
  The circle bear rushed up with a roar, his huge body resembling a heavy tank, and the tree on the road was directly hit by it.

   The purpose of Big Needle Bee is not to kill it directly, but to maimed it, wound it, and then let it call its companions.

   This is not difficult for it, after all, I have always restrained the power from fighting before, can I not have rich experience?

   easily dodged the palm of the ring bear waving, the big needle bee's spear hit its waist, and the ring bear instantly flew towards the side, still C-shaped.

   If it hadn't been for the big needles to rush into the water, its waist might not be broken directly.

  The circle bear hit a tree and stopped, but the tree didn't break, which shows how much water the big needle bee put.

   The thick-skinned circle bear didn't suffer much injury, only the place where it was swept by the big needle bee spear was a bit painful.


   The circle bear who got up, roared and rushed towards the big needle bee again.

The Big Needle Bee did not dodge, bullied himself, and slammed into the bear's paw with a spear that broke through the air. With a loud noise, the circle bear stepped back, and the Big Needle Bee also retreated. Quite a distance.

   Not many sensible circle bears saw this, the red light in their eyes was even worse, and they strode towards the big needle bee, and the gloss of skills appeared on the bear's palm again.

   "It's almost done." Zhou Jiang murmured.

   Although the Big Needle Bee has been fighting against other elves with its strength in the past, these firepowers are fully on, and there is no need to consider whether the opponent will die, so now it is a little uncertain for a while and needs to experiment.

   The force of the big needle bee hitting the ring bear's waist for the first time was too light, the second time it hits it, it will be almost the same, and now, it has found the right power point!

   Looking at the circle of bears coming back, Big Needle Bee narrowed his eyes, murderously wanton.


   As the shave is used, the big needle bee disappears into the circle of bear’s vision and becomes Zheng

Some have adapted to the original speed of the big needle bee, and now the big needle bee suddenly accelerates, and it is several times the speed, the circle bear directly did not react, it only felt a flower in front of it, and then the abdomen was numb, weightlessness and pain one after another Come.


A hole was made in the abdomen of   circling bear. When it was knocked off, it broke two trees before stopping.

   At this time, the circle bear is still a little confused.

   It's a bit daunting, why is Big Needle Bee suddenly so strong?

   But no one can answer its doubts, and it doesn't have time to continue thinking, the big needle bee bullies its body.


   The big needle bee spear was connected, and with a cracking sound, blood stains appeared on the body of the circle bear who had just got up.

The big needle bee poked all over its skin. The opening in the bear's abdomen is enough for it to bear it, and there is no need to continue to inflict it on it later. Just hurt it and let it understand the gap between the two sides. , It will ask for help and call for companions.

   The premise is that it has a companion...


   Hooping Bear, who crossed his arms in front of his head, was completely angry. It was not his style to be passively beaten all the time.

  The circle bear itself is an irritable elf, let alone the violent circle bear of the "different world".

   roared, Huo Xiong put down his arm, and a golden ball of light instantly condensed in his mouth. This is an ordinary big move, destroying death!


   Destroying Death Light flew towards Big Needle Bee, and Needle Bee didn't dare to look at this skill, especially at such a close distance.

   Shaved out with all his strength, the Big Needle Bee directly disappeared in place, and the destruction death light successfully penetrated the afterimage left by it after moving.

   The Destructive Death Light flew towards Zhou Jiang and the others. Shanaiduo gently lifted his hand, and the golden beam of energy containing the aura of destruction turned directly and flew upwards.

   Two minutes later, the circle bear who had been beaten suspicious of his life finally couldn't help it. With a long scream, a deafening sound came far away.

   There are many elves in the forest at this time. After all, night is the best hunting time. Although there are hunters and prey who will call, the night is indeed the time when the hunting success rate is the highest.

   As the high-pitched screams of the circling bears spread out, there were roars and golden beams of light that burst from time to time in the forest.

   During the call to his companions, the Needle Bee did not attack. The purpose is to let it call its companions, how can it interrupt it.

   "Be careful, there may be other elves touching them." Zhou Jiang faced Shanaiduo and Hu Didao, and the two elves nodded, becoming more focused.

   In front, the big needle bee and the circle bear entangled again. This time the big needle bee released the water again, only slightly to suppress the circle bear.

   Although Big Needle Bee's combat power fluctuates too much, the unconscious Circle Bear obviously didn't notice it, and he was fighting with Big Needle Bee.

   boom boom boom——

   It didn’t take long for the vibrating sound to accompany the roar from a distance, and the reinforcements from the ring bear arrived!

   Several people looked at each other, then stepped back a little and hid behind the bushes.

  Circle Bear saw that his companion was coming, he immediately became reckless, and his fight was even more fierce, but in front of the Big Needle Bee, it still couldn't get through any storms.


   Five circle bears emerged from the bushes.

   "Lizard King, come on!"

   "Flaming chicken, you too!"

   "Hold it first, don't directly kill, let them call more companions."


   Five elves rushed out, each greeted with a ring bear, and fought.

   "Bibi Niao, you go to the circle bears where they came to see if there are other circle bears, pay attention to safety, and come back immediately if there is danger!" Zhou Jiang released Bibi Niao and asked it to explore.

  Bibi bird fluttered its wings and flew away, Zhou Jiang and others continued to look at the battle of the big needle bees.

  The five ring bears who came to support are also elite intermediate and high-level, three mid-level and two high-level, one-on-one, they can't help them.

   Three minutes later, Bibi Niao flew back, and Zhou Jiang looked at Shanaido.

  ’The thirteen circle bears are on their way, and they are almost there. ’

   Zhou Jiang nodded, he already heard the sound.

   Although the sound of fighting here is very loud, the circling bears are not moving.

   "Preparing to fight, thirteen circling bears, I guess this is all."

   "Yeah!" Zhongru nodded and took out the poke ball.


   Another wave of supporting circle bears rushed over, and Zhou Jiang and others also threw the elf ball.

   There are no two elves, plus the big needle bee that can directly solve the first circle of bears, one elves and one.

Now that it's almost there, there is no need to keep the first circle bear, and it can't stand it by itself. A hole was made in the stomach by a big needle bee before, and it has been fighting with high intensity. , This is also the elves of the "other world". After receiving serious injuries and not giving up fighting, if they were replaced by ordinary elves in Zhou Jiang's world, they would have lain down long ago.

Big Sting Bee has the strongest strength. After killing his opponent in twos and threes, he joined the battlefield of other elves. After killing the opponent directly in two hits and one, the two elves joined the battlefield of other elves. That ended the battle.

   The melee probably only lasted five minutes.

   After finishing the fight, Dai Qianyi asked Zhou Jiang if he wanted to go to the circling bear's site. Zhou Jiang thought about it and refused.

   killed nineteen ring bears, it is almost there, even if there are other clansmen in the ring bears, it is estimated that he would not dare to trouble them.

   And it's getting dark now. It's not a good thing to hurry and explore. You can definitely visit the area around the bears the next morning.

   Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Jiru nodded, and then went back the same way.

   When he returned to the camp, he found traces of battle and the bodies of two elves, but the elves they stayed behind were not injured.

   After cleaning up the elves' bodies, several people checked the camp again and found that the trap mechanism was okay, and after the elves were not mixed in, they continued to eat. After eating, it was dark.

   There was no words for a night, and Zhou Jiang and others fell asleep with the familiar sound of insects.

   Nothing happened all night, no elves came. After breakfast, Zhou Jiang and the others changed their way and walked towards the circle of bears.

The site of the nineteen circle bears, definitely not. There will definitely be some medicinal trees and fruits inside. Many of the fruits of the "other world" are the same as those of their world, like blue oranges, but "different The world" still has many fruits that they don't have in the world, and those are rare fruits.

   One night passed, and the scent of the circled bears dispersed a lot, and he waited for someone to walk for nearly one time before finding their place.

   When I returned to the place where I fought with the ring bears yesterday, I found that there were more traces of the battle there, and all the bodies of the ring bears were gone, leaving only large patches of blood and some minced meat.

   Obviously, the corpses of these circled bears were enjoyed by the other elves who won the battle.

  I don't know how big the circle bears' territory is, but it shouldn't. After all, they are not weak, and they are still grumpy brothers. The number of ethnic groups is not low, and the territory is impossible.

  Circle bears usually live in caves or tree caves. Zhou Jiang asked the Katy dog ​​to walk towards places with strong smells. After all, if there are good things, they must be near where they live.

   Soon, a few people followed the Katy dog ​​to the outside of a cave.

  The cave is three meters high and two meters wide. It is located on a higher ground. Even when it rains, the rain will not flow in.

   "Sanaduo, use flash!" Zhou Jiang shouted.

  Elf is just convenient, save the flashlight.

   Shane Duo used energy to create a ball of light floating on everyone's head, and directly into the cave.

   "Let's go, go in and take a look."

   "Hmm." Everyone responded, and then walked in behind Zhou Jiang.

   Although walking in the cave was a bit scared, there were people behind him and the powerful Shanaido in front of him, so Zhou Jiang felt relieved.

   The cave does not lead straight into it, but there is no fork.

   After three minutes of walking, a few people came to the innermost part of the cave.

   The innermost part of the cave is very empty, there is a faint smell inside, but it is not smelly, and soon after the nose adapts, it can't smell.

   There are a lot of haystacks on the ground. These are the places where the pen bears sleep, but there are no pen bears anymore, even the cubs are gone.

   If you guessed correctly, it should be that the other circle bears discovered that nineteen circle bears were dead, and feared that the enemy would come to the door, they took the cubs and left the residence overnight.

   After all, there are nineteen circle bears, it is impossible to have only one cub.

"Let’s look for it and see if there are any rare ores. Although I don’t know how the circle bears in the'different world' are, the normal circle bears should have the habit of hiding things, especially if they are not ethnic Circumstances." Dai Qianyi started, taking Roselando casually to touch other people in one direction and walked past in one direction.

Zhou Jiang took Shane Duo towards the innermost point and walked up to the stone platform. He looked at the paved haystack and three tree fruits. Three of the tree fruits were all dried up, and one of them was half eaten. Obviously it was the food for the bears, but they went in a hurry and didn't have time to take it away.

   Looking at these trees, Zhou Jiang suddenly felt a little guilty and blessed

   You can even eat dry chatting trees. Should they have few resources?

   Maybe the baby bear from last night came over because he was hungry and then smelled their food? As a result, it did nothing, and was ruthlessly killed by them, and they chased after its traces and killed its parents and uncles...

   Zhou Jiang suddenly felt that he was like a commander, commanding the soldiers to kill a passing young child, and followed his footsteps to find his village and slaughter the village. Suddenly, he felt full of crime.

   Feeling that Zhou Jiang’s breath is wrong, Shanaiduo said: ‘This is not the Lord’s fault! The elves of the ‘different world’ won’t live in peace with us. Does the master remember how many times they rushed to attack with red eyes? Even if we don't attack them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they will attack us, the kind of endless death. They are the enemy! Now we have guarded the door and entered here, but if they invade our world, the master thinks that when will many people and elves die? ’

   Listening to Shanaiduo’s comfort, Zhou Jiang was startled, then smiled, saying that she was okay and told her not to worry.

   "Found it!" Suddenly Chen Fan yelled, which scared Zhou Jiang so much that his heart missed a beat.

   looked a little angry, and found that Chen Fan was holding something with his right hand and laughing loudly.

Others ignored him, and after a glance, they continued to search. Zhou Jiang was comforted by Shanaido and scared by Chen Fan, but there was no other negative emotions, and he asked Shanaido to search. .

When    left the cave of the circle bear, it was already twenty minutes later.

   Everyone turned the cave of the circle bear to the bottom, and did not let go of any place where there was a possibility of hiding things, and finally successfully found a rare ore and two leaf stones.

   They still don't divide the resources they have obtained. After all, the amount is small and it is not easy to divide them. These will be allocated once when they return to the camp.

   Zhou Jiang put the evolution stone and ore into the harvested bag, and then after throwing it into the space backpack, a few people left here without any nostalgia.

   I searched a cave. It is estimated that there is nothing to gain in this place, and a rare ore and two evolution stones are no longer a harvest, and everyone is almost satisfied.

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