The rules they know that when they arrive, the helicopter will continuously hover over the island, and they need to jump off the parachute from here, and then start the competition.

The helicopter will continue to fly back and forth within the range of the island, and you can jump wherever you want. If you want to jump, you can jump off. The pilot does not interfere. He will only leave after the jump.

Of course, you can't stop jumping. If you haven't jumped for ten minutes, don't jump. You can go back with the pilot and participate in some league competition.

The door at the tail of the helicopter was opened, and a strong air current poured in.

"The hatch is open. You have ten minutes to stay. If you don't go down, it will be regarded as abstention!"

The photographer and the host continued to work, and the host still pulled an umbrella bag on the side and looked at the person who was sitting closest to him.

The man understood in seconds, and then took it over and put it on his back, while the host was holding the microphone and introducing the camera, Zhou Jiang secretly smacked, this is a live broadcast!

They didn't know if Zhou Nan could see him.

They didn't know how to play the live video of this knockout match. Whether to switch between the main popular players, or to see if there was a fight, if you fight, you have to watch it for a few minutes before switching.

But he didn't think about it, he was just curious. Whether they can see it or not, it doesn't matter to him now, and it doesn't mean that his strength will increase if they can see him.

After the first person carried the umbrella bag, the host went over to help him check it. He should have this role. One is for interviews and the other is for checking the umbrella bag.

After all, not everyone has flying elves. What if no one is helping and the umbrella bag cannot be carried.

"Okay, you can go jump, next one!" As he said, he looked at the other one who was close to him.

Zhou Jiang looked at the first person who had put the umbrella bag on his back, and the camera brother also pointed the camera at him.

The man with the hedgehog head didn't hesitate, and he jumped directly behind him.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang was a little surprised, so decisive? In fact, the most important thing is that he is still a little afraid of heights, and he feels that others can jump without pressure...

But soon he was not surprised, because he started to worry, what if it was his turn...

He was sitting in a relatively middle position, watching the trainers in front just jump and jump like this, his psychological pressure was a bit heavy...

Finally it was his turn. After putting on his backpack and checking, Zhou Jiang slowly walked towards the back.

The people in front all jumped down without hesitation. To be honest, he was really under pressure. After all, the people in front were like this. If he didn't, he would basically be laughed at after the broadcast.

No way, in order to be like others, he could only close his eyes when he walked to the back, ready to skip ahead regardless.

However, when he walked over there, he suddenly became unstable and he was sucked out!

Zhou Jiang was almost frightened, but fortunately he reacted and quickly grabbed the strap of the umbrella bag with his hand.

Without the goggles, Zhou Jiang in free fall could not even open his eyes, and he almost had difficulty breathing.

To be on the safe side, Zhou Jiang opened the parachute and then threw Bibi Bird's poke ball.

When they jump down, even if they start the game, there is no problem with using elves, and there is no stipulation that they cannot be used before entering the stadium...

Anyway, the camera was not hitting him, so he didn't worry about anything.

With a parachute, he slowly floated downwards. In order to avoid being blown too far by the wind, he let Bibi Bird hold him and fly towards a place.

To be honest, it was mainly because the helicopter flew a little high, otherwise he would directly let Bibi Bird take it.

Although his Bibi Bird is not a Bibi, but it’s okay to take him, but he hasn’t tried it in a place that is too high, so he dare not. It’s so high. It’s better to have a parachute...

With a parachute as a buffer, the descent speed is not so fast, he can finally see the situation below.

Of course, it's okay to see it clearly, you can't see anything on it anyway.

This island is an island full of woods. The middle position is full of forests. There is no useful information from above. As for the trainer who jumped down in front, he can no longer see them, only see There are white parachutes in the woods.

But it's useless to see these. One is that everyone is far away, and the other is that this is a brand-finding game. Even if you remember now and find someone in the past, can you find it? Are you sure the one you found got the sign? Although you didn’t get the sign, you can tell from the opposite three-in-one magnet, but if you can find the person, it means that he has not gone far. In this case, unless there is a sign there, you can find it. That person is also useless.

And why do you use a machine that can see the location of the brand? Isn’t it just for you to get it yourself? Instead of looking for someone with no brains, you might as well move towards the place where the sign is. Can't beat it yet?

Zhou Jiang landed slowly under the pull of Bibi Niao, without being blown anywhere by the wind.

Suddenly, he saw umbrella blossoms bursting underneath. It turned out that people from other helicopters also came down.

He should be the first one to come down in this batch, so he hadn't seen anyone down there before, maybe he hadn't seen it at a distance, but now the new parachutes were all above him before.

He opened the umbrella early, and the speed of the fall was naturally slow, and those who did not open directly surpassed him.

But Zhou Jiang didn't care about it anymore. What he cared about was whether anyone above jumped in the same place as him.

Although he is not afraid of anyone, he still likes to be alone in one place.

There was a parachute over his head, and he couldn't see it either. Bibi Bird was under the umbrella like him, of course. Zhou Jiang didn't let it go out to have a look. It didn't make sense. Why did the strong run away? Although I don't like it, but I don't bother to move...

Instead of seeing if anyone is there and then changing positions, it's better to see who happily meets him...

Although being together does not necessarily mean fighting, but the possibility of fighting will greatly increase, after all, who knows that there is no sign next to it.

The closer you are to the ground, the more dense the woods can be felt. If this goes on, he will hang on the tree, Zhou Jiang released Shanaido and let her put herself down.

It was close to the ground, even if Xanadu was released, no one would see it, so he could be bolder.

After landing successfully, Zhou Jiang first looked at the top of his head, and he was relieved to find that no one was with him. He released the ghost stone to hide it, and then took back Shanaido before releasing the three-in-one magnetic monster.

The "photographer" of the three-in-one Magneto will not be released. It will be checked later. Anyway, he has nothing more than the secret of Ghost Stone, and now Ghost Stone is released, and The contestants here can't see the pictures taken by the three-in-one magnetic monster, so the three-in-one magnetic monster is the same in the morning and evening. Anyway, it's the same. It's better to release it earlier.

After Zhou Jiang released the three-in-one magnetic monster, he ignored it. Anyway, he was just a "photographer".

He took out the machine that could see the score card, which looked like a mobile phone, and opened it. As expected, there was nothing on the screen.

Now the game is not officially started, because other people are still parachuting, and the machine will not show until all of them are down, otherwise the people who jumped later will lose out.

Although you can't use this machine to find it now, but if the brand is by your side, you can also pick it up and run. It's just the instrument that didn't start. The brand can still be picked up, of course, provided that you can pick it up... …

The forest is so big, there is a sign just after jumping down, how can there be such a coincidence, unless you step on **** luck.

However, Zhou Jiang was not so coincidental. He closed the parachute, put it into the backpack, released the big needle and the queen bee turned around, but found nothing.

At the same time, the twelve stadiums in the "Battle Island" are full of people. Today, more and more tourists come here to watch the games from various countries, and most of them are foreigners.

Of course, there are many people in Huaxia. After all, it is an alliance competition organized by Huaxia, and it is also the first alliance competition on Battle Island, so everyone is very interested in it. However, there are not many others in Huaxia, that is, there are too many people!

However, compared with "foreigners", Huaxia is not really good enough. After all, people from so many other countries in the world are also called "foreigners" except for China.

At this time, Zhou Nan and his group had a total of 18 people, all sitting in the auditorium of the main venue watching the picture displayed on the big screen.

Eighteen people? That's right, Shui Qingrou is also here, Zhao Feng is not here, he went to be a guest commentator...

"Hey hey Did you flash Zhou Jiang's lens just now? That was Zhou Jiang, right?!" Zhou Nan elbows Xu Feng who is sitting next to him. Said with some excitement.

"Okay, okay, don't get excited, this game hasn't started yet, what are you excited about now." Xu Feng was a little helpless, and it was really a headache to stand with such a friend.

At this time, the audience is full of noise. After all, the big stage, with so many people, even if everyone only makes a little noise, the sum is incalculable.

At this time, the game hadn't completely started, so the big screen just jumped quickly, suddenly showing the skydiving on the plane, and suddenly after landing, the trainer who released the three-in-one magnetic monster.

And even though the game hasn't started yet, cheering has already been heard from the audience...They don't care if the trainer they are supporting hears it. They just can't help but shout out in this atmosphere.

This is the charm of the league competition. Due to the slow development of the entertainment industry, the league competition is more popular than the previous Olympics!

It's just a knockout game, and it hasn't started yet, and the venues are full of enthusiasm. If the race starts, how can everyone's enthusiasm tear the day apart?

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

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