I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 852: Temptation to succeed

When Lord Xanadu stopped his gaze on Quanquan Bear, the other elves were relieved, but Quanquan Bear did panic.

Lord Lord's eyes... terrible!

"Lead... Lord Lord."

Huanquan Xiong and Lord Shanaido glanced at each other and took a step back subconsciously.

"Come on, make some wounds."


Hearing what the boss said, Huan Xiong was a little confused.

After all, it didn't know what the lord Xanaduo and Zhou Jiang said, and naturally didn't know that lord Xanaduo wanted to verify the effect of the wound medicine mentioned by Zhou Jiang.

Lord Shanaido is not an idiot. Seeing it froze and looked confused, he remembered that the communication with Zhou Jiang in the second half of the previous period was through a spiritual link. In other words, only it and Zhou Jiang were present. This person and Zhou Jiang’s Xanadu know the content of the previous talk.

The lord Xanadu, who had figured it out, began to tell them the effect of the medicine on his hand, and then the ring bear understood that his boss wanted it to test the medicine!

Huanquan Xiong, who had understood the truth, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

When lord Shanaido looked at it before, it was really unconscious and scared. After all, Lord Shanaido's eyes were indeed a bit dangerous, but now that he knew the truth, it had nothing to fear.

After all, it was just a little bit hurt or broken.

Although it is rarely needed to fight, and it has been injured less often, it is not afraid of injury or pain.

On the contrary, injuries and pain make it feel wonderful to be alive, so compared to other elves, it doesn't matter much about injury or something, it doesn't matter more than it likes it and hates it.

Now that the boss gave the order, the circle of bears didn't have any ink marks, and after agreeing, they let Elle Duo attack it. Although it has an indifferent attitude towards injuries, it still has some resistance to self-mutilation. After all, this behavior looks really different...

In addition to being irritable, the elves of the bear clan are silly and silly. Although they are more powerful, no one will talk about them anymore, but they have experienced a lot when they were young, so it seems to be silly to everything. The behavior is still very resistant.

Elle Duo nodded and came to Huan Quan Xiong, raised his hand and slashed towards Huan Xiong with the blade of bone that was as sharp as a knife.

Ai Lureduo did not hesitate, even if Huan Quan Xiong is a long-acquainted companion, it can easily start.

This is not to say that it is cold-blooded, but that it has experienced more, and this kind of little thing will not cause too much mood swings for it.

After all, it wasn't about killing her, and Huanxiong was hurting to test the medicine. In addition, because Huanxiong asked it on its own, it wouldn't hesitate to start.

If this is replaced by the elves cultivated by humans, and let them attack their non-resisting companions, hurt them or something, they will definitely be unacceptable at first.

Although the opponent will be injured in a battle, and bleeding is normal, but the battle is a battle, and a direct attack is a direct attack. These are two situations.

Of course, even though it will be uncomfortable at the beginning, it does not mean that the elves cultivated by humans will not get rid of it all the time. It is just that they will subconsciously reject it from the heart at the beginning, and thus cannot get rid of it.

After all, they have not experienced cruel struggles, and they have very deep feelings for their companions who get along day and night. How can they adapt directly to their companions.

Back to the topic.

Eluleiduo brushed the ground and left a series of scars on the ring bear, but this was not a battle, and the purpose was only to test the wounds, so it controlled these injuries on the ring bear's arm.

Not long after, a large, connected wound appeared on the forearm of the ring bear. Since Elle did not cut deeply, there was not much blood left, but a small area on the front of the forearm was covered. Soaked and stained red.

Seeing Ai Lu Le Duo stopped, the wound on Huan Xiong's hand was not small, so lord Shanaido asked Huan Xiong to walk towards it.

Although the lord Shanaido can go directly, compared to letting the lord Shanaido leave, it must be better for the other party to come over.

The circle bear came to the lord Shaneduo. Since the lord Shaneduo was sitting on the tree trunk, the circle bear raised his arm and stood right in front of the lord Shaneduo.

At this time, the eyes of the elves were all attracted by the two strange bottles of wound medicine floating in front of Shanaido.

Lord Shanaido took the bottle of ordinary wound medicine, and then, according to the method Zhou Jiang said before, gently pressed it with a thought force.


The fine potion turned into a mist and went towards the wound of the ring bear.

The ring bear only felt that the injured forearm was suddenly hot, as if it was burned by fire, but the pain was only a moment, after the special pain, the cool and itchy sensation quietly came from the forearm wound. rising.

When I cast my eyes on the injured arm of the ring bear again...

The wound is still there.

It's just that the size of the wound is smaller and shallower than before. Although it has not been cured directly, the effect of this medicine is indeed there.

But the most common wound medicine had been tried, and then it was Zhou Jiang's turn to take out the good wound medicine.

Although it is only one level higher than the wound medicine, the effect is much higher. After the potion continues to be sprayed on the ring bear’s forearm, after a while, the injury on its hand becomes like magic. Disappeared.

If the series of operations were not performed by themselves, they could really suspect that Zhou Jiang was doing a ghost.

Now that they are doing everything by themselves, there is no need to doubt any more, you can directly believe that this is the power of the medicine.

At the end of the test, seeing Lord Xanadu being very satisfied with the treatment results of the medicine, Zhou Jiang smiled and asked, "How about it, the medicine is effective? There are medicines, as long as they are not fighting too hard during the fight, Basically, there is no need to be afraid of anything, right?"

Zhou Jiang's words made Lord Shanaido and his little brothers look at it again.

Lord Shanaido looked at Zhou Jiang and nodded slightly.

‘The effect is good, yes, I promised you. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief. The task is considered complete.

‘In order to show my sincerity, during the training of the elves you accompany me, I can give you fifty energy cubes of the same quality every day as compensation until the end of the cooperation. ’


After discussing with Lord Xanadu for a while in Mind Link, in the end, the deal was concluded and it became an "ally" relationship.

Zhou Jiang is now going to live in the territory of Lord Xanadu. Although it has reached a cooperative relationship with Lord Xanadu, it only agreed to fight against Zhou Jiang’s elves. As for the words of running to the Thunder Beast Territory to fight, Zhou Jiang hasn't told it yet.

After all, even if he said it, the 80% possibility would be rejected, so he simply didn't say it.

Although it is now 80% likely to refuse, this does not mean that it is impossible to achieve, otherwise Zhou Jiang would not come here.

In three days, this is enough for Lord Shanaido to taste the wonderful taste of the energy cube. Three days later, Zhou Jiang will leave here. If Lord Shanaido does not follow, then the transaction relationship between the two parties will be broken. , And it won’t be able to get energy cubes anymore. What will it do if it’s marrow knows the taste?

How to choose between benefits and possible dangers is a matter for the benevolent to see the benevolent, and the wise to see the wisdom. Zhou Jiang could not make a choice for the lord Shanaido, but he could guide him to make a choice.

After setting up a tent and setting up a bath tub for bathing in the central territory of Xanadu, it was almost time to eat.

Different from the time in the thunder beast's territory, in the thunder beast's territory, Zhou Jiang and the others lived in the marginal area, but now Zhou Jiang lives directly in the center of the Shanaiduo territory, right next to the lord Shaneduo's sleeping place.

Of course, the lord Xanadu and Zhou Jiang are not the only ones near here. The eight quasi-king-level elves and the ethnic group of Xanadu are also here.

It is better to say that the center of the territory is the territory of the lord Xanadu than to say that it is the land of the Xanaido tribe, and the lord Xanaido is the patriarch of the Xanaido tribe.

Although they came to the forest with Chen Yongan, theoretically speaking, you only need to bring a set of pots and pans, but in places far away from the city, accidents always have to be considered, so pots and pans, they Brought three sets!

Although the other two sets are small in size, they are sufficient as spares.

Due to time constraints, Zhou Jiang didn't eat the food readily available in the space ring, but instead planned to cook for himself.

Although I haven't cooked by myself for a while, it's a bit rusty, but it's okay to eat casually.

After finishing lunch and resting for a while, Zhou Jiang found Lord Shanaido who was resting in the tree cave and asked him to fight.

At the end of the conversation in the morning, Zhou Jiang had already given it today's share, which is fifty energy cubes, so Lord Xanadu did not refuse Zhou Jiang's request to fight.

But lord Shanaido agreed, but his younger brothers refused.

The three quasi-kingdom-level Xanadus and one Eluleiduo refused to let lord Xanaido go out directly, but planned to try Zhou Jiang's Jinliang.

Although the elves brought by Lord Shanaiduo also saw Zhou Jiang’s elves and giant vines and other three mid-level lords during the game against the giant vine before, they still let Zhou Jiang pass them first. Close to touch the lord Xanadu.

Zhou Jiang naturally didn't care about this, and the points sent to the door should not be for nothing.

Only these four quasi-kings can bring him about two hundred and fifty points. Although it is not too much, it is not a lot. This can be exchanged for a common skill machine such as one hundred thousand volts.

It is naturally impossible for the game to be played near the base, after all, this is the residence of Lord Shanaido.

After walking with the lord Shanaido for about five minutes, they came to an open grassland where many elves were already watching and fighting.

Want to come here is where the elves in Shanaiduo territory usually fight.

The majesty of Lord Lord is obviously online. After seeing Lord Shanaido and a group of high-levels, the elves onlookers looked over. Among them, the elves blocking their path also gave way, but majesty does not mean arrogance. Domineering, so the elves who were fighting in the field continued to fight, and there was no truce because of the arrival of Lord Shanaido.

The first to challenge Zhou Jiang was Eluleiduo. After coming here, Eluleiduo nodded to Lord Shanaido. After obtaining the consent of Lord Shanaido, it found an open area with little geological damage. Open space, invite Zhou Jiang to fight.

Zhou Jiang came to stand on the opposite side of Ailureduo, and immediately took out the elf ball of the monarch snake.

To deal with the quasi-heavenly king Elle Do, there is no need for Big Needle Bee or Xanadu to come forward, even Menus does not need it, the Monarch Snake is more than enough.

The attribute panel of Ellerdor is good at physical attack and special defense, and the speed attribute is considered medium. In other words, when fighting with other elves, it compares these three aspects with each other.

After the Monarch Snake has been strengthened, its special attack attributes and speed attributes are super high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the defense is not good, but the attack and speed are all overwhelming, especially the speed, the gap is very large, that is to say , Eluleiduo may not be able to touch it in the overall situation, so the defensive monarch snake is not a disadvantage.

It's just that although the monarch snake seems to completely crush it, it is basically impossible to roll over or something, but there is no absolute in everything.

After all, Ellerdor was evolved by Kirulian. Although it evolved into fighting, this does not mean that its use of superpowers will disappear.

From the data point of view, Kirulian’s special attack value is "65", while Elulard is also "65", although this does not mean that Kirulian's use of superpowers after evolving into Elular The same, but at least it will not decrease.

After the Sovereign Snake confronted Ailureduo, the overturning point was the super power.

The speed is not enough, the plug-in comes together.

Regarding the attribute system in the elven world, Zhou Jiang felt that the three types of plug-in levels were super power, ghost, and dragon.

For some unreasonable super powers, if one is not careful, even if it is a battle with a great grasp, it will still cause a car overturn.

For example, the attack and speed of the monarch snake crush the opponent, but its defense is indeed a weak point. If Elleriduo interferes with the movement of the monarch snake with thought power, and is chased after being caught up, the possibility of gg is still very high. big.

Before the game, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief after quickly analyzing the rollover points and countermeasures in his mind.

Regarding the battle, Zhou Jiang was either confident that he didn't need to think too much, or he was not sure to win and no longer waste brain cells thinking too much. Otherwise, he will try to analyze and compare the opponent's lack of elves and possible rollover points, and then make vigilant avoidance.

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