"Well, what if there is no wizard command? What should I do?"


Listening to Chen Ziang's words, Zhou Jiang sighed helplessly, and said: "That's why I called everyone to discuss together, don't you have any suggestions?"

Chen Fan nodded, touched his chin and said, "If it's really just our bad luck, then we won't care about them. After all, there are two and no three. If there are three, then there is a problem."

Zhou Jia suddenly said, "Is it possible that something here is attracting these elves?"

"Very likely!" Seeing someone raised a highly likely question, Zhou Jiang nodded fiercely and said: "Like the half-ripe Heavenly Spirit Fruit we grabbed before, if there is something in it. If we attract the surrounding elves, then we will bump into the past as they also said."

Chen Fan's eyes lit up slightly: "If something is really attracting them, it's very likely that it's some kind of fruit, should we look for it?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head slightly and said, "Let's talk about it later. If this is really the reason, then Ghost Stone and the elves who have retreated will definitely go there. You will know when Ghost Stone comes back."

Miss Joey suddenly said, "Is it possible that the stone platform we brought out of that ruin is attracting them?"

Everyone looked at her one after another, and she continued blankly: "After all, we only met the two elves after coming out of the ruins, and the only thing we brought out from the ruins was the stone platform."

Dai Qianyi nodded and said, "Indeed, this is also very possible. If the stone platform is really attracting the elves, then we must go back immediately or throw away the stone platform."

Chen Fan disagreed when he heard Dai Qianyi's words.

"Throw it away? How can you lose something that is hard to find? If the thing really attracts them, then it means it is a good thing. I think I can try to bring it back. Of course, if it doesn’t work, try again. Just throw it away and have a look."

Chen Ziang was puzzled: "But is there anything about that stone platform that attracts them? Why don't our elves express anything?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head and said casually: "Maybe the elves are of different types. Look at them, they have black markings on their bodies and their eyes are blood red. It is not impossible to be different from our elves."

Chen Ziang nodded, expressing understanding.

"So, let's continue to study that stone platform?"

Dai Qianyi shook his head and said, "Let's just let it go. I don't know what I have not studied, but if it is really related to the stone platform, once it is taken out, it will definitely attract the elves. Now ours The elves can't fight anymore, so it's better to put them in the space inside the backpack first."

Zhou Jiang nodded and agreed with Dai Qianyi's words.

Although the space backpack cannot allow the "time" of the things placed inside to be permanently fixed at the moment of putting it in, it still has the function of isolating the breath.

The six people enumerated and explained a lot of other possibilities one by one, and at the same time, the ghosts and ghosts arranged by Zhou Jiang also came back.

Several people stopped the discussion. Zhou Jiang looked at Ghost Stone and asked: "How is it, have you found anything?"


While talking, Ghost Stone's two ghost hands floating outside the body couldn't help gesticulating.

"Sanaduo." Zhou Jiang looked at Sanaduo and motioned for her to translate.

This situation was considered before, and the elves needed to be on guard, so after finding this camp, Zhou Jiang did not take Shanaido back, but let her rest outside.

Anyway, she just consumes a lot of mental energy, and she rests the same everywhere.

"Didi Didi——"


Suddenly, just as Shane Duo was preparing to translate, the tactical watch produced by the Alliance that Zhou Jiang and the six people were wearing on their hands screamed "dididi"!

"What...what's wrong?!"

Chen Fan raised his right hand and looked at the flashing watch with a look of puzzlement.

"I remember that the quartermaster who distributed the equipment to us said that if one day the tactical watch sounds an alarm..."

Dai Qianyi looked a little ugly, and took over Chen Ziang's home and said: "That means there is an emergency. All the trainers in the "other world" must put down their work and rush back to the base!"

"Hurry back to the base?" Chen Fan frowned slightly, looked at Zhou Jiang, and motioned to the captain Zhou Jiang to come up with an idea.

"Going back is definitely going to go back, but we will wait for a day before we go back, or we won't be able to deal with some problems on the road if the elves are back."

Dai Qianyi answered, "Well, let's start tomorrow morning. In one day, the elves will be back to a similar state."

The tactical watch stopped after it was on for three minutes, and Zhou Jiang and the others didn't even have the heart to continue discussing, they were all thinking about the base.

Suddenly the tactical watch lights up, it shows that something happened on the base side, and the possible cause of the accident is not necessary to know, it must be the elves of the "other world" who attacked!

And this function of the tactical watch is to let trainers who have ventured and explored in the "other world" rush back to defend, and also let them understand the current situation.

The "siege" of the elves in the "other world" is not as simple as a small wave. They all gather tens of thousands of elves and attack them. How do these elves come? It was naturally gathered from all over the "other world"!

In other words, if you venture outside the base of the "other world", you will easily encounter a wave of elves.

As for the elves attacks that Zhou Jiang and others encountered in the previous two waves, it is very likely that they encountered a wave of elves who rushed to gather and attack their base.

Everyone stopped paying attention to what Ghost Stone said before because of being interrupted like this, but Xanadu still transmitted the sound to Zhou Jiang.

The news that Ghost Stone brought back confirmed Zhou Jiang's guess.

Ghost Stone said that after walking a long distance with the defeated elves, it found the group of elves that had attacked them for the first time.

Both groups of elves have a leader, and their leaders stayed together. The two elves kept talking, but Ghost Stone didn't dare to get too close, so I didn't know what they were talking about.

After that, the two chief elves greeted the injured elves to leave, and the direction of departure was the direction of the border base!

Of course, there is a long distance from here to the border base, and it takes three or four days to walk on the road, so it is impossible to directly determine whether they are going to "siege the city" or not.

After seeing them transferred, Ghost Stone did not directly come back, but continued to follow them. After walking for about five minutes, Ghost Stone found that they had encountered other elven troops, hundreds of them!

After the many elves converged, they continued to advance vigorously. Those elves who were injured and suffered a great loss in the hands of Zhou Jiang and others did not even have the intention to seek revenge on them, as if someone was directing them, and continued to move towards Go in one direction.

After listening to Shanaiduo's voice transmission and the red light on the previous tactical watch, Zhou Jiang was convinced that the elves they had encountered before were really the elves who went to "siege the city"!

Fortunately, those elves didn't gather together on a large scale at that time, otherwise they would be forced to stop, at least the elves would be damaged.

Except for Shanaiduo, the rest of the elves were resting inside the elven ball, while Zhou Jiang and others gathered together to discuss the situation on the base side intermittently.

After all, they don't care about this thing. If it is really the "other world" elves attacking the border base on a large scale, they and the trainers outside will be in danger.

They eat so much. If they want to supply it, they must be supplied by the base. And there are countless elves around the base. How can they get there?

When the "elves attack the city", not only the elves on the ground are fighting, even the sky is flying densely with flying elves, and there are also anti-aircraft equipment in the base. The idea of ​​them flying back to the base from the sky is not to think. There is no way for them to go back except for some underground passages prepared in advance by the base.

And the passages back to the base are those. If the entrance side is held by the elves, they can't do it, and if the middle of the passage is collapsed by the burrowing elves, they have nothing to do...

It can be said that if one fails, they can only wander in the "other world".

As for getting in from the elves?

Don't even think about it, so many elves, when will they be killed? And when the time comes, they will turn their directions together, and each elf will be able to take them away with a single shot.

When the "elves siege the city", those elves were thousands!

When the time comes, not all the elves will attack, even if hundreds of elves come together, Zhou Jiang and the others will not be able to hold it.

Now, there are two problems before them.

Is it "elves siege"? If it's "elves siege", is there any underground passage to enter the base?

In the evening, after eating, the six people lay in the tent, their eyes open for a long time.

It's so exciting!



"Let's go."


Everyone nodded, their expressions solemn, and walked in the direction where they came with Zhou Jiang.

They had marched straight into the depths of the "other world" before, and they would return to the border base after walking back.

After a day and night of rest, the elves have recovered seven or eight. There are only one or two elves whose skin injuries are still incomplete, but they are harmless. As long as they don’t encounter a large wave of elves and more than one wave, then never mind.

Several people have been on the way, walking for a day, until 4:30 in the afternoon, they stopped their pace, and during this period, except for one or two elves occasionally, the rest of the elves were not seen. , And it was the elf that encountered, after seeing Zhou Jiang and the others, he quickly jumped into the woods, as if he had seen an evil spirit.

Seeing this, in the hearts of everyone, the possibility of "Elves Siege" is even higher.

Everyone was a little heavy and didn't speak much. After eating and resting for a while, after the day was completely dark, they all went to sleep in the tent.

Tomorrow they will set off at dawn. At this time, it's better to go to bed early, and even if they don't sleep, they have nothing else to do. After all, who still wants to talk now.

As for the phone?

This thing has no signal and network in another world. In addition to watching some previously downloaded TV movies or playing stand-alone games, there is nothing else you can do.

In this way, during the day, I rushed hard and took a rest early in the evening. Just like that, two days later, at noon, a few people finally reached the base.

And the closer they got to the border base, the more people’s hearts were lifted, because in the past few days, they hadn’t found many elves along the way, and there weren’t even a group of elves, only one occasionally. The two elves were alone, and both looked very timid.

It might not matter if it was like this the day before, but if it has been like this for three days, then there must be a problem.

Even now, they can vaguely hear the explosion from a distance.

This explosion sound is not caused by the explosion of skills colliding with each other, or the technology of cannons used for base defense.

In short, the matter of "elves siege" is already very clear, and then it depends on the scale of "elves siege" and their luck.

If the scale of the "siege" elves is very large~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then they have to be careful, but if they are unlucky, the access to the border base is completely destroyed or they are right next to the team of those elves, then they He is also thinking that he is unlucky and has been wandering in the "other world" for some time.

And the best news is that they can return to the border base smoothly, but what about it?

They still have to fight the offensive "other world" elves to the death and the life, and the melee, especially this kind of super-large scale melee, is the most dangerous.

After all, unless you can do a dozen, ten thousand, otherwise so many elves, after staring at you, collectively give you a skill, who can resist it?

Even Xanadu couldn't hold it, even after being locked, he couldn't even use teleportation, and even couldn't run away.

All in all, "Elves Siege" is a disaster!

Zhou Jiang stopped, stopped everyone, and said, "Let’s take a break here, and you will reach the plain after crossing that mountain, and the base is in the distance. I am afraid that there will be many elves waiting. Good spirits start again."

The five nodded their heads without any comment, and it was noon now, and the meal was still to be eaten.

Now that they are all here, the few people don't live to cook, and eat the food in Zhou Jiang's storage ring.

After all, life is very slow to cook, and smoking may also cause unnecessary trouble.

And now they are about to arrive at the base. If they arrive at the base, then these foods can be replenished, and even if they can't get in and wander in the "other world", they don't skip meals.

There is only so much to eat. Now the food in the backpack hasn't spoiled and rotted. Afterwards, it’s good to eat the things in the backpack, the same nature.

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