I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 574: Hang up and burst into the sky!

Zhou Jiang was a little worried and wanted to see the terrapin's skills again, but the terrapin was not exposed, even the trees on its body were enclosed by rocks, so he couldn't see it even if he wanted to.

‘Xanadu, how are the preparations for Earth Blast? When it's almost done, just withdraw the spirit power from the ghost fire directly. Pay more attention to the underground. If you have extra mental power, go and look inside the rock, whether the earth turtle is there and what it is doing. ’

Shanaiduo was preparing to explode the stars, naturally she couldn't use her mind to explore, so he could only tell her to give up the ghost fire when she was about to recover and choose to use her mind to explore the "mountain".

Zhou Jiang felt that the tortoise was probably not there anymore...

But he couldn't say for sure. After all, the elves of Tutai Turtle can't dig holes, and it can't fly. It stands to reason that it should stay in it honestly...


It's weird!

If you fight with other passers-by, it's really suspicious that the curator looks like this!

In a blink of an eye, time passed.

It was only ten seconds. If you kept counting the time, it might feel like a long time, but Zhou Jiang's current state of thinking passed all of a sudden.

During these ten seconds, Shanaido was using his best efforts to run the energy, but there was still no movement on the side of the turtle that was sealed by the rock.

The energy has gathered to the point where he said to Zhou Jiang that he is "almost healed", and Shanaido obediently followed Zhou Jiang's instructions to withdraw the mental power from the ghost fire, and then moved towards the high uplifting "mountain" Probe.


Suddenly, endless leaves gushing out of Shanaido, and the leaves are as sharp as blades, and they fly towards Shanaido indefinitely!


This sudden change made Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo almost never recover. This skill... Feiye Storm? But why did it come from under Xanadu, hello!

Zhou Jiang looked over there and found that there was a big square hole under Xanadu!

"Grass! This is cheating!"

Watching this scene, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but exploded.

He understood in an instant, it was almost as he had thought before, the soil turtle really burrowed into the ground, but it was not drilled with the [Digging] skill, oh, it was using technology!

Zhou Jiang looked at the expressionless Huazhou opposite, a little angry, you are too shameless!

Why don't you equip it with pistols and cannons directly, that would be more awesome?

Well, he himself didn't realize how big a hanger his system had opened for him. This was also unknown to others. If he knew that he could be hanged like this, others would be mad at him.

We worked hard and cultivated our body. As a result, you easily opened the little plug-in and achieved results comparable to our more than ten years and decades of hard work. Are you still human?

But people have bad roots, and Zhou Jiang is no exception.

I'll hang up, do you want too?

I bother!

I am a plug-in? I am a golden finger! You are purely cheating, a cheating behavior!

Now he is very angry, using technology is really rascal!

Shanaiduo's reaction was very quick. When Zhou Jiang was so angry and wanted to scold his mother, she already fought back!

She gave up the ghost fire before, which meant that she was almost finished brewing, and this point, when Feiye Storm just came out, it also disappeared.

A black ball quickly emerged from Shanaido

Looking at the flying leaves that kept coming in, a glimmer of light flashed in Xanadu's eyes, and with a vigorous flick of his right hand, the black ball that seemed to swallow all the surrounding objects flew straight down.

The black ball exploded its power after leaving Xanadu.

In an instant, the wind blows!

The endless flying leaf happened to meet the black ball at this time. According to the original trajectory, the black ball should only knock out the leaves within its range, and then the other leaves would continue to fly towards Shanaido.

As a result, those leaves, which were extremely fast, seemed to be stopped by an invisible big hand, and then they were crushed and rushed towards the black ball.

As the black ball flew down, all the flying leaves were torn apart, and then all of them were attracted by the black ball, and they continued to fly downward.

Where the black ball fell, all the flying leaves disappeared, as if a blackboard full of words was wiped by a blackboard eraser.

Of course, this analogy may not be appropriate, but the effect is just as bad as it.

The speed of the black ball was extremely fast, and it reached the top of the ground in an instant. At this time, the place that had been dented slowly rose up, and an earthen turtle stood on it!

At this time, the Tutai Turtle is looking dumbfounded. Its full-fledged flying leaf storm is just gone?

But there is not much time for it to be stunned, because the black ball has already arrived!

Shanaiduo looked at the distance almost, and looked back at Next Zhou Jiang. In the surprised eyes of Huazhou and the referee, he directly lifted him up to the same height as her, and then his heart moved!


With a crisp sound, the eyes of Huazhou and the referee also shifted from the heavenly Zhou Jiang to the court.

I really don't know it now, I was surprised at first glance.

I saw that the soil turtle had left the ground at this time and was flying towards the black ball!

Of course, the terrapin can't fly, even if you give it technology, it won't fly!

The referee didn't look at Huazhou, because he knew that Huazhou could not be equipped for the elves, and the league would not say anything when he tried to play on the field. After all, this is also a venue feature, and the equipment on the elves is different.

And if it is equipped, the face of this turtle will be so frightened?


Now not only the turtles are flying, the ground is broken!

Large chunks of rocky soil flew directly towards the black ball. Some big rocks behind the terrapin hit it directly, and it screamed, but no matter how the terrapin screamed or tried hard Struggling, it can't escape the control of the Earth-Booming Sky Star, and can only continue to fly towards the black ball.

"Turtle Turtle, Feiye Storm is doing its best!"

Because the soil turtle was sucked up, the previous flying leaf storm has been interrupted.

Since standing on the heavy and reassuring land all the year round, if you flew it up like this, the turtle directly "mentally exploded", the skills were interrupted, and in the constant struggle, the turtle shell was turned over...

In other words, it is now in a state with its four legs up to the sky and flies towards the Earth-Booming Star.

But the Tutai Turtle is also a veteran. Although he panicked, after Huazhou's order was issued, he immediately adjusted his mind and calmed down. Even if his body turned over, what would it be like? Keep going!

After adjusting his mentality, a large number of flying leaves appeared in the leaves of the big tree growing on the shell of the turtle.

However, something embarrassing happened.

The earth-turtle was hit by a piece of rock underneath, and the quasi-center was lost. The flying leaf storm sent out did not know where it was sent. Anyway, it was not towards the earth and the sky star. However, even so, but those leaves Going abruptly was pulled by the strong suction and flew towards the ball mixed with soil and leaves.

The methods of the soil turtles have almost completely failed at this time!

Even the powerful flying leaf storm didn’t work. I made an oolong and went in another direction. As a result, under the strong suction, the leaves turned around and flew towards the black ball. Go, this, the speed and strength of Feiye Storm can't escape the involvement of that strange black ball!

Even Feiye Storm is the case, let alone other skills, Huazhou doesn't even have the idea of ​​letting the Tutai Turtle continue to try.

The defense of the Turtle Turtle is very powerful, and its attack power is also high, but its attack power is pinned on the solid ground under its feet!

Stepping on the ground, it can fully exert its original strength, and like now, even if it adjusts its shape and is not as panicked as before, it does not mean that it has no effect at all!

You can't step on anything with your limbs. How can an attack in a panic have any great power?

Moreover, its attack method is more inclined to the physical melee method, but now it is involved in inexplicable things, and there is no place to borrow under its feet. It uses its head to fight!

Although it is still unclear whether the Earthburst Star is simply controlling or controlling with an attack, Huazhou still knows that the Tutai Turtle will be finished sooner or later if it goes down this way.

Look at Xanadu flying in the sky, how arrogant!

Flying on it with someone!

If she attacks, can the Turtle to resist?

Although I don’t know why I didn’t attack, it’s okay if I didn’t attack, it just happens to be a change of spirit!

Huazhou was still sober, knowing the situation of her elves and what she might face later, so she took out the elves decisively.

"Come back, Tutai Turtle!"


He wants to take back the elf, but Shanaido wants to be willing?

Although the mental power that was placed on him for observation had already been taken back, his movements were still discovered by Xanadu the first time.

You know, she hasn't forgotten the order Zhou Jiang gave her before...

Moreover, in public and private ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she does not want such a good opportunity to be wasted.

After the Tutai Turtle was taken back, the starburst star would obviously be wasted. This was a skill she had spent so much effort to use!

This is the first time she has used this skill to play a formal game!

Now, how can he make him wish?

One is to follow Zhou Jiang's instructions, and the other is that she hopes that her first time will have a perfect ending, so it is a pity that the red beam of light that flies toward the soil platform is blocked by a stone surrounded by purple light...

Huazhou hadn't recovered the elves yet, and Huazhou launched again. This time it was blocked by the stone again. Only then did he react. It turned out that Shanaido used his mind to control the stone to prevent him from recovering the elves!

In an instant, Hua Zhou had no expression on her face, and she pulled down her gloomy face.

He was really disgusted...

Well, Zhou Jiang looked at it when he was about to take back the Tutai Turtle and was blocked by Shanaido for the first time, so he took back the elf for the second time and his expression was also in full view, although he didn't see the other party's angrily. Looks like that, but he's still very happy to see the other person upset!

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