After all left, Zhou Jiang and the others were left in the park.

I don’t know where Zhou Jiang’s tendons are twitching. He asked Lu Ran and the others, “Right, what is the reward?”


Listening to Zhou Jiang's question, everyone looked at him with some doubts. Just now... uh...who's coming... don't care, anyway, the employer has already said it, didn't you listen?

Doubts turned to doubts, Zhou Nan said it again.


Zhou Jiang nodded, it turned out to be some money...

But the money is normal. After all, the rewards for the tasks released are basically this.

"Should we play outside again? Or do we go back?"

Lu Ran looked at the people and asked, of course, Zhou Jiang and other students were the main subjects of inquiries.

"You decide."


"It doesn't matter."


Listening to the words of Zhou Jiang's trio, even Lu Ran, who was mentally prepared, was choked and almost couldn't help but complain.

After that, it was the usual "rescue field" for the four of Jiangshui.

Well, this time, the opinions of the four of them are quite unified. They all think it is better to go back. After all, if they don't go back, it is estimated that Xiao Ai will come to them...

When I was on the beach yesterday afternoon, Xiao Ai actually had two or three phone calls, but Zhou Jiang was not there at that time. Perhaps Dr. Wu asked Xiao Ai to take good care of them, so Xiao Ai’s "Itinerary for Zhou Jiang" "Extremely concerned...

Yesterday, Lu Ran told Xiao Ai that he would go back today. Now Xiao Ai hasn't called to urge her. It can be said that it was a little bit beyond her expectations.

After discussion, it is natural to take action.

Now everyone has nowhere to go or there is nothing to take, so a few people walked to the nearby bus stop, got on the bus and headed towards Tokiwadai.

In the car, after everyone agreed, Jiang Shui chatted with the five people he met yesterday.

There was nothing to talk about, just asking them if they were free and if they wanted to show them around Tokiwadai.

It's not bad if there are "locals" to show them around.

Tokiwadai is so big, locals should be able to make them understand Tokiwadai.

The original plan should be like this, but when they arrived at the Tokibandai station, the moment they got off the train, Lu Ran's phone rang.

Lu Ran picked up the phone and found that it was Dr. Wu who was calling!

After the call was connected, Dr. Wu told her of his intentions, and it turned out that the results of the research were found!

Now that the Alliance has sent people over, they are ready to carry out the experiment of the resurrection of the elves, so they can come quickly.

Lu Ran told them the news, Zhou Jiang and others were all pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, there will be results so soon?

Undiscovered elves...

Then the league will reward them, right?

Maybe they can get the name?

Well... this is impossible.

After all, they are only responsible for delivery, and a little reward is already good...

They quickly stepped into the academy, and then waited at the doorman's side. Not long after, Dr. Wu and Xiao Ai came over.

After greeting for a while, Dr. Wu led everyone towards the laboratory. Now everyone was there, just waiting for Zhou Jiang and the others to pass.

While walking on the road, I just ran into Zhang Ning's five-member group who was coming to Zhou Jiang and the others. After learning what everyone was going to do, the five instantly sold cute to Dr. Wu...

"Well, you guys will follow, anyway, just watching it, it doesn't matter, just don't run around then."

Dr. Wu had no objection, after all, he was just visiting the resurrection process, and it had no effect.

"Long live!"

Chen Jie jumped up happily, but was blocked by Xiao Ai when she wanted to hug Dr. Wu...

Zhou Jiang clearly saw the hostility in Xiao Ai's eyes. It was the look of stealing fishy cats and rivals...


Zhou Jiang took a breath, this is a bit famous!

A group of seventeen people walked toward the laboratory building mightily.

This laboratory is not Dr. Wu’s laboratory that I have visited before. According to them, this is a large-scale experimental base in Tokiwadai.

At the gate, Dr. Wu swiped his card, opened the door, and after passing through several rooms, he finally reached his destination.

The destination was a not-so-small room. The room was white and contained many instruments that Zhou Jiang couldn't understand.

In the half of the room, there is a wall made of glass. Through the glass, an instrument like a big clock can be clearly seen inside.

When Zhou Jiang and the others got there, many people were already there.

After they passed, Dr. Wu talked to them and went in to get them some information.

Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked at it. A group of doctors and assistants in white coats were busy inside. There were three reporters holding cameras beside them.

Of course, there are two unexpected acquaintances.

The water is gentle, Zhou Jia!

When he saw the two, Zhou Jiang was slightly surprised, but he quickly returned to normal.

Shui Qingrou also saw them all, and brought Zhou Jia over to say hello.

After all, they are also acquaintances, and they went to Zhoujiang to train for a while.

Zhou Nan and the others still have a very soft affection for Shui Gentle. After all, as the working king, not only beautiful, but also gentle and close to the people, how could they hate it?

As for Zhou Jia, the relationship with Zhou Nan and the others has also improved a lot, and they both greeted each other. Although there was not much greeting, they were much better than before.

As for Zhou Jia and Zhou Jiang?

Zhou Jiang only asked Shui gently and okay, but Zhou Jia didn't make much sense and ignored it. And Zhou Jiang ignored Zhou Jia, and she didn't say hello either.

Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia's aura is a bit strong, and even Zhang Ning's five have seen the discord and contradiction between the two.

Chen Jie secretly asked the river next to the reason, and Jiang Shui felt that it was not a secret. After all, rumors of their siblings discord were spread all over the Internet. After all, Zhou Jia's reputation is still very large, um. , Bigger than Zhou Jiang who defeated her.

They didn't know, maybe they just didn't recognize Zhou Jia for a while.

After Jiang Shui revealed a little bit with them, they understood it, but although they understood what was going on, they were also a little curious. Why did this pair of brothers and sisters have trouble doing this?

Although they were a little curious, they didn't ask, and at this time, Dr. Wu, who went in to get something, also returned.

When she came back, she still had a few sheets of paper in her hand.

"This is the appearance of the elves that we have restored through technology before. Although there will be some gaps, but it will not be very large, so it can be said to be reliable. You can take a look if you are interested."

Hearing what Dr. Wu said, Zhou Jiang leaned in for the first time.

Compared to the cold fight with Zhou Jia, he was still more curious about what the so-called undiscovered spirit looked like.

By now, he could completely ignore Zhou Jia.

Zhou Jia?

Who is this?

Is it related to me?

Dr. Wu brought a lot of information, Zhou Jiang took a copy, and then Zhou Nan and Xu Feng squeezed over, leaning against Zhou Jiang one by one.

"This is... Dajia?"

Looking at the first black-and-white image of the document, Zhou Nan frowned slightly.

This is definitely not a big one?

Xu Feng thought about the same as Zhou Nan.

It looks like a big one...

The other people except Zhou Jiang who got the information had the same thoughts as them, and then all looked up at Dr. Wu, only Zhou Jiang frowned slightly.

Dr. Wu smiled upon hearing their questions, "You will be curious and wonder if I took the wrong information? In fact, this is the image restored."

After she finished speaking, she paused for a while before continuing: "Of course, this is not Dajia. You have also discovered it. The recovered one is very different from Dajia, right? Actually, we suspect this is a kind of The elves that are very similar to Dajia, or the evolutionary form of Dajia!"

"But Doctor, is it possible that this is due to a mutation of Dajia? After all, although this is different from Dajia, it does not seem to be much different?"

Jiang Shui repeatedly glanced at the information in his hand, then raised his hand to ask.

Dr. Wu was not only not angry about Jiang Shui’s question, but also a little course, we also considered this situation, but we received the fossils sent by Mr. Fan before. After scanning, we found that The same piece you brought! "

"Furthermore, through the matching of genes (assuming there are...), we found that although it is very similar to the genes of Dajia, it is also very different."

Having said this, everyone nodded their heads as if they knew nothing, and a little dumbfounded, they turned their heads over the information in their hands.

Dr. Wu glanced at everyone and nodded slightly. Through her explanation and the information in her hand, they should have some understanding of this, right?

It's just...Looking at Zhou Jiang looking down at the information, she was a little curious.

Before they all looked up to listen to her talking, Zhou Jiang continued to look through the information. Although more than a dozen people were together, the number of people was still quite large, but Zhou Jiang was still eye-catching, so she also noticed it, but she didn't say anything. .

It's just that she is a little curious, he can understand? Or what did you find?

She did not bring out these materials for them to understand.

It wasn't that she wanted to pretend to be forceful and deliberately give them complicated information. Her original intention was only to give them a general understanding of the elf that would be resurrected later.

As for understanding a lot of technical terms and data from the above information?

She hadn't thought about it anyway.

Just when she was about to ask Zhou Jiang, a man in a white coat shouted "Dr. Wu" behind her.

Finally, Dr. Wu just glanced at Zhou Jiang and walked over.

All the people have arrived, and the preparations have been done. In order to prevent omissions, she needs to do the final inspection with other doctors.

After a careful check, if there is no problem, then the experiment can begin immediately!

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