
Looking back at one step, and looking affectionately at the Ibrahimovic who was sitting there, Zhou Jiang had a headache. This made him look like a big boss, specializing in dismantling other "little lovers"...

In other words, if we continue like this, will we lose the rhythm of favorability?

But if you take it to the owner...

and many more……

It seems that there is no need to look for it?

You can bring it with you first. You don't need to deliberately find someone. Just let it play with your Ibrahimovic, and then take it back when you go back, and then bring it back to the wizard center when you have time tomorrow.

With the "dog tag" on the front of the neck, the owner will definitely go to the wizard center to "report the loss" and release the task. As long as it is handed over to Miss Joey, everything will be solved perfectly?

Moreover, helping the lost elves find their masters can still give him extra points in the final evaluation, and make his elves happy, and the intimacy with himself has increased, and he can get extra points in the final evaluation. Why not?

I'm really a genius!

Zhou Jiang, who had figured it out, suddenly looked at Little Ibrahimovic with different eyes.

Before, it was a troublesome existence that could only eat, but now it's a sweet potato!

Well, but Zhou Jiang wants to show something, at least he can't show it eagerly, he has to make it for Ibrahimovic, and reluctantly wear it. In this case, his Ibrahimovic’s favorability is not soaring. ?

Zhou Jiang thought for a while, brewed for a while, frowned and looked at Little Ibrahimovic, "Do you want to follow?"


As Zhou Jiang spoke, both Ibrahimovic looked over in surprise.

"It's not impossible to bring you, but you can't run around, how about it, do you want to keep up?"

Looking at Little Ibrahimovic, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the appearance, it is estimated that there is no problem. He was still trying to let him put down his guard. After all, from the previous contact, it is still not little guarded. Yes, I didn't expect it to be so foolish!

He didn't offer any conditions to fudge, so he just asked casually. It appeared to be very surprised, and Zhou Jiang was almost confused. Fortunately, he responded quickly...


Little Ibrahimovic nodded, and then "wow~" he jumped out, and he hugged Ibrahimovic with his ears...

To be honest, Zhou Jiang watched this scene somewhat...

According to the system's investigation, the two Ibrahimovic are actually male...


But although they are all males, it feels a bit uncomfortable, but watching cute little guys rolling around together, they feel cute...

Feeling uncomfortable and cute at the same time, Zhou Jiang felt that he was hopeless...

In order to prevent the "poisoning" from deepening, he could only call out the two elves.

So, it didn't take long for a young man holding two Ibrahimovic in this "bazaar".

The young man is very eye-catching, with black trousers and black T-shirt. The whole body, even the shoes, are black, except for the leaking arms and face and the light blue scarf on the neck.

Although wearing a T-shirt and a scarf is a bit unusual and eye-catching, it is not this that attracts his attention, but the two large and one small Ibrahimovic lying on his shoulders!

Ibrahimovic himself is the king of cuteness, and the cute creatures of the same name as Pikachu, coupled with the new evolutionary form of Ibrahimovic discovered some time ago, the fighting power has soared and become even more rare. Now two suddenly appear, and the eyes of passersby are natural. I couldn't help but glanced over.

That young man is naturally Zhou Jiang.

The two Ibrahimovic were very noisy. In order to prevent them from running away, Zhou Jiang let them stay on his shoulders.

Although the two add up to a heavy weight, they are good enough to be able to bear it.

But speaking of physique, Zhou Jiang felt that he could sign up for some martial arts training.

This world has good physique and a high upper body limit. After a lot of hard work, some powerful human bodies can fight against fighting elves. Of course, that is when elves don’t use skills and are just hand-to-hand combat.

After all, there is one thing about energy, and the other does not. How can it be compared?

It's like Chinese martial arts moves.

Without internal force, then the damage of the move is limited. Perhaps breaking the marbles and trees are all laborious, but if there is internal force...

Along the way, it attracted a lot of attention, but Zhou Jiang didn't care.

As long as he didn't rely too much to look at it, Zhou Jiang would be able to ignore those sights long ago.

Walking along the way, but I didn’t see any delicious stalls...

When I bought barbecue before, the places I visited were all for food. Although he didn't like it, at least there was food!

What about here?

It's basically for fun.

It's like shooting a balloon with a bow and arrow, fishing for a goldfish, losing a ring, etc...

After Zhou Jiang walked for another two minutes, he sighed and turned and walked back.

There is nothing interesting here, it's all for fun.

However, he doesn't like these things very much. There is still time to look at it in another direction, hoping to find some delicious ones. His only desire now is food.

"Huh? Zhou Jiang!"

"Huh?" Hearing the familiar voice, Zhou Jiang turned his head and found Chen Yongan waving at him in the distance and Tian Zhengjie behind him.

Looking at the plastic bags in their hands from a distance, Zhou Jiang was slightly happy.

What is delicious?

Thinking about it, Zhou Jiang walked over quickly.


"Have you found anything delicious?!"


As soon as Chen Yongan spoke, Zhou Jiang interrupted him. Hearing what he said, Chen Yongan twitched the corner of his mouth, but still opened the bag in his hand to show him: "It's nothing, just eat these, do you want it?"

Zhou Jiang leaned over and took a look. As expected, it was nothing. They were all barbecues, but they were all seafood...

Like some squid, he bought the most...

Even so, Zhou Jiang still has a little expectation. After all, he likes to eat seafood, but he may not find other foods. "Aside from these things, don’t you find anything delicious? You know. Yes, I don’t eat seafood..."

"Um... yes, there is, I remember there seems to be a roast lamb shank over there... right, teacher?" In the last game, Chen Yongan asked Tian Zhengjie, after all, he didn't look carefully and he couldn't remember. I don’t know what the grilled is.

"Well, it's roast leg of lamb, it looks quite big." Tian Zhengjie nodded and confirmed.

"Really?! Where, I'm going to see!"

Leg of lamb...he hasn't eaten it yet when he arrives in this world. Although he has eaten a lot of mutton, he still hasn't eaten leg of lamb!

Chen Yongan and Tian Zhengjie looked at each other, and they looked at Zhou Jiang and shrugged helplessly.

"All right, let's take you there."

"Uh, in fact, just tell me the direction..."

"It's okay, we have nowhere to go anyway."

So just like that, Zhou Jiang followed Chen Yongan and Tian Zhengjie towards the stall selling roast leg of lamb.

"By the way, I remember Zhou Jiang, you only have one Ibrahimovic, this one..."

Chen Yongan looked at the little Ibrahimovic who was waiting quietly on Zhou Jiang's left shoulder.

Hearing Chen Yongan's words, Tian Zhengjie, who was walking behind them, also cast his eyes on the Ibrahimovic. He had discovered this Ibrahimovic a long time ago, but he did not ask.

And after hearing Chen Yongan's words, Little Ibrahimovic shrank his neck in fright and leaned against Zhou Jiang.


Seeing Little Ibrahimovic’s actions, Chen Yongan was a little speechless, so he just asked about it. As for whether he is so scared, he won’t sell you...

Little Ibrahimovic was close to Zhou Jiang’s neck, and the fluff was constantly rubbing against Zhou Jiang’s neck, which made Zhou Jiang feel very itchy. I didn’t have to say, raising his right hand gently, holding the back of Xiao Ibrahim’s neck Lifted it up, then hugged it in his arms.

Fortunately, Little Ibrahimovic trusts Zhou Jiang, at least when he mentioned it, he did not resist.

You have to hold Little Ibrahimovic in your left hand, and you can only put the milk tea in your right hand if you can’t drink it. However, Ibrahimovic, who is lying on his right shoulder, sees his little partner being held by the owner, and wants to hug...

Feeling the Ibrahimovic who was rubbing crazily on his neck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched, and he quickly stopped it, and after he had finished drinking the milk tea and hugged it, it stopped in frustration Down.

After setting up the two ancestors, Zhou Jiang made milk tea and sighed before saying to Chen Yongan: "I picked up this little guy. It should have been lost with the owner, and it has been a long time. I’m going to take it first. I’ll go to the wizard center tomorrow and ask Miss Joey to see if there should be a notice to find a wizard..."

"..." After finishing speaking, Zhou Jiang paused and slightly lowered his head and asked little Ibrahimovic who was looking up at him: "Little guy, did you get lost by your master?"

"Ahem... What, Diu Ibrahimovic? No one should be so stupid..."

Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, Chen Yongan choked while eating.

You know, even though Ibrahimovic’s fiery breath has dropped, it’s still very expensive online, with a price of 700,000 or 800,000 yuan. If it is of good quality and aptitude, it will be even more expensive. Such a valuable wizard, Who would lose it stupidly?

Even if you don't have the ability to fight, this can also be a cute pet!

Even because Ibrahimovic has become popular, more people treat Ibrahimovic as cute pets, especially those nouveau riche. Most of them buy one for their children to raise, even if they don’t fight, they just put it as a pet. The vase does not come out, after all, Ibrahimovic is now a symbol of "rich" and "strength", and those upstarts are most enthusiastic about these...

Zhou Jiang agrees with what Chen Yongan said, but what if...

What if someone's brain twitched?

Although the possibility is very small, as long as it is not absolute, there is such a possibility.

Now ask to understand, avoid going for nothing when the time comes, if you are really lost by the meeting, then Zhou Jiang will be welcome!

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