"Heh~ Go, but tomorrow you may be called to the police station for tea." Zhou Jiang smiled.

"Ahahaha, kidding, kidding."

When Zhou Nan said this, the atmosphere between the teams eased a lot, and they began to look around at both sides.

There are a few mobile food trucks on the side of the road here, all of which are used for snacks and snacks. Now their owner ran away, they stayed, and there were some expensive snacks on them.

Farther away, there are some shops, all of which are built and rented out by this amusement park.

This kind of shop opened in it is very expensive. Although he has not eaten it in this life, he has eaten it several times in his previous life and went to amusement park several times. Every time he was slaughtered. Bo, I feel dead...

To be honest, he also wanted to rush into those shops to "Sanguang".

Steal all, grab all, eat all!

The four shops in a row were unlucky, the small food trucks were all fine, but these shops suffered.

After they passed, they saw the miserable appearance of the four shops.

The glass walls outside were all shattered, and many of the tables and chairs inside were also swept by skills. The original beautiful shops were all turned into "grease".

Seeing the misery of these shops, Zhou Jiang was actually a little happy...

Perhaps it was because of the unlucky seeing the brothers and sisters who had slaughtered their shop?

After a long walk, they arrived at the second square, the square where they had to participate in activities and wait, the square with the fountain in the middle.

The square is lucky. There are only sporadic traces of scorched black, which should have been missed during the fight. I don’t know if it is lucky or unfortunate. The fountain pool was attacked, but the dragon statue in the middle was not beaten. Broken, but leaving a large area of ​​charred black.

The sculpture of Haklong in the center of the fountain is still spraying pressurized water, as if the catastrophes suffered before do not belong to it.

Great Depression, Great Depression...

After this incident, it is estimated that the performance of this Gufu Paradise will drop significantly.

The Rockets come in... The tourists don’t care whether it’s your fault or not. They spent money here to play with you, and it doesn’t matter if they are unhappy, but also worry about being afraid. If some are attacked, they must lose money to comfort them. Otherwise, the reputation will definitely be ruined by people in other amusement parks.

However, Zhou Jiang was a little curious, what exactly did the Rockets do here...

Are there any rare elves or treasures in the forest?

But what rare elves made the Rockets so aggressive, mythical beast? It's not like...

As for the baby... it seems that there is no baby that needs such big actions, right? The props of the beasts, diamonds and other things?

It shouldn't be...

Or is it that their purpose is really not the forest, but the outside?

But what's outside...

The office building of Guffland seems to be in this amusement park, but they haven't passed by. I don't know if they have been ransacked over there. Maybe it's because Guffland got something good and was targeted by the Rockets?

But here comes the question again, what is it... It's worth the Rockets' such a big fight. At this kind of juncture, even if you give the league eye drops, you must act.

Is it always asking for money?

Haha, no...




Suddenly, Zhou Jiang remembered the kidnapping of the boss of the game company before, and it seemed that the Rockets did it.

Not long after that time, right? The Rockets are making trouble again?

What's more, the two industries can't make a difference, except for money, nothing seems to attract them.

Maybe the Rockets really need money? !

If you want to create a super dream, you must need a lot of money, right? Could it be that they created super dreams and created them, and found that they were out of money and came out to grab them?

...It should be impossible...should?


When they were approaching the periphery of the amusement park, they finally met someone.

A group of prosecutors are putting handcuffs on the Rockets in uniforms with their heads down.

Among the prosecutors, Zhou Jiang saw the prosecutors who had taken the Rockets from them. Looking at their appearance, there should be no fighting along the way.

But also, they encountered so many waves of prosecutors when they came out, the Rockets should have retreated, or they were caught, where could they pose a threat and fight them.

Zhou Jiang and the others caught him only, so they couldn't save people.

"Hey, how many of you are trainers?" Seeing Zhou Jiang and others coming over, one of the prosecutors yelled when they saw them.

They don't worry about the Rockets either. Just like Zhou Jiang guessed, the Rockets have already collapsed. They just don't know if they were destroyed or the mission was completed.

"Wait, Old Chen, these are what I said before. They caught the Rockets trainers." Before contacting Zhou Jiang and the others, he took away the blue prosecutors from the Rockets prosecutors group of four. The officer stopped Old Chen and said.

Because of Old Chen's shouting, the prosecutors and some rocket players here all looked over.

Zhou Jiang was not afraid, he got used to it, and they continued to walk over with Zhou Nan.

When he came to Lao Chen and the blue-clad prosecutor who seemed to be Awei or Awei, Zhou Jiang nodded, "Hello, we are the trainers who are here to participate in the event."

He heard what Awei and Old Chen said before, so Zhou Jiang didn't give too much introduction. After speaking, he nodded to Awei, and he also smiled and nodded hello.

"Well, although I know, you still need to sign and report personal information according to the procedure." Old Chen nodded and said.

As soon as Awei was about to speak for Zhou Jiang to explain, Zhou Jiang nodded, "It's okay, understand."

Well, it is indeed understandable. He brought a little girl in to find her brother in K city before. For his own sake, they couldn't go straight away, but although they couldn't go straight away, they still had some care.

Sometimes, the necessary procedures are still necessary, and he has no complaints.

Seeing Zhou Jiang had no objection, Ah Wei didn't say anything, but the two of them looked at Zhou Jiang with more appreciation.

After all, in their eyes, Zhou Jiang is estimated to be just a college student, able to face the prosecutors without being humble and not resisting, and also caught a group of Rockets, is a good talent.

However, they didn't know that Zhou Jiang was actually much better than them. If it weren't for the qualifications and merits that Mr. Hua said, he would have been the prosecutor in Ziyi directly.

Well, he can't go to gold either. After all, the only ones who can reach the rank of Uranus are Xanadu and Big Needle Bee, and Menus is still close.

His elves are really... powerful and terrible, weak and weak (Ibukati dog), extremely polarized.

After signing and reporting the identity information, I asked them some questions, and after a few more conversations, Zhou Jiang and the others left.

Zhou Jiang was not interested in chatting with the two big men. They weren't pretty girls, but when it came to pretty girls, the prosecutors could count as...well, the only ones he knew were Huahuo.

The guy Huahuo was speechless and expressionless. In fact, he was pretty pretty. It was his food. He had a little conflict with her and felt a little embarrassed. Although the back was better, he still felt something was wrong.

After leaving the amusement park, everyone was gone. Everyone was not an acquaintance. It was just a coincidence that they came together. Now they are all out, and the Rockets are gone, so everyone went back to their homes and looked for their own. Damn it.

When they left, everyone added friends to each other.

But Xue Lu's words, because they were girls, Zhou Jiang and the others didn't add them, so they added Zhao Junao and Wang Qingyan's three daughters. Xue Lu didn't add Zhao Junao.

After waving goodbye, everyone went back to their respective residences.

Zhou Jiang still has some elves that have not been brought back. He has asked the prosecutor before. The elves have not been snatched by the Rockets. They have all been put in the Elf Center. He can pick them up anytime.

They can pass the Wizard Center on their way back, so Zhou Jiang didn't panic.

But to be honest, this incident gave him a little understanding.

Next time, if he encounters this kind of activity where he can’t bring extra pokeballs, he will kill them and hand them over honestly. He didn’t lose it this time. What if he loses it next time?

It's almost a MMP, so I didn't lose it, and he really wanted Shark after losing it.

The elves he placed included Ibrahimovic, Katy Dog, Menus, Fire Dinosaurs, and Compass.

After contacting these times, except when I was in the forest, I was always on the road. Although I did not deliberately interact with the elves, I also had feelings with them.

If he just lost it and couldn't get it back, he would definitely retaliate.

A guy from Guffland, a Rockets, don't even want to run!

But these are still things to follow. If he is really lost this time, he will not have the face to see Li Ruobing... She trusts him by handing the elves to him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and she loses the bitch. ...

Fortunately, everything is fine, the elf is still there.

This time, he was really careless, and he didn't consider it clearly.

Next time, regardless of his rules, just plug the elf into the space ring.

Who can find it inside the space ring? He doesn't use them anyway, and it's not a violation of the rules.

At the elf center station, Zhou Jiang and the others got out of the car and went inside, took the note signed before handing in the elf ball to Miss Joey, and then took the elf back from her.

The elves were released, and they were comforted one by one. During the period, the people in the elves center saw Menus exclaimed, and everyone came to ask for pictures and petting, but the farce did not last long, Miss Joey went forward At one stop, although there was no stern face, the smiles on their faces were still the same, but everyone also faded. Zhou Jiang and the others, too, escaped from the wizard center in a "worried".

Zhou Jiang and the others left the Fairy Center, but they did not go back to the hotel by car. Jiang Shui suggested not going to the hotel for dinner, but looking for it on the street. Everyone had no objection. After all, everyone stayed in the hotel for a while, and then there was time. , They may not be able to walk outside, especially a little farther away from the hotel.

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world https://

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