Originally, I didn’t stop at this station, and if I stopped at the other stations separately, the success rate was not low. Although there may be accidents, it is impossible for anything to stop me 100%, right? At least in that case, his responsibility is not so great, after all, so many stations have not stopped.

And now if something goes wrong, it is all his responsibility, because he "made his own way" and didn't tell everyone that there was a guarantee for the next stop...

It turned out to be all right, everyone tried their best, and the road was broken...

If John had said in advance that there was a way out, then they would not be like this. This is good, they cut off the back, and came directly to the ruins~

After the unknown squad leader of the "rope group" roared, John, who was praying to God his old man, was suddenly scared to death.

I looked over there suddenly and found that several vines had been broken, but after all, the number of broken vines was a small number, and most of them were because the vines were not long enough, so they were directly removed from the hands of the elf!

As long as one of the two vines is released, the other end will be useless.

Although the elves of the group with broken vines will go to the group where the other vines are okay, holding the waist of the elves and continue to exert force, but that can only last for a while.

It can be said that if the power system is not destroyed, this line of defense will be over.

The rails have also been broken. Once the speed of the train is restored, the only thing waiting for it to end is to roll over...

"Fuck..." I don't know whether to scold the people in the car or the trainers. John's mouth trembled, and he suddenly said such a sentence. Another staff member and reporter who were nervous on the side looked sideways.

However, John didn't care about the others at this time, he just wanted to vent his hatred and fear fiercely. Once the rescue is not completed, no matter how good his current image is, it will be useless. If you lose money, you will have to lose bankruptcy. This is still light. Sit down and understand!

Stomping his feet violently, John rushed forward, yelling at the train that was constantly sliding forward. He naturally dare not scold these elves and trainers. Now he still depends on them. Although there is almost no possibility of them going on strike, he dare not bet at all now...

It was because of "gambling" that he ruined his back...

But you can't scold the elves and the trainers, but the people in the car can still scold them.

One is that the people inside are really slow. Logically speaking, the people inside should be able to destroy the power system in these twenty-odd seconds. After all, he called before and told the people in the car. The people in the car also said that they would find a trainer to stop there, as long as they start intercepting outside, they will directly destroy the power system.

But now, the elves outside are almost unable to hold on, and there is no sign that the speed of the car has dropped at all!

The people in it don’t eat dry rice?

It's so fucking!

It's like we are the one being rescued. We worked so hard in the rescue, but the rescued person got off the chain. It was really funny!

But no matter how angry he was, John was still scared in his heart. After all, something happened and he would be finished.

Not only was John afraid, everyone at this time was also very nervous.

However, they couldn't help at all, so they could only stand by and shout cheering, let the elves work harder...

"Grass! It's not good! Are the people inside eating shit? A power system hasn't been destroyed for nearly twenty seconds!" A familiar curse came from behind. Zhou Jiang looked back and found that it was a comb In the middle, the man with big round glasses couldn't help but began to scold his mother.

Listening to the familiar Chinese, Zhou Jiang, who had been nervous all the time, also relaxed slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, surrounded by other foreigners screaming, Zhou Jiang was still inexplicably moved when he heard a familiar Chinese sentence.

It was as if a person who had been away for many years met a fellow from the same village, and his eyes were about to cry.

But moved back and forth moved, Zhou Jiang also had to start thinking about whether to let Shanaido Mega evolve.

This is obviously an unstoppable situation.

Although no one translates them, Zhou Jiang knows from their appearance that they must be scolding the people in the car, and the task of the people in the car is only to destroy the power system. They did not separate before they started. At that time Lu Ran had already translated it.

And now it looks like something is obviously wrong with the people inside, otherwise, the train would have slowed down.

Although it won't stop all at once, the speed will also be greatly reduced. As it is now, the elves are almost unable to stretch anymore and have not seen any slowdown in the train.

Regarding the behavior of the people inside, even he wanted to scold his mother and vented fiercely.


Another sound of broken cane came, amidst the screams of trainers, cheering, the screaming of the elves, and the noise of the train rubbing on the ground after losing its track. The sound of the rattan breaking off is really not loud, and it can't even be unique, but at this time, everyone can hear it clearly.

This sound seemed to be a curse, and it penetrated into everyone's hearts directly, making everyone out of breath.

"Fuck! Did the person inside die on the woman's belly? Why is it still not good! You call to ask what's going on inside! If this goes on, it will be over!" The big nosed foreigner was red. The neck, grabbing John's collar standing on the side, shouted.

"Uh... first... sir, calm down, calm down!" John, who had just cursed, was too late to exhale, he was half-lifted by a foreigner with a big nose while carrying the collar, only he who could touch the ground quickly responded He was soothed, and he was frightened and slammed down with a fist...

Seeing this, the trainer next to him quickly grabbed him and signaled him to calm down. Although they all understood his feelings, understanding should belong to understanding, and those who should be restrained should be restrained.

After all, even if you are angry, beating him doesn't change anything, does it?

If you really beat him to stop the car, I believe no one in the room will refuse, but the reality is that doing so won't solve any problems, right?

Even if the problem cannot be solved and the person with the problem needs to be solved, then it is not looking for him...



The passengers inside the train can clearly feel what happened outside the train.

Whether it was the initial interception or the current scolding, they could hear and see.

There is no way for them to scold, and even many irritable foreigners also scolded.

Of course, it's not to scold them back. After all, people outside are here to save them. They don't dare to offend them, and they didn't scold them, did they?

What they scolded was the trainer who had "voluntarily volunteered" to stand up and said he was going to destroy the power system.

This is indeed a simple task. With the speed of the train greatly reduced, as long as the spirit is released and the power system is destroyed, the trainers outside the train will solve the safety problem.

The power system does not have any special defenses, and there is no special metal deck outside. As long as it is an elf that has been trained for a period of time, it can easily complete this task. It can be described as easy. .

But now?

It's such an easy task, so it's actually messed up!

Ordinary passengers on the train were complaining and yelling, so they slightly forgot the fear of death.

The trainers are different, most of them are silent.

After all, unlike ordinary people, ordinary people have no choice, but their trainers can choose.

At first, the conductor said in their carriage that a trainer was needed to destroy the power system. As a result, everyone was silent and none of them responded directly.

After being silent for a while, the trainer stood up and said that he was a trainer and could destroy the power system, so all the trainers were relieved, and a few almost stood up and said that they could go. Feel relieved to go back.

It is dangerous to destroy the power system.

Although it is enough to bring the elves over, it is not a wise choice to stand up and go to the place where the power system is located when this kind of train may have a big shock at any time.

After a big shock, if you don't grasp it firmly, you will definitely fall to death. Knocking your head and bleeding or anything is considered good, so many trainers are hesitant.

At this time, if they are either sitting in a position and holding the back of the chair tightly, or holding the iron pillar, it can be said that as long as the car does not roll over, it is very safe, and once they choose to "work", That means giving up this safe environment and putting yourself in danger.

As long as you are an individual, you will hesitate about this. There is nothing to say. Anyone has only one life. Isn't it normal to hesitate when in danger?

The only difference is that some people choose to stand up after hesitating, while some people just expect others to stand up.

But these two kinds of people are okay. After all, they are all trainers, and they are the most likely to stand up. As long as their brains are normal and the three views are correct, they won’t complain about why others can’t handle such small things at this time. Okay, because they can do it too, but if they are afraid and hesitate, if others dare to stand up earlier than them, they are not qualified to say anything.

But those trainers can't scold, it doesn't mean that ordinary people can't. They don't have elves, and they didn't think about the consequences if they stepped up to destroy the power system at the beginning. They only knew that the elves are very powerful partners. With them, wouldn't it be easy to destroy a power system without defense?

Yes, it is simple for the wizard to destroy the power system, but how about the safety of his trainer from here?

The people in their carriages held the pillars tightly and did not let go, but he still had to carefully grasp the solid objects and touch them in this bumpy environment. Who knew the potential danger?

Or know who cares?

They only knew that the trainer who stood up failed to complete this "simple task", which caused them to be in danger again.

So they scolded them, not at all aware of being ordinary people, or ordinary people who are in need of being saved.

Compared with the noisy car, the battery compartment at the back is very quiet.

The subway in this world is different from the previous life. The subway in the previous life is basically six cars, and the subway in this world ranges from 16 to 20!

There are so many more cars, so the power is naturally different from the previous life.

Although they all used electricity, they were basically powered by the third electric rail or overhead cables in the previous life, that is, external power supply.

In this world, black technology is developed, and high-energy batteries have long been developed. There is no need to take electricity from the outside, and it is enough to install energy batteries directly inside the train.

If you want to drive this nearly twenty cars, then the energy battery is definitely not small, so except for the two cars at the beginning and the end and the twelve to sixteen cars in the middle, the remaining two cars are dedicated There are two compartments for storing energy batteries ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Two compartments, one behind the other, storing black technology batteries.

The batteries in these two cars can go back and forth when they are fully charged, and even if it’s an accident, don’t worry if there is not enough power halfway. The subway itself is very stable, as long as it’s not being spoiled like this time. Attack, it will be fine even if the power is cut off, because before the power is completely out, the conductor will control the speed and slow down slowly, and if the train is not damaged, even if the speed is not slow down, it will not overturn .

Now it was because the speed of the car could not slow down after the elves attacked, the car body did not know how much it was damaged, and the probability of the car overturning was high, so I did not dare to risk directly destroying the power system in the car.

And there are creatures like elves in this world. Just find a trainer passenger and let his elves turn on electricity, and the train can run again.

If you drain an elf's power, there is no problem with the train running to the next stop.


At this moment, the two people who were originally in the "power room" who wanted to destroy the power system fell to the ground, unconscious.

Although this trainer stood up bravely, his elves were not strong, and he was not someone who subdued elves for the purpose of participating in competitions. He just liked elves and accepted them as friends. He has not trained at all. , Then his elves can imagine, consciousness or something, compared with the elves who are going to participate in the competition, they are far worse.

Although the elf was released, the owner knocked his head and fell down. The elf was immediately panicked. Where else is he thinking about destroying the power system, he lay directly on the owner’s chest and shook his head, hoping that he would hurry up. Wake up, as for the task of destroying the power system? I had long forgotten which corner it went to.

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