"Okay, okay, Ahuo, I was wrong, then let us look at the big screen, come on, start!"

The big screen lights up instantly, but the entire page is white. Except for a frame in the middle of the page, there is nothing else, not even the kind of monitoring page that is divided into small grids. After all, there are hundreds of people. Even if it is divided, it is small and unclear to display on one page.

   "Well, in order to save time, we won't draw lots anymore. Let's take a number at will. Come on, Uncle Lin, please report one." Ahuo walked over and handed over the microphone.

  Uncle Lin took the microphone, looked at A Huo and nodded with satisfaction, thinking, this kid is not bad, for his wit, let's persuade Ah Shui in the afternoon.

  Dse Huh, a paragraph is missing! Like it, please collect it: () The fastest update speed. dsequot;c2\"

   "Okay!" Ahuo took the microphone, "Then 37!"

   "Huh?!" Uncle Lin's eyes instantly stared at the boss.

  Tt Damn, another paragraph is missing! , the fastest update! ttquot;b6\"

   "Hehe~" Uncle Lin's face went dark, and the veins on his forehead bulged. Facing A Huo's provocation, he desperately controlled his emotions.

Although he did not have an attack, his whole body exuded a dangerous aura. The old people who were close to him silently stepped back a little while seeing this, and then looked at Ah Huo with a deadly look, and then sighed. He shook his head.

   After Uncle Lin took a long breath, when he raised his head, there was no negative emotion on his face, "Qi? Haha~"

   "Hey~ Uncle Lin, I know you are very angry, but ah, I still have to remind you, elderly people don't get too angry, they will grow old very quickly~"

  日, I can’t watch it and I missed it! Remember for a second, (). ab



   Looking at Uncle Lin with his right hand in his trouser pocket, Ahuo took two steps back in fright, making a panic, "Hey, hey, Uncle Lin, it's illegal to use a murder weapon, don't do stupid things!"

   "Hehe~ Murder weapon? No, no, no."

  Uncle Lin shook his head, and pulled out the hand that reached into his trouser pocket, but there was nothing else except a clenched fist.


   Okay, it can't be a murder weapon, but if it's not a murder weapon, what is it?

   Without asking Ahuo, Uncle Lin spread out his hand with a smile, revealing a small note on the palm of his hand.


   A Huo was a little dazed, and some other people who ate melons were also a little dazed. They thought you were going to take out a big baby, but you took out a small note?

   Some novels have been read too much. Could it be a check and let him fill it out?

   ahem, well, this situation is wrong, and the check is not so small.

   Uncle Lin looked at A Huo's suspicious expression, his face was slightly curved and his mouth was drawn into an arc, like the mouth with a funny expression in the previous life.

Before Uncle Lin could speak, Ah Huo reacted, staggering back two steps, holding the microphone with his right hand obliquely in front of his face, his eyes wide open, with a ghostly expression, "Ma... Massa card!"

"Hmm~" Seeing Ah Huo reacted, Uncle Lin laughed and hummed his shoulders constantly. Finally, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Hahahaha, that's right! It's what you think it is! "

   "Mathaka..." Ahuo Ahuo knelt in an instant (orz), not daring to say anything, "Mariana! You still have it! Haven't you run out!"

   Lu Renjia: "Hey, hey, what is that, just a small piece of paper. Why does it look so awesome?"

  Lu Tuiyi shook his head: "I don't know, I came here to have a look when I heard about events. I'm also new here. Ask other old people."

   "Haha, let me tell you this old salted fish." Hearing the conversation between Lu Renjia and Lu Tuiyi, the blade soldier beside them laughed.

   "Oh~ it's senior!"

   "Hello, senior! Please enlighten me, senior!"

   "It's easy to talk about." The Blade Soldier nodded with a smile, "You must be wondering what Old Chen is holding."

   "Wait, senior, who is Old Chen?" Lu Zaiyi interrupted the blade soldier, and said in doubt, Lu Renjia nodded and looked at the blade soldier with doubt.

   "Old Chen? That's him." As he said, the blade soldier pointed to Uncle Lin in front.

   "Uh, but didn't Ahuo call him Uncle Lin? How..."

   "His name is Chen Lin. Is there anything wrong with calling him Uncle Lin?" the blade soldier asked.



   Lu Renjia and Lu Zaiyi shook their heads speechlessly.

   Anyone would think his surname is Lin, but you told us his surname is Chen? I t...

   But they can bear it.

   "Okay, well, let's talk about it." The blade soldier waved his hand, and then whispered mysteriously, "You want to know what Lao Chen is holding, right?"

   Seeing the mysterious face of the blade soldier, and the voice is still lowered, the curiosity of the two people surged up, and they nodded quickly.

   The Blade Soldier smiled and said mysteriously, "Since you want to know so much, then just tell you."

   "But before I say it, do you have any awareness of it!"

  Looking at the stern face of the blade soldier, Lu Renjia and Lu Zaiyi glanced at each other, then nodded sharply, "Yes!"

   "Very good!" The blade soldier nodded and said solemnly, "This thing...it's incredible!"

   "Huh!" Lu Renjia and Lu Tuiyi swallowed and nodded, they were a little nervous.

   "This thing, it is a thing that can determine the life and death of Ahuo and the others!"

   "Hiss~" Lu Renjia and Lu Tuya took a breath, "Is it so scary, senior! Then we know, will there be any danger?!"

   "Huh? Danger? It doesn't exist!"

   "Senior is so amazing!" Lu Renjia and Lu Tuiyi's worries disappeared instantly, looking at the bladed soldiers with "trivial things", they instantly admired them.

   "Haha~" The Blade Soldier was in a good mood. He looked at the side and found that no one was paying attention, and his right index finger hooked them towards them, beckoning them to come closer.

   Seeing his mysterious behavior, the two were even more happy, here it is! This big secret!

   even knows such confidential information, senior is really amazing!

  In an instant, the eyes of the two looking at the blade soldier became more admired.

   The two did not dare to neglect, and they leaned forward.

   The Blade Soldier was very satisfied with the eyes and attitudes of the two, "I tell you~ Actually, what he holds in his hand is the recommended ticket for the monthly best employee election in this amusement park!"

After finishing speaking, the blade soldier raised his head with a proud look, "How about it, let’s get it now, hahaha, don’t thank me, I think I was brought here by my seniors in the same way. You call me Feng Lei. All right!"

   said, the blade soldier left with a laugh, he was going to teach others.

At this time, the blade soldier was in a good mood, and in a trance, the figure of an old senior appeared before his eyes. On that day, he also laughed and left to preach to others, leaving two to hear this big secret. After being so frightened to move, Lu Renjia and Lu Threw away in shock.

   The blade soldier shook his head, thinking that he was like that back then, and he was too scared to move, but he did not expect that now he also teaches the younger generations like the predecessors...

   Senior... Am I a little closer to you...


   On the stage, the big screen had already started playing the scene when Ah Huo called number 37, but everyone's attention was not on it.

   The audience glanced at the big screen and then stopped watching. Trainer No. 37 is alone. He has not teamed up or been drawn into the team like the others, so he is a bit wretched now.

   He is lying in a bush, waiting for the arrival of the prey.

   As for the little magnetism?

It was asked by him to enter the bushes. Although the little magnetic monster is a cameraman and a mobile speaker, it still needs to listen to the trainer it follows. Let it go to fight, at least in an ambush by the trainer. When the time comes, the trainer has the right to make the little magnetism hide.

After all, the little magnetic monster was originally not under consideration. It was only for the live broadcast and to attract the audience, so it was invested. If the little magnetic monster "does its own way", it is easy for everyone to be exposed, some interesting ambushes, etc. The plot cannot be developed.

   At this time, player No. 37 didn't know that he had been on TV, he was still lying there.

   Go back to the square.

  Although the big screen is lit up, but just lying on your stomach, who wants to watch it, even if you are on the road, it’s more interesting than this...

   And now there is an interesting "cross talk" on the scene, and none of them is watching the big screen.

   Uncle Lin took the ticket in the palm of his right hand with his left hand, and then both hands held a corner of the ticket.

   "Haha, did you see this ticket?" Uncle Lin smiled, but that smile made people fearful.

   "No! Yami Luo!" A Huo knelt on the ground, heard Uncle Lin's words, instantly awake, stretched out Erkang's hand, and shouted in pain.

   "Tear and pull~"

   With a soft noise, the ticket became two halves.

   "Now, it's gone." Uncle Lin spread his hands together, and the tickets, which were broken in two, slowly fell towards the ground under the force of gravity.

"Do not!!!!"

   Ahuo screamed, that sound really made the hearer sad, and the listener wept.

   "Do you think this is over?" Who knows, Uncle Lin refused to let him go, and silently took out another ticket from his pocket.

"No! I was wrong, it's all my fault, please don't hurt it anymore, it's just a child! What's going on at me!!!" Ah Huo "sniveled in tears" Cried and cried, those newcomers who didn't know him could hardly bear it. After all, his appearance was so miserable, with tears and snots on his face. This is really vertical, not just for fun.

   If they hadn't been watching the development process of things all the time, they might have stood up a few people to "do what is right".

   Just look like this, people who don't know thought what Uncle Lin did to him.

   Among the hundreds of spectators, somewhere in a corner, two men passed by.

   "How is it, did you find anything?"

   "No, I just think the person above you has a problem, and you."

   "Neither did I, go ahead, as for the people above, don't worry, someone is staring, be careful not to be noticed by others, and continue to meet in half an hour next time."

   In a flash, the conversation was over, and when I looked over, there was nowhere else they were. There were only one or two melon-eating crowds who seemed to hear someone talking.

   On the stage, the "two-person turn" between Ahuo and Uncle Lin is also over.

   Because the little brother who had entered the control room who had come up to rescue Ah Huo before came out to remind him.

   "A Shui, let me tell you, if you continue to be embarrassed, you will be conscious of death."

   Saying that, whether it was Ahuo or Uncle Lin, the two of them lost their fire instantly.

   People who don’t know A Shui might say that A Shui is such a beautiful girl, is it necessary to be so scared, but the two of them can definitely say, use it!

   If you are really angry, it will really kill you...

   They still remember the liberating smile of the robber who molested A Shui when he was taken away by Miss Junsha...

  A Huo who is serious is actually very reliable.

"Ahem, okay, the farce is over. Let's take a look at everyone's current situation. Since player number 37 chose to be Voldemort, we won't give him the position of other trainers. We changed the group and chose Number 36."

   Ahuo took out a tissue and wiped his face, wiped off all those snot, tears and the like, and then said seriously, if he didn't know his previous behavior, he was actually quite handsome.

   As he finished speaking, the scene on the big screen changed instantly, and the eyes of the audience in the audience were once again focused on the big screen.

   "Huh~ It's incredible, I didn't expect that we were so lucky and met such a big group all at once."

   Looking at the person who was about to take up the entire screen, Ah Huo was a little surprised.

  Although I can’t shoot all the people in due to the direction, just count them like that, good guys, there are eight or nine people.

   And they stood together but there was no fight, obviously they belonged together.

   "Aqiu, call up all the numbered windows with No. 36. I didn't expect to meet such an interesting team all at once."

After Ah Huo finished speaking, he looked at the audience in the audience and explained, "Look, everyone. There are obviously at least eight people in this group. At that time, our technician Akiu will bring up all the related windows for display. They haven't met their opponents yet, but I believe that next, there will be a big battle!" As he said, A Huo showed a wretched smile, and the audience watching him was bitterly cold.

   Soon, a large page on the display screen behind Ah Huo was divided into small boxes, and each box represented the picture that a little magnetic monster was shooting.

   "Wow, I didn't expect it to be a team of eleven people. It seems that Ahuo is still a bit conservative." Ahuo smiled.

   "Huo, report the position quickly, the flowers we are waiting for are almost grateful!"

   "That's right, hurry up, let's watch the battle!"

   The audience started to booze, and Ahuo coughed awkwardly, "Well, well, since everyone can't wait, let's get into the subject quickly."

   That’s right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously, Zhou Jiang and the others were drawn for the second time. Number 36 is the number of the little magnetic monster on Tian Zhengjie’s head.

Fortunately, it has been a long time since they were selected. Now they have enough of Zhou Nan and the others. Then it was time for Lu Ran to call them back. He was rounded and rounded with aggrieved Yuji. Raze has been put away by Xue Lu.

   Originally, Xue Lu wanted to comfort him, but after the little guy suffered such a big blow, he didn't even dare to stay outside and was so scared that he hid directly inside the poke ball.

   "Oh, I really can't see it. I didn't expect Kira's skin to feel surprisingly comfortable~" Zhou Nan said contentedly.

"Yeah, it's useless to read books. I always thought that Kira's skin would be rough and rubbed. I didn't expect it to feel so comfortable. Rubbing on those fine lines, like It's like doing hand massage~" Jiang Shui nodded in agreement.

   The other few people also expressed their own explanations, feeling, even Xu Feng is no exception, a look of aftertaste.

   The four people Zhou Jiang and Lu Ran didn't touch each other looked at each other with doubts, really so comfortable?

   Then the four people looked at Xue Lu in unison.

   "Uh..." Xue Lu looked at the four people staring at her in unison, and took a half step back in fright, "No, Yu Kira is afraid to come out... or... next time?"

   While she was talking, don't shake the spirit of Yu Kira on her waist slightly, I don't know if it was fear or dissatisfaction with the owner who sold him again.

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