I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 834: Miss Joey's distress

After asking the question, Zhou Jiang waited for their answer.

Without asking Zhou Jiang to wait, Chen Yongan and the others responded quickly.

Sure enough, as he expected, only Chen Yongan said to go, and the rest of the girls did not plan to go.

This can be considered as expected by Zhou Jiang. After all, among these candidates, except for Chen Yongan, the rest are girls. It is not that Zhou Jiang looks down on girls or something, but that they "have a history"!

When they were still traveling before, they went to Zhoujiang's "base" once, and stayed there for a while, and it was not too short, they were training elves there.

Although Zhou Jiang was not with them, he went out alone again, but because there were mobile phones, signals and internet, he naturally knew their "performance".

So he didn't expect too much from them at the beginning. After all, university is not a useless place. Compared with the boring and boring field life, going to university is also a good choice.

As for Joey Lin’s words, although she was ordered not to go due to the war in the "other world", she was "free" by the Joey family, but her freedom was gone. In order to prevent her from running around, she didn't listen. To prevent her from going into the "other world" without permission, the Joey family wants her to go to the Hui ethnic area in the near future.

Although she had been traveling with Zhou Jiang and the others in the "different world" for a period of time, the thought of being the "different world" exploration team that she had previously thought about was also reduced, but the Joey family didn't know!

And she really wanted to go back to learn more, so she didn't refuse.

In this way, none of the girls wants to go.

Sure enough, women are unreliable big trotter, you have to rely on buddies at critical moments!

Chen Yongan agreed. Zhou Jiang estimated that Dai Qianyi and the others would agree. After all, they were not as busy as Chen Yongan and they had to go to school. They only needed to consider how to improve the strength of the elves.

Although they can no longer participate in league competitions, this does not prevent them from continuing to walk on the road of trainers. They still have to rely on this for food. Otherwise, why have they been on the road of trainers for the past ten years? Go down?

If they hadn't done it, they would have changed careers long ago.

And what the mixed trainer eats is the strength of the elves!

If the elves are strong, then you can eat them, so I believe that Dai Qianyi and the others will agree to his proposal to go to the deep forest to "further study" the elves.

After chatting with Chen Yongan and others for a while, Zhou Jiang went to find Dai Qianyi and the others.

Since there was no group with them, Zhou Jiang called them directly.

For the three of them, only Chen Fan and Chen Ziang were able to get through, but Dai Qianyi couldn't get through.

Chen Fan and Cheng Chen Ziang's words, after hearing Zhou Jiang say that they had not explored the area in the alliance, they agreed with almost nothing.

Although it is a bit dangerous over there, they all believe in the strength of Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo, and the key is that Zhou Jiang still has room for cheating!

As I said before, the biggest difficulty of stationing in the deep forest is the lack of food and medicine. The backpack space is so large. Coupled with the expensive ones, few people can buy a few, so the supplies are very easy. I used it up and then went back to replenish it. It took more than a week between one round and one round. How long can I use the things I bring each time? I am afraid that one month is not enough.

In this way, time will basically be wasted on the road, so few people will stay in the forest to train.

It would be different if Zhou Jiang was there. The large-capacity space ring contained enough food for them to eat for a month! Coupled with their respective space backpacks, basically there is nothing wrong with going back to replenish them in two months!

Chen Yongan, Chen Fan, and Chen Ziang Sanchen all agreed to go with him. Zhou Jiang was in a good mood and began to prepare supplies.

Although there is a pile of food in the space ring, Zhou Jiang still plans to buy some compressed biscuits and high-energy beef jerky just in case.

Unfortunately, there is no nutrition bag.

It's the kind of good thing that can be eaten as a meal in a small bag. It obviously has a large market. As long as it is launched, I believe it will be popular among trainers.

But if you don’t have it, you don’t have to. Carrying a large space with you is so confident!

In the afternoon, I went to purchase a supply of supplies. After returning home, Zhou Jiang seemed to have forgotten about the matter. He should eat and play, knowing that Dai Qianyi would call back.

After answering the phone, Dai Qianyi said first: "Sorry, sorry, I didn't see the phone before, so what do you want me to do?"

Zhou Jiang had no doubts, so he asked directly: "A total of four people, Chen Fan and I decided to set off to the depths of the forest the day after tomorrow. The Alliance camped in undeveloped areas and then trained the elves. Are you going to ask if you are going?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone. Just when Zhou Jiang wondered if the phone on the other side had hung up and was about to take the phone from his ear to see, Dai Qianyi spoke.

"Oh... sorry, I might not be able to go."

Listening to the tired voice on the phone, Zhou Jiang was taken aback and asked subconsciously: "What's wrong with you?"

"Sorry, I have to deal with some housework recently, but it's not troublesome, it's just tired..."

"..." Seeing that he didn't say anything, Zhou Jiang didn't ask any more, and didn't ask him if he was going. He just hung up the phone after chatting with him for a few words.

Since he said it was family affairs and didn't know it clearly, he would not take the initiative to take care of it, nor would he want to understand it. This is his business, and the relationship between them is not yet familiar enough to intervene in other family affairs.

However, it turns out that human beings are "really smelling", especially when they are full and have nothing to do.

Sitting on a chair and playing with his mobile phone, Zhou Jiang kept thinking about Dai Qianyi's so-called housework.

After going out and returning home, I found my wife cheated?

Emmm, it seems he is not married yet...

Or is it because family relatives or parents died?

The possibility is not very high, after all, if this is the case, the voice should not be just tired, but should be mainly sad and low.

Or is it because the relatives who can't beat him see his good results in the league competition and come to recognize relatives with his genealogy and borrow money?

Well, this is very possible. It is a "relative" after all. Borrowing or not borrowing is troublesome, so he said that it was troublesome, and he was very exhausted and understandable.

Zhou Jiang leaned back on his chair and "maliciously" speculated about Dai Qianyi's family affairs.

Although it’s bad to say that it’s not good to take other people’s pain for joy, Zhou Jiang didn’t use it to make fun, he was just curious, and as long as he thought about it in his head, he didn’t say it and he didn’t do it. Action, no matter what he thinks in his head, there won't be any big problems.

For example, if a villain pretends to be a gentleman, if he pretends for a lifetime, then he is really a gentleman!

And now Zhou Jiang is also the same. As long as he puts these things in his mind, he thinks about it for himself, does not tell others, and does not take the initiative to explore, then he is equivalent to doing nothing.

The next day, everyone set out from home, ready to gather.

However, Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan did not use it, because the meeting place was in City J!

In the afternoon, Chen Fan and Chen Ziang arrived in J City.

They can’t leave today. They don’t have any acquaintances in J City, so they still want to live in Zhou Jiang’s house, so Zhou Jiang called Chen Yongan over. The four of them lived in the small villa together. At night, Zhou Nan I came here too, and five people chatted in the room all night...

The place they are going to is the territory of the wind speed dog where Zhou Jiang stayed last time, and there is J, K, R, L, T, in the central forest in the middle of the five cities.

Before, Zhou Jiang passed by City L, but you can also go from City J, just to go longer.

Early the next morning, Zhou Jiang and others bid farewell to Zhou Nan and Lao Zhou who had come to see him off, and set off.

Although Lao Zhou felt that Zhou Jiang would go out again when he came back, they were a little bit reluctant, but they didn't stop Zhou Jiang, they just told him not to fight too hard and pay attention to safety.

Zhou Jiang and the others didn't plan to take the car to the city there and then go there. They planned to walk all the way to exercise until they reached their destination.

But they didn’t walk straight towards their destination. In that case, they would pass through the center of the undeveloped area, which was the center of the forest. Zhou Jiang and the others would not dare to go. The elf of the champion of the heavenly king estimated There are many there. Although the destination of their trip is the undeveloped area of ​​the alliance, it is only a marginal area. They don't want to die.

So the course of action is like this, starting from J city, passing through various villages, supplying from it, and then advancing all the way around the edge of the forest until R city, and then directly from R city until the destination location.

Most of the food was bought by Zhou Jiang, but everyone had to pay for it.

Zhou Jiang showed them the shopping list, and then everyone paid the money equally.

Although Zhou Jiang doesn’t mind the money, sometimes, especially in the face of money, these things need to be clarified. After all, the brothers have settled the accounts. It would be bad if there were any conflicts after the money was paid. It's better to figure it out in advance, it's not complicated anyway, as long as everyone pays some money on average.

Of course, elves food is not included. Whoever eats more elves pays more. After all, there are so many elves in Zhoujiang. If this is also average, then everyone will not say anything, but they will also feel bad. Happy, and the appetites of the elves are also different, such as Pikachu and Kirby, the difference in appetite is like one in the sky and the other on the ground...

After nearly five days, Zhou Jiang and the others finally walked from City J to City R. In City R, everyone didn't have any acquaintances, so they just lived in the Wizard Center.

Zhou Jiang has cooperated with Joey's family and experienced another world with Joey Lian. In addition, the tasks of transporting supplies are basically supplied at the wizard centers, so there is basically no one who does not know Zhou Jiang. Miss Joey.

After Zhou Jiang and the others arrived in R City, Zhou Jiang was there. Chen Fan and Chen Ziang were both over the age. Those who needed to pay to move in didn't need to pay, and they didn't sleep in a normal room for ordinary people. It is an internal guest room specially prepared for the guests!

But as the saying goes, it's a short mouth, and it's soft.

Although Miss Joey didn't ask Zhou Jiang to help them, Zhou Jiang and the others were so kindly entertained by the Miss Joey. After seeing them in difficulties, it was difficult to just leave them alone.

So the next day, with all their backpacks on their backs and preparing to say goodbye to Miss Joey's departure, Zhou Jiang planned to stay and help them.

When Zhou Jiang and the others asked at the beginning, Miss Joey also shied away and said no, but after Zhou Jiang and the others insisted, she finally told Zhou Jiang the reason for her distress.

It turned out that an elf adopted by an elf center was sick. Zhou Jiang didn't understand the disease name. It was the first time he heard about it, but this is not the point. The point is that there is no rare medicinal material needed to treat it!

This kind of medicinal material is rarely seen and has very little use. It can only be used as the main medicine to treat the disease mentioned by Miss Joy.

The use of medicinal materials is scarce, so there is no backup in the wizard center here, and when she asked other wizard centers and pharmacies, they either said that they had not been stored or had been used up, or they had been ordered and sold.

She even asked the Joey family about the medicine, but was told that other Miss Joey had taken it some time ago, and it has been used up now and there is no new preparation...

If there is no medicine, the elves can only continue to suffer. Although they will not die, they are unable to heal their partners. As a doctor who treats the elves, Miss Joey must feel uncomfortable.

After listening to Miss Joey's troubles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Jiang had a headache.

Finding things is not troublesome, the trouble is to find some rare things!

But they had made eye contact before, and they had already decided to help Miss Joey. Now if they feel troublesome after listening to her troubles, that would be too low.

So, he has no retreat at all!

Although Zhou Jiang had already checked the system when Miss Joey said it, and found that there was this medicine in the system, he couldn't take it out directly!

The herbs exchanged by the system are fresh, as if they were just picked, but Miss Joey said that this medicine is very rare, and the effect is useless. If Zhou Jiang has it, it will also Pretend to be discovered and collected a long time ago, right?

If it's too fresh, it's too suspicious!

At this moment, a middle-aged dressed-up uncle came over and said: "Sorry, I accidentally heard your conversation, but are you looking for Kodolan? I remember I saw it on the mountain some time ago. Maybe you can go there and have a look."

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