I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 836: Call from Zhang Kai, news from "Another World"

"Thank you, thank you so much..." Miss Joey took the rare medicinal material from Zhou Jiang's hands with both hands, and almost cried unmoved.

Seeing Miss Joey's appearance, Zhou Jiang waved his hand and shouted: "It's okay, it's okay, this is what we should do."

After that, Miss Joey was grateful to Zhou Jiang and the others, and invited Zhou Jiang and them to stay for a few days. She gave Zhou Jiang and the others a good deal, and performed the highest-level massage for Zhou Jiang and their elves for free, which could eliminate the elves to a certain extent. Dark wounds remaining in the body.

It can be said that this is a very "expensive" way of repaying. After all, there are not many elf breeders who do this kind of massage. Most of them are members of the Joey family, and it is impossible for the Joey family to come out and "sell" it. This thing, so few elves can enjoy it.

For other people, because it is very tiring to do this kind of massage, it basically takes two or three hours to do it for an elf, so even if someone opens this kind of service, the price is very scary, not ordinary people can. From consumption.

Of course, although the machine in the wizard center can also eliminate the dark wounds in the wizard to a certain extent, there are still some that cannot be removed. This requires manual massage to eliminate it, and even if the machine is used, the price is also expensive Scary...

Chen Fan and Chen Ziang were very excited, because their elves had been trained for long enough, no more than Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan, their elves had more hidden injuries, and some of them could not be eliminated by machines.

If Miss Joey was willing to do massages for their elves, they would naturally not be able to refuse.

However, Zhou Jiang was the one who took the decision, just like when they first took the task, so they looked at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang naturally knew what they thought, so he nodded and agreed.

Presumably, even if Miss Joey gives their elves a massage, she won’t do it for too long. It is estimated that no one will have one or two of them. And because they were looking for medicinal materials, they wasted a morning, so they just stayed today. Forget it here, take a day off and wait for tomorrow to leave. It’s a waste of time.

So Zhou Jiang nodded.

After all, he had no right to refuse. Although the task was his next task, Chen Fan found the thing, and Chen Fan paid a heavy price for it...

As long as they are medicinal materials, there will basically be "counterfeit goods" that look similar. The rare medicinal materials that Zhou Jiang and others looked for before also have counterfeit goods. Since they are counterfeit goods, there will naturally be differences from the genuine ones.

And the difference between the real medicine and the fake medicine is its smell!

If the counterfeit is in front of the nose and smells it, it will smell a faint musty smell, but if it is the real one, it will be terrible!

The taste of the genuine product is similar to stinky tofu, but the intensity of the taste...

Well, even now that Chen Fan is still rubbing his nose, I know how strong the smell is.

Since they want to stay for another day, Zhou Jiang and the others will naturally have a good rest.

The energetic Chen Fan couldn't stay. He ran outside alone, while the other three stayed in the wizard center to rest, or went back to the room to lie down, or went to the lobby to watch TV with others.

The words of the elves have been put in the courtyard, and the elves whom Miss Joey promised to massage Zhou Jiang and their elves have also been taken away by Miss Joey alone to be a horse and a chicken.

Although Zhou Jiang didn't think it was necessary, but he didn't want to be special, so he let Shane Duo pass and let her enjoy and enjoy it. Even if the dark injuries are not eliminated, just a simple massage, that's not bad. ?

Zhou Jiang was lying in the room arranged by Miss Joey and playing with his mobile phone. Suddenly, the movie screen played on the mobile phone was stuck there. When Zhou Jiang shook his mobile phone in a trouble, a message appeared on the phone screen. Caller ID interface.

It turned out that someone called!

Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief at once. He thought that the phone had been stuck for a long time. If that was the case, he would have to consider whether to replace it with a new one.

The telephone ringing kept ringing, Zhou Jiang looked at the caller ID and found that Zhang Kai was actually calling.

Zhang Kai is a purple-clothed prosecutor based in S City, and is also Zhang Kui’s brother who led Zhou Jiang into the prosecutor’s ranks. Although Zhou Jiang and he are familiar with each other, they haven’t made many calls. Up?

Thinking this way, Zhou Jiang answered the phone.

"Hey, Zhou Jiang?" A tired voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, it's me, is Brother Zhang Kai looking for me for something?"

"Well, I want to ask you, how much do you know about the border?"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang frowned.

Although Zhang Kai is a prosecutor in purple clothes, he is already a very high position in the position system of the alliance, but he should not know such things as the border and the "other world", because this is only the "internal" personnel can know. Yes, in other words, this is only known to people who have gone into or entered the "other world", and no one else will know.

And Zhang Kai is the captain of the Rockets organization responsible for cleaning up their world. He can't fight the border and the "other world". How could he know?

"Don't worry, this is what the people in the alliance told me. I also know the importance of this matter, so I won't talk to others indiscriminately. I just want to ask you how much you know about the "other world". . Zhang Kui has been missing for so long. Now the people in the alliance tell me that Zhang Kui has gone to a "different world", but I can't find more information. I heard that you were taken to a "different world" by King Shui Tian. Been there, so come over and ask you about your situation."

"If... If you know something, please tell me, I want to know what happened to Zhang Kui, whether he is dead or alive... Please!"

After the call, Zhang Kai not only stunned Zhou Jiang, but also successfully awakened Zhou Jiang's almost forgotten memory.

Zhou Jiang remembered that Zhang Kai made a phone call a long time ago, just to ask Zhou Jiang if he knew where Zhang Kui was. Zhou Jiang naturally didn't know. At that time, after Zhang Kai hung up the phone in a hurry, Zhou Jiang also Some curiously sent a text message to Zhang Kai, asking him where he went, but no one answered, so he left the matter behind.

Up to now, it has been at least two months, right?

Zhang Kui has disappeared for so long and haven't contacted him yet?

Zhou Jiang couldn’t tolerate more thoughts. Zhou Jiang would naturally not be able to delay Zhang Kai’s inquiry, so he gave him a rough description of what he knew about the "different world". Of course, to be on the safe side, Zhou Jiang He didn't say any confidential information about the alliance, but just briefly introduced the concept of "different world" and border base.

After speaking, Zhou Jiang said to him: "As for Zhang Kai’s news, I’m sorry, I don’t know this. There are many border bases. If he is really there, it may be in a border base I haven’t been to. ..."

To be honest, Zhou Jiang is still a little skeptical about this matter. After all, even if Zhang Kui went to the border base, he could not tell his family about the specific mission and location, and he could not reveal the existence of the border and the "different world", but he would not have no news. Stay!

In the past, most people would tell their family members that they were going to perform confidential tasks, and that they could not return calls so that they would not worry about it. As a result, Zhang Kui disappeared silently!

And it doesn't count as if it disappears, and it doesn't even answer the phone calls or messages sent.

There are signals within a certain range of the border base and the "different world". He shouldn't respond when he sees it, right?

He didn't suspect that Zhang Kai was fake or lying. He suspected that Zhang Kui was sent to do other tasks, or was unfortunately killed?

Of course, what he doubts most is whether Zhang Kui was sent to be an internal spy for the Rockets...

However, doubts are also about evidence, and he doesn’t have any evidence. Now, Zhang Kai, who is extremely anxious and exhausted, is facing him. Naturally, Zhou Jiang can’t talk nonsense. After all, his suspicions are all thought out of his brain. It is possible that it is false It's very sexual, if Zhang Kai really goes to verify it, it will obviously increase the difficulty of his "seeking a brother", so he still won't mess around.

Zhang Kai just came at his own pace, and if anything could help him, he would try his best to help him.

However, Zhou Jiang was quite curious about one thing, so after answering Zhang Kai’s question, he asked, "How do you know about the border and the "different world", Zhang, this will not be disclosed to unrelated personnel. Confidential information?"

A wry smile came over the phone.

"That’s right, but the person who told me said that this was originally a secret before, but now it seems that something has happened, so the conditions have been relaxed. Now as long as you have entered the "other world" or know it People’s family, I am also qualified to know because Zhang Kui went into the "other world" to perform tasks."

"The other party didn't tell you which border base Zhang Kui went to?"

"No, he said he didn't know, let me ask someone else..."

"Then have you ever met someone who looked for your family like you did? Zhang Kui went to the "other world" to perform tasks. It is impossible to go alone, right?"

"Neither... I have also inquired about it. No one asked the Alliance about the whereabouts of family members like me." He could hear that his tone was a little lost. After all, Zhang Kui was his brother and the only living family member.

Zhou Jiang had nothing else to ask. After chatting with Zhang Kai for a while, after comforting him, he said that he would ask Shui Qingrou's bigwigs and let him rest. After that, the phone hung up.

Lying on the bed, Zhou Jiang sighed "work hard", then turned his mobile phone to the chat interface, found Zhao Feng and Shui Gentle, and sent them text messages one by one, asking them to ask what Zhang Kui was like.

Of course, he also asked by the way how is the situation in the "other world" now, whether it has improved or so.

After sending the message, Zhou Jiang waited for a while, but didn't reply when he saw the opposite, so he stopped thinking about it.

Regardless of Zhang Kui's affairs or "different world" affairs, now he can only rely on Shui Gentle and them to provide information.

Shui Qingrou, they may be busy now, and they will get back to him when they are free, so he doesn't need to guess anything, it doesn't make any sense, and there will be an answer after a while.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before Shui Gentle and Zhao Feng sent messages.

Regarding what Zhou Jiang said about Zhang Kui, they all said they didn’t know, but they would help ask the people below. As for Zhou Jiang’s question about the "other world"...

The situation in the "other world" is very bad.

Not only has the situation not improved, but many bases even show signs of being unable to hold on.

Although the modern firearms on the Alliance side are quite powerful, the Alliance does not dare to use such things as ultra-high damage missiles and cloud explosive bombs, so the output relies on machine guns, artillery shells and grenades. The ceiling of lethality is here. Over there.

And the main force of the war, that is, the elves, in terms of number, the gap between the two sides is really too big!

The number of elves on the alliance side is completely incomparable with the "other world", the ratio is at least a few hundred to one...After all, the elves that are supported now are the elves of some staff and the elves cultivated inside the alliance~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now the league is already considering asking a trainer to help.

After answering Zhou Jiang's question, the two asked Zhou Jiang a similar question. They asked Zhou Jiang if one day, if the Alliance needs him to go to the front to help, he would like to go there.

Seeing their problems, Zhou Jiang expressed helplessness.

How could he answer this? Naturally, he patted his chest to make sure...

After Shui Gentle and their chatting ended, Zhou Jiang, who was lying on the bed, felt that he suddenly became irritable. The room that had felt warm before became inexplicably hot, and his back started to sweat.

Tossing over and over in the bed has been unable to calm down, and finally, rather helpless, he can only turn off the heating and walk out of the room.

He was going to go to the hall or courtyard to take a breath of fresh air and a cold wind to calm himself down.

Zhou Jiang realized that he was a very self-aware person, so he naturally knew why he became like this.

That's right, he started to panic in his heart after learning that the situation on the "other world" was very bad.

Zhou Jiang himself felt a bit ridiculous, he had already faced it, and he had prepared his heart early. He didn't expect that things hadn't happened yet, he was scared...

Obviously he has a cheating device with an infinite possibility system, and his current strength is also a top-notch existence among the trainers. As a result, he still shows fear in the face of the upcoming disaster.

Coming to the inner courtyard of the Elf Center, feeling the oncoming cold wind, watching the elves playing around, Zhou Jiang calmed down slightly.

Thinking of his previous ugliness, Zhou Jiang laughed himself.

"Sure enough, I'm just a waste..."

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