"Really, that's a shame."


   "It's okay. If you want to stay here longer next time, please call me."

   "Well, thank you."

   "Well, then I won't bother you, next time we talk."

   "Beep toot~" Hearing the blind tone coming from the phone, Zhou Jiang sighed habitually, then put the phone back in his pocket and walked towards Zhou Nan and the others.

   "Done?" Zhou Nan asked when Zhou Jiang was back.

   "Well, it's over." Zhou Jiang nodded, patted his shoulder, and shouted: "I'm gone, I'm going to eat, there are activities waiting after dinner, time is still a bit tight."

   After exiting the Arizona Mall, they walked towards the noodle restaurant they had found before they came.

   This noodle restaurant is not opened by people of M country, but by people of R country.

   In Asia, if the food is the oldest one in China, then country R is the second child. Although it is far from the old one, China has its own characteristics.

   This noodle restaurant specializes in beef noodles. Although it is just opened, it is also a famous restaurant in the eighth district and it is close enough to the Arizona shopping center, so they chose this place.

At this time, it was already more than 11:40 noon. Only Zhou Jiang played two rounds. Zhou Nan and the three of them only played one round. The last one was played by Zhou Jiang in the second round. It was already 11:20 after that, and when he finished playing, Lu Ran and the others had come out of the "audience stand" and were waiting outside.

   Well, it is worth mentioning that among the four of them, Zhou Jiang and Tian Zhengjie won the game, and Zhou Nan and Zhou Jia undoubtedly lost.

  Zhou Nan needless to say, Xiao Caiji, although he can squeeze into the top position among his peers, he still doesn't look at it enough to face those old fritters who graduated to become formal trainers, and he didn't plan to win at the beginning.

   What about Zhou Jia?

   She is just better than Zhou Nan. Xu Feng's words, I am afraid that they may not be able to beat them. Of course, the premise is that Xu Feng sacrifices his Kirby beast, otherwise Xu Feng can't beat her.

   The apprentice of the water system Tian Wang Shui Gentle personally trained, how could it be bad?

   Really, when someone is looking for an apprentice, is it just to find a pleasing one?

   At their level, whoever is not rushing to be their apprentice is pleasing to the eye, and talent is the most important thing.

   With talent, plus the gentle resources of water, there will be ghosts if it is not great.

Zhou Nan and their elves occasionally eat the energy cubes from Zhoujiang, Zhou Jia has been eating them all the time. Although the quality is not necessarily high, most of them are elementary energy cubes, but the intermediate ones do not eat less. of.

In the early stage, the apprentices used the master’s. All the money for cultivating these items was paid by the gentle water. After all, Zhou Jia has not grown up yet. If she is required to pay, her elves can only eat cheap elves food. Up.

   But even so, Zhou Jia couldn't be stronger.

   In the final analysis, there is less training time. After all, it is a trainer who just debuted.

  If the disciple of the king of heaven can beat those old fried dough sticks that have traveled for many years in less than a year, that's so special, everyone should stop traveling, everyone should go and find a master.

   Even if you can't find a master of the rank of Heavenly King, the lower ones will not be too bad.

   So there is nothing unexpected, Zhou Jia lost, so she was "autistic" again...



   After eating, everyone walked towards the second station.

   The first stop is the Arizona Mall to play the game, the second stop is not related to the game, but although it is not related to the game, it is still related to the elves.

   They plan to go to the "Museum" of "Abby" which is open to the public.

According to the official introduction of "Abile", the "Abile" pavilion displays the fossils and research materials of ancient elves that have been discovered so far. Of course, if this is the case, it would not be enough to attract them. The most important thing is Yes, there is also a small "zoo"!

   In the "zoo", there are ancient elves and plants resurrected by machines. They are open for visits two days a week, and today happens to be the opening day.

   Nowadays they see more elves, but there are fewer ancient ones.

   Although there are fossil resurrection machines, there are still very few ancient elves resurrected. One is that the resurrection is expensive, and the other is that there are not many fossils that can be resurrected.

   Not just a single fossil can be resurrected.

   just had a full meal, so they didn't choose to take the car, but planned to go there on foot. The distance is not far, so there is no need to worry about wasting too much time walking.

   And walking is also good, one is to digest food, and the other is to be able to fully experience the culture and atmosphere of this city, this country.

   But unfortunately, if you experience the atmosphere of Country M, don't think about it. There are few pedestrians on the street, and most of them are travelers with backpacks like them.

   I can only say, "Battle Island" hasn't been opened yet, and few people have come to settle down.

   I can't find even a M countryman, and I have a woolen experience.

  Although they were walking in a relatively shady place, the weather is hot outside, no matter how shady it is, it can only be considered better. It will still make people sweat profusely over time.

   Especially for people who are prone to sweating, this is simply suffering. No, after walking for more than ten minutes, two-thirds of the road, Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan will not work.

   These two guys are quite tolerable when they are in the wild. Although most of the time in the wild, they are in the forest, but many times they walk in the sun.

  Obviously they all endured it back then, but now it doesn’t work.

   These two fat guys, in their words, suckling pigs are not roasted like this.

   Helpless, there is a park next to them, they can only go in and take a rest.

   Although I complained about Zhou Nan and the two of them, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after they really went into the small pavilion to rest. In a hot day, everyone's physique does not mean that they will not be hot, but their tolerance is high.

   Sitting in this small pavilion built by a pergola to relax and enjoy the cool, the cool breeze blows and takes away the high temperature from the body, not to mention more comfortable.

   Boom! !

   But it didn't make them comfortable for long, as a deafening explosion sounded, the ground vibrated violently.


"what happened?!"



   The earthquake came fast and went fast. The people sitting on the wicker chair, or holding the pillar on the side, or holding the back of the chair, looked suspiciously at the side where the explosion sounded.

   Of course, this is the city. There are tall buildings everywhere, and the distance is blocked by the steel forest. How can they see anything.

   After looking for a while, there was no follow-up movement from there, and everyone was relieved.

   But the people who looked at each other were still a little curious, what happened over there?

   Is this a gas explosion? Or do you mean elves fight?

   But there shouldn't be such a big movement in the elf battle, right? Even they can feel the earthquake here.

   Curiosity is something everyone has, especially girls.

   If there is only one girl, then most of them will be quiet. If there are two, it will be a little bit lively, but it will not be too noisy. If three or more girls get together, that would be terrible. There are three girls in a drama, and they can talk endlessly if they can twitter.

   It is impossible for Jiang Shui and others to be quiet for such a big movement. There are two outgoing girls, and five girls have a great chat.

The girls’ side is lively, the boys’ side is not bad, Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan can talk a lot, all kinds of guesses, come casually, and Lu Ran, Tian Zhengjie and others interrupted from time to time. In the meantime, everyone's attention is still on this topic.

   But I was so excited to say that they listed the possibilities and hypotheses one by one, but they didn't want to go over and see what happened.

   It’s been hot for a long time, and it’s really comfortable to sit here with the wind blowing.

   A gust of wind blows, and the sweat sticking to the clothes evaporates with the wind. The refreshing feeling can't be described in words. If it weren't for going to the "museum", they would want to sit here all afternoon.

   After all, just sitting and chatting like this is also a good experience.


   "Finally here!" Zhou Jiang wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, a little excited.

   Looking at the building in the distance, everyone took a long breath.

   is finally here!

   Although it was only one-third of the way from the pavilion to here, they felt more tired than the two-thirds they had walked before.

   But it’s good now, finally here, there is air-conditioning inside.

   "Walk, go in, I'm going to die of heat." Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan trot in front, beckoning everyone to enter quickly.

Naturally, Zhou Jiang and the others didn’t want to stay outside. They also trot with them. Even Zhou Wenbin and other adults, who had always been prudent, also trot with them. As long as they enter the front glass door, they will be air-conditioned. Who wants to be outside? Stay more...

   Anyway, there are no people here right now. Just run away. Get in early but you can enjoy the cold sooner.

   "Hello, do you need towels and water?"


Before everyone who ran into the Abery Hall had time to catch their breath, they spotted the waiter girl with a mop in front, who looked over with a smile, wearing the same black uniform as the front desk girl sitting behind the counter inside. .

   "If possible, please give us a glass of water, thank you." Finally, Lu Ran responded quickly and smiled at her.

   "Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter smiled and responded, and walked inside with the mop.

Although many people in Zhou Jiang can't speak English and don't understand what they are saying, it doesn't matter if they don't understand. Isn't there a "big beam" there, just follow Lu Ran and the others to act, talk, negotiate, etc. , It's OK to leave it to them.

"Let's go, ask her for a glass of water, let's buy a ticket first." Lu Ran explained a few words to Zhou Jiang and the others in Chinese, and then took the lead to walk forward. Zhou Jiang and the others nodded, quickly Keep up.

   said a few words to the lady who was sitting at the front desk, and then Lu Ran started to pay.

   Of course, she didn't pay the money alone, and everyone had handed it to Lu Ran together before.

   took the small ticket handed over by the lady at the front desk, and the young lady who had left before came out with 17 disposable paper cups.


   don't need to be polite. After each took a cup, they thanked her, drank the water and threw the paper cup into the trash can, and everyone "killed" them vigorously.

   The opening hours of the "Zoo" are from two to five o'clock in the afternoon. It is only about 12:40, which is almost fifty. It's still early.

   So they wandered around in the "museum".

Inside the long glass covers, there are fossils that can clearly see the original skeleton. On the side are the color photos of the resurrection and several display boards, which are written in the languages ​​of the seven countries. An introduction to these wizards.

   Not only looks and habits, but also the attributes and characteristics of the elves, as well as things that the trainer is interested in are recorded.

Ammonites, Spiny Ammonites, Fossil Helmet, Scythe Helmet, Fossil Pterodactyl, Ancient Airacanthopanax, Tentacle Lily, Cradle Lily, Primordial Feather, Primordial Armor, Dracula Dragon, Warmaul Dragon, Dunjialong The city dragon, the original cover turtle, the rib turtle, the ancestor bird, and the ancestor bird.

   There are only ten types of fossil elves currently recognized, and only eighteen types including evolutionary forms.

   If you only put one of each type, then you can read it all at once. How can you keep the residents? So here are all distinguished. For example, ammonites and spiny ammonites are considered to be a zone, and in this area there are more than ten or twenty various ammonites and spiny ammonites. Fossils of beasts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ other areas are similar, each kind of elven fossil is not a single piece.

   These fossils are still very interesting to Zhou Nan and others who "have never seen the world", but to Zhou Jiang, they seem boring.

   If he is looking at the fossils of Tyrannosaurus and Pterosaurs, he is still very interested, after all, he doesn't know much about them. But he didn't have much interest in these "fossil elves" fossils. After all, he knew the information of these elves in his previous life, and he couldn't be as fresh as them.

   If there are living elves in front of you, then there is still some interest. If you face fossils, then forget it...

   But since I chose to come with them, and also spent money to buy tickets, how can Zhou Jiang say he can’t do it alone and play on his mobile phone, right?

   So he "makes fun in hardship", read the text materials that Zhou Nan and the others are too lazy to read a few times, then compare the knowledge he knows, and then despise these "indigenous" people.

   Not to mention, although it is a bit mean and self-deceiving, it can really pass the time by doing so, and it will not make yourself too bored, nor will it be too boring to attract Zhou Nan and the others' attention.

   There are still many people in this "museum" who are looking at fossils. People from the East and the West are there. Even the black Zhou Jiang has seen one or two.

   As there are a lot of people, Zhou Nan and the others are a bit excited, but the discussion is not too loud.

   In this way, they started from the ammonite area at the door and went to the area of ​​the original cover turtle near the end. At this time, the broadcast announcing the opening of the "zoo" also sounded at the right time.


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