Zhou Jiang didn't even dare to use the system to check its attributes and other things.

  According to the setting in fantasy novels, those powerful and powerful are very sensitive to the sight of others' prying eyes. In the case of elves, Zhou Jiang discovered that there are only super powers, and elves with strong mental power are sensitive to others' sight.

   Zhou Jiang didn't know if it could be discovered by systematic probing, but he didn't want to die.

   After all, he doesn't have to understand it. It would be bad if he made it angry.

   "Okay, go in, be careful!"

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded, did not say any extra words such as farewell, and took the lead to walk towards the light gate emitting a soft light, but when he reached the light gate, Zhou Jiang stopped and turned. Looking at Zhao Feng, he asked: "I want to ask a question, did anyone sacrifice the team whose supplies were robbed by the Rockets? Do you know how many people on the Rockets intercepted the supplies that time?"

   The other people behind Zhou Jiang also stopped and looked back at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng thought for a while and said, "No one sacrifices, or we won't let you go. You are the future star of the league. As for the number of Rockets, the person who returned reported that there was only one person. But the strength was very strong. She wounded the elf, robbed the supplies and left without hurting anyone."

   Zhou Jiang nodded, turned and drilled into the light gate.

   He understood why he was asked to transport those supplies.

   One is that the Rockets really "robbed the way", and the other is afraid to protect him.

  Zhao Feng said that Zhou Jiang is the future star of the alliance. Although it may have the meaning of being obedient, it is not true. After all, Zhou Jiang is so strong now. When he grows up, he will have to?

   They are afraid that they don't want Zhou Jiang to be damaged here. After all, although Zhou Jiang is strong, he is a new trainer with strong strength, so he has a smooth journey. If Zhou Jiang is really a person of this age, in this case, his xinxing must be not very strong. If one or more elves hang in the "other world", then he is likely to suffer greatly. Shock, get discouraged, or even give up being a trainer.

   If Zhou Jiang really gave up being a trainer, it would really be a loss for the league!

   So they found a reasonable and safe task and transferred Zhou Jiang away.

   After Zhou Jiang entered Guangmen, everyone else followed. When Zhou Jia was alone in the end, she walked to Guangmen after a pause, then turned to look at Zhao Feng. She bent over and bowed and said, "Please tell me the master, I will cheer!"

   Zhao Feng was taken aback, then smiled and nodded, "I will."

   After Zhou Jia nodded and thanked him, she turned and walked into the light gate.

   Zhao Feng shook his head and turned away when he saw that they had all left.

   After the door of the room was closed, the room fell into silence again, and only Hu Di remained quietly floating there...



   "Finally came out..." Enjoying the afterglow of the sun on his face, Zhou Jiang stretched out lazily.

   Although there is no difference between the sun and the "different world", even the time is the same evening, but in the hearts of everyone, the original world is different from the "different world".

   Even Zhou Jiang has gradually integrated into the world.

   Of course, the most important thing is that after returning to the original world, the ubiquitous roar finally disappeared from everyone's ears!

You know, in the "other world", for more than a week, except when they sleep at night, the roar will disappear, but there are also sieges at night, so sometimes there will be a loud noise in the middle of the night. They can't fall asleep at all when they are disturbed.

   Even Zhou Jiang who can ignore the surrounding environment and a little noise while sleeping can't stand it.

   It’s fine if they fall asleep in the constant roar. They also want to sleep at night, so they keep quiet, and then suddenly there is a bang...

   Even Zhou Jiang almost couldn't resist.

   In the end, Zhou Jiang couldn't stand it anymore. He could only fall asleep after changing the earplugs from the system.

   Everyone looked at the beautiful and quiet surroundings, and they couldn't help but feel emotional.

   This "different world" really is two worlds with theirs.

   What is the deepest impression left by the "other world"?

   Killing, noise!

   Zhou Jiang felt that the ferocity of the "other world" elves was much higher than the unexplored areas of their world.

At least not all the elves in the unexplored areas are hostile to humans. Many elves are neutral and have no good or bad feelings towards humans. As long as you don’t actively provoke them, they won’t care about you, but " The elves of the "other world" are different. They will fight for life when they meet, as if they had greened them.

   While everyone was relaxing, a staff member drove into the car.

   This is responsible for sending them back.

The black elongated car stopped in front of everyone. After the six people got into the car, the driver in a suit and sunglasses shouted "Sit down." When Zhou Jiang and others did not react, he pushed his back strongly. The feeling came from behind...

   Five minutes later, in the square outside the huge wizard center outside the league competition venue, a black extended car stopped.

   The car door was opened, and a figure ran out in a hurry, but due to his soft legs and unable to stand firmly, he staggered and rushed forward. Fortunately, his balance was very good, and he did not fall.

   Although he did not fall, Chen Fan was in a bad mood, and he was not concerned about standing still, whether he fell, because his stomach was protesting against him!


  In the end, Chen Fan was forced to compromise, resisting the feeling of pouring from his mouth, and sprinting at a speed of 100 meters, ran to the edge of the fountain ten steps away, leaned on the edge of the fountain, and bombarded.


   With the sound of the smashing sound, it can be vaguely seen that the white sticky substance of rice is pouring out of Chen Fan's mouth and falling into the clear fountain pool, making the clear pool water muddy.

   However, Chen Fan is just the beginning.



   Hearing Chen Fan's vomiting sound, Zhou Jiang, who got out of the car behind him, couldn't bear it anymore, and instantly retched.

   Well, it’s okay. Although I retched and felt like vomiting, I didn’t vomit.

Although I want to condemn Chen Fan for spitting (?) and provoke everyone's desire to vomit, several people have been beaten by the old driver and have no strength. Now they are all resisting, naturally unable to respond to his behavior. Condemned.

Of course, in fact, rather than condemning Chen Fan, Zhou Jiang and the others wanted to attack the unscrupulous driver, but after Zhou Jiang's six got off the car, he immediately turned around and slipped away. Do not give Zhou Jiang and others room to play.

   Zhou Jiang and other three boys besides Chen Fan sat slumped on the ground, while Chen Fan was lying next to the fountain.

   And Zhou Jia and Joey Lian may feel better, or pay attention to the image, so they just squatted uncomfortably, not sitting on the ground, let alone sitting paralyzed like Zhou Jiang and others.

   After five or six minutes of rest, everyone's stomach cramps felt better.

   wiped his mouth clean, spit out a few mouthfuls, and spit out all the acid in his mouth. Chen Fan sighed, "I won't ride that broken car again..."

   Zhou Jiang glanced at him, and hated him: "I want to kill him!"

   drove the car so well, he almost felt that his soul was leaving him.

   This was the only time he wanted to kill but couldn't do anything with him.

   It's too special, the egg hurts.

After Zhou Jiang opened his head, everyone verbally denounced the driver. After venting into the air with incompetence and furiously, everyone who was almost recovered got up, patted the dust on the bottom, and moved towards the center of the wizard. While walking.

Although this area was not open to the outside world after the league tournament, there were no people, but the Elf Center was still open, but due to the unrest on the border base, there were not many Miss Joey in the Elf Center, and most of them went there. We went for support.

"Welcome back!"

   Zhou Jiang and others pushed open the door of the Elf Center, and saw a Miss Joey standing in the middle of the hall, facing them, smiling with tears.

   Zhou Jiang and others didn’t react. Joey Lian, who had always had no emotions from the iceberg in the team, burst into tears for an instant, and said with a bit of choking, "I...I'm back!"

   Weeping and crying, Joey Lin ran up and hugged Miss Joey.

   "Is she Miss Joey's mother?" Chen Ziang leaned to the edge of Zhou River and asked quietly.

   Zhou Jiang glanced at the two people who were still holding each other, and found that they hadn't seen them, so he lowered his voice and said, "No, her parents are dead."

   Zhou Jiang was the only one who knew about Joey Lian's affairs. After Zhou Jiang said so, the three Chen Ziang and Zhou Jia next to him were shocked.

   Fortunately, Miss Joey and the others were immersed in their world. They didn't look at it, probably because they didn't hear what Zhou Jiang said.

   If they watched over, Zhou Jiang would definitely feel embarrassed.

   Although I knew that this could not be Joey Lian’s mother, this did not prevent Zhou Jiang from enjoying the "mother and daughter love" scene before him.

   A minute later, Miss Joey reacted, Zhou Jiang and others were still standing watching them.

After stroking Joey Lian's head and comforting her who was still crying, Miss Joey looked at Zhou Jiang and the others and said, "Sorry, I've shown you a joke. Wait a long time, the room is ready. Okay, I will take you to rest."

   "Trouble Miss Joey." Zhou Jiang replied.

   Ms. Joey nodded, looked at Zhou Jiang, and said with a smile: "You are Zhou Jiang. During this time, Lian will trouble you to take care of this child."

   "There is no way to take care of it, everyone helps each other, and she is not helpful to us."

   Miss Joey smiled, touched Joey Lin's head, and said nothing.

   Following Miss Joey, everyone walked into the single luxury suite prepared for them.

   Throwing away the backpack, Zhou Jiang fell directly on the soft big bed.

   Lying on the bed, closing his eyes and resting for a few seconds, Zhou Jiang remembered the phone that had been bombarded before and almost stuck to death.

   I was going to sit in the car and read the news before, but when the old driver did this, Zhou Jiang didn’t just vomit up, no matter where he was thinking about looking at the phone.

   I have been uncomfortable even after getting out of the car, and then I forgot until now.

   took out the phone with the card turned off from his trouser pocket. After the phone was turned on, he looked at the numbers in the red circles in the upper right corners of the "Phone" and "QQ" icons. Zhou Jiang was helpless, no wonder he was stuck.

   Originally there was no signal, so the message could not be received. After the signal came, his phone did not turn off, and a bunch of pop-up messages flew out in a honeycomb. The consequences can be imagined.

   Zhou Jiang didn't take care of the "phone" and could call him, instead he clicked on QQ.

   Anyway, it is Zhou Nan who can call him and send messages, so he can go directly to the QQ group to find them.

   Click to open the QQ group. The latest news is around 6 o'clock in the morning, and the content of their chat is just a few emoticons.

   [Zhou Jiang]: I'm back! @all members

   After sending the message, Zhou Jiang turned over and waited.

   Before Zhou Jiang waited long, the group became lively.

   [Zhou Nan]: The return of missing persons!

   [Chen Yongan]: Fuck, cheating!

  【Lu Ran】: Welcome back.

   [Jiang Shui]: Are you okay? I heard that there was an elf riot where you went?

   [Tian Zhengjie]: Just come back.


   The news was quickly swiped, from welcoming him back at the beginning, to comforting him to come back without problems, and then to wondering what Zhou Jiang encountered.

   After the message screen slowed down, Zhou Jiang typed.

   [Zhou Jiang]: How do you know what happened to me?

   Zhou Jiang was a little curious. They didn’t even know the "other world". How did they know that he had encountered the elven riot ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which is the "elf siege"?

  【Zhou Nan】: Said by the King of Water.

  【Chen Yongan】: Said by the King of Water.

  【River Water】: Said by the King of Water.


   Like a repeater, the message is swiped again...

   [Zhou Jiang]: [Interrupt and repeat.JPG]

   [Zhou Jiang]: Okay...

   [Zhou Jiang]: [狗头.JPG]

   [Jiang Shui]: [Interrupt and repeat? dead! .GIF】

   [Zhou Jiang]: Okay, I'm not going to talk about this. It happens that you also know this, so I don't have to worry about it. Now I have something I want to talk to you.

   [Zhou Nan]: [Sit down on the small bench. GIF]

  [Jiangshui]: [Cute.JPG]

[Zhou Jiang]: Yes, I was assigned a mission by the alliance. The content of the mission is mainly to transport supplies across the country. Although it is simple, it may be targeted by the Rockets, but it is not too dangerous. Are you coming?

   [Zhou Jiang]: You can also come, Mr. Lu Ran, if you also come, it will be safer.

   [Lu Ran]: Transporting supplies? Where will it go?

   [Zhou Jiang]: It's similar to the place I went to before. We only need to transport the supplies there. Although we are not sure, if the supplies are not enough in those places, then there may be a big problem here.


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