The next day.

   Everyone got up early.

Yesterday, Zhou Nan and the others were so tired. After eating, they all fell asleep after feeding the elves. Zhou Jiang saw that they were all lying down. It was cold, and there was no interest in going outside alone. Lie on the bed after taking a shower.

   Although it is unlikely to fall asleep as early as they did, it was indeed a lot earlier than before.

   I said before that after Zhou Jiang's last gymnasium badge was obtained, he would be able to relax. Now it is really idle, and there is no need to hurry.

   Everyone got up, and after a greeting in the group, they all gathered in Zhou Jiang's room.

   "So, where to go to play, or go to the amusement park?" Jiang Shui looked at the crowd and asked.

   At this time, everyone moved a chair and sat around Zhou Jiang's room, around the middle bed.

   Now everyone is discussing, but instead of discussing other things, he is discussing where to relax.

   Of course, relaxation is to have fun, it only counts if everyone is happy, shopping and the like, let’s forget...

"Amusement park..." Zhou Jiang touched his chin. To tell the truth, he was actually not very interested in amusement parks. Three amusement parks have been visited in his previous life. They were all large-scale and well-known, but to have fun. Just go there.

   What makes him feel interesting is that he dare not play, he has a fear of heights...

   And it’s winter now...

   In summer, you can still play water-related projects, such as boating, but in winter, forget it.

   Although he didn't like it, he didn't say it. He felt that he was very generous. As long as it was not too excessive, he could consider other people's feelings first.

  Of course, the most important thing is that he has no desire for this, whether he is blindly following or not independent, anyway, as long as he doesn't like it, he will not actively think, but follow the suggestions of others.

   "I think it's okay, how about you guys." Regarding Jiang Shui's suggestion, how could Zhou Nan, a tengu, oppose it, and he thinks the amusement park is also quite fun, so there is no shame in licking it.

   But even if not, he probably won’t be shy anymore.

   Ya, it's been so long, how often does he not lick.

   After licking the boos to Zhou Jiang and the others, he would blush and be shy and then rub his neck to defend. Now, Zhou Jiang and the others are not booing anymore, and he will not be shy anymore.

   "I think it's okay, too."

   After Zhou Nan, Chen Yongan also expressed his opinion.

   "I can do it."

   "Same, whatever."

   Well, these two are Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng. They are the most salty on these issues. Whatever you do, we can do it, and we will listen to you...

   "Okay, there are five votes, but the last vote is still short, who is for and who is against?" Seeing Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng both talking, Jiang Shui looked at Wang Qingyan and the others with some joy.

  Although Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng were talking casually, which is almost the same as abstaining from voting, but when they spoke, they agreed with her point of view.

   If it’s another person, in other words, if someone says that they don’t want to go to the amusement park, then Zhou Jiang and they still say it doesn’t matter, then they will vote for those who don’t want to go to the amusement park.

   Anyway, when they speak, whoever happens to offer an opinion, they will vote.

   Listening to Jiang Shui's words, Zhou Jiang wanted to hide and shouted "I object".

   His sitting position is Xu Feng on the left hand side and they are waiting for a group of boys, on the right hand side is Zhou Nan and then Jiang Shui.

   is so close, if he is so skinny, will he be slapped away by the river of "the will of the universe"?

   But in the end he didn't get out of skin, he was afraid that skin would break his leg...

   There are some sorrowful operations, just think about it for yourself. If it is really skinned, the taste may change, and they don't understand this stalk. Even if it is skinned, they don't understand it. In the end, it only adds to the worry.

   The result came out.

   Ten people have six votes in favor, and the remaining four votes are not against, but have not voted yet.

   all six agreed, it doesn't make sense to vote or not.

   And to be honest, in fact, Mrs. Lu Ran didn't want to vote very much. This time because they said that everyone was going to relax together, they were also allowed to vote.

   The sixth vote was voted by Lu Ran. Looking at the expressions of Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui, they probably agree to go to the amusement park, but they haven't voted yet. Now that the results are out, they are all a little excited.

   "If we go to the amusement park, should we play in a group or separate?" Zhou Jiang asked after raising his hand to look at the crowd.


   After Zhou Jiang's words were said, the scene became cold, everyone looked at me and I looked at you.

   "Uh...Would you like to organize a group?" Jiang Shui said hesitantly.

   "I think it should be separated? If you want to form a team, you can pull people together." Xu Feng shook his head and retorted her.

   The two have different opinions, and they don't argue, just look at other people.

   Indecisive, Quantum... ahem, then vote!

   Old tradition.

   After all, there are so many people, and everyone’s opinions cannot be simply rejected, so they can only vote.

   I believe that everyone can still vote based on their true thoughts.

   But before the voting started, Lu Ran called it to stop.

   According to her statement, since there are two ideas, then both are!

   It’s good to play together in the morning and separate free activities in the afternoon. Isn’t that good?

Separate all day and spend the whole day together. After a long time, there will always be some bad things. It happens to be divided into one point now. Even if you want to play together and those who want to play separately, there will be no opinions or emotions. .

  Finally, after some minor issues were settled, it was already 7:30 in the morning.

   At this time, everyone has not eaten breakfast, and their stomachs have already begun to protest.

   went downstairs and found a bun shop on the street. After buying some buns and soy milk, everyone walked towards the bus stop sign after eating.

There are three amusement parks in   g city, one Guff Park, one Gancheng Brilliant Park, and the last Pikachu theme park.

   There are three amusement parks. The first Guffland is the most serious and the best business park.

   It has the largest area, the best facilities, and the online reviews are also good.

   Compared with Gufu Paradise, Gancheng Brilliant Paradise is far worse.

This amusement park is about to close down. It is said that Gancheng was the first and only amusement park in G City many years ago. However, due to amusement park equipment problems, after several lives were lost, this amusement park It won't work, and Gufu Paradise was also established and rising at that time.

   Although Gancheng Brilliant Paradise has been declining, but it has not closed down, and has been stumbled until now.

As for the third amusement park, you can tell by its name. It is an elf theme park in the image of Pikachu. The equipment is for children to play. It was only established in recent years. The main focus is on young children. So apart from the children, few other guests came.

   But despite this, its business is pretty good, and the amusement park is getting bigger and bigger, at least not at a loss.

   Is it really better for children to make money?

   There are three amusement parks, you can know which one to choose with your toes.

Although the Pikachu theme park is related to elves, it has nothing to do with Zhou Jiang and others, and Gancheng Brilliant Park is only an amusement park that is about to close down. What good equipment do you expect in the amusement park that is about to close?

   And to play in the amusement park, to a large extent, it is to feel the lively atmosphere. The business is bleak and closes down. Who is going to be unlucky, how can anyone go to play?

   The ticket was bought by Zhou Jiang, so...

   He bought ten tickets for Gufu Paradise, um, group purchase, it can be cheaper.

   As for the glory of Gancheng?

   Cough, dare not skin.

   Although the name Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park appeared here is a bit weird, but Zhou Jiang didn't want to buy tickets for that amusement park that was going to close due to curiosity.

   If he was the only one, he would be happy to take a look.

   After all, this name is really a coincidence.

  In the animation of the past life, there is an anime named "Savior of Gancheng Brilliant Paradise".

   is also an amusement park that is about to close down, and it has been holding on to it.

   It's just... it should be just a coincidence, right?

   Zhou Jiang quickly put these worries behind.

   No matter how much I think about it now, it doesn’t help. The tickets are all bought, and it’s impossible to see it today.

   But there is plenty of time now, if tomorrow, I might be able to run over and have a look.

Although he doesn't care much now, in fact, his heart is like a cat scratch before, but he knows that he can't understand it today, so he forces himself to "forget" it. After all, there is no egg to remember. It also affects his mood...

   It didn't take long before they arrived at their destination.

   Gufu Paradise is in the city where their hotel is located. It only takes less than ten minutes by bus, which is very convenient.

   On this bus, there were six or seven people who got off here with them. They were all carrying backpacks. It seemed that they came to the amusement park just like Zhou Jiang.

After getting off the bus, I walked for less than a minute. I turned a corner and saw the gate of the amusement park in the distance. From them, I could see that there were more than a dozen people on the square walking towards the gate of the amusement park. go with.

   Zhou Jiang is a little curious, it's winter, are there really people coming to play?

   I won’t talk about the water park. Those jumping machines, roller coasters, etc., in the winter, the weather is so cold, does the cold wind blow on the face like a knife cut?

  How can they stand it...

   Or play something else?

   But in the amusement park, besides these famous ones, is there anything else interesting...

   Maybe Zhou Jiang was ignorant, he couldn't think of it.

   I can't see it from a distance, but I can only find out when I walk in. The gate of this amusement park is really big.

   There are two security booths on either side of the automatically stretched iron fence. Those who were in the past lined up there and waited for the tickets to go in.

  Tickets are quickly collected. After all, everyone buys tickets online. When you get here, you only need to wait for the staff inside to take out the small tickets.

After taking the tickets, they walked into the amusement park. Jiang Shui and the others walked in front, chatting, obviously interested. Zhou Jiang, who was walking behind, looked back and looked at the tourists who lined up outside the iron fence behind him. Behind them, tourists keep coming...

   Counting this wave, there are 30 or 40 people, right?

   A ticket is more than 70 yuan, not counting the cost of maintaining these, so I made more than two thousand in one go...

This is just like this. Today is the weekend. It is estimated that the flow of people today is 10,000. Due to the weather, even if 5,000 people are cut in half, there will be 350,000 that day. Excluding the miscellaneous things, it is estimated to be pure There will be tens of thousands of profits?

   This is only winter. In summer, the income is definitely more terrifying. It is estimated that the cold drinks in the amusement park can earn tens of thousands a day...

  啧啧, if it is really the same as what he estimated, it will really make a profit, which makes him want to go.

   just can earn or can earn, but most people can't play it.

   The first investment can kill people.

   If you want to build a large amusement park, is it enough to invest a billion?

   "Hey, Zhou Jiang, what are you doing, so slow, hurry up!"

   Suddenly Zhou Nan's shouts in front of him made Zhou Jiang regain his senses. He shook his head, turned around and shouted "Come", then trot and chased him.

   "What are you looking at, so fascinated, I don't know if I leave the team."

   After Zhou Jiang ran up, Chen Yongan stopped and stared continuously behind Zhou Jiang, looking at him curiously and asking.

   He thought that Zhou Jiang was unable to walk when he saw a beautiful woman, but he did not see a beautiful woman after watching for a long time, but the aunt saw a few...

   "It's nothing, don't care, it's just thinking of something." Zhou Jiang waved his hand and replied.

   "Come on, bean sprouts, your problem has never been corrected. It used to be like this. I always wandered away unconsciously. When I was in elementary school, I was often thrown out of chalk by the teacher." Zhou Nan didn't give a **** at all.

   Hearing Zhou Nan's complaints, Zhou Jiang smiled and said nothing.

   He didn't feel much about his complaints, and he was even a little happy. After all, he was always in a trance and was a little difficult to correct. If the predecessor was like this, he would avoid a lot of trouble.

  Although people who don’t know him still have questions, those who don’t know have a fart with him, as long as he doesn’t show any troubles or flaws in front of people he knows.

   Lu Ran took Zhou Nan's words, and walked over and pressed Zhou Jiang's shoulders with a sullen face, "Hey, I said your kid would dare to wander the world when he was in my class. It turned out to be a "natural skill"?"


Zhou Jiang looked at Lu Ran with a sullen face and grinning Lu Ran, who looked like a gangster, could only respond with a wry smile. After all, he really didn't know what to say at this time...Predecessor I can really trouble him...

   "Okay, well, let's go, if you don't walk the roller coaster, we will be out of our turn. There will be more people."


Lu Ran looked to the side and saw that a bunch of people were coming in, so he retracted his hands and his face became calm, "Huh, don't think you can escape after graduation. You are the first one to be in my class. A trance!"

After    said, Lu Ran walked back.


   Zhou Jiang was speechless and shrugged.

  Seriously, for Lu Ran, the head teacher, he really can’t handle it. He doesn’t feel like an elder, but a little girl...

   Of course, most of the time she is still very reliable, but she will frequently "change her personality"...

   It’s good to be a quiet cold beauty in normal times, but once he gets crazy or looks up, Zhou Jiang really feels tired and doesn’t love it...

   "Go away, don't be behind, let's take the first train!" Jiang Shui began to rush, it won't work if you don't rush, the first shift of the roller coaster starts at 8:30, and the time is about to come.

   Although it is said that there is no difference between the first class and the latter, it is of course the first to be the first!

   I had already agreed when I was going to come, the first project would be the first roller coaster ride!

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