With the force of being kicked out, the Gotha Duck rolled on the ground for a few laps and then left the side of the flame horse and pulled away from it.

Although the flame horse has a weight and speed bonus, it is reduced by a large amount of speed by a powerful water cannon and is separated by a layer of thought power, so although the Gotha Duck was kicked, it did not hurt too much.

In addition to the reduction in physical strength, the kicked arm was in a weak state, drooping there, and it is probably dislocated.

"Flame horse, big characters burst!"

"Gotha Duck, water cannon!"

The skill power of the big character explosion is the same as that of the water cannon, but when the power is the same, the water system and the fire system are matched, then the fire system is basically the loser.

But maybe it's because of the back hand. Godard Duck's water cannon didn't break through the big character explosion. The skills on both sides stood in a stalemate in the middle for a while, and then there was an explosion.

The black smoke from the explosion directly blocked both sides.

When the elves were fighting against each other, the audience couldn't calm down every time the skills were matched and exploded. The shouts and applause were endless.

It was the same this time, everyone screamed frantically, shouting cheer for the elf of the trainer they liked.

Although there are black smoke screens in between, this is nothing to Goda Duck, after all, it can use mind power.

Although there is no super power attribute, just a single water attribute, the Gotha Duck has very high attainments in mind power. Except for the pure super power elves, I am afraid that its mind power is the best, right?

Of course, giant golden monsters are not included...

At the moment when the shady happened, the Gotha Duck knew that the opportunity was here!

Quickly changed the position, and then the water cannon sprayed towards the located flame horse.

"Flame horse, gunpowder charge!"

Unlike Flash Charge, the power of Gunsmoke Charge is not as high as Flash Charge, only the power of "50", but this skill can increase your speed after using it!

The race value of the flame horse is very evenly distributed, but no matter how even it is, there will be differences.

Its strength lies in its physical attack and speed.

Physical attack with a race value of "100" is not high, but the speed of "105" is a bit scary.

Speed, it will have a bonus to physical attack, this is undoubtedly, plus the size difference between the flame horse and the Gotha duck, if the Gotha duck is rushed by the flame horse, it will be like being hit by a 120-yard car. same.

After the smoke charge, the speed of the "car" will increase, and the damage will be even more impressive.

It's not impossible to kill the Gotha Duck. (Death basically means losing the ability to fight, regardless of the real death)

Gotha Duck attacked. Although Chen Fan could not see it, it didn't mean that he could only stay where he was and look around.

As long as the speed and response speed are fast enough, you can wave freely.

When Chen Fan gave the order, the water cannon of the Gotha Duck had just hit.

In the state of gun smoke charging, the flame horse simply avoided the water cannon, and then rushed directly into the smoke screen, following the direction of the water jet.

Gotha Duck smiled grinningly at the rushing flame horse through his mind.


With the black smoke screen blocking, this move, the flame horse rushing towards this side can hardly escape!

The surfing speed is not fast enough. Under normal circumstances, it cannot catch up with the flame horse, but it is different now.

There was a black smoke screen in the middle. Neither Chen Fan nor Blazing Horse could see the Gotha Duck’s attack. When they saw it, the Gotha Duck’s surfing had already taken shape, and it was too late!

And now the Flame Horse is rushing straight towards the Gotha Duck. At this speed, it is not easy to stop the brakes, and also to turn around, how can it be too late.


The Gotha Duck stood on the huge wave, advancing straight towards the Flame Horse. At this time, the smoke screen had almost dissipated. Chen Fan and the Flame Horse had already seen the Goda Duck standing on the wave.

"Flame Horse!" Chen Fan yelled and signaled to the Flame Horse to be careful. The Flame Horse naturally knew that the situation was not good, but it was too late to run.

With its speed plus the speed of the Gotha Duck, the two elves are about to collide with each other at this time, and it has no time to turn around...

Since it is too late and there is no way out, then the flame horse can only rush past.

The flames on his body jumped high, and the flame horse speeded up, rushing straight towards the huge waves, his eyes were full of madness!

The huge wave is about three meters high. If the flame horse jumps up, it is completely reachable. Standing on the top of the wave, the Gotha Duck is a mocking target for it!


The front part of the flame horse was lifted, and the two sturdy and powerful hind legs suddenly kicked, and the whole body jumped directly high. The one-horn on the top of the head was long, emitting a green light, and it was facing the Gotha Duck. Rushed in the direction.

However, the movements of the flame horse were actually under the control of the Gotha Duck.

The Gotha Duck is naturally aware of the behavior that it can kill and break the net, but it still did.


Seeing the rushing flame horse, the Gotha duck pushed forward with both hands, and a continuously rotating water vortex instantly condensed, and as the Gotha duck violently waved his hand, the vortex flew towards the flame horse.

Tide spin!

Surfing skills are not so much the skills to attack the flame horse as it is to force the flame horse to jump.

The flexible flame horse is not easy to fight for the Gotha duck. Even if the water system restrains the fire element, the flame horse does not use fire skills and uses physical attacks.

The only time the Gotha Duck can cause damage to the Flame Horse is when the Flame Horse’s legs are scrapped or when it jumps in the air. Compared to the horse leg being injured, it is naturally easier to induce it to jump into the air.

So it became what it is now.

Chaoxuan can be used as a killer by the Gotha Duck, and naturally there is a reason for it.

The reason is not other bells and whistles, but purely because this move is the best control skill used by the Gotha Duck attack power.

As for the output? This is not in a hurry.

Cooperating with the rotation of mind, the speed of the Gotha Duck's tide rotation is very fast. In fact, the flame horse has no retreat. It has been fighting against the water. There is no regret or fear. At this time, it wants to break through the desperation and give the Gotha Duck. Hit hard!

The flame horse and Chaoxuan smashed into each other fiercely. The flame horse's attack power was very strong. The million-dollar horn skill hit the Chaoxuan and almost directly broke through the blockade of the Chaoxuan. In the end, it was the Gotha Duck who was ruthless and increased his thought power. The output blocked the flame horse and trapped it in the vortex.

This is why the flame horse is forced into the air.

If it’s on the ground, the Gotha Duck’s milk-feeding strength will not be used, because if the flame horse’s feet are on the ground, the blockade can be broken by any collision, and in the sky...

Haha, without a pedal to step on it, where does its strength come from?

Although the flame horse was trapped and in a bad situation, the Gotha Duck was also uncomfortable.

While maintaining the surfing, while maintaining the tide and the power of thought, one mind and three uses, it almost did not collapse.

"Gotha Duck, hold on, freeze the light!"

"Flame horse, big characters burst!"

The pressure on the Gotha Duck has increased again. With all his heart and four uses, the surf under his feet collapses directly, leaving only a little wave dragging it. Fortunately, it is well balanced, otherwise I am afraid that it will shake and the tide will not be able to control it. Up.

The freezing light shot out of its mouth, and it condensed into ice directly on the whirlpool of the revolving ground water, while the flame horse was trapped in the whirlpool and could only follow the whirlpool. After hearing Chen Fan's command, he opened his mouth. It's just a big word explosion.

The target of the big character explosion is naturally the center of the distant vortex. The flame and the water collide, making a "chicking" sound, and a lot of white water mist.

The center position of Chaoxuan is facing the Gotha Duck, and it is also the place where the icing started.

The big characters exploded after heavy currents, and blasted on the ice.

The ice was melted and turned into water, and then swept away by the rotating water flow, and the original position was replenished by other water, and continued to rotate. The freezing light that has been continuously output also directly dried out the big character explosion at this time. The ice cube spread quickly towards the flame horse.


The flame horse was about to use jet flames, but the ice had directly covered its body.

Even the burning flaming mane on its body did not burn the ice layer for the first time, after all, the flaming mane that had been suppressed by the water flow was about to disappear.


It has been completely frozen, and there is no need for the Gotha Duck to continue holding it. The flame horse that lost control and the frozen tide smashed heavily on the field.

Although it did not fall from too high a place, it still caused a violent shock, like an aftershock after an earthquake.

The hollow ice cube was smashed, and the ice cube on the side of the icy flame horse also appeared cracks. However, before it broke the ice, the panting Gotha duck forced a water cannon. Shoot towards the flame horse.


The flame horse is still struggling, trying to break free from the shackles of the ice, but at this time, the water cannon of the Gotha Duck has arrived...

With a "bang", the water cannon slammed on the flame horse, and the "assisting" flame horse with the Gotha Duck finally broke out of the ice.

But although it came out, it was also cold.

It had been trapped in the Tide Tide before, and it was almost dead, and it was frozen in the back. Now there is another water cannon to attack with double damage, and it can no longer withstand the attack.

"The flame horse loses the ability to fight..."

The flame horse lost the ability to fight, and the three elves on Chen Fan's side lost the ability to fight, so they had to take a break and change the venue.

The players rest and the audience can rest.

Although they don’t have to stand there to compete, it’s tiring to keep shouting, okay...

If you don't take a break, it's probably the fourth and fifth game, the audience will not be able to shout.

During the break, the audience stopped shouting, the toilet should go to the toilet, the water should drink water, and the others would quietly discuss the wonderful place with the people around them.

The low voice is not because of other reasons, but to protect the throat, so that there will be more strength to shout later...

After a five-minute break, the game soon started again.

The field drawn this time was an ice field. In the last round, Chen Fan's flame horse was defeated, so he played the elf first.

Chen Fan didn't hesitate, and directly threw the Gyrocarp Pokemon Ball.

Dai Qianyi also threw the Elf Ball, it was the Roentgen cat.

The characteristic of the tyrannosaurus is to intimidate. After the roentgen cat came out, he was frightened by the roar of the tyrannosaurus. The creature attacked by one level, but when it dropped, it dropped. Although the roentgen cat attacked higher, it dealt with it. In the case of Tyrannosaurus, the main method is still special attack.

After all, the Tyrannosaurus is a water plus flight system, and the electric system roentgen cat naturally focuses on the tricks of 100,000 volts and thunder.

Quadruple restraint is no joke.

The roentgen cat is still very powerful. With a race value of 523 and a three-stage form, it is not inferior to the Yusanjia. Even Zhou Jiang thinks it is better than some Yusanjia.

Its physical attack is one hundred and two, and its special attack is ninety. Its defense and physical strength are a bit lagging. Among the Yusanjia, only the Flame Chicken and Yanwu King can reach a certain attack.

Compared with defense, Zhou Jiang naturally likes violent attacks, so Zhou Jiang still respects the roentgen cat.

It is one of the few electric wizards that Zhou Jiang likes.

The situation is very bad for Chen Fan.

The first to lose three elves, and now they are quadrupled again. If the Tyrannosaurus dies again, it will be a real pill.

A widening gap is not so easy to chase, especially when the difference in strength between the two is small.

But bad is bad, but as soon as it was released, it couldn't be taken back immediately, and Chen Fan could only bite the bullet.

"Gyrant Carp Dragon, Tornado!"

The ice conducts electricity, and the speed of the roentgen cat is much faster than that of the tyrannosaurus. Just in case, Chen Fan intends to suppress the roentgen cat ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then sniper at a distance, at least not to let the roentgen cat come over.

Although ice conducts electricity, the resistance is large. If it is too far away, it will be useless even if the ice conducts electricity, and electricity cannot be transmitted. So as long as it can suppress the roentgen cat and keep it from getting close.

The tyrannosaurus wants to extend the distance, and the roentgen cat naturally wants to get the distance.

Even if the tyrannosaurus is attacking high, if you dare to bite the roentgen cat, it will cool down as soon as the 100,000 volts is sent down, and the roentgen cat with fast response speed, the tyrannosaurus can not evade attacks with tails and so on. .

While trying to block, while breaking through and attacking, due to the unprecedented blocking power of the Gyrosaurus, the Roentgen cat didn't dare to rush over. It could only use the skill to fight the Gyrosaurus against the wave, bang, and then look for it. opportunity.

The two elves were fighting fiercely, the audience's state was also picking up, and the shouting sounded again.

At the end of the competition, the roentgen cat was still better. After all, the defense is always at a disadvantage, not to mention the crazy offensive of the Roentgen cat. Once the Tyrannosaurus is negligent and the Roentgen cat breaks through the defense and draws it close, then it will be cool.

After all, it can stop the roentgen cat from the tornado that has been struggling to maintain it. Without the tornado, the roentgen cat will hide after hitting the typhoon with a hundred thousand volts, and once dodging, the roentgen cat has pulled into the distance again. .

In the final analysis, quadruple restraint is really too hurt, not to mention the tyrannosaurus is not a speed-type elf, can not dodge attacks.

No matter how thick the skin is, it can't be underestimated in the face of quadruple damage.

The Tyrannosaurus also died. Chen Fan only had a lizard king who was not full of blood and a thunder and lightning beast. Dai Qianyi also had Rose Reduo, Roentgen, Gotha Duck and Overlord Flower. There is not much physical strength, but it is better than nothing!

Chen Fan is basically hopeless.

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