Zhou Jiang got up early the next morning.

Early in the morning, the sky was light, there were not many people outside, and the whole dormitory was quiet.

Zhou Jiang didn't stay too much, and walked directly to the main office of the museum, where Mr. Fei is now working.

He is not worried that Mr. Fei is not there.

Although it is only half past six, the sky is not very bright due to winter, but Zhou Jiang believes that the office madman should have risen.

It was not unprofitable for him to chat with Qian Long and the three of them the past two days, and at least he had some understanding of some famous people in this gym.

For example, Mr. Fei.

According to Qian Long, Mr. Fei is an office madman.

According to Little Fatty Zhang Nian, he heard it from a friend of a friend's friend.

Once his friend's friend's friend woke up at five o'clock in the morning to pee. After peeing, he couldn't fall asleep and planned to go to the gym to exercise. When he passed the office, he found that they were turned on, and there was still light coming out of the office. He watched quietly. After a glance, it was discovered that Mr. Fei was sitting at the desk writing and drawing, which should be in the office.

Of course, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jiang could not fully believe in what they said, but combined with the senses that Mr. Fei gave him, plus the saying that "any news will not come from nowhere", Zhou Jiang feels that this matter is 80%. It might be true.

It’s just that maybe it’s not so exaggerated. It’s just around five o’clock. This may be an exaggeration. Maybe it’s six o’clock? And it might be summer...

There are many possibilities for anything. Zhou Jiang doesn't believe that someone can really confirm one thing 100% based on clues.

Probability, in his impression, is related to luck.

Ninety-nine percent may fail.

Playing games enhances the success rate of more than 90%. It is not that he has failed before, and he has failed more than once or twice.

Based on the analysis of people's habits, Zhou Jiang felt that this was even more nonsense.

Give a chestnut.

Two people bet in the cafeteria, the object of the bet is a classmate they are more familiar with.

That classmate is left-handed, but he can use both hands flexibly, but he usually uses his right hand to hold things and do things.

On the day of the bet, that classmate's right hand was cut with a knife in the palm of his palm.

They bet on whether the classmate used his right hand to hold chopsticks or his left hand while eating.

May I ask, can this kind of thing be predicted in advance?

Although he is left-handed, his hands are equally flexible.

The right hand is injured, so is the probability of using the left hand much higher?

But will he really use his left hand?

do not know.

What has not happened, two options, each of which may happen, no one can be 100% sure.

Yes, if the man above is injured and he can use both his left and right hands smoothly, it stands to reason that he should indeed use his left hand.

But maybe he has to pretend to be a force (even if his hand is injured, but he still doesn't frown when doing things with that hand)?

Is this impossible?


It's like Schrodinger's cat.

The box is not opened, which means that their gambling above has not yet come out.

The life and death of a cat represents whether the person being bet is holding the chopsticks with his left or right hand.

And the observation, that is, opening the box, represents the observation of the two of them who bet, or other humans or anything that can be observed, when the bet is eating.

After so much talk, in fact, to sum it up, it means that "unless observations are made, nothing is certain."

In other words, if Zhou Jiang doesn’t go to the office, Mr. Fei may or may not be there...

In fact, this can also be said to be nonsense. If you don't confirm it, how can you know if the other party is there? But if you use quantum mechanics to explain it, it's a tall thing again...

Obviously there is a truth, but different words are said to have different results.


Tsinghua's top students stole XXX times in three years!

In other words, the thief has been self-taught in Tsinghua for three years, and this will soon be different.

One is a model of self-willingness and depravity, knowledge but no morality, and the other is a self-improvement, still chasing a bright example in the quagmire, instantly whitewashed...


Zhou Jiang came to the office.

Along the way, Zhou Jiang's heart was fascinating...

When I left the dormitory, I went to the gymnasium, corridors, halls, and so on. They were all deserted and deserted.

Although the light was on, walking in such a deserted and empty place early in the morning still made him a little uncomfortable.

In the early morning, the temperature was low, and when he first got up, even if there was no wind, he would shiver from time to time. With the quiet and quiet environment here, it made him even more uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he is a man with magical creatures like elves!

Xanadu, who has super powers, is here, and he feels much at ease.

The office door was closed, and Zhou Jiang knocked on the door, and Mr. Fei's voice came from inside.

"Please come in."

Sure enough, Mr. Fei has already got up to work.

Zhou Jiang was a little emotional, but also a little admired.

It's really awesome.

It's cold, getting up to work so early.

Just ask him if he can't do it himself.

Had it not been for leaving today, he wouldn't have bothered to get up so early.

Isn't it good to hide in the quilt?

Once winter comes, his normal wake-up time will change from six to nine...

Zhou Jiang pushed the door in. Sure enough, Mr. Fei was sitting behind the desk with his head down and correcting the documents. He didn't look up when he came in.


If he is so busy, maybe it's not because he is hardworking, but because there are too many documents to be changed sooner?

Just thinking about this, Mr. Fei raised his head.

"Hey, Master Zhou..."

"Ah, don't, Mr. Fei, don't call me the owner of the museum anymore. Today is the fourth day. I'm here to hand in the task." Zhou Jiang interrupted him quickly.

Maybe it's narcissism? Zhou Jiang always feels that Mr. Fei wants him to stay and continue to be the acting master.

Although it was only Zhou Jiang's own guess, he felt that his premonition was not without reason...

However, even if the other party speaks, he will not continue to be the agent of the museum owner. The reward will be flashed when he gets the reward. Who cares if the agent does not act, the trouble is to death, if you continue, he will be "exposed"!

Moreover, at this time, not many people came to challenge the gymnasium itself, let alone challenge the owner of the gymnasium. Yesterday, that one was an individual and an alternative.

It doesn't make much sense to stay here. Although he has nowhere to go after leaving here, he still has to stay in City G, but he can let the elves train!

Although it was said that teaching other elves could make his elves consolidate that skill, Zhou Jiang knew that the proficiency of his elves could not be improved by simply teaching them.

And compared to improving the skill proficiency of the elves, he tends to let the elves exercise and then get improved.

Skill proficiency is not low anymore, there will be no obvious improvement if you continue to exercise, but exercise is different.

As I said before, the ability value added by the Big Needle Bee after their modification is an additional increase, which can be seen as a set of invisible shell armor with a single attribute.

In other words, they themselves are fledgling novice elves!

Although the level is high, this is because they have attribute bonuses to fight against high-level elves.

Playing a low-level elves with a high-level will inevitably gain much higher experience points, which is why his elves' level has increased so quickly.

The level of his Big Needle Bee is already over forty!

This level is incredible, and it is already a result that many people who have graduated from college or one or two years after graduation can reach it.

Although the level is higher, the elf's forehead training has not been able to go up.

For some elves such as Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang let them load-bearing training, especially the Big Needle Bee that has been able to hold the weight ring firmly. Its training volume is already higher than that of many people's elves.

However, the other elves are not so strong. Although Bibiniao has also dropped the weight-bearing ring, Zhou Jiang found that it was a little unable to carry it. In fact, it did not fully carry 21 times the gravity, Zhou Jiang I intend to let it evolve into a more powerful one before continuing to bear weight.

As for the other elves? They also need rigorous exercise!

Of course, strictness must be strict, but it can't be too strict. Like Ibukati dogs, their training is definitely much lighter than that of fire dinosaurs, needle bees.

It didn't take long for Mr. Fei to settle the task to Zhou Jiang.

After the task is completed, you don't have to go to the wizard center, it can be completed here.

After the client chooses to end here, Zhou Jiang’s personal information will receive the completion information here.

Afterwards, it would be fine to wait for the entrusting party to reward Zhou Jiang.

If it is wrong, Zhou Jiang can sue the other party. When the alliance intervenes, the client will not be able to go around...

Of course, he would not do such a shameless thing in an official gymnasium recognized by the alliance.

Mr. Fei opened the drawer and handed over the rewards for the tasks he had prepared.

Zhou Jiang looked at it, and there were six things in total.

A small wooden box, depending on the size, is estimated to contain a badge.

The four long green boxes tied with ribbons should be skill jade, evolution stone and the like, and at the end there is a large web.


Thinking about the characteristics of this place, Zhou Jiang seriously doubted what painting or character it was...

And the possibility of being the master of the museum is still very high...

Well, of course, although Zhou Jiangjue's possibility is very high, it is also possible, right?

After receiving the reward, Zhou Jiang habitually thanked him, and then carefully stuffed it into his backpack.

Although these things are rewards he deserves, he is used to thanking him when he has taken things from others...

Mr. Fei waved his hand and looked at Zhou Jiang with a smile.

"The owner of the museum hasn't come back yet, do you want to continue to be the acting owner? I think those guys also like you quite a bit. Do you want to keep in touch?"

Zhou Jiang secretly said as expected.

He knew that he might be invited to stay.

After all, there is no news of the main museum returning recently, and his mission is only three days, which is too short. Obviously three days are observers, and there will be follow-ups.

However, Zhou Jiang did not change his mind, and directly rejected him.

Mr. Fei nodded, and did not persuade him much.

"That's okay, but although you don't do it, the dormitory is still there. If you have time to come to City G, you can come here to live. Anyway, the dormitory is not satisfied with people. This The gate of the stadium is always open for you."


After chatting for a long time, Mr. Fei sent Zhou Jiang to the gate of the gymnasium, and then Zhou Jiang left.

He is going to the wizard center.

Although the bed in the Wizard Center is not as comfortable as here, he does not have high requirements for the bed. In winter, he only needs to have heating and air conditioning. He doesn't care about other things.

And he has all the badges now, it's time to register.

He got up in the morning and looked at his mobile phone. Zhou Nan and the others were already in the small village closest to City G. It is estimated that they will be in City G in the afternoon.

They came here on foot. Although it was a small village over there, it was not without a car. Since they didn't let people over there drive them, Zhou Jiang didn't plan to pick them up.

Wait for them to come slowly...

The Elf Center is almost full, in just three days, it is almost full...

When Zhou Nan and the others came here, it was estimated that this wizard center could no longer live.

Zhou Jiang is not in trouble anymore, and after discussing with Zhou Nan and the others, he booked a hotel directly online.

Although the league competition is approaching, more and more people come to City G, but there are many inns and hotels where the wizard center and accommodation, so he can still book a room.

It's just a bit more expensive, but it doesn't hurt. At most ten days, they will leave here, and they still live in ten days.

After going to the wizard center, Zhou Jiang had nothing to do, and after returning to the room, he went straight into the bed...

Blowing on the heating, even if there is nothing to do, lying in bed is extremely comfortable.

That's right, Zhou Jiang went to the wizard center yesterday to "check in" and didn't leave the room because of this.

Taking advantage of Zhou Nan's absence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He wants salted fish all morning!

I was lying on the bed until 11:30, and my stomach was almost hungry. After the meal, Shane Duo came to pull him and he slowly began to dress...

Zhou Jiang is going to eat out.

Originally planned to get up at eleven o'clock, but due to various reasons, he postponed the time until twelve o'clock, but now it hasn’t arrived at twelve o’clock and he is pulled by Shanaido who can’t pass it. Woke up……

There is no way, the Queen has spoken, and Zhou Jiang could only obediently obey the first time a murderer.

After all, she was able to use her mind to pull them out of her childhood, so let's get up and eat...

Taking back the playing Katy dog ​​Ibrahimovic and Shanaiduo who made the bed, Zhou Jiang walked out after bringing his things.

After looking for Miss Joey at the front desk to leave the room and sign up for the league competition, Zhou Jiang went to search for food.

Saying that it is foraging, is actually looking for a shop that can be seen.

Although it was an exaggeration to say that his chest was hungry against his back, he really couldn't stand it anymore.

When he was hungry, he could eat anything. He found a good-looking noodle soup shop and went straight in...

After eating, Zhou Jiang had nowhere to go, so he directly followed the map to the training venue in City G.

The training venues are similar to the training rooms used in the gym before. They are all opened and then trained.

He didn't want to go to the booked hotel alone, he planned to wait for Zhou Nan and the others.

Although Zhou Nan said it was the afternoon, one in the afternoon was also the afternoon, and five or six in the afternoon was also the afternoon...

He couldn't wait all the time, and he had no place to wait for them except the gymnasium, so he went directly to the training gym, just to train and train the elves.

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