Herbs can be used to make potions and medicines, restore the elves' physical strength, and permanently increase the speed of the elves. The same is true for tree fruits and ore. If the ore can be mixed with other medicines, it can strengthen the minions on the elves.

This is also the reason why the "other world" can quickly improve the strength of trainers.

To sum up, one is the high frequency of fighting and fighting against lunatics, and the other is the unique specialty of these "other worlds".

Seeing the three of Chen Ziang who looked over with a smug look, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly, "Not many, how about you?"

The three of Chen Ziang glanced at each other with a smile in their eyes. Chen Ziang looked at Zhou Jiang and said with a smile: "Haha, we are almost the same. We just found thirty clusters by accident. Yeah, you don’t know. It was a thrill at the time, we were almost crazy by a group of..."



Looking at the rare gold in Zhou Jiang's hand, the smiles froze on the faces of the three of them, especially Chen Ziang who was talking, directly let out a "Ga" sound.

"Fuck! Rare gold?!" Chen Fan's eyes widened, his expression unbelievable.

Hearing the exclamation here, the six people sitting on the other side and Li Weibin all looked over.

"Sparse gold? Where is it?" The other six people gathered around.

Rare gold, the rare metal produced in the "other world", made into a special solvent and used by the steel elves, can greatly increase their defenses. Use it on the claws and teeth of some elves like Bangira , Can also greatly increase their toughness.

In the "other world", if these "local products" are classified according to the degree of rarity, they can be divided into three grades, the first grade: the more common herbs; the second grade: the rare fruit; the third grade: the rare metal!

As for the rare gold, from the point of view of its name, it is a rare existence among rare metals. As a result, Zhou Jiang actually has a half-fist-sized existence in his hands?

What's so special, Chen Ziang and the three were almost not scared to death...

Although they don’t know much about the "other world", they still recognize these rare medicinal materials, fruits, and minerals. In addition to the lack of recognition of medicinal materials, there are not many types of tree fruits and minerals, so they can distinguish clearly. This is why Chen Fan and the others recognize the rare gold, and the other six people rushed to watch the rare gold.

In fact, not only were the nine of them surprised, even Li Weibin was also a little surprised, because he did not expect that Zhou Jiang and the others would find rare minerals such as rare gold just one day after everyone was separated. New area".

The elves in the "Mengxin Zone" are not strong, so naturally there will not be many medicinal trees and minerals, and Zhou Jiang and the others still found them in a little outside.

What kind of luck is this!

"Is this really rare gold?"

"Luck is too good!"

"Poor, we only received ten of them today but Areci..."

The rare gold in Zhou Jiang's hand was borrowed and circulated by them. While watching, they sighed. The expressionless Zhou Jia and Joey Lian sitting beside Zhou Jiang all showed a trace of embarrassment.

Because only they and Zhou Jiang knew that this piece of rare gold was discovered by Hu Di from a pile of unknown fairy Ba Ba...

If it weren't for the preciousness of the rare gold, plus being washed by a powerful water gun by Menus, and then letting Shanaido use his mind to remove all the debris on its surface, Zhou Jiang would not dare to put it in the bag.

Even if this is the case, Zhou Jia and Joey Lian don’t want to touch this thing, no matter how precious it is, after all, it was touched from Baba...

As a result, the ore that was touched out of Baba is being held in hands by everyone, with a look of wonder, watching and circulating with enviable eyes...

Zhou Jiang turned his head slightly, glanced at the two sisters who were patient, and shook his head slightly at them, beckoning them not to talk, after all, as long as they didn't say it, no one knew that this was touched out of the fairy baba.

Although it has been cleaned by Menus and Xanadu together, Zhou Jiang still feels a little bit resistant to it. It is like a toilet or spittoon that has been flushed to the point where the skin has lost a layer. You will take it. Come to serve food?

Zhou Jiang didn't want to keep this thing in his hands for too long, so he decided to exchange it with them!

Anyway, the things picked up belong to the team, and then they are divided equally. This thing was found when Zhou Jiang and the others formed a three-person team. This is the property of the three of them. This thing can only be exchanged with people from other teams. I believe they will change.

The two of them naturally saw Zhou Jiang's eyes, and they understood. The two rolled their eyes, did not say anything, and left it to Zhou Jiang to deal with it.

Zhou Jiang smiled slightly. When they finished watching and returned it, Zhou Jiang cleared his throat and said, "Do you have any intentions for this rare gold? The three of us are not very interested in this thing. If any of you have intentions If you do, you can exchange something for it!"

"Exchange? What do you want, we only have Areci, nothing else." Dai Qianyi was the first to ask, and the others nodded, but their eyes were still fixed on Zhou Jiang.

They really want this thing.

"Areci is also fine, we don't choose, but we have to pay 10% of the market price for Areci. If you don't have enough quantity now, you can pay in installments, how about?"

"We want, we want!"

"We want it here too! We pay you 20% more!"

"Cough cough, what? Everyone, don't worry, don't worry." Zhou Jiang quickly calmed down the agitated people, he was really afraid that they would just jump over...

"There is only one piece of rare gold, you three teams, we are not easy to divide, so if you all want it, then you will collectively trade and exchange the materials together. If you do, you will allocate the rare gold?"

After listening to Zhou Jiang's words, Chen Ziang and the nine others looked at each other, then nodded, and Dai Qianyi said, "Acceptable, wait a minute, let's discuss it."

After speaking, Dai Qianyi dragged the other eight people to discuss how to distribute.

Although the rare gold was only half the size of a fist, it was still divided between them. The worst result was that the nine of them divided equally, and the divided rare gold could only slightly strengthen the elves.

But strengthening a little is also becoming stronger!

In particular, their elves have reached the elite high-level and quasi-kings. At this time, a little improvement can open a big gap!

And what do they need to pay? As long as they are lucky, they can find another two to three days of Alessi herbal medicine in exchange for this rare gold, which is simply for nothing.

Areci is just a common herb. Although many potions can use it, in the market, this common herb can be bought for money, but what about rare gold? I'm afraid no one would exchange things for things, let alone exchange things like money or Alessi.

If you don't change it now, you will definitely cry to death in the future.

Although they were surprised at why Zhou Jiang and the others exchanged for Alessi, this did not prevent them from being greedy for this piece of gold.

Watching them communicate, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

He naturally doesn't use the rare gold. After all, he can change it in the system. Although the rare gold of this size costs 1,000 points, he can still change a lot if he wants to. And Zhou Jia and Joey Lin didn't want to use this piece of gold, so it's just right to replace it with Alessi.

Anyway, let's talk about it when you shoot.

He is also a little bit resistant to things that have been stained with shit.

Soon, Dai Qianyi and others discussed it. There are still three days left, and they don't know if they can finally collect enough Areci to exchange the rare gold, but no matter what, they can owe debts.

Until the last day, if they have collected the equivalent Arecis during the period, they will be able to allocate the amount of rare gold according to the number of Arecis in each group, and if they collect the Arecis at the end. , Then according to the number of all Arecis at that time, equal distribution.

For example, if Chen Ziang and his group are 40% of the total amount of their three groups, then they can get 40% of the rare gold. As for the remaining Areci, which is owed to the three of Zhoujiang, afterwards Also, the other two groups are the same.

After hearing Dai Qianyi's words, Zhou Jiang nodded and threw the rare gold to him. In his puzzled eyes, Zhou Jiang said: "Let you put it there first, anyway, it will be yours sooner or later."

Zhou Jiang was not afraid that they would steal or secretly grind off some powder on the rare gold. He could still believe the character of the three.

Dai Qianyi went on to look at Zhou Jiang, then at the rare gold in his hand, nodding seriously.

"Okay, okay, eat and eat, go to bed early after eating, and continue on the road tomorrow morning." Seeing them discussing, Li Weibin signaled everyone to eat quickly, after all, go to bed early.

After the meal, the sky was already dark, and everyone was sitting around the fire and talking about the little ones, surrounded by nearly twenty elves in a circle.

At eight o'clock, several people lay in the erected tent. After a day's fatigue, several people quickly fell asleep.

The forest at night is the peak period of elves activities, but Zhou Jiang and the rest are closely arranged around, so there is no need to worry too much, and there are elves guarding around their tents, as long as there is any movement, they will Able to perceive and act immediately.

A good night dream.

After eating breakfast, everyone rested for a while and then proceeded to set off as it was yesterday. The three were in a small team and then fanned out, but this time Li Weibin did not move.

Because in the morning, it is enough for them to clean up the surrounding elves. Although the elves in their places are not high, but the areas where the elves get together are serious, if they continue to go forward, the elves they encounter will come more and more. The less, and the strength may decrease.

This does not meet their test standards.

They have the strength, they are not afraid of these elves besieging, as long as they do not come to hundreds of them at once, it is no problem. Their main purpose is to let the elves get used to killing, and the trainer must learn to be cautious and careful during this period.

The trio of Zhou Jiang still use yesterday’s formation, slowly advancing forward. If they encounter a single elves along the way, they will be dealt with in turn by the big needle bee and the flame chicken. If they encounter a group of elves, then Zhou Jiang, etc. People will release elves to support.

Hu Di is not attacking, its main function is to protect their three crispy trainers.

When people die, everything is over. Although their physique is strong, no matter how strong they are, they are only human beings. Any stray bullet can kill them.




Big Needle Bee pulled out a spear from a Tyrannosaurus ironclad, blood splashed out instantly, Big Needle Bee dodged in time, and successfully avoided being splashed with blood, while Tyrannosaurus iron fell directly to the ground.

The big needle bee flew in the air with its wings vibrating, panting slightly. Except for the elves of its companions, all the elves with black patterns on their bodies fell to the ground, lost their breath, and became a cold corpse.

"By the way, why do you feel that there are more and more elves." Smelling the blood in the air, Zhou Jiang frowned and said to Zhou Jia and Joey Lian.

"I don't know." Zhou Jia shook her head.

Since she formed a small team to practice together, she couldn't be willful anymore, unless she didn't want to be strong and didn't want to mix here.

Joey Lin frowned. She also felt this way. Although there are not many elves ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are 20 or 30 waves, but the number of elves they encountered today is obviously more than yesterday. many.

Yesterday they dispersed for a day, and they only had six waves of elves all the way down. They were already more than other teams. As a result, they had already had four waves in less than one morning.

"Perhaps a coincidence?" Joey Lane said.

The two looked at Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang was their captain and he was the one who made the decision.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the two of them and shook his head, "Forget it, let's take a look first, just run away if things are wrong. I always feel that something is about to happen."

Zhou Jiang is very annoying now, because he thinks a lot, so it is always easy to look forward and backward before doing things.

For example, now, I have just met a wave of elves. If ordinary people, they would never care, but Zhou Jiang?

Because he has a bigger brain, and he reads more novels, he likes to use the routines in the novels, so he always feels that something will happen.

Here, I have to say that he is different from ordinary people.

If the average person suddenly notices something bad, they will basically not continue, because this sudden feeling is sometimes very effective. As for Zhou Jiang's words, because he thinks a lot and is often suspicious, he can often feel bad...

After crossing this world, he didn't know how many times he felt bad feelings. He felt that something big would happen. As a result, there was no shit, which was very helpless.

By now, he didn't believe his feelings anymore.

He now suspects that what he feels is because when he came here before, he guessed that something big might have happened here, such as the "elves siege" incident, which caused him to go to places where he felt something was wrong now. Consider that matter.

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