I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 593: Training (four thousand)

Looking at the eleven elves, Zhou Jiang gave them instructions one by one to train them, even Ibrahimovic and Katy Dog.

What they need to train at this stage, Zhou Jiang has long told them, if they are completed, then Zhou Jiang will give them the next goal. Before they complete, all they need to do are the tasks that they have previously assigned.

As for the standard of completion, Zhou Jiang checked and confirmed it.

After sending out all his elves, the only ones left in front of Zhou Jiang were Bi Diao, who looked at him eagerly.

Of course it knew its mission, and because it knew it, it felt that it was Li Ruobing's most trusted spirit.

"Bibiiao, you can learn from Bibiiao, and I will let it teach you."

"Bi Diao~!"

Bi Diao nodded, indicating that he was fine, which made Zhou Jiang a sigh of relief.

After all, Bibi is an evolutionary type of Bibibird, and Bibibird is much more powerful than Bibibird. If it feels that it can't save face and entangle it, it will be difficult.

Fortunately, Diao has a docile personality and doesn't care about these things. If he has a temper, it will be difficult.

Zhou Jiang beckoned Bibi Niao over.

Bibiniao only needs to teach Bibi, how to use skills is enough.

If Bi Diao really learned, it would be a gratifying thing, after all, this really broke common sense. Although the elves themselves have broken common sense...

Of course, everything is possible in the real world.

The tricks that may not be learned in the game can be learned in this world.

It's really possible.

Can the tyrannosaurus learn to surf or overcome water in the game?

Naturally it cannot.

But in the TV animation, there is really a tyrannosaurus armored. Although he forgot whether he learned to surf, he overcomes the fear of water.

Even the attribute restraint can be overcome, learning a skill that cannot be learned in the game, what's wrong?

Bibi Niao didn't feel much about teaching Bibi Diao skills.

Although the opponent is better than it, they all know Zhou Jiang's magic.

How much their own "original" strength is, they know for themselves, and they respect Zhou Jiang's magic even more.

Look at the current big needle bee, Xanadu?

This is a role model!

Although it doesn't think it can reach that level, isn't it easy to hit the same race in front of him?

Therefore, Bibi Niao didn't have any inferiority, uncomfortable things, and took Bi Diao and flew to a distance for training.

The elves have all gone to train, and Zhou Jiang was not embarrassed to be idle.

After all, everyone is exercising, and if he lay there as a salted fish, the elves would be less mindful in training, and he himself would feel a little sorry.

After all, it has always thought in its heart that the trainer who has trained the elves and won the game the most is his trainer!

No need to get hurt, no need to fight for life, just move your mouth to get everything? What qualifications does he have to enjoy for nothing?

Not to mention other things, anyway, when they are training, they should also exercise together?

Therefore, he will do some exercises when they are training, crunches, push-ups, running these most basic exercises.

These basic exercises are not too easy for people in this world. It is estimated that Zhou Jiang can do push-ups with one hand.

But he doesn't need to deliberately exercise, he just needs to do it.

Push-ups are simple and simple, but he is also exercising and exercising, which represents his attitude!

And in any case, exercising is always good for him.

Why not do it?

Taking out a cushion from the backpack, Zhou Jiang did sit-ups on it.

No blowing, no black, a hundred sit-ups, easy. It was equivalent to the fifty sit-ups he did when he was still A Zhai in his previous life. Although it was a little uncomfortable, it was easy to do.

If he changed to the previous two hundred sit-ups, this would be beyond his imagination...

After gritting his teeth and doing two hundred, Zhou Jiang lay on the soft cushion to rest.

Two hundred is not too tired, it's just a little sore in the abdomen, it is estimated that a short rest will be fine.

After doing sit-ups, Zhou Jiang came to do push-ups again.

The abdomen becomes stronger, and the arms are naturally not bad.

One hundred push-ups are done in two.

I have to say that the physique of a person in the elven world is absolutely abnormal!

When Zhou Jiang was doing it, other elves were visible. Zhou Jiang’s elves were nothing. After all, this was not the first time. Of course, Zhou Jiang also started exercising recently. Even if he didn’t play mobile phones before, Watching them exercise, but don’t exercise myself.

The exercise was the last time I thought of when I separated from Zhou Nan.

Big needle bees have seen Zhou Jiang exercise, so it's not surprising, but Bi Diao is different.

Due to curiosity, it was distracted and looked over during training. Even when Bibi Niao was demonstrating using skills to show it, it did not pay attention.

In an instant, Bibi Niao was angry.

He directly pecked at Bi Diao's body.

When I taught you, did you dare to go on a desertion?


Bibi Niao suddenly recovered his senses in pain, turned his head and looked at Bibi Niao angrily, and found that Bibi Niao was looking at him angrily before he realized that he was distracted while studying.

Knowing that it was wrong, its temper that rose instantly disappeared, and bowed its head to apologize to it.

Although it is an evolutionary type of Bibi Bird, it is not proud of it.

Seeing it apologized, Bibi Niao did not pursue it. After calling it a few times to make it concentrate on learning, it continued to demonstrate to it.

Bibi Niao taught it very seriously. After all, this was the first time it taught other elves, and it was a long time since Zhou Jiang needed it, so it was still very excited.

On Zhou Jiang's side, after Zhou Jiang had done push-ups, he went to the treadmill on the side.

This treadmill is used by elves, and this thing is specially made. The upper speed limit is very high. If he adjusts the speed to the maximum, he can't stand for a second...

But he didn't want to challenge the limit, just accompany the elves to exercise, so he directly started a jogging mode and ran slowly.

It didn't take long to train before noon.

Zhou Jiang wiped the sweat from his forehead, and after feeding the elves, he took them back.

It is worth mentioning that the energy cubes that were fed to them this time were previously made in the wizard center, and Zhou Jiang asked Shanaiduo to make more of them and put them in the storage ring.

Turning off the lights and other things, Zhou Jiang walked out of the training room.

Zhou Jiang looked at the training rooms next to him. No one came out, he was relieved.

If someone comes out and sees him coming out of this training room, it will cause confusion, right?

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang was taken aback, shook his head and laughed at himself, "I really consider myself a celebrity... and it caused confusion."

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang left here.

The elves have eaten, but he hasn't eaten yet.

I originally wanted to eat whatever I wanted in the training room, but thinking about it, Zhou Jiang chose the cafeteria here.

This kind of canteen is different from the junk canteens in the school of the previous life. The chefs recruited are all one by one.

The vegetables are not cooked in that kind of super big pot, but directly cooked by a few chefs with quick fire.

There will be a menu in the cafeteria every day, and then the chefs will cook according to the dishes on the menu.

Zhou Jiang chose to eat in the canteen. One wanted to taste the food cooked by the chef, and the other wanted to let more people know of his existence.

Although it seemed that everyone knew him before, there must be people who are "autistic", and they always want to eat. When that happens, he only needs to go to the cafeteria and someone will discuss it quietly, even those who are "autistic." Everyone will know him.

To let those "autistic" understand, his purpose is not to prevent them from jumping out to find faults, after all, "autistic" them themselves will not be the first bird.

He is to let them know him better, so that tomorrow's meeting training will be smoother.

With the map in his mobile phone, Zhou Jiang walked around and looked around. Finally, after meeting a large group of male apprentices, he safely followed them to the cafeteria.

He dare not talk to women.

Because girls do things in teams, such as going to the bathroom.

He wasn't familiar with it again, and it would be embarrassing if they followed a group of women and they went to the toilet.

At that time, it is estimated that within a long time, the news of his "stalking female apprentices to the toilet" will inevitably fly in the sky.

At that time, he will be ruined, not to mention a hundred mouths, even ten thousand mouths can't argue.

But the boys are different, even if they go to the toilet in a team, he is not embarrassed!

Anyway, they are all men. In order to pretend to be a bit like, he pretends to go in and go to the bathroom before leaving. Isn't that OK?

Anyway, there is nothing dangerous to follow a man, especially when he follows someone who looks tall and thin, who doesn't seem to like philosophy.

The cafeteria is very large, divided into three floors.

There is no big difference in the three-story canteen, but the chefs are good at cooking different dishes.

For example, the chef on the first floor is good at cooking spicy dishes, so the dishes on the menu on the first floor are basically spicy. Although there are not spicy ones, there are not many.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Zhou Jiang followed the army to get the plate and chopsticks, and then went to line up.

He came on the first floor, he didn't bother to climb the stairs, and he still liked spicy food.

Although the cafeteria on each floor is large, there are many people eating, and Zhou Jiang’s temperament is too strong. One or two of them recognize him and stare at him. Others curiously follow him, and then more and more. The people also looked over.

Zhou Jiang took the dinner plate and walked to the back of a line with a blank expression, ignoring those sights.


"Um... the owner of the pavilion, let's go ahead!"

A person in front of Zhou Jiang didn't know whether it was nervous Zhou Jiang's existence or nervous other people's eyes. He turned around and yelled at Zhou Jiang and bowed before running away holding the dinner plate.

There is no line behind Zhou Jiang. The man who ran did not line up behind Zhou Jiang, but ran to other teams, and it was not the teams on either side of Zhou Jiang’s team. He ran to other teams, Zhou Jiang couldn’t see The team that arrived...


Zhou Jiang glanced at the empty seat in front, a little speechless.

He didn't lean in when he lined up, he deliberately left a large space in the middle, but he still ran away...

Zhou Jiang glanced at the person in front of him, wondering if he wanted to take a step forward, but he didn't take any action yet, and saw that the person in front also turned to look at Zhou Jiang and left calmly...

If it weren’t for his slightly trembling legs, Zhou Jiang would have thought that he had left because something happened...

Then, before long, the people in front of Zhou Jiang began to leave one after another. The first one left hurriedly after a meal, while the one behind just pretended to leave after a while...

In less than a minute, the line of more than a dozen people in front of Zhou Jiang had already gone...


Zhou Jiang glanced around and found that there were long queues. The window here was empty, no one in front of him, and no one from behind.

Those who knew didn’t come, those who didn’t know didn’t come after being told by being known. They joined other teams, and were always ready to pull people who didn’t look closely...

Zhou Jiang sighed and stepped forward to eat.

Before Zhou Jiang paused there for a while, the aunt who was serving the meal didn't remind her, so she looked here with a smile.

Zhou Jiang passed the plate and ordered some meat dishes that looked delicious.

Auntie was very polite to Zhou Jiang, and Parkinson was gone after the spoon was down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After pressing down the dishes on the plate, I took half a spoon. I really couldn’t put it down. Not reconciled to get the second dish.

Seeing that the aunty handed over was about to overflow and almost turned into a small dinner plate, Zhou Jiang silently took it and then thanked the aunt and left.

At this time, the people next to the team also finished their meal and walked back together.

Although not close, the plate is so big that the dishes on it can be seen clearly.

Looking at the food on his dinner plate, and then at his own dinner plate, Zhou Jiang was instantly satisfied.

Zhou Jiang happily left, but the person who had finished the meal with him stopped in place, looking down at the dinner plate in his hand, not knowing whether he was afraid that Zhou Jiang would not go or was hit...

There are still many dining hall locations.

Zhou Jiang casually found an empty place and sat down.

After returning from a meal, Zhou Jiang looked at the full dishes, sighed and ate it.

In the previous life, the food in the cafeteria...tsk tsk, the auntie had cramps in her hands. The taste of the dishes was not good, except for one or two which was edible, the others were all pig food.

In my memory, I can't remember what the cafeteria of the high school in this world looks like. I guess it's not bad or bad, the average kind.

After all, if it is good or bad, he should always remember it.

Zhou Jiang eats very slowly. This is because he deliberately slowed down his eating speed, eating while playing with his mobile phone. As for the eyes of others, he didn't bother to care.

Almost all immune.

It is estimated that after the acting gymnasium is over, his face will be thicker...

He eats slowly, and the people around him eat very quickly. After eating, they immediately flashed, and they didn't even think of sitting and talking...

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