"Big Needle Bee, Mega Evolution!"

   Ever since the Mega Evolution was exposed, Xanadu also used Mega Evolution, and the Mega Evolution Stones of the Big Needle Bee and Xanaido that were recovered before have been worn on them.

   In order to let Big Needle Bee share more pressure on the front line, Zhou Jiang directly let Big Needle Bee Mega evolve.

   It's just a pity. You can't evolve two elves at the same time in Mega, otherwise it will be awesome. Big Needle Bee and Shane Duo evolve Mega together, then it's really stable.

   Although there were many elves besieging the Big Needle Bee, Shanaido violently got up and put a thick shield on the Big Needle Bee. Although the shield won't last long, it will soon break under the onslaught of multiple elves, but it is enough to buy a little time for the big needle bee.

  Mega evolves very fast, unlike in the animation, it takes a long time to transform into a chirp.

   When the light shield made by Xanadu shattered, the light entwined with the bee also dissipated.

   Mega's giant needle bee is so powerful that it was born for combat.

   If the ordinary needle bee is just a bee, then the Mega needle bee is a killer bee!

   After Mega evolves, the race value of "100" has been increased. Even though Mega has evolved, its race value does not exceed "500", but the bonus points of these race values ​​are all added to the "blade"!

   The race value of "100" points increased after Mega's evolution has all been added to the physical attack and speed.

   What’s even more awesome is that after the Big Needle Bee chose a physical attack, it completely abandoned the special attack. The original special attack of "45" points directly became "15", which is a full reduction of "30"!

A total of "130" points of attribute points were allocated for physical attack and speed, so after Mega's evolution, the physical attack and speed of the Big Needle Bee were surprisingly high, and the physical attack even reached "150" points, which is higher than the pre-evolution " 90" points are two-thirds more!

   The object attack is high, and its speed is not low, and it has reached "145".

   You need to know that among the elves that can evolve Mega, there are not many that can reach "150" for a certain attribute.

   Although the other abilities of Big Needle Bee are not high, the two advantages of physical attack and speed are enough.

   The extremely high physical attack determines the output ability of the Stingle Bee. The high speed not only makes its attack stronger, but also better evades the enemy's attack.

   It can be said that the Mega evolution of Big Needle Bee is a perfect evolution.

They had already seen the bracelet with Mega Evolution Stones worn by the Needle Bee, Chen Fan, so they are not surprised at the evolution of the Needle Bee Mega by Zhou Jiang. After all, they should have been surprised. When the big needle bee wears the bracelet on her hand, she ate it.

   The elves who besieged the Big Needle Bee rushed towards the Big Needle Bee anxiously after breaking the protective cover of Shanaido.

   Although it was a little strange how the appearance of the Big Needle Bee had changed, they didn't think much about it. After all, their few sanity was all used in battle.

   They don't care why the big needle bee has changed, anyway.

   So, these elves are unlucky...

The needle bees were originally invincible. Although they were besieging the needle bees, they could not take advantage of it at all. Instead, they would injure and damage the hands from time to time. Now the needle bees have become stronger. The number and strength have not improved, and the end can be imagined.

   With a "唰" sound, the big needle bee turned into an afterimage.


   With the ups and downs of the Big Needle Bee's spear, a hole with a large bowl appeared on the necks of the six elves that were rushing together, and blood could not stop flowing out of it.


   A few elves widened their eyes and made an unknown whimper in their throats, and then all fell down.


   Everyone who was looking forward to the performance of Big Needle Bee was shocked instantly.

   Instant... Instant kill?

   Want to be so strong!

   No matter how surprised the few people watching, the previous battle continued. After the Big Needle Bee solved its opponent in an instant, he ran to help the other elves.

   Big Needle Bee can play with six elves at a time, let alone fight an elves with a companion, it's a good second kill!

   The Big Needle Bee flew over and shot.

   Then there is no more.

  The high-level stylus bee of the heavenly king, Mega should be able to reach the championship after the evolution. Isn't it easy to fight these elite mid-level high-level elves?

   is easier than beating a child.

   After a gap appeared on the front line Big Needle Bee, he quickly helped the other elves, and then it was like a snowball, with the advantage getting bigger and bigger, until the gap was so big that the elves of the "other world" had no hope of winning.

   Zhou Jiang stared at the elves in the "other world" with wide eyes. He wanted to see if these elves would retreat again.

   Although the two groups of attacking elves are not the same group, but I don't know why, Zhou Jiang just feels there is a connection between them.

So, when Zhou Jiang, who was constantly watching the surroundings, turned his head, he found that Dai Qianyi was also looking at the surroundings as much as him, and the next second later, he happened to also turn his head, and the two of them looked at each other. .

   Dai Qianyi was taken aback for a while, then smiled at Zhou Jiang and then stopped looking at Zhou Jiang, and continued to turn his head and look around.

   Zhou Jiang did not continue to look at him, but also kept looking around.

   On Dai Qianyi's side, he had been aware of it before, and it was not surprising that Dai Qianyi knew that he was also aware of it.


   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang faintly heard a long howl. At first he didn't care, then he discovered that the elves of the "other world" began to flee behind them like soldiers.

   The elves of Zhou Jiang and others will naturally not let go of this opportunity, and they will backstab them with all their strength.

   But when the elves of the "other world" were escaping, they left seven or eight corpses again before they all rushed into the woods and disappeared.

   Seeing that the elves of the "other world" all retreated, Zhou Jiang thought of the long roar, frowning and guessing.

   Could these elves have "human" commands? What king or overlord appeared in them?

After all, this is really like the existence of the monsters in the Western Fantasy World. When attacking, they are not afraid of death, but under the command of the leader, they will also cooperate in an orderly manner, and retreat and escape are naturally possible. .

   Even though Zhou Jiang heard the howl before, he just couldn't tell whose call it was. After all, the previous battle was still very fierce, and the sound of skill collision was endless. Moreover, the sounds of the elves are often the same, unless they are professionals, they are absolutely indistinguishable.

   Zhou Jiang doesn't even know a lot of basic common sense, let alone an expert in unpopular aspects such as elf calls.

   And by listening to the voice, I can tell what kind of spirit it is. Will anyone really study this...

   "Finally retreat..." Seeing the elves of the "other world" retreat, Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although he had been very calm and indifferent before, in fact, he was still very panicked.

   He is not worried that they will lose, but he is worried that the elves will lose here.

   It's all right now, and finally defeated the enemy, and although their elves were injured a lot, they were not damaged.

   "Alright, let's medicate the elves as soon as possible." Zhou Jiang did not continue thinking, and greeted several people to give the elves medicine.

   It is the top priority now to get the elves in a good state, and everything else must be left behind.

   Several people took out the wound medicine from the backpack and began to treat the elves.

   After these two battles, Zhou Jiang was also considered afraid. If there were a third wave of elves attack, then they might really be unable to withstand it.

So after giving the elves the medicine, Zhou Jiang suggested that a few people first find a place to simply camp, and let the elves rest for a while and then consider what to do. After all, the elves are really not suitable for high-intensity. The battle is over.

   Several people did not object to Zhou Jiang's proposal and all agreed.

   So a few people took back the elves. Except for the necessary exploration team Shanaido and Hudi, the rest of the elves were taken back. Zhou Jiang also took back the big needle bee, let it rest and keep it in shape.

Fortunately, Shanaiduo and Hu Di only consume a lot of mental energy, they are only weak, so the work of exploration can still be done, but because they are tired, and Zhou Jiang asked them to expand the scope of exploration, they two elves work in shifts. The speed is even faster.

   But they don’t have to do this all the time. They can rest as long as they find a suitable place to rest.

   As for what is a suitable resting place...

   Although it is inconvenient to explain, it is indeed too much, so they will not be tired for too long.

   After setting up warning traps around, a few people started to tents, but because it is a special period, few people have taken out important things from the backpack, and the backpack is also carried with them.

   As for the tent.

   If you lose this thing, you lose it. It has a backup. How could they only bring one of this thing.

   A temporary camp was set up, and several people sat together to discuss.

   Zhou Jiang looked at the people in a circle, and then began to say: "Everyone, twice!"

Zhou Jiang's expression was a little serious: "They were attacked twice, and both of them retreated after the deaths and injuries exceeded a certain range. One can be said to be an accident, and if it happened twice, it was encountered within such a short period of time. It's definitely not an accident that can be said clearly!"

Dai Qianyi nodded and said, "Yes, this is indeed very unusual. Think about it, the first time, when the elves were hiding in the bushes, we took the initiative to attack, and we were caught off guard. , They only launched an attack, but the second time, they actually started attacking directly."

   Chen Fan asked, "Are they companions?"

   Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "It is possible, but I prefer that they have the same wizard command. Even if they are not the same, they are familiar."

   Chen Ziang frowned and said, "You mean there are elves who command a large number of elves to attack us?"

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded and continued: "Of course, this is just my guess, but before, I did hear a certain elves roar from a distance, and those elves began to retreat. of."

   Everyone nodded, thoughtfully.

   Joey Lin asked, "So what should we do now?"

Zhou Jiang glanced at her, shook his head and said: "Everything needs to wait for the elves to recover, but now you can also think about it. Everyone can talk about their own ideas, and then everyone can refer to it and vote for a decision. After all, there may be casualties in subsequent operations."

   Everyone nodded solemnly, indicating that they understood the importance of the matter.

   Dai Qianyi said first: "Let me start first. If there are really elves commanding and controlling many elves to attack us, then we can try to find the other party and kill it!"

   "Find out?" Chen Ziang was surprised, "This is too difficult, right? And it's not sure if there is really an elf command."

Dai Qianyi nodded, preventing him from continuing, "I know, so this is just a reference, for everyone to choose at that time. And the question now is not only whether there are really elves in command, but if there are elves. In terms of command, is it the so-called action of a certain elf or the action of a certain "organization"?"

Zhou Jiang nodded: "Indeed, if a certain elf does it, then we can get rid of it, but if it is done by some "organization", it will be difficult, and it can even be considered whether it is going to run away. "

   Zhou Jia said bluntly: "So we have to figure out the source of this matter first?"

   Zhou Jiang glanced at her and nodded.

   Chen Fan scratched his hair ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked, "The question is how do we understand."

   Hearing what Chen Fan said, Zhou Jiang smiled: "Don't worry about it, I let Ghost Stone go back quietly with the elves who have escaped. It will come back as long as it finds something."

   A few people looked at Zhou Jiang in surprise, and Chen Ziang exclaimed: "You deserve to be the captain!"

   Chen Fan asked, "But how did Ghost Stone find us? It's a long way from the place where we fought before. It doesn't know where we went, right?"

Zhou Jiang waved his hand, with an expression in his grasp, "It's okay, I left a ghost there, let it hide there to meet the ghost stone. After we left, we walked in a straight line. After Ghost Stone comes back, follow the Ghosts and walk in the direction we are going to find us."

   Chen Fan nodded clearly, and said with some admiration: "That's how it is."

   It was Joey Lian who gave Zhou Jiang a strange look, but didn't say anything.

   Chen Fan asked again: "So we have to wait for Ghost Stone to come back to make a decision?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head, "Of course not. There is a prerequisite for the decision to wait until Ghost Stone comes back. That is, they do have elves commanding and controlling them. If they don't? It's entirely their spontaneous behavior? Not very big, but not small."


   The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched slightly, not knowing what to say.

   Chen Ziang asked: "Well, what if there is no wizard command? What should I do?"

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