The four of Li Han, who were controlled by the shadow restraint technique, couldn't move at all. Bibi bird flew past and snatched the score card directly from Li Han's hand.

Although this shadow restraint technique was changed by the system, it could only hold the opponent and not allow the opponent and the elf to do the same actions, but it was also very powerful.

However, even though the body was frozen, Li Han and the others could still move their mouths. Of course, their expressions could also change.

After discovering that a few of him had hit the move and the score card had been stolen, Li Han almost exploded and yelled at Zhou Jiang who was running towards this side. Even if he is a "playboy" himself, it is common to abuse his mother.

Zhou Jiang didn't care about Li Han's abuse. When he passed by and couldn't move him, he made a smile at him, "Thank you for your generosity~"

"Slot!" Li Han really wanted to give him a middle finger, but he stopped talking about the finger, and the little brother couldn't move. Zhou Jiang ran very fast and was about to run far. The others, Chen Ming and the big guys who suddenly appeared, reacted.

"Slot! Chase!" Looking at the back of Zhou Jiang, who had obtained the score card from Bibi Niao, the bald Wu Ke was a little surprised, but soon became angry.

Before they met Zhou Jiang and the others, they had actually met someone else robbing the score card. Of course, it was different from now. At that time, they had already surrounded them. After the "San Tai Bao" stepped forward, no matter how unwilling those people were, they could only hand over their points cards obediently.

But unexpectedly, they ate it the second time...

Although they didn't surround them, but they dare to run? This is too bad for me, right? The more he thought about it, the more angry Wu Ke was, and he threw out five pokeballs.

As for the remaining elf, he left insurance? Naturally not, the elf had been released by him before, and it was it that attacked the big needle bees, the armored bird!

The armor bird had already caught up when the bald Wu Ke shouted out, but unfortunately, although it was an elf, its speed was much faster than Zhou Jiang, but the big needle bee was still blocking it.

The strength of this armored bird is good. The hidden nature of the shattered armor makes its body very light, which is much faster than the average armored bird.

Moreover, the well-bred spirits are naturally larger than the average normal size. This armored bird is no exception, it is a full circle larger than the average armored bird!

In terms of strength, there are also elite high-level strengths in terms of level. No wonder that he can be the leader of this "Thirteen Taibao", how can he do it without the ability.

But the elite high-end?

Haha, it's not enough to face the big needle bee!

Zhou Jiang's retreat was just to avoid being besieged by a group of people and being photographed by the camera of the three-in-one magnetic monster and then revealing his identity.

It is easy to stop the Big Needle Bee without killing it in seconds.

As soon as the armored bird flew up, the big needle bee used to slap it directly with a "slap", and then it was over, relaxed.

In the past, Big Needle Bee said that its power is not easy to control, but now, Big Needle Bee has perfect control of its own power.

Use as much as you want and use as little as you want, just shoot an elite high-level elf, it's easier than eating and drinking.

After shooting the armored bird flying, the Big Needle Bee continued to intercept. The five Poke Balls thrown by the bald Wu Ke exploded five elves. None of them could fly. The Big Needle Bee rushed up and shot one by one. The elves swept by the bee all flew out sideways, whether it was the big and powerful circle bear and the iron-clad tyrannosaurus, the speed and fighting elves, or other elves.

To be honest, being swept by a big needle bee is indeed very shocking.

The "brothers" behind the bald Wu Ke who had taken out the poke ball and wanted to intercept them were all persuaded at this time.

After all, they are just a temporary team. Zhou Jiang's Big Sting Bee will send the six elves of their strongest people to fly. How strong is this?

Anyway, it was only the captain who got on the ground, not their elves. They didn't have the idea of ​​"offending the captain is offending me." They even thought that if the captain got down, then they might even be in the position?

But although they didn’t want to go, Wu Ke, the bald head, obviously wouldn’t let them idle. He turned around and shouted at them, "What are you doing in a daze? He's just one person. We 13 of us can take him. Hell dead! Look at my elves. They didn’t get any injuries. His big needle bee just knocked them away while they didn’t pay attention. They didn’t have any attack power. You were caught by this little big needle bee. Fuck you? Come on!"

After being yelled at by the bald Wu Ke, those "little brothers" saw that none of the elves who were hit by the big needle bee were seriously injured. They were basically unscathed, just a few small crispy skins. Just hurt.

Maybe they really knocked them off while they were not paying attention, but the big needle bee is not strong?

Thinking about this, they also believed this point of view. After all, it is a big needle bee, one of the recognized weak chicken elves, even those guys who like insect elves, who want to justify their names will not choose big needles. Bee, and what about the strength of the bald Wu Ke?

They are all passers-by, and when they get together, they don’t agree with each other. The bald-headed Wu Ke can be the captain of the team. They all know his strength. If the big needle bee can crush his elves, all of a sudden Just knock it off and seriously hurt something, how strong is that?

Now the Big Needle Bee knocked his elves into the air, but they didn't get hurt. It must have used some kind of ingenuity or special skills. In fact, it was not strong at all!

After "want to understand", and seeing that the bald head Wu Ke had already rushed up, many of the boys looked at each other, yelling and throwing the poke ball, and then they rushed over, leaving Chen stunned. Ming and other five people.

Zhou Jiang ran ahead and saw a large group of them chasing up. There was no way but to throw Shanaido's Elf Ball.

It's so cheating, he thought that as long as Big Needle Bee showed his strength, they would be deterred. Sure enough, he underestimated the contestants of the league tournament, Zhou Jiang secretly thought.

Hearing the "Don't run~" voice coming from behind him, Zhou Jiang secretly spit out, actually someone shouted "Don't run" when chasing. Everyone is not a fool. How could it stop because of you? When I ran, I still shouted useless nonsense. If I have this strength, I might as well run harder, maybe I can catch up.

And most importantly, if you call me not to run, I won't run? Don't I lose face then?



An electric current of 100,000 volts blasted on the trunk in the distance in front of Zhou Jiang, and the big tree instantly fell and blocked Zhou Jiang's path. Unfortunately, Zhou Jiang's Xanadu had already been released.

Behind them, there were three elves, Big Needle Bee, Ghost Stone, and Bibi Bird. Although they were powerful, Zhou Jiang told them not to expose their strength too much, so they stopped seven or eight elves in total, which was already their limit. In the case of not revealing their strength, so many elves were stopped, they were directly crushed and beaten, basically they could only evade, and could not even fight back.

All the elves who had not been stopped by the big needle bees rushed over, and the first ones were a few flying eagles.

Bi Diao is too popular, not rare. It can be encountered in many places. It is not weak in strength, can fly, is handsome, has a docile personality, and is easy to tame. It is the gospel of civilian players!

Basically every trainer, as long as there is no special situation, will catch one.

However, Bi Diao seems to have various benefits, but its strength is a flaw. After everyone's level is up, it will be difficult to keep up. It is a type of rookie nanny, which can bring a novice trainer from the rookie period to the middle. Period, but in the later period, it will be difficult to continue to exert its combat power. Of course, it is not weak, but there are stronger spirits than it!

The only thing that can be seen is the speed of the flight. In the end, it is basically reduced to a detection tool or only the role of tracking people.

Seeing a few Bi Diao catching up, Zhou Jiang was not worried.

Xanadu can do everything well.

Originally, Big Needle Bee was Zhou Jiang’s last trump card, but now there is Shanaiduo...

The role of Big Needle Bee is really What Big Needle Bee can do, Xanadu can do, and what Xanadu can do, Big Needle Bee cannot do many things.

I saw Shanaiduo, who was flying towards the distance with Zhou Jiang and the three-in-one magnetic monster, glanced behind him slightly, and then a gleam of purple light flashed in his eyes, and several invisible shock waves flew towards Bibi Bird.

The levels of the Bibi birds were not given for nothing. Although they were invisible, they could still feel the sound of the wind and the surging of some air currents.

However, although it feels wrong, it is not so simple to avoid it, and they just subconsciously make evasive movements, but they are not prepared for defense, so their injuries are heavier than Shanaido expected. .

Among the five eagles, none of them escaped, and the best case was just wiping, and the rest almost ate this skill head-on.

Although Shanaido had retained his hands, the power of his skills was still high, and they were not prepared for defense, so they were all shot down. Even the eagle who just attacked and flew past was not spared! The five statues are like dumplings falling towards the ground one after another. That one is better than the statue with one wing wiped on it. Although it also falls toward the ground, the wings on the other side can still shoot. The other four The eagle took a head blow, and the whole elf was dizzy. In addition, the wings were also attacked. It was difficult to even flap, and it fell head down like a crashed airplane.

Although they had already woken up from the vertigo before they fell to the ground, their wings were not good, and it was useless to wake up, and even the one with the lighter injury had already started to flutter before. Still falling towards the ground, what they can do with the newly regained Bi Diao.

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