she was. What are you thinking about.

Zhou Jiang and their elves have finished their meal a long time ago, and are resting next to them now, and Kirulian is no exception.

Regarding Zhou Jiang's arrival, the elves lying on the rocks over there didn't say anything, what to do or what to do, and they did not even change their posture while lying down.

Zhou Jiang came to sit down next to Kirulian, and Kirulian who was sitting there meditating slightly opened his eyes and looked over, and the spiritual link was immediately connected.

After connecting the mind with his face, Zhou Jiang stopped talking nonsense and went directly to the subject.

After telling her own guess and brain hole to Kirulian, Kirulian fell into deep thought.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang himself is not sure of the skill he thought about, and it seems that there is no change in the system, and customization is not possible...

Therefore, it can only be developed by Kirulian himself. Zhou Jiang felt that the talent of this Kirulian was quite against the sky, so he wanted to give it a try.

What skills does Zhou Jiang want to create?

Nothing else, it is a black hole!

Of course, this black hole is not an exclusive skill of the Nightmare God. After all, if it were that black hole, Zhou Jiang would not need to let Kirulian create his own. One is meaningless, and the other is that this thing can be changed...

Although I don't know if he can learn it after changing to other elves, it has nothing to do with what he thinks now.

The black hole he was thinking of was nothing but the celestial body that even light could not escape!

Zhou Jiang had a deep impression of Shanaido, one of them was beautiful and powerful, and the other was the introduction to them in the past life illustration book.

In order to protect important people, black holes can even be created!

Although not sure if it was true, Zhou Jiang expressed that he was willing to give it a try.

If it can be made out, it is really awesome!

Of course, even if he had developed this skill, Zhou Jiang would not dare to use it indiscriminately, especially in regular matches, he was afraid of killing the opponent...

But not necessarily at other times, right?

It's like the Rockets. If you die, you will die. He doesn't care anyway.

Of course, all this has to be done.

However, Zhou Jiang felt that Kirulian should be fine with her.

After all, when I met the little guy La Roulas in the ruins before, she took him through a wave of time and space!

Although according to her, it was supported by the altar, but it was also very strong. When it was weak, it could be traversed with the help of the altar, so how strong is it now?

Is it possible? And even if you can’t distort time and space and travel through it, you can get a black hole, or something lower?

Although Zhou Jiang does not know what is one level lower than black holes~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is not bad.

After all, this is a time-distorted attack!

The worst is an attack that distorts the space, right?

Can it be called a small black hole?

Emmmm... Maybe you can call it... Earth bursting into the sky?


Earth bursting into the sky...I really want to think about it...

But having said that, black holes cannot be exchanged, but earth exploding stars can. Maybe he was wrong, these two are different effects? Or is it said that the earth-explosive star is not a black hole or that the level of the black hole is too high and the system is not good enough to be replaced?

Unfortunately, none of Zhou Jiang's speculations can be ruled out. After all, he is not a scientist, and the Caiji system can't speak or remind.

Zhou Jiang was talking about the feasibility of skills, while at the dining table, Chen Jie, who was chatting with Jiang Shui and the others, suddenly changed the conversation. He looked at Menus lying in the distance and said suspiciously: "By the way, this Menus... shouldn't you..."

Looking at Chen Jie who was "skeptical", Zhou Nan smiled at each other, Lu Ran smiled and looked at her: "I wonder if we are the guests from Tokipantai?"

Hearing what Lu Ran said, the five girls were taken aback, and then they understood.

Zhang Ning opened his mouth slightly, looked at Zhou Jiang's side, and said inconceivably, "So Zhou Jiang is the Dawn Cup champion?!"

Not only Zhang Ning reacted, but also the other four people. Even Qian Jiajia, who was in autism, stared at Zhou Jiang in the distance.

So to speak...

Kirulian, Menus, Sting Bee, Bibi...

These elves are all right, and I just said that how he looked at his face before was a bit familiar, where did I feel that I have seen it before, so...

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