The 64-to-32 game will be defeated until tomorrow morning. After the game, there will be another day to make adjustments to give the badly injured elf time to recover.

   Fortunately, this place is novel, so tourists will not be bored.

   Although there is no other place in this "Battle Island" that can make people feel amazing at a glance, except for the robots, if you carefully observe and feel it, you can still feel the difference between here and the outside.

   Although there are not many breakthrough technologies, especially for civilian use, 70 to 80% of the things in it are ahead of the outside world.

   Even the bathtub in the dormitory is top-notch, leading outside technology for five or six years!

   Civilian technology, five or six years ahead, is already very good!

   Of course, this is Zhou Jiang's own feeling, but it is not guaranteed that there are also outside, but he has not experienced it...

   The game is over. Zhou Jiang recalled what Fu Nuo had said, but he didn't want to go to the audience to watch the game with Zhou Nan and the others.

   He thinks that he is a more emotional person, easily moved or fall into self-blame and contradictions.

   Fu Nuo's last words and the back that felt "old" gave him an inexplicable guilty conscience and guilt.

   Relying on the gold finger, the honor obtained by the elves' hard work, really, he deserves it.

   It's not that he doesn't know this problem, but he has been reluctant to think about it. After all, other people don't know that he "cheated".

  Escape is shameful, but it really works.

   Now that people say this, although it is not straightforward, but being so "stimulated", his heart is not at peace, and it is impossible to let it go again in a short time.

   After thinking about it, after sending a text message to Zhou Nan and the others, Zhou Jiang walked slowly towards the dormitory.

   On the other side, in the spectator stand, Zhou Nan turned off his mobile phone and shook his head at Xu Feng and others who were looking around, "No one answered."

   "No one answered?" Jiang Shui repeated in surprise, Zhou Nan nodded.

   "Perhaps it was muted, I didn't see it?" Wang Qingyan said.

   Xu Feng also nodded: "It should be, after all, just after the game, the phone should not have been transferred back."

   Zhou Nan nodded, sad, and asked in a tangled manner: "Then what should I do now?"

   What he meant was to ask Xu Feng and the others whether they were going to eat or to find Zhou Jiang.

   It was past 12 o’clock after Zhou Jiang’s game, and it’s already possible to have lunch. It’s just because he was in the game that the spectators endured it until now. Once the game was over, everyone naturally went for food.

   Originally they were the same. When Zhou Jiang came out to eat together, Zhou Jiang sent a text message saying that he was a little tired and wanted to go back to the dormitory...

   Now they are entangled, what about eating?

   Zhou Jiang must have not eaten, and what he said is tired and I don’t know what the situation is.


A few people look at me, I look at you, and they all can’t make up their minds. In the end, Dad Zhou Jiang spoke. He said, “Don’t worry about him, he is not a kid anymore, he won’t starve himself. When he is hungry, he will eat. Let's all eat first."

   Lu Ran nodded, and said, "I remember Zhou Jiang still had a lot of food in his backpack. It should be fine, but he may be a little tired. Go back and rest."

   Everyone nodded and stopped thinking about it. They got up and followed the other audience to go out for food.

   Just like they said, can someone as old as Zhou Jiang be hungry?

   It’s okay to travel alone in the forest, let alone in the city.


  Walking all the way back to the dormitory, Zhou Jiang never realized that it was noon now and it was time to eat. Lie down on the bed, Zhou Jiang was thinking about his "life events".

   A long time ago, when he first crossed over, he wanted to win a major league championship, because it seemed to be awesome, a proper honor. In his last life, he hadn't won any awards in the town, let alone the current national championship.


   He seems to have opened a plug-in now, and he has driven too much... Before the game is over, he already feels that the previous goal is meaningless.

   is like a college student going to a children’s sports meeting. Even if he wins the first place in all the awards, he is not happy!

   Well, I even feel a little embarrassed...

   Now it is his age that makes him feel that participating in the league competition is not "shameful".

   But now, the goal is meaningless, so what should he do?

   climb up? Where to climb? The league's incumbent king, champion?

   That's not okay... This is too troublesome, look at the gentle water, basically there is no vacation, why is it so exhausting? And according to her statement, although she sometimes participates in some actions against the Rockets, but more is on the way to correct documents and change defenses!

   After all, the strength of her job as the king of heaven, there is really too little space for her to use it. On the contrary, many things need their king champion to look at before they can execute, so the time to sit in the office is more.

   Want him to correct the documents? Forgive him... if you really want him to do this, he will hit the wall and run away the next day.

   And he still remembers that there might be big troubles later. If he goes to correct the documents, how will the points be credited and how will the wizard improve?

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang thought of Zhang Kui, and his eyes suddenly brightened, "Perhaps, I can officially take part in the action to wipe out the Rockets?"

He had only participated in two operations before, and it couldn't say how large-scale it was. It was all about destroying small and medium-sized bases. The Alliance and the Rockets would not care too much about this kind of small base, because the world has so much land. .....

Yes, as long as there are elves, just dig a hole to make a small base. There are at least hundreds of small bases removed by the Alliance every year, which is nothing at all.

   As for where the Rockets are so many people...

   It can only be said that in this world without the death penalty, the breeding of these evils is really too easy.

   Ordinary team members were caught. As long as the opponent has not participated in a large-scale event, they can basically leave immediately after paying a sum of money. The worst is only a few days or a month...

   With this kind of system, the Rockets’ outlying members are really a lot of people, endlessly fighting, endlessly knowing!

   Zhou Jiang doesn’t know why there is such a system...this is not in anime, this is reality, hello!

   But this is also good.

   There are more Rockets, then he can go and **** them and get "dungeons".

   Participate in the mission to wipe out the Rockets, and the points gained are not cheap!

   As long as he participates in the task of destroying those small bases, wouldn't the points be given for nothing?

   With his strength, as long as he doesn't die, and leaves the large army and goes deep behind the enemy, he will not encounter any danger at all.

The bonus point mechanism of this system is not the same as that of the game. After the level is high, playing the low level will reduce the income. It is all fixed. In other words, as long as Zhou Jiang participates in a wave of the Rockets base clearance, he will not only get Participating in the quest rewards for clearance and suppression, there is a large wave of points waiting for him!

  His elves are still very powerful in team battles, especially Shanaido, a land burst into the sky, how many elves on the opposite side will die, isn't the points the same as the white ones?

   The more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was very profitable to formally participate in the action to wipe out the Rockets. Zhou Jiang quickly got up and took out the cell phone in his pocket, ready to ask Mr. Hua and listen to his opinions.

   After the mobile phone screen turned on, Zhou Jiang found two missed calls from Zhou Nan?

   Looking at the time, good fellow, he called on his way back.

"I remember I mute it and didn't turn off the vibration..." Scratching his head, Zhou Jiang was a little helpless, so he could only put aside the question about Mr. Hua first. Compared with Zhou Nan and the others, it was more important. After all, Mr. Hua can ask at any time.

   Although he guessed that Zhou Nan's call is not an important matter, after all, if it is an important matter, he will not only call two if he doesn't answer.

   But Zhou Jiang returned the call to Zhou Nan, dialed the phone, and after the other side picked up, Zhou Jiang immediately asked: "What's the matter, the call is coming?"

   The other side of the phone is a bit noisy, and I don’t know if it’s an illusion. How do you feel the sound of cups colliding? Are they in the audience?

   Zhou Jiang is puzzled.

   Zhou Nan replied: "There is nothing wrong with the matter, just to ask you, why did you go back to the dormitory and stop eating?"

   Zhou Jiang still didn't react, and asked: "Fan? What f...fuck! Now...

At noon? ! "

   "???" Zhou Nan on the other end of the phone was so scared that Zhou Jiang called and almost couldn't hold the phone securely. Before he could complain, he heard the last half of Zhou Jiang's words.

   Okay, now he doesn't even care about Zhou Jiang's yelling, and said out of anger: "I said you were foolish in playing games? I don't even know when to eat!"

   "Huh?" Zhou Nan's words attracted the attention of Lu Ran and others next to him. Jiang Shui swallowed the food with a look of surprise: "He said he forgot?"

   Zhou Nan nodded lightly, looking helpless.

   Okay... The others are also helpless, they can forget even eating, this is awesome...

   Zhou Jiang received Zhou Nan’s "reminder", and he suddenly felt helpless. He felt that he was empty, and even felt a little uncomfortable. He really forgot that it was lunch time. When he came back along the way, he was absent-minded. In addition, there were no cars and few people here, so he could return to the dormitory so peacefully.

   Because he was thinking about things, his feelings about his stomach became dull, at least he hadn't felt so uncomfortable in his stomach before.

   But after Zhou Nan's reminder, he couldn't help it, his stomach seemed to be empty for three days, and he screamed...

   "Don't tell me, don't tell me, I'm going to eat too, shit, I'm starving to death!" Zhou Jiang said, laughing and crying.

"Yeah, hurry up and eat, you are really amazing, and you can eat..." Zhou Nan didn't finish talking, Zhou Jiang hung up the phone. He really feels too hungry now. Eat a cow...Since Zhou Nan has nothing to do with them, and they are only looking for him because of eating problems, he naturally hung up and went to eat.

   At this time, he couldn't wait to eat outside, so he took out from the storage ring and ate it.


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