When Zhou Jiang and the others returned to the camp, it was already nine in the morning.

The rain in the sky did not appear to decrease, it was getting bigger and bigger.

Although it was a camp built on one side close to the forest, it was covered with empty plains on three sides, so the wind swept across their camp directly without hindrance. Fortunately, their tents were extremely deep, even the shelter they built today. The four pillars of the rain pavilion are also very deep, with a tenon and tenon structure on the top, which is very strong.

The only flaw is that the mud block painted on the pillars and the roof of the pavilion was washed off by heavy rain and strong wind, exposing the wood wrapped inside.

So after Zhou Jiang and the others went back, they found that the entire rain shelter was soaked by rain, and the middle part of the rain shelter was dripping. Originally, the terrain was deliberately made a little high, but the rain still dropped the ground. The whole was wet, and even the folding tables and stools placed there were full of water.

Fortunately, the water discharge performance of their tent is first-rate. After all, this is a place to sleep. If you don't buy a better one, you won't be able to sleep well in the wild.

"Why don't you go back to the tent." Standing in the rain curtain, Chen Fan said, looking at the wet shelter.

"Well, go back..."

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the sheltered pavilion is directly drenched, and they have nowhere to go. Where can they not go back to the tent?

In order to prevent the rain from drifting into the tent when they entered, Shanaido sent them in one by one.

Zhou Jiang was the last one to go in. After returning to the tent, he said "Thank you" to Shanaiduo. After taking her back, Zhou Jiang took out his mobile phone and prepared to tell Chen Yongan and others about the nightmare god. a bit.

The reason why I said when I was not on the road was because Zhou Jiang felt that he was still more open to communicating with others on the Internet. By the time they can't see their faces, then he can start talking nonsense without worry.

In group chat, except for a general group that everyone knows, all other small groups are added to whoever has it.

For example, now that Zhou Jiang, Chen Yongan, and Chen Ziang are here for training, they have created a group of only four of them. Even if Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan have a good relationship, he will not join this group.

There were many similar groups before, but they all disbanded when they separated.

Finding the group chat, Zhou Jiang got all of them in the group and then started typing.

It’s just because there’s a lot to say, and the typing is not too fast. He hasn’t finished typing. Chen Yongan and the others, who have waited for a while, saw that Zhou Jiang was nothing but they did not speak for a long time. .

[Chen Yongan:? 】

[Chen Ziang:? 】

[Chen Fan:? 】

[Chen Fan: What's wrong? 】


They appeared before they even typed many words. Zhou Jiang could only cut the typed words.

[Zhou Jiang: Wait a minute, I have something to tell you, I'm still typing. 】

【Chen Yongan: ...】

[Chen Fan: Can't you say anything outside? If you live so close, we can all hear you shout. 】

[Chen Ziang: emmmm]

[Chen Ziang: Wait a minute, maybe there is something that is hard to tell. 】

[Chen Yongan: Things that are hard to say [Funny] [Funny] [Funny]]

[Chen Fan: [You know.jpg]]

[Chen Ziang:...]

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Looking at the two people who had become contaminated, Zhou Jiang's eyebrows twitched slightly, holding back his desire to kill, and typing out the last words.

[Zhou Jiang: Actually, I don’t think the nightmare **** did the attack on the Thunder Beast. Oh, the nightmare **** is the black elf. I forgot to tell you. In fact, the nightmare **** spoke to me telepathically before he left, and it told me that it was called the nightmare god. It says in our human terms, it is the kind of beast. The beast...you know how strong it is. As for what it said to me, it was actually just some information it told me, and then it asked me unilaterally. It said it felt an enemy's breath in me, so it asked me where I met it. The enemy, after I told it, it was gone. 】

Well, it's a very long paragraph, and because it was typed in a hurry, there are many problems in the typed paragraph, but these are not the main points. As long as the words are typed out so that they can understand them, he doesn't need to say how beautiful, simple and straightforward.

After a lot of words came out, the group fell silent.

After all, it takes some time to read this passage carefully.

While they were watching, Zhou Jiang turned his hand off, then turned over, squinted his eyes, quietly listening to the sound of rain falling on the tent.

After a long time, there was finally movement in the group.

[Chen Ziang: Really! Mythical beast? ! 】

[Chen Yongan: Amazing! In my lifetime, I actually saw a beast! Ahhhhh! I didn't take pictures! If I take a picture, then I can blow for a year! 】

[Chen Fan: What a blow! 】

Chen Yongan and others did not express any doubts about Zhou Jiang's words.

It's just that their focus is actually on the fact that the nightmare **** is a mythical beast. This is indeed something Zhou Jiang did not expect...

Sure enough, in this world, the meaning of "sacred beasts" is more powerful than Zhou Jiang had imagined.

It's a pity that he hasn't caught a divine beast until now, otherwise he would be able to pretend to be forced.

Obviously, basically the protagonist in fairy novels will have a beast that can pretend and fight...


Zhou Jiang suddenly patted his forehead, a little upset.

He thought, although he doesn't have a beast, he has Shanaido!

Isn't Xanadu better than those roaring beasts?

Xanadu can not only fight on the battlefield, but also on the appearance!

How many sacred beasts are prettier than Shaneduo?

And in daily life, Xanadu can also provide Zhou Jiang with various services. Even in the wild, even if Zhou Jiang is motionless and does not do any work, Xanadu will willingly do all the work for him, such as feeding, I believe she will not refuse...

Looking at it this way, does it matter what kind of beast?

When Zhou Jiang was counting on Shane Duo, the painting style in the group returned to normal.

Under the leadership of Chen Ziang, the topic changed from various exaggerated sighs back to serious discussions.

[Chen Ziang: If it weren't done by the nightmare god, who would it be? To be honest, in fact, I thought it was likely to do it before...]

[Chen Fan: Heh, what? Now it has changed again? Who said it wouldn't be it before? 】

[Chen Ziang: I just said it is possible, maybe you understand! 】

[Chen Ziang: [Beat people.jpg]]

[Chen Yongan: Okay, stop arguing. No, it’s not, but since it’s not what the **** of nightmare did, it’s okay to say, if it’s the **** of nightmare, we’re afraid we can’t beat others...]

[Zhou Jiang: Still want to fight? People are sacred beasts, if we can kill them with just a few of us, then the sacred beasts would have been rotten. 】

[Chen Ziang: Ahem, the street is not bad enough, after all, the beasts are not only strong, but also difficult for all of us to encounter. 】

[Zhou Jiang:...]

[Chen Fan: Since it's not a nightmare god, then I think it's not very likely that other elves commit crimes. After all, it's impossible to be a **** beast again? 】

[Chen Ziang:...]

[Zhou Jiang:...]

【Chen Yongan: ...】

[Chen Fan: Hey hey hey! What do you mean! 】

[Zhou Jiang: It always feels like you are standing, if it is really done by other beasts, then you will be to blame for your crow's mouth. 】

[Chen Ziang: That's right, if you suddenly say this kind of thing at this time, you are still a veteran trainer. If something happens, it is all your responsibility. 】

【Chen Yongan: +1】

[Zhou Jiang: [I am the same.jpg]]

[Chen Fan: OK, OK, it's my fault...]

[Chen Fan: [surrender.jpg]]

[Zhou Jiang: Alright, let’s get back to the topic. I really don’t think it’s a nightmare god, but after excluding it, there will be more things to consider. 】

[Chen Ziang: This is no longer a problem, but there is no breakthrough at all! 】

[Chen Yongan: Well, there are too many possibilities. We don't have any evidence or anything in our hands. If we can't determine the direction, it will be very difficult to do. 】

[Chen Fan: No way, it rains heavily today, there is no way to investigate. 】

[Zhou Jiang: It’s okay that there is no way to investigate today. The key is that if it rains heavily, some possible traces may be washed away. If an elf commits a crime, it will be difficult to find if there is no trace. It is only when the thunder beast touches something. It will be fine if it becomes like that. 】

[Chen Ziang: If the Thunder Beast has touched something, this is indeed the best situation, but we must also be prepared for a malicious attack by the other party. The Thunder Beast has been overcast. We will not be attacked by the time. 】

[Chen Yongan: Of course, my spirit will protect me! 】

[Chen Yongan: [Bixin.jpg]]

[Zhou Jiang: You can pull it down... When the time comes to investigate what needs to be separated, we will work in pairs, you and me. 】

[Chen Fan: No problem. 】

[Chen Ziang: OK]

[Chen Yongan: Okay...]

[Chen Ziang: That's it, right? 】

[Chen Fan: Well, if the Nightmare God is excluded, there is nothing to discuss in itself. The key to the future is to go to the Thunder Beast to see it on the spot. 】

[Chen Yongan: Then everyone just leave, I went to the movies. 】

[Chen Fan: Well, after leaving, I also have an old movie I want to watch. 】

[Zhou Jiang: Wait, there is one more thing I haven't said yet, come back to me! 】

[Chen Ziang:? Anything else? 】

[Chen Yongan: Wow, you have a lot of business! 】

[Chen Yongan: [Beat people.jpg]]

【Chen Fan: +1】

[Chen Fan: That's right, there are so many things, and I finally took time to watch the movie. 】

[Zhou Jiang: Hey! I said that you didn’t want to lie in the tent all the time, why are you now complaining about things and chatting with you, and Chen Fan, are you not free any day? Yesterday I watched you lying there and rested for a long time. 】

[Chen Fan: Cough... That was my rest after training, can it be the same! 】

[Chen Ziang: He’s right, it’s only half an hour of training and three hours of rest. 】

[Chen Ziang: [sneer.jpg]]

[Chen Yongan: [Funny.jpg]]

[Chen Fan: [Beat people.jpg]]

[Zhou Jiang: Okay, let's not talk about it, let's talk about business, in a sense, this matter is more important than that of the Thunder Beast! 】

[Zhou Jiang: [Serious Face.jpg]]

[Chen Ziang:...Well, let's talk, let's listen. 】

【Chen Yongan: 1】

【Chen Fan: 1】

[Zhou Jiang: This is the case. Before, when the Nightmare God left at the Thunder Beast’s place, right? At that time, it actually said another word to me. 】

[Zhou Jiang: Leave here as soon as possible, soon, here will be chaos...]

[Zhou Jiang: This is what it said to me at the end. What do you think it means? 】

[Chen Yongan: Hey, I have a bad feeling. 】

[Chen Fan: It will not scare you? 】

[Chen Ziang: Does it really say that? It seems that we must pay attention! 】

[Chen Ziang: Scared? I said what do you think about this, mythical beast, why is it okay to scare you... It hurts to be idle...]

[Zhou Jiang: I can feel that it is really serious, and indeed, it doesn’t need to scare me or anything. Didn’t I say that I told it where I met its enemy before? It said if it was found If its enemy owes me a favor, it is totally unnecessary to lie or scare us. 】

[Chen Ziang:? ? ? 】

[Chen Fan: Fuck! Owe you favors? 】

[Chen Yongan:? 】

[Chen Yongan: [When I hit the question mark, it’s not that I have a problem, but I think you have a problem. jpg]]

[Chen Ziang: Everyone is there together, so why are you talking to it again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are owed favor by others again! I am not convinced! 】

[Chen Fan: European fine work, take my spear! 】

[Chen Yongan: Nothing saved, let's bury it. 】

[Zhou Jiang:...]

[Zhou Jiang: Enough of you guys, talk about business! 】

[Chen Ziang: [How sad is it so big.jpg]]

[Chen Ziang: Ahem, okay, you say, you say... please start your performance. 】

[Zhou Jiang:...]

[Zhou Jiang: The Nightmare God will not persuade us to leave here for no reason, and it will still have a good impression on me. 】

[Chen Yongan: Bah, shameless! 】

[Chen Fan: Bah, shameless! 】

System: Chen Yongan was permanently banned by the administrator!

System: Chen Fan was permanently banned by the administrator!

[Chen Ziang: Bah, b...]

[Zhou Jiang: Huh? What do you want to say? 】

[Chen Ziang: Bah! It deserves it, dare to provoke the host! 】

[Zhou Jiang: Humph! 】

[Zhou Jiang: Now that Xiao Xiao has been eliminated, the topic meeting can be officially started. 】

[Chen Ziang: Yes, yes, you are right! 】

[Zhou Jiang: Huh? How do you feel that you have something to say? 】

[Chen Ziang: [grievance.jpg]]

[Chen Ziang: It's wrong, my lord! The villain is single-minded to the adults! 】

[Zhou Jiang: Hmph, forget it, I'll spare you. 】

[Chen Ziang: A lot of adults! 】


Looking at the question and answer between Chen Ziang and Chen Ziang in the phone, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly.

Sorry, the administrator can do whatever he wants!

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