"Moon Elf, rush up and bite it!"

"Pull, use split tiles!"

Two emotional elves rushed towards Heracross.

Heracross and Nidolino could only struggle with the opposing Poison Skull Frog and Meng Song Naia. If the moon elves join in again, they may not be able to hold it for a second.

The expressions of Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan changed again and again, Zhou Nan turned around and looked at Zhou Jiang and them, "I'll wipe it, Zhou Jiang, come and help! The other side is calling someone!"

Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows.

Calling someone?

It seems like you can fight without calling someone...

Had it not been for Xanadu to drag them with thought force from time to time at critical moments to slow down their attack speed, Zhou Nan and the others would have already lost.

But it is true that it is almost the same now, you can go. Shanaido’s help is so obvious that they can’t fail to see it. With Shanaido’s help, they are all dangerous. They should also fully understand their own strengths. .

Moreover, the moon elves rushed up and disappeared. Their most powerful elves could not stop the opposite one. If another one comes, even if they release other elves, it is no use. After all, their strongest elves have already come out. With the help of Shanaido, he could barely resist.

Xu Feng released his elves to help.


The furball level is not low, it has reached 30, but it has not broken through that barrier.

However, the light fur ball is not very useful. After a little bit, Xu Feng threw another elf ball, which was his Kirby beast!

If Kabimon's level is up, he has reached the elementary peak of the elite, level 40. In a short time, this guy won't even want to go up, but it is estimated that after Xu Feng goes to college, he can break through after training.

This guy can rise so fast, mainly because it can really eat. Most of the energy cubes made by Zhou Jiang were eaten by this guy. If you eat too much, you will have more energy. Coupled with the cultivation of Xu Feng's family in the past, they rushed here directly with their accumulation.


Just when Zhou Jiang wanted to release the elf, there was a scream from the sky, and then a black shadow fell and plunged into the dense sea of ​​trees.

"Better than~ than~!!!"

There was a loud chirping from the sky. Needless to say, you know that this is the sound of Bibi Bird.

Its voice is unusually cheerful, plus the black shadows that fell before, that is to say, the battle between Bibi and Toucan has completely come to an end, and Bibi Niao won!

Bibi Niao flew down, and Zhou Jiang looked at Bibi Niao that was nothing unusual except for its messy feathers, and smiled slightly, "Bibi Niao, you can help them stop the moon elves and Huola!"

"Better than~!"

Bibi Niao nodded and agreed, and then the two elves sent out by Xu Feng came from behind and rushed towards the moon elves.

Although the level of Bibi Bird is not high, it has also been modified. Its actual combat ability is not weaker than the elite high-level!

Its level itself has reached the fortieth level, the elite elementary peak, plus the modified attributes, it can be said to be abused against them.

The main reason it played with the big-billed sparrow for so long before was because it didn't use skills. Both used their body's claws and beaks to attack each other. As for the previous strong wind, it was naturally a skill.

It is also impossible for them to use skills all the time. After all, some skills such as Stormwind are almost becoming their instincts, but they are not used most of the time when playing...

The gap between Toucan and Bibi is not small. Even if Bibi does not use skills, it is still very easy to hit it. The main reason for the long time is that it vents out the hair on the Toucan. .

As for it?

The strength is higher than the opponent, coupled with the magical skills of paper painting, the big-billed sparrow can hurt it and it will be a ghost.

Bibi Niao quickly faced up with the Moon Elf. As for Huo La, Xu Feng’s Elf was there, and one of them was the Kaby Beast, who was not a low-level one. It would be difficult to rush over to support their companions.

Xu Feng's Kirby beast confronted Huola, and the height of Huola, who was less than one meter tall, was not enough to look at the height of more than two meters in front of the Kirby beast.

Kirby was standing there for a while, and Huola couldn't make it through...

Not to mention other things, as long as the Kaby beast faces Suola with a dark face, the shadow area in Suola's heart is definitely not small.

Kirby beast confronted Huola, so Maoqiu went back to help Nidolino them.

Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan’s two elves are still struggling. With the help of Shanaido, they can fight back at any rate, so that they won’t be too bad, but the form is still not good, because after the intervention of the hair ball, Shanaido The frequency of support has become lower...

The fur ball playing support is still good. After all, there are some bugs in the state of the three fans, but the disadvantage is that it is easy for teammates to be recruited...

Over there, Bibi Bird and Moon Elf started doing it earlier.

The moon elf faced Bibi bird with an evil wave and then ran towards it. When it ran, there was still a white light in its mouth, which was probably broken.

For its attack, Bibi bird easily avoided it, after all, its attack was not tricky.

It has encountered more difficult attacks, which is simply not enough for it!

Zhou Jiang's vision for it was to carry him on a transport plane, so it had high requirements for its physical strength, vision and evasion ability.

As far as the physical strength is concerned, it is almost the same now, and it will continue to wear weight training after it has evolved. But as far as the eyesight is concerned, Zhou Jiang has no good solutions. He is going to consult Li Ruobing.

She is the master of the flight department gymnasium, and there are always some exclusive methods or special medicines. As long as he returns to the eagle who has learned how to spray flames in a few months, then she will not worry about telling him.

So now Bibi Niao mainly practices his evasion ability.

Although the dodge ability has something to do with eyesight, it also depends on its feelings and the like.

Zhou Jiang usually let it play with Shanaiduo and others. If it can attack from a distance, just throw it with the skill, and it will be responsible for avoiding it.

And Shanaido’s skills...

It's almost abnormal, like a shadow ball barrage.

Although the normal type is immune to the attacks of the ghost type, it still hurts to be hit.

After all, only the energy damage is immune, and the potential energy brought by the skill flying is not immune.

And to be reasonable, in fact, if the strength gap is too large or if it is injected into the source, it is difficult for even the normal type to be completely immune to the ghost type attack, and the damage is much lower at most.

But this has nothing to do with its avoidance training.

It was mainly Shanaiduo's attack, which was really abnormal.

The shadow ball barrage mentioned above is just one of them, and she often attacks with shock waves.

This invisible attack will test Bibi's perception even more.

At the back, there was a mixed attack of shadow **** and shock waves...there were various methods, which reminded Zhou Jiang of his fear of being dominated by playing Oriental Barrage in his previous life.

He has played it once, but the dense barrage hasn't been forgotten so far. It's hardly anyone can avoid it, at least he can't.

He was killed before even the first level. It can be said that he died when he came out, and then he gave up. It was terrible...

And Shanaiduo’s attack had that tendency, especially after Zhou Jiang gave her an idea...

After avoiding a wave of evil in the shape of a crescent, Bibi Bird looked at the moon elf with some disdain.

Heh~ trash!

Just in time, the moon elf rushed towards it and met its eyes, and it also saw the emotions in its eyes, and instantly it became angry.

If Zhou Jiang's system were a little more advanced, then he would be able to see the few lines floating on the moon elf's head.

The moon elf entered a state of anger.

Speed ​​+10%

Strength +10%

Reaction -10%

IQ -20%

The moon elf exploded at a faster speed. After rushing to a certain position, its eyes tightened, its sturdy limbs slammed into force, the two forelimbs first pressed down and then quickly bounced, followed by the two hind limbs. Push hard.


Like an arrow from the string, it flew straight towards Bibi Niao.

"Better than~!"

Bibi bird flapped its wings, and watched the moon elves jump over.

Although I don't know the reason, he can't learn to see and hear color, but paper painting is enough!

That's right, Bibi Niao can't learn to see and hear, and he hasn't even learned to see and cut. Two skills are still lying in the backpack of the system.

A long time ago, Zhou Jiang only changed the paper painting for Big Needle Bee, but Bibi Niao and the other elves did not learn from them.

Later, he started to learn paper painting for Bibi Niao. The paper painting was very smooth and there were no waves. But when it came to seeing and hearing the color, he was in trouble. After using the skills, Bibi Niao couldn't learn it!

There is no explanation...

Later, I changed it to see what the birds should have learned, but I didn't expect it would still learn...

As for the other elves, Xanadu can learn both, and Menas can also learn seeing, hearing, and seeing, but not knowing what to do. For the rest, the Qingteng snake can learn seeing, hearing, and the other elves can’t learn both skills.

This made Zhou Jiang very confused.

He also tried to analyze it, but...

Are there any similarities and differences between what they can and cannot learn?


What is it?

do not know……

Very real.

A bunch of problems were listed, but Zhou Jiang couldn’t analyze them...

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t analyze it.

Anyway, the system "chumps" is not a day or two, as long as it is not a malfunction, it is estimated that Bibi Bird has some conditions that are not met and can't learn it.

Zhou Jiang looked very open.

The most important thing is to modify this system.

These skills can only be regarded as an addition at best.

Of course, Zhou Jiang is not saying that skills are not important, but that compared to modifying that function, it is not enough.

After all, the elves themselves are capable of skills, but they don't know how to do so. With more of these skills, there will not be much increase, and the modification of the attributes is different.

That is definitely a huge increase.

Just look at Zhou Jiang's current elves' strength.


The distance between the Moon Elf and Bibi Bird is getting closer, and the skill light in the Moon Elf’s mouth is becoming more and more obvious.


Moon Elf bite empty!

Paper painting is not learned for nothing.

I thought I could hit it. After all, it was so close, my face could touch the feathers around Bibi’s neck, and I could bite it with my mouth closed. Although some wondered why Bibi didn’t hide, it didn’t think much. Use all your power, bite it down!


However, it was still empty.

It didn't know what was going on. It was clearly that its neck was still near its mouth when it bit down, but when the mouth was closed, it just hit a bunch of hair on its face. As for the mouth?

It bit empty, the upper teeth and the lower teeth smashed together, and it almost didn't hurt its tears...

This is not the key, the key is that all its remaining energy is used under that blow, and it is falling downward!

And the consequence of all the outbreak is that it has no way to adjust its position in the air!

"Come back, Moon Elf!"


A red light flashed, the Moon Elf was taken back, and Bibi was passing through its original place.

All of a sudden, Bibi Niao stared at the handsome man with a bit of discomfort, but it didn't delay. Since your Moon Elf is back, then I will hit your companion!

Bibi Niao thought angrily, and then rushed towards the Huo La who was fighting with the Kaby Beast.

"Fuck! Are you cold?"

Mazilian and the ordinary guy looked at the little handsome guy in surprise. They hadn’t seen the battle on his side, so they didn’t know what happened. They only knew that the moon elves rushed up, and then they were taken back...

Huola just started to fight with Kabymon, even warming up...

"I don't know... I just took back the big-billed finches over there, who knew that the moon elf was going to lose as soon as I turned around." The little handsome man was also a little helpless, he didn't know what was going on...

"Fuck!" Suddenly, Mazi's face screamed, the ordinary man and the handsome man turned to look, and found that the pocky face was being double-played by Bibi Niao and Kabimon...

Suddenly, a one million tons of Kabimon punched over, and as a result, Huola was stuck in a random strike by Bibi Bird, and he couldn't avoid it because his eyes were jammed. Huola could only grit his teeth and slam his face.

However, how could Huola's power be comparable to that of the Kirby beast, the freezing fists it issued were also smashed to pieces by it, and the Huola was also directly hit by the Kirby beast, and then stopped after knocking down a big tree. under……


Looking at his pocky face, the handsome man shrugged helplessly.

Why are you staring at me...

"I'll join in, don't play anymore, let go of the wizard support~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they are going to beat my wizard!"

"Uh... yes, this is a melee..." Mazi scratched his head.



The handsome man and the ordinary man looked at him speechlessly. Haven't reacted to you before?

"Moon Elf, go again!" The little handsome man raised his head and glanced at the old little magnetic monster flying in the sky. He saw the number "5" on the display board carried by his little magnetic monster.

His Toucan has lost the ability to fight and can only use five elves...

Losing one elves is bad, but it’s okay. After all, they are three people, a total of sixteen elves, and now they have lost two and there are still fourteen.

The most troublesome thing is that they can't go now...

Little Magneto, their lifeblood was trapped by the opposite Shanaiduo, and couldn't get away even if they wanted to run, otherwise they would have run away. After all, when they saw it, they knew that they couldn't beat it.

"Fight, let out all the elves, let's fight with them!" The little handsome man took out his remaining elves and said to the two.

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