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"Director Liu." The staff member who brought in Zhou Jiang and others came to an old man in a gray coat and yelled respectfully, then looked back at Zhou Jiang and others and said, "I have brought them. It is for transporting supplies."

The old man named Director Liu looked back at Zhou Jiang and the others, and smiled and showed his missing tooth.

It’s a bit crude, probably in a hurriedly built room. The other people in the room naturally heard what the staff member said. They turned their heads and looked at them curiously, but they just wanted to see where the supplies were delivered. It's not just who the person is, it doesn't mean you have to look at it, it's just people's habits.

After looking back and seeing the faces of Zhou Jiang and others, they quickly turned their heads back and continued to stare at the screen and some constantly scrolling data.

But those who turned around were the ordinary staff members. There was still someone in the room who continued to look at Zhou Jiang and the others. It was a young man in his 20s and 30s, his hair was a bit messy, and his spirit didn't look very good. Well, after Zhou Jiang glanced at him, he didn't look much, but instead focused on the old man named "Director Liu".

Liu Guoan smiled and said, "Hello, I am the person in charge here, Liu Guoan, you can call me old Liu or you can call me Director Liu like them. You can call me whatever you want. I really trouble you. The boats and cars have been exhausted to transport us supplies, but unfortunately we cannot entertain you now."

"It's okay, we're not tired, big things matter." Lu Yong looked at the fighting screens on the electronic screens and asked: "This is the frontline battlefield."

Liu Guoan nodded, looked at the battle scene on the screen, sighed, and said with emotion: "Yes, there is our last line of defense here. If we are defeated again, this base will be completely destroyed. "

Zhou Jiang didn't like to be the captain, and he was the first bird for a reason.

Like now, Lu Yong and Ye Yangyao are responsible for talking to Liu Guoan, and there are Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie below. Zhou Jiang just needs to listen.

There is no need to bother thinking about how to talk to and what to say to the elders, as long as he stretches his ears to listen, and he can observe the surrounding environment and characters while listening, and then do his own thinking.

Seeing that this is rather crude, there is no steel plate, the cement is simply laid, and some places have not been leveled. Zhou Jiang guessed that this should be after the frontline base of the "other world" was breached, and they hurried after they withdrew back. Command room established.

Although it is not clear why the original command room is not used, it takes time and labor to build a new and broken command room, but this does not prevent Zhou Jiang from thinking and guessing.

Before long, Lu Yong finished talking with Liu Guoan.

Zhou Jiang looked at the surroundings and listened, and he almost heard them. The conversation between the two was nothing more than Lu Yong asking Liu Guoan if they needed their help to resist the invaders from the "other world" elves. Although they were few in number, But the elves are still capable and can help a little.

Liu Guoan said that no help is needed. Now the group of super power elves on the side of the "other world" have been beaten back, and dozens of corpses have been left behind. All of them are coming out of the light gate. Ordinary elves of various types, without the elves of the super power system, can make trouble. Guns and these weapons can exert their power. In a small space, the enemy can only come over a small number of elves at one time, so now it is easy to guard.

Now the top ones are basically machine guns and cannons. As for the elves that were pulled out one by one, some of them were killed before they could be pulled out, and some were the elves who guarded the heat weapon troops. Wounded and then pulled out.

All in all, the frontline doesn’t need Zhou Jiang’s help anymore. It’s just that Liu Guo’an is worried that the team of super power elves in the "other world" will recover, and then organize an offense again, so he and some high-level leaders can’t leave here, too He said before that they cannot entertain Zhou Jiang.

Seeing that there was no need for help from Zhou Jiang and others on the front line, Zhou Jiang and others left after staying here for a while.

Weapons and medical supplies were taken out, and some food and other miscellaneous things were still in their backpacks. Next, Zhou Jiang and the others will go and put these things in the corresponding warehouse.

Although it’s fine to do this alone, let the previous staff member take them to the warehouse and put them in the warehouse, and the others will wait, but Zhou Jiang and others don’t want to stay here anymore, so they can stay with Lu Yong and others. went.

After all the supplies were stored, Zhou Jiang and the others went to eat in the cafeteria near the warehouse. However, as soon as the few people were halfway through the meal, the stern alarm sounded.

"What did you send?!" Hearing the sound of the alarm, everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks. After walking out of the cafeteria, they caught a passing staff member and asked.

"The elves of the "other world" are attacking again, we have to rush to support!" After speaking, the staff member hurried away.

Zhou Jiang, look at me, I will look at you.

"What to do?" Zhou Nan asked Zhou Jiang in a low voice subconsciously.

Zhou Jiang shrugged and looked at Lu Yong and Ye Yangyao. Here, the two of them are the captain and leader of the team. What they do depends on their choice.

Although Zhou Jiang and the others are not satisfied with their choice, they don't need to implement it if they don't want to. After all, Zhou Jiang and others are not their subordinates, and listening to their arrangements is just to respect the elders.

"Let's take a look." Lu Yong suggested.

Everyone nodded, no one opposed. Everyone also wants to see what can be of help. They don’t want the base here to be breached. Although the base here is in an undeveloped area, it is not very far from City A. They fly by plane. A little more than a day can be here, if the elves of the "other world" spring out, they can reach City A in two days at most.

At that time, City A will be overwhelmed.

This is not a joke, nor is it overly exaggerating the elves of the "other world", there are really too many of them!

After making up their minds, several people followed the front staff and chased him into the command room.

Of course, the staff did not come in, he went directly to the battlefield to "work".

"Director Liu, is there anything we can do for help?" Lu Yong asked straightly after entering the command room.

"Help..." Liu Guoan looked at Zhou Jiang and the others with complicated eyes. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "Then I beg you, if you have elves, you can try with our elves. The super-powered elven troops attacking the elves of the "other world", as long as they are suppressed, guns and these weapons can perform their functions."

"Yes." Lu Yong nodded, having no opinion on this proposal.

The elven troops are divided into three categories. One is the melee troops that play close combat with the elves of the "other world". They are responsible for holding the melee troops of the elves of the "other world" and rushing into the enemy station as much as possible. Inside the group of elves behind, chaos was created.

The other type is a long-range export force to resist attacks from the "other world" elves. Their task is to resist the offensives from the local elves, and to suppress the opposing long-range troops as much as possible and then reinforce their own melee troops.

In the case of the third team, it is the super power unit responsible for attacking and harassing the "other world" elves, and the enemy super power unit defending their guns after defeat.

Compared with the previous two elves, the number of elves in the third squad is small, but they are all elite. They are all composed of top elves. Plus standing at the back, the chance of injury is not too high.

Although Zhou Jiang and others did not know this, they could guess that Liu Guoan would not arrange any dangerous work for them.

Most of the elves participating in the battle here are the elves that are uniformly cultivated by the Alliance and then used as "war tools". They are the backbone of resistance and defense, and those with high levels of strength, that is, the elves of the third team, These are the elves of their trainers themselves.

Although I don't want to say that, but compared to the death of his own elves, everyone wants the alliance to be unified, and the elves cultivated in large numbers will be sacrificed.

It's not that someone is cruel, but that everyone has a close relationship in their hearts. Anyway, it is sacrificed. It is not the same as who sacrifices. Then everyone naturally hopes to sacrifice is not familiar with them, or even disgusting.

Liu Guoan asked a gentleman wearing a white down jacket and glasses in the command room to take command here, and then he led Zhou Jiang and others out of the command room and walked towards the front line.

Along the straight corridor, Zhou Jiang and others walked for hundreds of meters, passing by dozens of staff who were pushing carts to and fro, and finally came to the front line.

Fearing that the elves of the "other world" would come out of the light door, the basement, which was originally a storage space node the size of a room, was expanded into a space the size of several basketball courts.

This depth of more than ten meters underground, such a large space, there is no support in the middle, and I don't know how they did it, maybe it is the power of the elves?

However, Zhou Jiang was not interested. At most, he just subconsciously raised a question, even if he didn't get the answer, it was fine.

It's like meeting an acquaintance, asking casually "have you eaten?" etc. It's just a subconscious behavior and thought.

There is only one exit to this battlefield, that is where Zhou Jiang and the others enter, and this place is guarded very closely. It can be said that unless this base is conquered, the elves of the "other world" will never want to go out!

The front is divided into three parts, one of which is the front, the place where the melee elves of the two sides handover, followed by the long-range output elves at the back, and then the gun troops with uninterrupted guns and the guards who guard them. The ability is an elite elven force that the elves start.

In this battlefield, in addition to the elves and the soldiers who are in charge of controlling the guns, there are also staff who are in charge of transporting the wounded who are constantly coming in and out.

There are remote export troops in front of them, so the safety of these workers is not too much of a problem.

The war has just started, and there are not many elves from the "other world", so the battle situation is one-sided. Only a few of the elves on their side were hit and wounded and taken away for treatment.

Fortunately, the elves have strong recovery ability, coupled with the high medical technology. After the elves are injured, they can recover in an afternoon and return to the front line. Only the melee troops need to recover a little longer. It may take one to two days. This speed is already super fast, so the base can withstand it, without being dragged down by the endless "other world" elves.

Although the "other world" elves seem to be endless, if they continue to drag on like this, perhaps the human side can counterattack.

Due to the space node relationship, only ten elves of the "different world" can come out at a time. Although there is no CD interval, the channel is so large, and the skills that may be issued cannot pass through this space node, so the "different world" If the elves come to invade the world here, only ten elves and ten elves can come.

But there are elves and mechanical forces deployed here. As long as there are elves from the "other world" in the light gate, they will be fired in seconds.

The current situation on both sides is.

The elves of the "other world" were teleported to Zhoujiang's world through the light gate of the space node, and then they were killed by the troops guarding the light gate, but since the corpse would not disappear like the mobs in the game, It was piled up there, so after a long time, the elves of the "other world" would not be killed for the first time after they came out, but after being blocked by the corpse, a few luckily survived.

Although the elves who survived by chance will be immediately killed by the fire~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but in the next second, the elves of the "other world" will come out of the light gate again.

So after repeating this, more and more elves of the "other world" came out. After the elves on the base side could not kill them all at once, the elves of the "other world" could be considered as "occupying" the portal. Then let the large troops in the rear rush in continuously to fight the elven troops in the base.

It can be said that you can now fight against the elves on the base side, which are all exchanged for the lives of the elves in the "other world"!

However, because the space is so large and the middle area is filled with the corpses and skills of the elves, the elves of the "other world" can't come over too much, which means that their "growth" is limited.

Although they have a large number of large units, the number of elves that can come to this space is limited. Only when some of them die and are dragged back to the "other world" will they have new elves coming. This is also the base here. The reason why firearms, a big killer, can withstand severe restrictions.

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