Moreover, the number of elves rushing out of the "Gourd Kou" base was also quite large. From their side, Zhou Jiang couldn't see the elves of the "other world" behind them.

Zhou Jiang suspected that there were tens of thousands of these elves.

But even if there are not tens of thousands of them, there must be thousands of them. Among so many elves, there will definitely be some that can fly. Then, just fly up and look at the surrounding reference objects.

Although flying in the sky will attract firepower, as long as the speed is fast enough, up and down, plus the cover of teammates, it is not a problem for them to find the direction.

Zhou Jiang and others saw the elves rushing out from the "Hulukou" base, and they naturally saw Zhou Jiang and others.

Those elves have also seen the elves surrounding them in the distance (Zhou Jiang and the others) become confused. Many of the abilities that originally flew towards them have been redirected and flew towards that way, helping them to reduce Less pressure.

They naturally guessed that the enemy of the "other world" elves appeared over there, that is, their teammates, but they could not guess who it was or which unit.

As for the troops withdrawn from the front line they were going to welcome, that was not in Zhou Jiang's direction.

If the "Hulukou" base is in the east, then the people who retreat from the front line are in the west, two opposite directions, while Zhou Jiang and the others inserted directly in from the south.

And the reason they came out was that the troops withdrawn from the front line had already arrived here, and they had fought with the elves of the "other world", so they knew where the troops withdrawn from the front line were.

Now that they saw Zhou Jiang and others, they immediately understood that Zhou Jiang and others were not part of the army. They were only exploring in the "different world". After the "elves siege" broke out, they did not have time to return to the ordinary ones in the base. It's just a trainer.

Now it is estimated that it happened to be here or something. After seeing them fighting, they came to help.


Among the elves who came out of the "Gourd Kou" base, an elven who was supposed to be the leader screamed, and then dozens of elves of the close combat system burst out of the elves.

Under the cover of their companions, they madly opened their way towards Zhou Jiang and others.

‘It allows us to join them in the past and they will protect us. ’

After hearing what Shane Duo said, Zhou Jiang nodded, and then conveyed the meaning to the others.

They all came here, and didn't want to "steal home", and quietly broke through the weak defense of the "other world" elves, so they agreed without thinking, and rushed towards the troops at the "Hulukou" base.

At this time, the Bi Diao who had been released by Zhou Jiang and others flew back.

After the first eagle came back, the other eagles flew back one after another, but until Zhou Jiang and the others merged with the elves from the "Gourd Kou" base, the number of eagles who came back was only There are only nine. Those who haven't come back don't have to think about it, 80% of them are cold.

It's a pity that these nine elves finally returned, and they haven't found the so-called weak spot.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang’s Bibi Niao did not sacrifice, but returned safely.

After meeting with the elves from the "Gourd Kou" base, Zhou Jiang and the others were surrounded by those elves and protected. At this time, everyone discovered the huge number of these elves.

They were not in the middle, but in the front part. As a result, Zhou Jiang looked back and couldn't even see his head.

Asked Xanadu, she said that she couldn't count the specific number of these elves.

If time was given to her, she might be able to count it, but there is no time to waste her at this time. Although everyone is surrounded and protected by the elves from the "Gourd Mouth" base, stray bullets will fly to them from time to time. In this regard, Xanadu also needs to take it seriously.

After reuniting with the elves from the "Gourd Kou" base, Zhou Jiang and others finally reunited with the large army.

However, they can't return to the rear of the base now, but can only march with the elves toward the depths of the encirclement of the "other world" elves, and meet the troops that have withdrawn from the front line.

No way, without the elves of the "Gourd Kou" base, Zhou Jiang and the others could not go back on their own, so they had to go deeper with them.

This is not the worst. The worst thing is that until now, if he stood like this, Zhou Jiang couldn't see the shadow of the troops who had withdrawn from the front.

It was Zhou Jiang that quietly asked Shanaiduo to lift him up slightly with his thought force before he saw the skill flying in the distance.

Zhou Jiang makes a rough calculation, good fellow, the distance between them is at least two hundred meters!

While carrying the crazy attacks of the "other world" elves while moving, Zhou Jiang really didn't know how long they would need to walk for more than two hundred meters, and when they returned to the camp safely, there were still a few elves still standing.

Seeing his own elves who fell down forever from time to time, Zhou Jiang felt uncomfortable in his heart, and even became a little uneasy.

He found that every second, on average, one or two elves would fall down forever, and dozens of elves with minor or serious injuries would appear.

They were advancing in accordance with this rhythm at this time, and it seemed that the loss was very small, but in Zhou Jiang's view, the loss was not small.

Although there are a lot of elves here, there are at least 10,000, but they can't stand such "squandering".

After all, the injuries will be superimposed.

Regardless of the average number of deaths per second, as far as the wounded elves are concerned, they are somewhat unable to handle it.

When minor injuries are stacked to a certain extent, they will become serious injuries, and serious injuries will become death.

Zhou Jiang probably estimated that within 20 seconds to 30 seconds, an elf would be injured from light to severe.

As for the time from serious injury to death, the time will be shorter!

Basically, after falling into a severely injured state, they will be wiped out by a blockbuster skill within ten seconds and fall into the near death or die directly.

In other words, at most forty seconds, an elf will go from no injury to light injury to severe injury and then die.

And in these forty seconds, how many elves will go through this process?

The answer is that there are at least one hundred!

One or two elves per second die directly after being hit by a blockbuster skill.

During their deaths, some elves were injured and then slowly stepped into death.

It can be said that at least one hundred and sixty elves will die on their side in one minute!

The number of elves is at least 10,000?

This is a fart!

It can be said that the road they are walking now is paved with the lives of thousands of elves.

Although there have not been thousands of elves sacrificed yet, this result is ultimately unavoidable.

Fortunately, the probability of Zhou Jiang and others returning to the base is still very high.

After all, their advancing speed is not slow, and the troops withdrawn from the front line are also advancing towards them, so a lot of time can be saved.

For these two hundred meters, they estimated that only one hundred meters would be needed.

And for one hundred meters, according to their current advancing speed, it is estimated that it will only take about three minutes, which is one hundred and eighty seconds.

It is conservatively estimated that by then they will lose about five hundred elves, which is a large wave of losses, but at that time, they will join the large troops that have withdrawn from the front.

The frontline bases that can come back at this time are all the elites among the elites. The elves have the lowest strengths are the high-level elites. After joining with them, their strength will be stronger, and the elves of the "other world" can beat them. There are only so many of them. After they become stronger, their opponents have not changed, and the death rate of the elves on their side will be greatly reduced.

For the return journey, if the time remains the same, it is estimated that it will take five to six minutes. If they add up, it will take about twelve minutes for them to come and go. If three minutes is 500, twelve minutes is about 2,000, and even if there is The error will not exceed a thousand.

The sky is up, the elves of Zhou Jiang and others will lose three thousand.

Not to mention that the elves from the frontline base joined when they returned to the city, even if they didn't join, at least 10,000 elves from the "Gourd Kou" base would be enough.

But these are all sacrifices.

Thousands of elves were sacrificed, and when they returned to the "Hulukou" base, the defensive battle would be difficult to fight.

These elves rushed out of the "Gourd Mouth" base and attracted the attention of 80% of the "other world" elves, which is why they suffered heavy losses.

The elves of the friendly "Gourd Mouth" base suffered heavy losses, but what about the enemy’s "other world" elves?

Their situation is so much better.

If these elves are still in the "Gourd Mouth", the natural terrain defense and the bombardment of machine guns and cannons will not directly kill an elves in 30 seconds, let alone severely wounded and died, and they have nurses. In treatment, this is even more difficult to sacrifice, which is why the base can be held.

And now in order to meet the elites who withdrew from the frontline base, most of the elves in the "Gourd Kou" base gave up their natural "defense advantage" and walked out from behind the bunker, and they were basically just defense against attacks, unable to take the initiative. Offensive, this also means that except for the elves that opened their way in front, other elves can basically not kill the elves of the "other world"!

Speak bluntly.

When these elves are still in the "Gourd Mouth" base, they can exchange at least ten enemy elves one by one, but when they come out, they need three or four to exchange for an enemy elves!

At least 3,000 elites were lost once and for all. On the "other world" side, there were more elves, but less loss. In the subsequent defensive battles, if the troops withdrawn from the frontline base do not perform well, This "Hulukou" base is afraid that it will fall!

But these are not things that Zhou Jiang should consider. He is not a high-level person after all. When he loses his defense, he will just follow the big troops back to their world.

Instead of caring about the future, it's better to worry about how many elves they will die this time.

Zhou Jiang asked Shanaiduo to do his best and put a little energy on the elves of their team (Dai Qianyi and their original six-man team).

If they encounter any danger, try their best to help. Among the 34 of them, he cares most about his team members. Dai Qianyi, Chen Fan and Joey are five of them. If you can help, please help. Take a moment.

Three minutes later, after sacrificing an unknown number of elves, the crowd and the elves finally joined the people who had withdrawn from the frontline base.

There were not many people who withdrew from the frontline base, only fifty or sixty, but they were not many, but there were many elves. Zhou Jiang estimated that there were only five thousand elves.

What Zhou Jiang didn't expect was that among the people who had withdrawn from the frontline base, he actually saw an acquaintance-Shui Qingren and Zhao Feng!

Seeing the softness of the water, Zhou Jia couldn't hold back her tears, and immediately fell into her arms.

For the crying Zhou Jia, Zhou Jiang had no fluctuations in his heart.

One is that she was not caused by him, 80% of it was caused by the changes in the past few days, so he would not feel guilty about her crying; the other is because he didn’t want to take the initiative to be in harmony with her now, so even She cried and Zhou Jiang didn't want to be comforted. If she didn't want to be comforted, then what does it have to do with him whether she cried or not?

He was just a little grateful. Fortunately, she cried after meeting Shui gently, otherwise he would have a headache. After all, she is his nominal sister. If she cried in the old days, he would just pretend to go anyway. Some comfort.

Now that her master is there, there will be nothing wrong with Zhou Jiang.

The situation is urgent and very tense, there is no time for Zhou Jia to cry.

Every second there will be elves sacrifice, so after the two sides merged, they immediately returned to the original road and opened the way.

The water calmed Zhou Jia in two gentle strokes, holding her hand, comforting her while walking.

On Zhou Jiang's side, after greeted Zhao Feng, he walked to his side.

Zhao Feng is playing the ghost system. Maybe he will hide a few ace elves on the side, such as in the shadow, so it should be safe to stand next to him.

If the enemy's elves weren't caught by the elves on their side and flew towards Zhou Jiang and the others, then it would be safer to be around powerful people.

Although there is Xanadu in Zhoujiang, you don’t have to worry too, but wouldn’t it be better if it can be safer?

Zhao Feng, Shui Qingrou, and two other men stood in the front. Zhou Jiang glanced at the other two men he didn't know and stopped looking at them.

Being able to stand with Shui Qingrou and them is either strong or particularly powerful in some respect, but this has nothing to do with Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia came to the side of the four of them, so Joey Lin and the four of them also hugged their thighs and followed directly. Joey Lin walked to Zhou Jia and greeted Shui gently. Standing beside her, Dai Qianyi and the three were rubbing their thighs behind Zhou Jiang.

Luo Hao and the others seemed to want to come over and hug their thighs, but one was not very familiar, and the other was that there were a lot of people here, and they were too embarrassed to squeeze over.

As he walked, Zhao Feng introduced Zhou Jiang, Lu Hua and Zhang Jiayu to each other.

It's just that at this time, everyone is not in the mood to reminisce about the old and get to know each other and talk to each other, so after Zhou Jiang greeted Lu Hua and the two of them, he began to ask about Zhao Feng's current situation.

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