I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 794: The mission of Big Needle Bee and Bibi Bird

The next day.

After cleaning up, everyone returned to the side of the mountain, the old place, standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the elves of the dark "different world" on the plain far away.

I didn't know when they stopped "siege" yesterday afternoon, but the next day, that is today, they started "siege" and fight at six o'clock.

It was more accurate than the alarm clock. He was fighting on time at six o'clock. The sound of explosions such as rumblings came from there from time to time. Those who didn't know thought they were punching in the cave.

From yesterday afternoon to this morning, they have not received any contact from the league.

I thought that yesterday's action would attract the attention of people in the frontline base, and then they built a signal tower in the base and contacted them, but now their mobile phones are still out of service.

No way, since the people inside didn't contact them, Zhou Jiang and others wanted to contact them proactively.

There is no way with ordinary means, but they can "deliver letters" to people in the frontline base! However, it is too much trouble for the two parties to contact you one by one by letter, and they can send in, but the people inside may not be able to send out, so the best way to contact is to use modern communication tools such as mobile phones.

Their actions yesterday, on the one hand, was to eliminate a little "other world" elves in order to reduce a little pressure on the frontline, and on the other hand, they wanted to tell the people in the frontline base that there are still companions outside. They erected the signal tower and made contact.

However, the people at the front-line base don't know if they have someone outside or don't know if they want to set up a signal tower to communicate, so until now, their mobile phones have not received signal.

Since yesterday's method is not good, we can only change another method.

After discussion last night, Zhou Jiang and others decided that there are two things to do today.

One is to continue the same as yesterday, attracting elves from the "other world" and then ambush, and the other is to "deliver letters".

Since the people in the front-line base may not have found them, just be blunt and just send the "letter" to them.

The "letters" were all sent, and they could still remain indifferent if they didn't believe the people inside.

As for how to send the "letter"?

It's simple, just throw it in from a high altitude.

Although there are many flying elves in the sky over there, and a lot of anti-aircraft guns guarding the frontline base, the flying elves in the elves of the "other world" are not flying too high. After all, they have to attack. The anti-aircraft guns are also those flying elves that are aimed at the "other world", so as long as the elves on Zhou Jiang's side fly higher, they won't be discovered.

When the time comes, just let the flying elves hold the "letters" tied with big rocks and fly to the height of the frontline base, and then throw them down.

As long as the luck is not too bad, it should not be exploded in the air, and even if the luck is bad, it is estimated that it will only be a stone suffer. The written note is likely to be fine, and then it will be in the front line base. People pick it up.

And if it doesn't work once, they can do it a second time or a third time until the people inside see it.

It takes time to erect the signal tower. God knows how long it will take. Zhou Jiang and others cannot wait for them to set up the signal tower and contact them. After all, if they fail the first time and they don’t see the letter, what will they wait for? time?

Therefore, Zhou Jiang and the others indicated in the "letter" to be sent a signal to be sent on behalf of the other party after receiving the "letter"-a signal flare!

If the people in the front-line base received the "letter" from Zhou Jiang and the others, then no matter whether or not the signal tower can be built later, they must send signal bombs to the sky, and they should be more vigorous and longer.

In this case, if they don't see the signal, they will continue to throw stones, and if they see the signal, they will wait for the people inside to build the signal tower and it will be over.

Zhou Jiang and others came to investigate and found that compared with yesterday, the "siege" elves over there had not changed much, Zhou Jiang was ready to go back, and since it was all right, he went back and prepared to ambush, but he He still had to ask Luo Hao and them, so he looked at them and said, "Let's start?"


Luo Hao and Chen Yajie nodded and handed the stone with the note to Bibi Niao in Zhou Jiang, and everyone began to retreat and returned to the location of yesterday's battlefield.

Here, they left eight elves.

Except for Bibi Bird, the other seven are only the group of elves that attracted the group of elves yesterday. After all, they are the strongest in the team in this respect, plus they have done it once yesterday. They are familiar with it, and the probability of making mistakes is not high.

After Zhou Jiang and the others left, Bibi Niao and Big Needle Bee flew away one after another.

Bibi Bird is to deliver the letter, and the Big Needle Bee is the strongest among the seven elves that attract hatred, so it is sent to attract hatred and draw a group of elves from the "other world" gathered there. come.

The flight speed is faster than the big needle bee, and the bird will fly to high altitude, so it is slower than the big needle bee.

The Big Needle Bee was discovered by them when it flew nearly a kilometer away from the "other world" elves.

After hiding from the attack that shaved more than a dozen shots, the Big Needle Bee spear was messy and used a finger spear.

The transparent bullet-like attack flew towards the "other world" wizard in an instant.

Although the distance is far enough, there are too many elves. If the elves in front hide away, the elves behind will still be hit.

Hundreds of thousands of elves, even if they are spread out several hundred meters long, the "thickness" is amazing.

So I haven't seen this trick, plus the distance is a little far away, so the "other world" elves were caught in an instant, and a few elves who stood in the front row and perceived sharply avoided, but the few hapless ones behind them were gone. So good luck and strength, the companion hides suddenly, they are caught off guard.

Fortunately, because the distance is far enough, and the skill of the finger gun is very expensive, the needle bee does not use too much force, so the power of the skill is not very high, so the elves who ate the finger gun do not have a dog belt.

But even if they don't have a dog leash, they all hang out.

With so many companions, I asked my teammates to hang on, and everyone’s faces were a little bit uncontrollable, so the big guy became angry. More than a dozen elves turned to attack the big needle bee, and now there are hundreds of them. Only turned around and attacked together.

Hundreds of colorful skill beams flew toward the Big Needle Bee. Although the distance was far enough, the Big Needle Bee didn't dare to take it carelessly. It was full of domineering after seeing and heard. In addition, it flew sideways and shaving very skillfully. Avoided this wave of attacks without danger.

Following the smoke from the skill explosion, the Big Needle Bee used the almost unused missile needle this time.

The group of elves in the "other world" originally thought that the big needle bee would ascend to heaven and die under this round of "washing the ground", so to the effect, except for a few elves, the other more than a dozen elves were all faceted. Big needle bee's missile needle.

Since it has almost never been used, the damage of the needle bee’s missile is terrible. In addition, it sacrifices the original insignificant damage in order to shoot a few more rounds, so the elves with face skills are not only embarrassed. Except for a bit of force, nothing else.

But although nothing happened, the elves were still very angry. After all, it was a bit ugly. It was like someone spit on your face. Although you won’t get hurt, isn’t it disgusting?

So the fainted elf became completely angry and chased it out directly, rushing towards the big needle bee.

Seeing this, Big Needle Bee stopped its advance and quickly retreated.

After evading the skills of more than a dozen elves that were chasing, and then evading the hundreds of skills of the elves who stood in place and bombarded them, the needle bee flew for a certain distance with the more than a dozen elves. Needle Bee found that, except for the dozen or so elves that had been chasing it, none of the elves standing there had chased it, or even looked at it again, turning its head and firing skills at the distant frontline base.


After avoiding the attack of more than a dozen elves that were chasing after it again, the Big Needle Bee stopped and looked at the elves who were chasing, some wondering what to do.

Compared to the somewhat confused Big Needle Bee, Bibi Niao went very smoothly.

The flying elves on the side of the "other world" elves didn't fly high, so after Bibi Niao flew to a high altitude, he didn't encounter any enemies.

After flying to a point behind the frontline base, Bibi Niao released his claws and let the stone with the written note begin to fall freely.

Bibi Niao glanced around and could hardly see the underside of the building, shook his head, prayed for the people below, and left with flapping wings.

As for what to pray for?

Naturally, I pray not to be stoned on my forehead...

This stone is not small, and it falls from such a high place. If it is hit, it will be killed on the spot, and there will be no second result.

After being hit by this stone, the most likely thing is that the whole person was smashed from the head to the bottom, turning into a pool of fleshy mud.

After Bibi Niao had completed the task, she left straight away, and had no idea of ​​going to Big Needle Bee for help.

After staying in Zhou Jiang's team for so long, the strength of the Needle Bee is the most clear, except for the sudden emergence of Shanaido in the later period, the Needle Bee is the strongest elf in Zhou Jiang's hands.

If Big Needle Bee can't do things, it's useless for Bibi Niao to help.

Although its current strength is not weak, the gap between it and the Big Needle Bee is getting bigger and bigger. If it could help a little bit before, then it can't help at all now.

Regardless of the following things, Bibi Niao flew towards the distance, looking for Zhou Jiang.

Bibi Bird had left, but the stones it dropped almost caused chaos in the camp below.

Although the stone did not hit anyone, it was a coincidence that the stone hit the command post directly!

In the command post, after the elves of the super power system discovered the stone that fell from the sky, they reported it to Shui Qing and Zhao Feng, who were negotiating. Originally, Zhao Feng said that the elves of the super power system had directly destroyed the stone, but in those few After the super-power elves said that a notebook-sized piece of paper was tied to it, they let them catch it together.

Compared to catching the stone, the destruction is much simpler.

If there are no accidents, who would want to catch something falling from a height instead of destroying it?

It can only be said that, fortunately, they did not have a small note, and then they tore a page of the notebook down, otherwise the first few times, don't want people on the front line to see the note on it. There is no group of "other worlds". The elves were killed, but they were killed by their own people.

"It's okay, you continue to patrol, don't let any elves touch in."


After dismissing the two trainers who came in to inquire about the situation after seeing the stone falling from the sky, Zhao Feng turned his head to look at the five superpower elves who had caught the stone together.

"What's written on it?"

Zhao Feng expressed that he was very curious about this thing and motioned to Hu Di, who was holding the note, to pass it to him.

Zhao Feng's orders still need to be listened to. Although he is not Hu Di's master, he is the chief after all.

So Hu Di handed the note to Zhao Feng with mental strength.

At this time, there were three people in the command post besides Zhao Feng. One was Shui Qingrou, and the other two had not been seen by Zhou Jiang before, but there was no doubt that their status was not low, otherwise they would not be here.

In fact, not only do they have a high status, they are also a strong group. They are the working kings of the previous generation!

It can be said that both of them are the seniors of Zhao Feng and Shui Qingrou, and their strength is naturally not below them.

At this time, the four of them were standing on the edge of a long table. On the long table was a simple sand table, showing everything from the front line to the periphery of the "Hulukou" valley.

Of course, accuracy can't be too precise, but they don't need to be too precise, as long as the number of elves in the surrounding "different world" is more precise, it is enough.

The piece of paper flew in front of Zhao Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was caught by Zhao Feng before Hu Di withdrew his mental power.

Shui Qingren and the other two former serving kings walked behind Zhao Feng, and wanted to see what was written or drawn on the piece of paper that fell from the sky tied to the stone.

[Hello everyone, we are...]

A lot of words were written on the paper.

The first is to introduce the three of them and their team members next week, the current number of elves, and their strength status. They want to gain the attention of the base. Then, the number and methods of the elves they annihilated yesterday were written on it, expressing their desire to help the frontline base and "decompress" the base.

However, they hope that a small signal tower can be set up on the base to transmit the signal, and then the two sides will communicate through modern electronic communication equipment such as mobile phones. As for the letter on behalf of them, they will remind Zhou Jiang and others that there is no need to throw stones. Naturally there is also written above.

"Zhou Jiang..."

After reading the letter, Zhao Feng was a little bit dumbfounded. The depressing mood caused by staying up late and worrying over the past few days has also been eliminated a lot.

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