With the iron armored tyrannosaurus with high blood defense and high attack, Chen Yongan can be said to have made the limelight. The onlookers surrounding Chen Yongan's venue are almost twice as many as the audiences at the other two venues combined. need more.

This "indulgence" is not only cool for Chen Yongan, but also for Tyrannosaurus.

The iron armored tyrannosaurus with a bad temper didn't dare to make a temper in Zhou Jiang's team. It has always been very gentle, but the violent gene in its bones still makes it enjoy fighting.

In the past, it was basically impossible to play in Zhou Jiang's hands, so it almost forgot the feeling of fighting. Now it has been a long time to participate in the battle, and it feels like to abuse the opponent.

After being strengthened, its skin is thicker and its physical strength is more abundant. With a high level and a low training level, its attack power is not weak, but its blood volume and physical defense are beyond the specification level. .

This resulted in that when the physique of the elven fighting against Tyrannosaurus was similar to or taller, after fighting against it for a while, it was unable to hold on due to lack of physical strength, and its physique was smaller than it, and it was pushed by it. run.

Although I don't want to say that, it is really cool to abuse other elves!

Especially when there is a group of onlookers around, cheering for its victory and majesty, the iron armored tyrannosaurus feels excited about to float!

There is always an end to the battle, and when the meal is over, the surrounding crowd will all disperse.

Although the game is beautiful, everyone has to eat!

Although the onlookers can still carry it to watch the game, the elves can't hold it!

Especially the elves of the game. After the game for an afternoon, its stomach is much hungry than the humans and trainers who are onlookers. The iron armored tyrannosaurus has long been unable to hold it. If it had not been a long time to vent, it would have slipped. .

Chen Yongan returned the ironclad tyrannosaurus to Zhou Jiang and returned to the wizard center together with Zhou Jiang. At this time, Chen Fan who had gone out and the others also came back. Zhou Jiang found out after asking that they had gone to get the courier.

They bought some skill jade and used the courier bird to express it to other elven centers in this city, so they ran to take it.

Knowing that they were using skill jade, Zhou Jiang didn't ask any more questions.

After dinner, Zhou Jiang and the others went back to their rooms.

Well, by the way, the elves who were dragged by Miss Joey for massage are all back.

Although it takes three or four hours to massage a set of elves, it does not mean that two elves will have to do seven or eight hours, and three elves will have to do more than ten hours.

These three or four hours actually include the use of machines and medicinal materials to eliminate some of the hidden injuries, and being able to do it with machines means that it can be done in batches!

Although there are not many machines that can be used here, there are only two, but this is enough. In three or four hours, it takes more than one hour to use the machine, which is almost half the time. If two machines are running at the same time, they will be ranked After the wave of elves passed, Miss Joey began to massage them manually for the final stage.

After Miss Joey massaged the two elves prepared by the previous machine, the second wave of elves had already been completed, so a lot of time was saved.

This principle is similar to the math problem in elementary school, pancakes.

A frying pan can fry two pancakes at a time. The pancake needs to be fried on two sides, and it takes two minutes to cook one side. How many minutes does it take to cook three pancakes?

The answer is six minutes!

The process is also simple, the three pancakes are divided into one, two, three, and three labels, and then the front and back are directly one and the other, and so on.

The first is 1st and 2nd. Two minutes later, the fronts of 1st and 2nd are cooked, then No. 1 is turned over, and No. 2 is replaced with 3rd.

After four minutes, the pancake No. 1 is ready, and the second and third pancakes are left, so by the sixth minute, the three pancakes are OK.

Pulled away.

After Shanaiduo came back, Zhou Jiang scanned her with the system and found that she was still the same, until Chen Fan and Chen Ziang's elven level rose by one to two.

As for Chen Yongan, his elves have not changed much either. Perhaps the changes are too small to be seen. In short, this time, the two people who have gained the most are Chen Fan and Chen Ziang.

At night, everyone fell asleep early, and after a good rest, everyone woke up early the next morning.

At six o'clock, before dawn, Zhou Jiang and the others assembled. Miss Joey and the others got up early every morning, even in winter, so even if Zhou Jiang and the others got up so early, they still There is food to eat.

After eating, Zhou Jiang and the four of them bid farewell to Miss Joey who had seen them off and the electric dragon cured by the medicine they found and embarked on the journey.

To be honest, going out in the winter morning is really cold, bitingly cold!

However, the force of choosing to pretend is to finish pretending even when kneeling, so naturally Zhou Jiang and the others can't look back.

There was no one on the street in the morning. Along the small street with street lights still on, Zhou Jiang and the others went out of the city and then entered the forest. By this time the sun was already high and the time had already reached 9:20. Six points.

To be honest, going to the forest in winter is really suffering, it is too cold!

And cold is not the key, good physique and good quality of clothes, so it is not affected, the key is humidity!

Especially in the morning, the grass is full of dew. Unless Zhou Jiang and others walk along the road, they can only put on a water jacket on their body, which is particularly troublesome.

But there are also benefits, that is, there are no insects, and snakes and the like are hibernating.

Although snake elves can withstand the cold, this does not mean that they like to come out in winter.

Like ordinary snakes, they will hide at home and sleep for a winter after they are full. As long as they don't jump on their homes, they will basically not encounter them.

Of course, if you say it is basic, it means that if you don't die, you may encounter them. After all, there is no absolute.

Snakes that are full will hibernate, what about those that are not full?

Nature is out hunting. As elves, they are still very resistant to the influence of nature. Even in winter, snake elves can easily come up with it.

And in winter, snake elves are more dangerous than in summer, because when you encounter snake elves, it means they are hungry!

For hungry snake elves, will they give up when they see their prey?

If they simply give up, they won't be outrageous.

At the entrance of the forest, Zhou Jiang and the others stopped, took out the stool and the kettle, and took a rest. After putting on the water-filled cloak and rain boots, they sat in a circle and chatted while drinking hot tea. After half an hour, the **** who was about to rest did not go on the road until he packed up.

This time, they won't stop until lunch.

The forest in winter is very quiet, the sounds of insects and birds are gone, and there is only the sound of wind around.

The quiet forest is much scarier than the lively forest. Fortunately, Zhou Jiang lied to Chen Yongan and the others to come together, otherwise he would be really crazy if he came alone.

In the summer, with the singing of insects and birds, he will feel empty, bored and lonely after a long time.

What about winter?

He is afraid that he is not going to shut down directly!

In order to alleviate the boredom of the journey, everyone began to chat, and soon everyone's topic stayed on the current hot news-the Rockets civil unrest.

For the Rockets, the largest underground organization in China, everyone grew up listening to his "prestige", so now everyone is very interested in the Rockets' civil strife, and they have turned into hordes.

In a traffic society, the emergence of unscrupulous media is inevitable, and as everyone's interest in one thing gradually increases, the investigation and chaos of that matter by those media will become more and more in-depth and outrageous.

It's like a star.

Whether in the past life or this life, celebrities are everyone's attention and favorite objects. The stars of China in the past are singers and movie stars, while the stars of China in this life are elves.

In the previous life of China, a well-known celebrity, as long as something happened, like an acne on his face, it can be directly searched, and the popularity will not return within a few days.

And this is still a small thing, like when a "big thing" such as being green or derailed happens, it is really earth-shattering.

People on the whole network, even those who don’t follow and don’t like celebrities can know this.


Because there are so many people who like celebrities, and there are too many people, then the media will report for meals, urinate and write manuscripts, and the up-host will also make videos, and even in your chat group, it can also set off a boom.

And with various creations and various reports of people preparing to eat this meal, more and more people know about it, and more and more people eat melons. Those creators who are full of brains will choose to stop. Stock boom?

Naturally not, they want to eat more!

So they will take the initiative to dig out other things about the characters in the incident. If they are so cruel, they can even dig out the bedwetting of how old the other party is!

This is still a bit of a principle, only reporting the truth, what will some people who are incapable but unwilling to lag behind do?

Report fake news, create topics, cause war!

This is basically what some people who post and write are good at and enthusiastic about, because they don’t need to "appear on the camera", just a pseudonym, no one sees them, so even if they are scolded , They will not care, after all, there is money to be made!

Relatively speaking, video up owners and some big news interviewing media are relatively restrained. After all, up owners can show their faces to some extent, so they have to face, and large media also have a foundation, so you can't mess around.

So the current Rockets civil strife is the same. The people are interested and love to watch. What should I do?

Edit, make me desperate!

All kinds of urine have turned into reasoning bosses, novel gods, unfolding their brains and creating.

After chatting with Chen Yongan and the others, Zhou Jiang counted them and compiled eleven reasons for the Rockets’ internal disturbances. This is still known to everyone, and I don’t know how many people have not seen.

Talking all the way, except for eating, sleeping, taking a break, and meeting elves and then solving them, Zhou Jiang and the others are on their way around the clock. Three days later, they finally reached their destination!

Although the official map does not indicate where this place is, Zhou Jiang has marked it before. After all, he is a bit crazy. If he doesn't mark the location of the base on the map, how can he get back after returning to the city to supply supplies?

At that time, he could not find the location of the base!

So when he was in the wild, he had marked on the map of his mobile phone at each "base" he was staying, and uploaded it to the cloud.

As soon as they entered the territory of the Wind Speed ​​Dog, Zhou Jiang and the others met four elven teams.

These four elves are a mixed elven team composed of the lizard king, the cunning tengu, the flying mantis, and the eagle. They are probably the younger brothers of the wind speed dog. Otherwise, the elves are gathered together on the race There will be such a mix of elves under his command.

Zhou Jiang has been in the Territory of Wind Speed ​​Dog for quite a long time. The Elves and Wind Speed ​​Dog’s little brothers have basically played. Logically speaking, they should know Zhou Jiang, but when Zhou Jiang came forward to greet them, they were wary. The ground took a step back, gathered together, looked at Zhou Jiang with vigilant eyes, then waved his arms and leaned forward with a fierce face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They looked like Zhou Jiang knew what this meant. Although I basically don't remember how much I taught in class, how could Zhou Jiang fail to see such an obvious attitude?

They are warning Zhou Jiang and the others, to get them out of this territory as soon as possible!

Zhou Jiang was stunned in an instant and shouted to them: "Hey, I and your boss Fengshou Dog are friends, don't you know me?"


There was a low roar in the lizard king's mouth, and the four elves became more aggressive. If Zhou Jiang and the others did not leave, they would launch an attack!

"Fuck, what's the situation? Did we go to the wrong place?" Chen Yongan, who was at the back, asked Chen Fan and Chen Ziang on the side in a low voice.

"How do I know?" Chen Fan shook his head slightly and said in a low voice, trying not to make any big moves to arouse the suspicion of the four elves.

"Maybe it's a change of owner?" Chen Ziang guessed.

In the wild forest, the lord elves don't know where they are. There are high-level ones and low-level ones, all of which are divided into regions.

The lord elves in the depths of this forest, except for some salted fish, will actively invade the territories of other lord elves.

Expanding the site and recruiting younger brothers are their goals.

It is not impossible that the territory of the Wind Speed ​​Dog is swallowed by other elves. After all, this kind of thing is too common in the wild!

Zhou Jiang couldn't hear what Chen Yongan and the others were saying. He looked at the four elves on the opposite side and scolded MMP secretly.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Jiang decided to put them on the ground first. Looking at their appearance, communication is impossible. Only when they are knocked down, they will learn to respect people and listen to them. the words said.

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