I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 668: Meet Sirona again

Today's itinerary is very simple. First, wait for the "Olympic Torch" to enter the home court, then the participating trainers will show their faces, and then the knockout matches will begin.

It's just that the rules of the knockout round have not yet been sent, making Zhou Jiang a little puzzled.

But he is worth it, no matter how you say it, it is impossible to lose in the knockout.

He thought about it. With his strength, the championship is appropriate. Even if a dark horse comes out halfway, he still has the most runner-up. Even if there is another dark horse, the semi-finals and sixteen must have them! Okay...I'm getting less and less confident, the champion is the champion, where are the top four and sixteen.

If he really fell in the top four and sixteen, then he would not travel. It would have failed the elves' strength, is there! The system is crying!

After eating bun soy milk on the small table in the breakfast shop, a few people returned the same way and walked towards the main venue. The battlefield is in the center of the "Battle Island", and then around the battlefield are residential and commercial areas.

Only halfway through, Zhou Jiang suddenly found a familiar figure from behind.

A black lace-trimmed long dress, with long golden hair hanging down behind her, the girl was bending over and standing in an ice cream shop.

"What's wrong, stop there?"

Zhou Jiang stopped subconsciously, and he was walking in the front, middle position, so Zhou Nan behind him hit him. "By the way, is that Sirona?" Zhou Jiang pointed to the girl and asked.

Everyone looked towards Zhou Jiang and found the girl.

"It seems so, this dress."

"Yes, go and say hello?"

"Let's go and take a look, it won't be long anyway."

In the end, Lu Ran stood up and made a final decision.

"Sirona? I seem to have heard it somewhere." Zhou Jiang and the others all walked towards the ice cream shop, only Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan's father stayed there. The two looked at each other, and both looked through each other's eyes. Out of thinking.

"I remembered, didn’t a country E person come to us to do a project not long ago? We are still wondering why we are looking for a small company like ours. In the end, did he say something about Sirona? Then Sirona should be Isn't she?" Zhou Nan's father said.

Dad Zhou Jiang frowned, "I don't know, but I think it's her, but forget it, don't think about it so much, we haven't seen her again, it doesn't make sense to entangle this, if it's her, then nothing will happen. If it's not, it will be easy for those big chaebols to annex our small company, so let's watch."

Dad Zhou Nan nodded, then the two followed and returned to the back of the team.

Because they were very quiet and standing behind the team, it didn't take long for them to leave the team, so everyone didn't notice.

A large group of them gathered around the entrance of the store. Not to mention other things, the sunlight was blocked. A large shadow cast into the store, not only covering the girl’s whole person, but also the freezer in front of her. Covered.

Normal people will look back subconsciously at this time, and Sirona is no exception.

Although she is very strong as an elf trainer, she is always confused when choosing ice cream, and she can't walk away without choosing a few hours, but she can be regarded as a normal person, and some natural reactions will definitely be there.

Looking at the face of the person who turned around, Lu Ran Yixi, "Sirona!"

"Lu Ran?" Sirona said in surprise, "Zhou Jiang, Jiang Shui, and... why are you here?"

"Naturally, we came to watch the game, but you, why did you come, didn't you still exercise in the forest?" Lu Ran was a little curious. She and Xirona have always been in contact. Not long ago, they talked with each other. At that time, Sirona was still exercising in the deep forests of China.

Sirona closed her long hair, her expression a little helpless, "I don't know what to say, I didn't plan to come, but Violet suddenly called and asked me to come here to watch the game."

"Sister Violet, she's here too? In my impression, isn't she not going out often? Has her temper changed?" Lu Ran asked curiously.

"Is it changed? I don't know what she thinks. Some time ago, I suddenly said that I would travel to Huaxia, and then I came to Huaxia alone, and then I came to look for her."

"So, no wonder you came to China suddenly." Lu Ran nodded.

Lu Ran and Sirona could talk vigorously, while Zhou Jiang was lost in thought.


Where did you hear this name... Could it be the Violet Garden in the previous life? But I remember where I heard this name in this life... Or do I remember the two memories together?

Zhou Jiang, who can't think about any problems, can only give up thinking about it. When you can't think of any problems, even if you desperately consume your brain cells, you don't necessarily think of anything. You can only say take your time. And this matter, even if you can't think of it, is nothing, it's not worth it at all for him to waste his few brain cells.

If you haven't heard it, it's useless to think about it. If you have heard it, if you haven't remembered it, then it proves that the other party is dispensable.

Although he can't remember the exact appearance of others and the names of many people, he will have a general impression. Now, where he has heard her name, and what she looks like, he has no impression at all.

It can be seen that maybe he thinks too much.

Maybe he remembered the string, after all, Violet's name was still quite resounding in his previous life.

"The Violet's Eternal Garden", a masterpiece produced by the famous Jing Ani in the past, Zhou Jiang almost forgot what the roommate who gave him this anime said at the beginning, only remember that he seemed to say that Jing Zi came out of pv first At that time, what kind of awards were received, and it was also called the hope of the industry, the human bible...

Of course, after Zhou Jiang went to watch the pv at the first time, he was really shocked. The light, shadow, sound and color are really awesome, and the character style is still his favorite type.

At first, he was like the majority of comic friends, waiting hopefully for Jingzi to broadcast.

The front is okay, after all, the plot hasn’t started yet, so there’s no way to judge whether a fan is good or bad, and Ms. Violet is also very beautiful and affectionate, plus the picture quality, nothing to say, broadcast and praise The number exploded directly.

But after the first episode, Zhou Jiang had something to do for a long time, and the Internet was not available, let alone chasing the fan. When he finished the work at hand and went to make up the fan, he found that things were a bit different from what he thought. It's the same!

He asked the roommate who had pushed him Jingzi, "Have you seen Jingzi, how is it?"

"Jing Zi? Forget it, there's nothing good to see." After that classmate said this, he buried himself in the gunfight.

Zhou Jiang clicked on the animation with doubts. After watching the second episode, he still felt very good, but some comments on the barrage and the words of his roommate gave him a bad premonition.

After watching another three or four episodes, Zhou Jiang finally understood what he meant.

Blow it!

What human bible, the industry hopes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Naturally, the picture quality has nothing to say, but this plot...

How to put it, although the plot is not bad, it has its own meaning, peace after the war, but to be honest, its plot is indeed dragging its feet.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is going high and low.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Zhou Jiang, like most people, including his roommates, gave up.

Regarding this, he felt it was a pity that Jingzi's picture quality really didn't say anything, but now...

Forget it, forget it.

When Zhou Jiang came back to his senses, Lu Ran and Sirona had almost talked about it, and Sirona joined their team. Since then, their 17-person team has grown by one point, becoming 18 people... …

At this time, Lu Ran and the others were happily chatting, but the store owner was not happy anymore, "Well, let me say you guys, if you want to chat, please go to chat elsewhere? You guys just stay here to chat and don’t buy things, I Is the business still going on? This lady has been choosing an ice cream here for almost an hour, are you guys **** me?!"

The store was very depressed. He didn't really suspect that they were **** him. After all, Xirona, Lu Ran and others are like model stars. Who can invite them to stop him in his store?

Moreover, on the first day of the league competition, who would dare to come over and do things, now that they can open a shop here, they are basically related or the league's own booth, and then invited people to open here.

Like this ice cream shop, this is funded by the alliance, as long as there is a gold master to pick up the order here, the owner will be changed here.

So naturally there is no one who did him, but his heart really collapsed.

Early in the morning, there was a beautiful lady who came to buy ice cream. He was naturally happy, but he chose it here for almost an hour!

God, do you want to be so cruel!

As a result, under his constant persuasion, the beauty was about to be selected. As a result, a bunch of people appeared suddenly, and then they chatted in his little shop without anyone else...

Where are you supposed to be here? ! Don't underestimate the ice cream shop, bastard! ! !

"Um... I'm sorry." Seeing the boss got angry, Lu Ran quickly apologized.

"Forget it..." Seeing Lu Ran apologized, the man whose owner was also a clerk sighed, and then looked at Sirona, "But this guest, do you want ice cream? You are almost here to choose It’s been an hour, and I’ve never seen one that can choose ice cream for so long..."

Hearing what the boss said, everyone was a little surprised, but they didn’t show it. Zhou Jiang glanced at Sirona silently and found that she reacted a little bit to this. It seems that she often does this. This is the same as the image in the anime. .

In the animation, although she has become the unmatched Elf League regional champion, she still has to struggle for a long time when choosing ice cream.

Finally, in the helpless eyes of the boss, everyone bought a vanilla ice cream and ran away.

After leaving the ice cream shop, everyone continued to walk in the direction of the battle field. As they walked, Lu Ran asked Sirona, "Speaking of Sirona, why are you buying ice cream? It's morning, right?"

"Well, this is breakfast."



Everyone is speechless, breakfast? Ice cream for breakfast? !

Lu Ran looked at her who was licking the ice cream, and her mouth grew in surprise, "Why don't you skip breakfast?"

"No, I am eating." As she said, Sirona handed the ice cream in her hand to Lu Ran, "Do you want it?"

"..." Lu Ran didn't speak, and grabbed the ice cream from her hand, then turned to look at Zhou Nan, "Take out the buns."

"Oh." Zhou Nan didn't dare to disobey, turned around and asked Zhou Jiang to take out the buns from his backpack.

These steamed buns were originally intended to be eaten at noon, but there was no way, Sirona was eating ice cream without breakfast, even he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful, it's useless to pretend to be pitiful!" Lu Ran took the bun that Zhou Jiang handed over and handed it to Xirona, looking at her helplessly, "I didn't expect you to be like this now, as before. I just like ice cream, I didn't expect to eat it for breakfast now!"

Seeing that she still wanted to continue eating ice cream, Lu Ran threatened, "If you continue to do this, I will tell your grandma, and it will be up to you what to do!"

"Well, okay..." Sirona looked at the ice cream reluctantly, and took the bun, "Can I eat ice cream after the bun?"

"No!" Lu Ran shook his head and handed the ice cream to another hand farther away from Xirona. "With me, you don't want to eat ice cream these few days~www.wuxiaspot.com~I want Correct your bad habits!"

"Um..." Although Sirona was reluctant, under the threat of Lu Ran's eyes, Sirona could only choose to compromise. After all, if her grandma knew that she would eat ice cream without breakfast, she would not be able to come out alone in the future. , She didn't want this.

But here is a compromise but I can’t eat ice cream every day. This is impossible, even if I tell my grandma!

Sirona looked into her eyes and said, "I can't stop ice cream every day."

Lu Ran also knew about her unchangeable hobby, and nodded, "One per day, I need to agree to eat it."

"Yeah." Sirona nodded.

Seeing her consent, Lu Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

She also didn't expect that her good playmates would be so crazy, such a big person, that they would even do ice cream for breakfast.

Although she understands her a little bit, she has been in the wild for a long time, and she hasn’t eaten her favorite ice cream. After returning, she must have a crazy meal, but it’s absolutely not allowed to eat as a meal... !

Eating cold food on an empty stomach can easily cause damage to the stomach and then get stomach problems. Although she has exercise and is not weak, this is not the reason for her indulgence! After Hirona arrived, Zhou Jiang stood a little behind, turning Lu Ran and Hirona in the center of the team. He didn't care much about these. He still liked watching the "small theater" of the two. It feels very interesting.

Although this Sirona may not necessarily be the one in the animation, but the look and hobbies are very similar, which makes Zhou Jiang feel very interesting. After all, in his impression, the champion Sirona has always been the image of the domineering royal sister. , And such a "weakness" image reprimanded by Lu Ran is really fresh and cute.

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