"I started with sixty points, it's okay." After seeing the accumulated points, Zhou Jiang glanced at the monarch snake who was breathing slightly, and then looked at the smoke-covered place opposite it.

After the Sovereign Snake Waves and stabilized, the sun's flames continued to fire, and directly killed the injured Ailueduo.

Although it was said that the monarch's snake wave caused the danger in the previous period, and was repeatedly hit by Ellerdor, but it was precisely because it waved that Ellerdor relaxed his vigilance and was knifed. Ye Pi was hit by the sun's flames while flying in the air.

It was precisely because Elleriduo could not avoid it in mid-air, and could only fight head-on with the sun and flames of the Monarch Snake, which caused it to be injured, and then triggered a series of chain reactions.

It can be said that the outcome has been decided since then.

But now that I know that Elle Duo has lost, I am afraid that Zhou Jiang is alone? Well, the premise is that none of these Xanadus and Elleritos used their minds to watch the situation through the smoke.

Although Zhou Jiang has a systematic existence, it can be known at the moment when the game is divided, but Shanaido is not bad, if they are willing, they can see the state of Elleredo in the smoke at any time. .

Sure enough, there are also guys who don’t like surprises. Lord Shanaido directly probed the state of Alreduo in the smoke and dust. After confirming that Alreduo was unable to fight, he stood up and signaled to the referee, announcing that the game was complete ended.

In fact, it’s okay not to use the lord Shanaido. The referees themselves have the responsibility to observe the conditions of the elves on both sides. They use their minds to probe the Elle Redo behind the smoke and dust. Ailureduo competes with the monarch snake, and the monarch snake does not have super powers. They use their mental power to detect the situation in the smoke and dust, and they will not have any impact on the monarch snake.

As the smoke dissipated, Ailureduo fainted in a rock pit full of pits and pits. Looking at the lord Shanaduo who came over, Zhou Jiang instantly understood what it was thinking. It was nothing more than asking Zhou Jiang to take out the potion. It's only for Eluledor.

Although it felt wasted, it was only a mere 10 points. He felt distressed about it before he wasted it. Moreover, he won more than 60 points directly after defeating Ellerdor. In any case, it is not a loss.

Although it is only the lowest-level injury medicine, the effect is very good, especially when facing minor injuries.

The potion was sprayed on Ellerdor's body, and the bruises and burns were directly healed. With the wizard's powerful recovery ability, it is estimated that after about ten minutes, the rest of the unrecovered can be recovered.

The "actual combat" of the potion made the elves onlookers once again amazed, and Zhou Jiang was also more welcome.

However, the battle between Shanaido and the others is still inevitable, and Zhou Jiang does not want to avoid it.

After all, these are points, given for nothing, who doesn't want it?

It's just that although Zhou Jiang didn't want to avoid the battle, some people still didn't understand what they were thinking.

If you want to fight against the lord Xanadu, you must first defeat them... It feels a bit inexplicable.

After all, he wasn't here to provoke or kick the gym, and they all knew that they couldn't beat Zhou Jiang.

But Zhou Jiang was too lazy to think, just keep getting points.

Although the monarch snake did not consume much energy and could continue to fight, Zhou Jiang still replaced it and replaced it with Menas.

If the Sovereign Snake fights them, the winning rate is very high, but it can't be completely crushed, and the consumption is still not small, but the Menus is different. As far as it is concerned, it is against the remaining Xanadus There should be no problem.

Well, the problem is not big.

In fact, the result is almost the same as Zhou Jiang thought. There are only three Xanadus, and they are not playing together in turns. Although Menas has not been strengthened in the system in terms of physical strength, its excellent attributes and the strengthening of daily exercises are also Enough to hold it up.

Even if I was out of breath at the end of the fight, at any rate it was a feat of one-to-three. Although it is not a big deal for Stingle Bee and Shanaido, it can be seen by looking at the surrounding atmosphere and the worship of the elves. Come out, how incredible this "feat" is in their eyes.

Also, in their territory, apart from their lord Shanaido, no other elves can do this, right?

It's hard to pick two, let alone three.

But it was precisely because of this that Zhou Jiang was curious about it.

Obviously the overall strength is not high, why is the strength of the lords so different from them?

Like the Thunder Beast Territory, the Thunder Beast is an elementary and mid-level king of heaven, with seven quasi-tenant kings under his command, and several high-level elites. As for the territory of Shanaido, Shanaido is a mid-ranked king of heaven. There are also eight quasi-tenant kings under his command, and there are several high-ranking elites.

But what about the beginners?

Why is there a fault in the middle?

The higher the level of the elves, the more difficult it is to upgrade. Why didn't the quasi-Uranus advance to the first level of the Uranus, the lord has already reached the middle level of the Uranus.

Is it easy to get promoted from the first rank to the middle rank? Without sparring, the target of the battle can be promoted before the quasi-king is promoted to the king?

Zhou Jiang actually noticed this unreasonable distribution of elves in the territory a long time ago, but he didn’t think too much about it, thinking it was a special reason in the Thunder Beast Territory, but it is also the case in Shanaiduo’s territory now. I had to let Zhou Jiang ponder.

Cough, but before thinking about these things, Zhou Jiang still has something to do, and that is to complete the duel with Lord Shanaido!

The troubled "Shanado Guards" has been resolved. Although it is late in the evening and almost all can finish their meal, there is still enough time for a game.

After the rock elves in charge of repairing the site repaired the damage to the site caused by Menas, Zhou Jiang looked at Lord Xanadu.

Lord Shanaido did not break his words, supported himself with his thoughts, and floated towards the middle of the field.


Zhou Jiang thought for a while, took out Big Needlebee's Elf Ball, and threw it toward the middle of the field.

Although I really wanted to let Xanaduo fight Xanaduo, think about it, I still don't embarrass the lord Xanaduo too much.

Although it can't win against Big Needle Bee or Shanaido, it's too miserable to be crushed by the same clan. Let Big Needle Bee come, at least for the face.

Zhou Jiang also did not direct the Big Needle Bee to fight, and still stood in the "audience stand" as a spectator.

Zhou Jiang is still very confident about Big Needle Bee. Before the Monarch Snake would worry about Shangailu Reduo Zhou Jiang, but if Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang doesn’t need to worry at all, even if he is against his opponent. It's a mid-level king of heaven, and it's also an elf from the super power system.

Usually, when they are idle, the elves in Zhou Jiang's team will learn from each other, like the big needle bee, and the only one who can learn from it is Shanaido.

And as an old saying goes, it is your opponent who knows you best.

For Big Needle Bee, the opponent is naturally only Shanaido.

I have been fighting against Xanadu, and the two are basically evenly matched, winning each other. Therefore, the Big Needle Bumblebee really wants to defeat Xanadu. For this reason, it will naturally find out Xanadu seriously. Duo's various information. Judging from the understanding of Shanaiduo's battle, Zhou Jiang is far inferior to Big Stinger Bee.

It can be seen that the big needle bee knows how much Xanadu is.

And now it is going to fight against Shanaido, who is far less powerful than Zhou Jiang?

Before the battle started, the Big Sting Bee had already won!

No reason to lose!

Hmm...Although it is quite remarkable, it is the protagonist's life style after all, and the strength is also top-level. How can he eat the flag if he crushes the opponent?

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, in the end Big Needle Bee also won the victory without any risk.

After all, after making up for the final shortcomings, the current Big Needle Bee is a real high-ranking king or higher, plus some strange skills, Lord Shanaido has no hope of winning.

After the game, the six quasi-king-level elves had previously participated in the thunder beast and giant vine contest with the lord Shanaido (the other two guards did not go), and knew the strength of the Zhoujiang elves, so they lost to their boss I just sighed regretfully, but the other elves were different, they all looked astonished and petrified.

Especially the other elves of the Shanaiduo clan and the other two quasi-kings have the most exaggerated expressions.

After all, they really knew the strength of Lord Shanaido, but Big Needle Bee easily killed Shanaido, which almost shocked his jaw...

Fortunately, although he was surprised that Zhou Jiang had defeated their boss, no elves rushed to kill Zhou Jiang and his elves. After lord Shanaido woke up and sprayed the wounding medicine, everyone dispersed.

Lord Shanaido is going back. Seeing that the boss doesn’t pursue anything, the other elves can only disperse. And the goal is achieved. Zhou Jiang, who has acquired the original fragments, will naturally return to the base built in Shanaido to rest and prepare to eat. It's supper.

After eating and taking a comfortable hot bath in the new bathing barrel, Zhou Jiang left the night watchman behind, and then went into the tent to rest.

Lying in the tent, as usual, I used my mobile phone to read the news to see if there were any major events in the outside world, whether the elves in the "other world" had been resolved or not. After not finding any noteworthy news, Zhou Jiang began to talk to Zhou Nan, who had gone to school normally, and Chen Yongan, who were in the Thunder Beast Territory, chatted.

Finally, after checking the credits and expenditures of these things, Zhou Jiang closed his eyes after thinking about what happened today and what to do later.

In this way, the first day of "making trouble" in Shanaiduo's territory was over.

The next day.

Zhou Jiang got up early.

Unlike in the Thunder Beast Territory, the elves in the Thunder Beast Territory did not fight with their elves because of trade. They all came by themselves to fight with Zhou Jiang and their elves.

The elves in Shanaiduo’s territory are not familiar with Zhou Jiang. Although they have shown the effects of potions, there are not many elves around them when we introduced them before. Therefore, Zhou Jiang’s goal today is that the middle and lower elves will not take the initiative to come to Zhou Jiang. The elves fight,

After all, they don’t even know about this...

So just as soon as possible, let Lord Xanadu to inform his men and let them gather to fight his elves.

He plans to stay here for about three days so that Xanadu can fully appreciate the effects of energy cubes and potions. During this period, not only does he have to establish a relationship with Lord Xanadu, but the income of points is also unstoppable.

The main source of points is the middle and lower elves, so he must let Shanaido's younger brothers know about him and participate in it.

After breakfast, I came to the place where Lord Shanaido was resting, but unfortunately, he has not yet received the trust of the elves in Shanaido’s territory, so even though a treaty was reached with Lord Shanaido yesterday, he was still patrolled in the territory. Xanadu was stopped.

Fortunately, they didn't allow Zhou Jiang to enter. They just said that Lord Shanaido was still resting and needed to go in and report.

Zhou Jiang had no choice but to wait ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to let Shanaiduo report.

After waiting outside for about five minutes, Shanaido, who had gone in to inform him, came back. Just when Zhou Jiang thought he could go in, it told him that the lord Shanaido was still resting, and asked Zhou Jiang to go there after lunch. ...

In an instant, Zhou Jiang was speechless. If he was just fighting against its lord Shanaido, naturally it would be fine anytime. After lunch, it was still early after the lunch, but today he wants Shanaido to let it. My little brother is fighting with his elves!

Time is life, time is points!

At the end of a day, he can get about four thousand points, but if noon passes, he can get three thousand points. How can Zhou Jiang bear it?

Zhou Jiang even regretted it. Yesterday, he saved trouble. He didn't finish speaking to him in one go. If he finished speaking, he can now stand on the side and watch his elves fight for points.

But no matter how regretted it is, Zhou Jiang, who doesn't want to give up, can only let Shanaiduo go in and report the situation. I believe Lord Shanaido will understand, right?

After all, if you let the elves under your command fight, you can improve your overall strength and make yourself and your little brothers live better in this kind of place. Before, there was no way to quickly recover a large number of elves’ injuries, so I didn’t dare to attack other elves. Let the elves fight on a large scale. Now that Zhou Jiang is in hand and the wounding medicine is in hand, you will not be rejected no matter what you think?

Well, unknowingly, Zhou Jiang once again set up a super big one, but the protagonist is the protagonist, unless it is a funny show or for a funny plot, otherwise, the impact on the protagonist can be said to be minimal.

After waiting for seven or eight minutes outside the territory where Lord Shanaido was resting, Zhou Jiang finally saw it.

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