"Don't withdraw? Your lizard king can't hold it, right?" Dai Qianyi shouted with a smile.

"Oh? Isn't it that your duck-billed fire dragon can't hold it first?" Chen Fan replied.

After each of them yelled a word, they didn't speak any more, and continued to look at the fighting elves on the field, but they both held on to the guardrail.

Both elves had begun to gasp, and the result was about to come out.

Of course, it is the lizard king who wins, there is nothing to say, but the meaning of this battle is not to see who will eventually fall, but to see how much physical strength the duck-billed fire dragon can consume the lizard king!

Even if the duck-billed fire dragon restrained the lizard king, the gap in strength was a bit big.

Both of them belong to the top trainers of the same age, and the difference is not much worse.

Under the cultivation of the two elves, there is not much difference in their combat awareness. After that, it will depend on the strength gap between the two elves, as well as their luck and attributes.

Although the fire suppressed the grass, due to its fast speed, the lizard king basically never hit the duck-billed fire dragon's attack, and was struck twice by the flame fist. This injury was not a big problem for the lizard king.

As for the duck-billed fire dragon, it is a bit troublesome. Even if it moves in a small range, the speed of the lizard king is not that the duck-billed fire dragon can catch up. The lizard king has almost always been in a state of full eruption, surrounding the duck-billed fire dragon. Cut, the duck-billed fire dragon can't help the lizard king, even if it is a flame fist and a flame jet.

Now, there are more than ten wounds on the body of the duck-billed fire dragon! There are light and heavy ones. Although the damage of grass-based hitting it is reduced by half, it can't bear the wounds, and after some wounds are enlarged, it will cause a "bleeding" state, which not only makes it painful, but also difficult to smooth movements. , Physical strength will slowly be lost.

The current two elves can be said to be unable to hold them before anyone else.

The speed of the lizard king's explosive attack, of course, makes the duck-billed fire dragon unstoppable and frequently gets injured, but the speed of the lizard king's explosion cannot be sustained at this rate. If it is forced to open, its physical strength will be lost, and the surrounding high temperature will also affect it. There will be an impact, and it will slowly drain its physical strength. Under the double debuff, the lizard king will not feel good.

If the duck-billed fire dragon cannot withstand such a high-intensity attack and cannot keep up with the rhythm of the lizard king, it will be directly chopped off by the lizard king. If the lizard king cannot maintain the speed, slow down or break directly, then it will Seized by the duck-billed fire dragon, a bunch of flames pounced on and carried away.

"Okay! The leaf blade of the lizard king was stopped by the duck-billed fire dragon! The duck-billed fire dragon is using jet flames. Can the lizard king avoid this super close distance?!"

"God! I was interrupted! A flying kick of the lizard king interrupted the fire-jetting flame of the duck-billed fire dragon, and successfully pulled the caught leaf blade from the duck-billed fire dragon's hand! The lizard king rushed up, the duckbill How should the fire dragon respond?!"

"This is... the big character explosion! Does the lizard king want to hide? No! It rushed up! Look at the leaf blade in his hand, is the lizard king planning to chop the'big character explosion'? God! It's crazy! Duck! The flame of the fire-billed dragon has reached a temperature of at least a thousand degrees! The lizard king... is broken! It is shredded! The lizard king really cut the'big character explosion' and rushed up! How can the duck-billed fire dragon resist?"

"Oops! The duck-billed fire dragon is too late! I was kicked and couldn't stand still, and the hurried "big character explosion" did not make the lizard king retreat. Now the lizard king is close, how should the duck-billed dragon respond!"

Sitting in the auditorium, without having to stare at the elves on the field, Zhou Jiang knew how excited the commentator was.

Looking at the narrator holding the microphone and spitting constantly, Zhou Jiang was really worried about his voice. It was too hard for work...

But let’s not say that looking at the constantly switching camera angles on the big screen, you don’t have to worry about listening to the narrator’s eloquent commentary. This is indeed a pleasure.

visual feast!

In the commentator’s commentary, the duck-billed fire dragon was already dangerous at this time, and it was about to be knocked off. The audience who had been enthusiastic and thoughtless, naturally listened to what he said and felt what it was, Chen Fan Fans here screamed crazy, cheering for the lizard king, and fans of Dai Qianyi were also anxious and nervous while cheering for the fire dinosaur.

This is the case for large-scale games. Once the atmosphere comes up, most of the audience will involuntarily give up thinking, and their emotions will follow the atmosphere. The existence of a good commentator can fully arouse the emotions of the audience and make the atmosphere on the playing field. More lively.

"Duckbill Fire Dragon loses the ability to fight!"

In the end, there was no major accident. The duck-billed fire dragon was forcibly broken through by the lizard king and died.

At the end of a game, more than half of the entire grass field was destroyed by fire...

Fortunately, the three elves on one side can change to a new venue if they hang up. Otherwise, it is really uncomfortable. I am afraid that the land will be enough to lift you off, and then reveal the mechanism buried underneath.

Although the duck-billed fire dragon fell, the lizard king's physical strength was greatly consumed, so Dai Qianyi was not dissatisfied with the result. After smiling, he retracted the duck-billed fire dragon, and then threw the wizard ball. , It's a Bosco Dora!

Chen Fan also took back the lizard king and released the sound cracker.

Sound blast monsters are genies with general attributes. For general attributes, they can learn the most skills. Basically any attribute can be learned. Naturally, blast monsters are capable of fighting skills.

The fighting system restrains steel and restrains rocks, and Boss Kedora is exactly four times restrained by it.

If he was hit by a fighting skill, no matter how thick the skin is, no matter how heavy the blood is, he can't hold it.

If there is no accident, Boss Kedora sturdyly eats four or five attacks of the sonic boom monster's fighting skills, and it will be cold.

But this is only an ideal situation. After all, Boscodora will also be defensive, and it is impossible for the skills of the sonic monster to hit Boscodora with its full strength.

The battle begins.

The sonic boom directly rushed up, and Bos Kedora also rushed towards the sonic monster with his big tail.

The 1.6-meter-odd sonic monster was completely a child in front of the two-meter-odd Boscodora.

Not only in height, but also in weight, Boss Kedora is even four times the size of the Boom Monster!

Boscodora ran in strides on the soft ground, and with the roaring sound, it could make a big footprint on it every step of the way.

In front of the Boom Monster, the Boss Kedora is like an unmatched off-road tank!

If ordinary people fight, with such a big physique gap, the smaller one will be scared to death.

However, the reality is that among these two elves, if strictly counted, the sonic monsters dominate.

As long as the pop sound is alert and not entangled by Bosco dora, then with four times of restraint, it can severely damage Bosco dora if it finds a chance, but if it is entangled and attacked by Bosco dora, then It's hard to say.

After all, the power of Boscodora is indeed amazing. If the sonic monster is hit by Boscodora with a fist or tail sweeping, it will be uncomfortable, and if it is knocked to the ground, it will be taken by Boscodora before it can get up. If the pull rides and fights, then even four times the restraint is useless.

The outcome of this game depends on whether Boscodora can "catch" the popping monster!

This is a contest between speed and flexibility!

The two elves quickly approached, and when they were about to get closer, Boscor opened his mouth wide, and a metallic energy light cannon flew straight toward the sonic monster.

Grating cannon!

However, it is estimated that the sonic monster has been guarding against Boscodora’s long-range attacks, so when its attack first appeared, the sonic monster dodged sideways, left the trajectory of the grating cannon, and passed by the energy light cannon. , An accelerated rushed up, close to Bosco's stomach!

The boomerang's arm lit up the skill.


The damage of the heavy-arm hammer was quite high, reaching "100". With four times the restraint, even the super-high physical defense of Boscordora could not hold it.

The outcome is about to be announced, and Boss Kedora takes his right foot as the center of gravity, and instantly rotates, and the thick steel tail is drawn towards the sonic monster.

With a powerful slam created by the power of the whole body shaking, if the popping monster eats hard, it may not be able to get up!

In the case of Bosco Dora, even if the heavy-armed hammer is eaten, the physical defense is as high as "180" after all, so it will not be destroyed at once.

In other words, Boss Kedora may have deliberately leaked the flaws, should he take a heavy blow to kill the popping monster?

Indeed, it is very cost-effective to look at it this way, but sometimes, the plan is often not developed as originally thought.

Bosco dora's tail swept over, but the popping monster seemed to foresee that Bosco dora would be like this. The direction of the arm swinging changed, and the arm that was swinging toward Bosco dora's stomach quickly changed. Lowering the height, wiping its stomach and flew over, and the sonic monster quickly shrank into a ball, and then took advantage of the momentum to roll, and drilled through the gap between Boscodora's tail and body!


In the end, the sound blaster was better at it, and he smashed the tiles on the back of Boscodora.

It's a pity that there is not enough time, otherwise, if you use the heavy-arm hammer, Boscodora will lose more physical strength.

But tile splitting is also good. The quadruple damage is there, and it doesn't hurt to hit any skills. If it wasn't for the thick skin of the Boss, I am afraid it will be cold after this.

After being attacked by a wave from behind, Boscordora, despite the pain, endured it, and then quickly swept his tail away from the Boom Monster to prevent it from catching up and hitting it.

Grating cannon!

Boss Kedora pulled back behind him for a certain distance and immediately sent a luminous cannon to the sonic boomerang. For the sonic boomerang, it was quite easy to dodge the sonic boomerang. He turned left and right to avoid the attack. Continue to move towards Boscorto.

"Boskedora, earthquake!" Dai Qianyi finally commanded, and Chen Fan, not to be outdone, shouted, "Jump up with a harsh sound!"

The harsh sound is a skill that can greatly reduce the opponent's physical defense. At this time, it is very good for Boss Cordora. If the defense is greatly reduced, then it may be smashed by tiles and smashed twice and it will be cold. .

Boss Kedora’s earthquake was successfully used, and the sonic boom also made a harsh sound in mid-air.

"Grating Cannon!"

With the uncomfortable harshness, the third Glow Mountain Cannon of the game was released by Bosco. The first two times have been avoided by the Sound Boom Monster, but this time, it can hardly continue to avoid it if it can't borrow force in mid-air, but if you think about it, there is still a chance, but Chen Fan does not want to give up the harsh sound.

"Sound blaster, carry it down!"

If you stop the harsh sound and change your skills, you may be able to take it down or avoid it, but the chance is not high, so it is better to continue to insist on the harsh sound, after all, this is a real gain.

Boscodora’s special attack is not very high. As long as you are prepared, even if you eat the grating cannon, it will not hurt, but if the harsh sound is received completely, then Boscodora’s defense will be very low. Freshman!

Bet, desperate bet!

Standing in front of him with his hands crossed, the squeaking sound monster hugged in a ball was bombarded by grating artillery and flew out. It landed and rolled and stood up. It was injured, but the injury was not serious, but the impact was there after all.

"Boss Kedora, infuriating bomb!" Dai Qianyi smiled and shouted.

"Sonic Beast, go!"

The sonic beast rushed forward in strides, and as for the infuriating bomb that flew, it naturally did not dare to touch it.

The fighting system is also double restrained to the normal system, it dare not touch it.

"Roar—" Sideways dodged the infuriating bomb, the Booming Monster had not had time to turn, and the Boss Kedora in front leaned forward like a mountain!

Tieshan rely on ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ heavy collision!

The body weight is four times that of the sonic boomerang. Once hit by this heavy impact, the sonic boomerang will peel off if it survives!

"Sound blaster, go up, heavy arm hammer!" Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, Chen Fan was right, and directly let the blaster slam forward!

Boss Kedora was reduced in defense and was still restrained by four times. It is estimated that it would not be a popping monster because of the loss.

It's just that Bosco Dorah's physical strength is a problem, and I'm afraid it will not be good.


On the field, the skills of the two elves slammed into each other, Boscordora's oversized body slammed into it, and the sonic monster raised his arm and hammered it hard.

It’s just a pity that the weight difference is too much. Although the sonic boomerang’s ability hits Bos Kedora, it can’t hit Boss Kedora. It can’t even be blocked, and the sonic boom is directly smashed. Flew out...

The sonic monster flew far away and rolled on the ground for several laps before it stopped. Boss Kedora was also uncomfortable. Four times the restraint is no joke. When it hits it this way, its physical strength has dropped by a large amount. The arm hit by the heavy-arm hammer was also very painful.

"Sonic boomerang loses the ability to fight!"

Unexpectedly, the Boom Monster failed to persevere!

"Heavy metal?!" Chen Fan raised his brows as he looked at Bosco Dora.

"Yes, heavy metal." Dai Qianyi smiled slightly.

Chen Fan nodded and withdrew the sound cracker.

"What heavy metal?" Zhou Nan asked Zhou Jiang.

"Bosco dora's characteristic, with this characteristic, the weight of the BSCO dora is more than twice the original weight, and the skill used by the previous Bosco dora is heavy collision, which is a skill that damages the heavier the weight. "Zhou Jiang applauded, while explaining for Zhou Nan.

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