Zhou Jiang kept staring at her as she walked past, as if she would look back at any time.

Around the sofa she was sitting on, Zhou Jiang went to sit down opposite her, and until Zhou Jiang sat down, she still did not look up at Zhou Jiang, as if Zhou Jiang did not exist.

This makes Zhou Jiang curious, ordinary people, no matter how bad they are, they will look back, right?

As a result, she just didn't even look at it, lowered her head to do her own...

After sitting down, Zhou Jiang looked over and found that she was not looking at the phone as he thought, but was holding a book.

Although the room was very quiet, the sound of her flipping through the book was still very soft, almost inaudible.

This is also true before Zhou Jiang suspected that she was looking at the phone. After all, the room was very quiet. He could even hear his own breathing. If he was reading a book, the sound of flipping through the book would usually be very obvious, but he did not listen. When I arrived, so I didn’t think about it. In the end, I didn’t expect someone to be "superior"...

Looking at Miss Joey, she still looked at the book blankly, but Zhou Jiang didn't even look at it.

Zhou Jiang shrugged, and then stopped looking at her.

Although it feels a little strange, why Miss Joey looks like this? After all, Miss Joey gave him a very warm and cheerful impression. This was the first time he saw this kind of cold type.

Although it is strange, Zhou Jiang will not inquire about it. After all, people can't be all that way. Who knows if Miss Joey's smile is a disguise?

Maybe their smiles are specially cultivated? This can't be said.

Tired of laughing in front of people, maybe relaxing in the lounge?

Zhou Jiang no longer paid attention to her, but carefully looked at the structure of the room. He was used to it. When he came to a place, he would take a look around after he had settled down.

One is curiosity, and the other is derived from a book he has read before. The name is forgotten. It seems to be from the rebirth of an assassin. Whenever the protagonist comes to a person’s house, he will subconsciously check the surroundings and "calculate" a way out, saying It is the ability to escape quickly when an accident happens...

So Zhou Jiang remembered that book.

He has also developed the habit of looking around when he gets to a place, but the purpose is not to find a way to escape, because no one in his previous life would want to harm a small person like him, so after spending a few times in his mind, he went to the back Just take a look...

After arriving in this world, although he is no longer a minor person, he never needs to find a way out anymore.

Because even if he finds it no matter what, it will be faster than Shanaiduo's teleportation?

And the strength of his elves is so powerful, if something really happens, it's not always certain who will run.

Inside the room, Zhou Jiang didn't even look at it, so a Miss Joey opened the door and walked in.

"I'm not tired." Miss Joey who came in stretched her hands above her head.

If Zhou Jiang didn't...

Looked at the incoming Miss Joey.

At this time, she also saw Zhou Jiang. After all, when she came to the lounge here, she must have come to sit on the sofa, and for such a big living person here, she was not blind, so naturally she would not look down. Arrived.

After discovering Zhou Jiang, Miss Joey who came in was taken aback for a moment. After the reaction came over, her pretty face blushed, and then the hands that stretched over her head and did stretching exercises quickly dropped.

With a dry cough, pretending that nothing happened, Miss Joey walked towards the sofa with some embarrassment.

When she got closer, the incoming Miss Joey paused, and then quickly walked over. As if she had only seen Zhou Jiang clearly, she came to Zhou Jiang, who was pretending to look inside the room and asked: "Huh! Mr. Zhou Jiang? Are you here to get things?"

"Huh?" Although Zhou Jiang pretended not to see Miss Joey and looked at other places to prevent embarrassment, it did not mean that he was going to pretend to be deaf and ignore her.

When she walked to the side, he naturally felt it, but he didn't care about it before. After all, if you want to sit in, you must go in from him or the opposite Miss Joey who has been reading silently.

No matter where she enters from, he will not be surprised. Entering from his side is afraid to disturb the quiet girl opposite, and from Miss Joey who is reading, he is afraid that walking from Zhou Jiang will be embarrassing.

To be honest, he felt that he had considered enough, but he did not expect that she would come to talk to him...

Well, everyone has come to speak up, can he pretend not to hear it?

Fortunately, I didn't really make a fool of myself before, otherwise I would really be embarrassed.

Pretending to hear her, she looked back at her, but before he could speak, Miss Joey sat down on the sofa next to him.

Although this is a three-seater sofa, because Zhou Jiang didn’t sit back [], she didn’t step back, so at this time the two of them were a little closer. Zhou Jiang could even smell a faint fragrance from her. Floating.

Although Zhou Jiang was a little uncomfortable, he didn't even blush. He didn't dare to look at her or something. He just felt a little uncomfortable and couldn't let go of his hands and feet.

But this problem is not big.

Turning to look at her, she found that she was looking at herself curiously at this time. Zhou Jiang gave a dry cough, and then said: "Well, I'm here to get things."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Jiang didn't wait for her to speak, but instead asked: "You know me? I'm sorry, you all look so alike, I really can't recognize..."

As he said, Zhou Jiang shrugged his shoulders slightly to signal his helplessness.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's normal. Except for Joey himself, even Miss Junsha can't tell them apart, let alone you." Miss Joey covered her mouth and smiled.

"But what you said about acquaintance is only that I know you. You must have never met me. As for how I knew you," Miss Joey said, still reading the book facing the other side, not being moved by the outside world. Young Joey...

Looking at it, a teasing smile appeared on his face.

Zhou Jiang subconsciously followed her gaze and found that the young Joey was still reading, as if the two of them did not exist at all.

However, Zhou Jiang's attention is not on this side. He has already "learned" her singularity, so he is no longer curious about it.

After watching it this time, Zhou Jiang noticed that the young Joey on the opposite side did not wear a work uniform!

He didn’t pay attention before. After all, in this environment, it’s hard for him to stare at other girls, especially when they didn’t come to talk to you. Now he looks upright, with Joe in uniform. Miss Yi, so she also noticed this.

Although Zhou Jiang is not very clear, if she guessed right, Miss Joey would not take off her uniform even if she was on a break...unless she was not working or she was late.

But before Zhou Jiang began to think carefully, he felt Miss Joey touch his arm with his elbow. Before he could look back at her, he felt her head stretched out, and Zhou Jiang was all over. stiff.

"How is it? Is Lian pretty?" Miss Joey leaned to Zhou Jiang's ear and asked quietly.

Some warm, humid heat sprayed on Zhou Jiang's eardrops, making Zhou Jiang itchy, just wanting to shiver.

Zhou Jiang is different from others. He is not used to others talking in his ears. Whether it is a male or a female, as long as the heat is sprayed in his ears, he wants to shiver...

Now that people are still around, Zhou Jiang can only endure the uncomfortable feeling in order not to appear strange.

Fortunately, what she said is very short, Zhou Jiang can also control herself, and she will not miss a part of it due to distraction.

After Ms. Joey had finished speaking, she withdrew her head, looking at Zhou Jiang with two big eyes smiling.

"Um..." Thinking back to what Miss Joey said, how could Zhou Jiang feel that something was wrong...

Although Miss Joey’s voice was very low, Zhou Jiang knew that in this quiet room, or not far away, the young Joey on the opposite side, that is, the lotus in Miss Joey’s mouth, must be able to hear. owned.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, it is impossible not to answer questions asked by others.

Zhou Jiang secretly glanced at Lian, who was still reading, and didn't mean to see it. He hesitated, nodded carefully, and said softly: "Pretty..."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang glanced carefully at the other party again, and he was relieved when he realized that he hadn't seen it.

Secretly discussing other people "in front of him", to be honest, he is really uncomfortable and embarrassed...

Hearing Zhou Jiang's answer, Joey's eyes lit up, patted his shoulder, and smiled: "Yes."

Zhou Jiang pushed his head to look at him, not crying or laughing, he could only nod and say yes.

What else can he say, Joey looks alike, can he still say that he is not beautiful?

Isn't this offending people... and it's not offending a person, this offending is...

It's all Joey...

He is still young and does not want to die young.

Zhou Jiang glanced at Miss Joey, and thought secretly about her intentions.

After all, for no reason, there is no reason to ask him this, right? Still ask the question whether a person is beautiful.

Zhou Jiang thought yy, maybe it was the Joey family who wanted to win me over, so let a Miss Joey marry me?

After all, it’s written like that, isn’t it? The protagonist is very awesome. After giving a big power some great benefits, the big power marries his beautiful daughter in the family to tie him up.

Maybe that Lian is going to marry me?


Zhou Jiang smiled wryly.

But although he was extremely yy in his heart, he would not lose his reason and lose his mind, but listening to Miss Joey while yy was really hard.

But fortunately, now she didn't ask Zhou Jiang any strange questions, just asked Zhou Jiang's preferences, future plans and other miscellaneous things, Zhou Jiang just casually perfunctory.

However, as she asked more and more vigorously, Zhou Jiang felt a little headache, and deeply doubted that it was her that Joey family "gives for nothing"?

After all, think about it, the personality of the opposite lotus is really suitable for marriage?

Like now, if you ignore people for a long time, why would you not be selected as the marriage partner?

Regardless of the fact that all the women who are married are unwilling, it is actually so miserable. When everything is normal for the man, those big families will not force someone to go unless they are gone. Call a young woman of the right age to talk to him and tell him the basic information so that they can come in contact. Whatever is suitable will be done, and what is not suitable will not be done.

Zhou Jiang realized that he had no bad hobbies. He was young and strong. With a bunch of black technology, he could be said to be sweet steamed buns, right?

If Joey’s family really wanted to tie him to their family’s chariot, wouldn’t they choose someone like the young Joey, Ren...

It's the possibility that Miss Joey next to him is very high.

Asking if Lian Piao is beautiful, the change direction is to ask her if she is beautiful. A preliminary test is to see if Zhou Jiang is interested in them. After the results are obtained, I will ask Zhou Jiang some basic information to see if it meets her "taste." some type of.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jiang just wanted to say, **** it!

This is so, the possibility seems really high...

Think about what Miss Joey said before, he doesn't know her, and she knows him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ why?

Because she was in the Joey family before, Zhou Jiang naturally didn't know her, and she could know Zhou Jiang, it was naturally the right age, and she was invited to marry, so she met Zhou Jiang through data!

And why does Zhou Jiang come to the lounge to rest when she comes?

If there are so many other Joeys, she will come alone?

And the Miss Joey who brought him in before said they were long...

Always ask Zhou Jiang for something, what is the matter, the elders of her Joey clan will ask him?

The cliff is like inside. It’s just to find an excuse to say that Joey has never seen the world at home, and ask him to take it out for travel.

Zhou Jiang felt that he might have discovered the truth.

Continuing to answer Miss Joey's questions perfunctorily, Zhou Jiang's eyes looked a little strange when she looked at her.

He was wondering what to do if Miss Joey had to marry him...

Although she is indeed very beautiful, although she does look very gentle, although the Joey family is really awesome, although...


If you think about it this way, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it...

Joey is notoriously gentle, and getting along with this kind of people shouldn't be bad... right?

I haven't known each other for too long! Sure enough, we still have to marry the love at first sight!

But if she doesn't marry me, and says something like "Mountain Wuling Tiandi dare to be with the king", isn't it impossible to consider it?

After all, I am not an unfeeling person, and there is a saying to say that it is better to marry the one who loves you than to marry the one who loves you.

Although he is marrying or not, doesn't this mean the same thing, it means that.

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