I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 877: Lord Xanadu comes home


   Looking at the lord Shanaido who were slowly falling down, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

   He was worried that the lord Xanadu would smash him for various reasons, but now he is finally relieved.

Lord Shanaido glanced at the elves who were training beside his eyes, but turned his head from time to time to look at the elves curiously, and then looked at the camp of Zhou Jiang and their camp, which was not far away, and then nodded at Zhou Jiang and said:'Energy cube Are you ready? If you are ready, let's start early, and finish the call early so I can go back to catch up. ’

   "..." Hearing it, Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched slightly.

   Brother, what's the matter with you?

   You are too real!

  Although he secretly complained, Zhou Jiang took out the glass bottle with the energy cube from his backpack.

   After throwing the bottle to it, Zhou Jiang said: "Don't rush the game, now there is a very important thing we need to talk to you." Hear

'Ok? After Shanaido handed the bottle with the energy cube to the younger brother Shanaido behind him, he looked at Zhou Jiang, frowned slightly, and asked: "Is it important?" ’

   Zhou Jiang looked serious: "Well, it's very important!"

   Lord Xanadu nodded and said: ‘Yes, but let’s fight first. After the fight, I’ll talk about it when I’m resting. ’

   "emmmm..." Zhou Jiang hesitated for a moment, and soon decided, shouting: "Okay!"

   Although he wanted to keep Xanadu's state at his peak, Zhou Jiang did not want to miss this original fragment.

  I believe there will not be such a coincidence, will it happen at this critical moment?

   Chen Yongan was a little worried, and asked, "Are you okay?"

   "It's okay, don't worry." Zhou Jiang patted his shoulder and comforted.

   The battle between Xanaduo and Lord Xanaduo is not a trouble, but it will consume a lot of physical strength. If something happens, he can also exchange high-level wound medicine or healing medicine. A bottle of advanced wound medicine with 50 points may not be able to fully restore Xanadu's stamina, but the healing medicine that specifically restores stamina is definitely enough!

   And the recovery medicine only needs one hundred points. If he wins the lord Shanaido, he will get about 80 points. Although a small loss is 20, there is no loss if there are original fragments!

   And now he still holds more than 35,000 points in his hand, only 20 points, even if he loses it, he doesn't care at all.

   "Just here." Zhou Jiang said to Lord Shanaido.

   Lord Xanadu nodded indifferently.

   Its little brothers saw that the boss was about to start fighting, and consciously scattered around to make room.

   Zhou Jiang nodded to his own Xanaduo, and signaled that the battle would be handed over to her, and Xanaduo answered.

   Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan, as well as the elves they were training before, also walked away to empty the middle.

   Soon, in the middle of the field, only the two elves of Zhoujiang's Xanadu and Lord Xanadu, who were separated some distances, were left.

   The two Xanadus did not directly pinch the frame, but half-floated in the air, standing opposite each other, looking straight at each other. Zhou Jiang knew at a glance that they were communicating through thoughts at this time. As for what they were talking about...how did Zhou Jiang know this time that he could not read mind.

  Sanaiduo and the others didn't let Zhou Jiang and the others wait for too long. After the honey juice looked at each other for about a minute, the two elves moved in unison.

   Zhoujiang’s Shanaido directly attacked, and a shadow ball was quickly condensed by her, and it flew straight towards the lord Shanaido.

   This shadow ball was injected with a lot of energy by Xanadu. Not only will the damage caused to the opponent increase after hitting the opponent, but the flying speed shown now will also increase!

   The pitch-black shadow ball dragged its long tail, and the sphere with a diameter of ten centimeters directly turned into a cylinder more than one meter long, like a laser beam, facing the lord Shanaduo.

Lord Shanaido was surprised that Shanaido’s attack speed was so fast, but it wouldn’t stand stupidly on the spot. It was a novice elves that would do it. As long as there are some elves of the combat age, no matter how strong or weak it is. , No matter how fast the skills are, they won't be stunned, because their bodies will subconsciously make evasive movements.

   Of course, it would be different if faced with the elf who reacted.

   is like Lord Shanaido, it can naturally react.

The elves of the super power system will not have bad brains, and the strong brains will not slow down the reaction speed. After all, although the reaction is used to the conditioned reflex reaction after a certain event, but the brain turns fast can also be easily done react.

   Lord Xanadu naturally belongs to the latter, and his brain turns faster than muscle memory.

   Shanaduo's shadow ball speed is too fast, it is too late, and doesn't want to fight it hard, so it uses its thought power and directly pulls itself and flies toward the side.


The shadow ball almost flew by wiping Lord Shanaido’s face. Even though it was wrapped with thought power, it could be seen as a layer of protection, but it still felt that its face was blown by the strong wind brought by the shadow ball. It hurts.

   The shadow ball is extremely fast. If it doesn't react in the first time and directly makes a decision to move and evade, then it will be the shadow ball.


The shadow ball fell on the open ground, and suddenly erupted with amazing power, like a small bomb, which broke out directly. Even if Xanadu did not deliberately let the shadow ball envelop a large amount of black smoke, it still produced a large block after it exploded. Black area.

   Lord Shanaduo turned his head slightly, glanced at the black smoke screen behind him, his slightly squinted eyes opened completely, the rambling disappeared, and replaced by extremely serious.

Before in its territory, it had fought against Xanadu, but at that time Xanadu put a lot of water. Although it was aware of it, it could also guess that there was a big gap between itself and her. It was almost There is no possibility of winning, but it is one thing to guess, and it is another thing to see Shanaido's burst of strength.

   originally thought that Xanadu would release the water, but it just played with her like a play and let her win the game. But after seeing her getting serious, Lord Shanaido also got serious.

   Although they can't beat them, they all lose, but if the other party is serious, then she, as the lord of one side, can't hide.

   If you want to get serious, although you still can't beat it, I don't let you knead it!

   Lord Shanaduo snorted softly, and his body was instantly wrapped by a powerful thought force, turned into a purple ball of light, and galloped towards Shanaiduo.


Seeing the sudden eruption of lord Xanadu, Xanadu was slightly surprised. She had fought with it, and had seen Big Sting Bee fought with it, but every time she fought, it was just an ordinary attack. , Ordinary defense, ordinary as if it is not a mid-level elf from the king.

   But this time...

   But she didn't think too much, one is that time doesn't allow, after all, lord Shanaido is about to burst into her face, and the other is that she doesn't need to think too much, she only needs to think about defeating it!

   Looking at the lord Xanadu who was rushing over, Xanadu directly sent another shadow ball.

   If the lord Xanadu is replaced by another elves, then Xanaido will be entangled in thought power directly. After all, this is a good control method for most elves.

   But for a small group of elves, the control effect of mind power is minimal, and the elves with super powers such as "Sanaduo" are one of that small group.

Of course, although the effect is very small, but if Shanaido really wants to do this, it is not impossible. After all, the strength gap is there, even if the damage is halved, in the face of absolute strength, it can't be reversed. What storms.

   However, Shanaido wouldn't do that. Although she could entangle it with her mind and fight it hard, she could indeed entangle it and decide the outcome directly, but that would require a huge amount of physical energy.

Even if Xanaduo is much stronger than lord Xanaduo, it is undoubtedly very difficult for her to kill it with the power of mind, with the addition of "away combat" and the super-high special defense of Xanadu. .

   If it is really done like that, it can be said that this game will be a consumption game to see the elves of both sides, who will be exhausted first.

   Even if it is as strong as hers, if you consume each other with it, after the game is over, you can have 30% of the physical strength left.

   And the physical strength is too exhausted, which is something she doesn't want to see.

   Although Zhou Jiang asked her to fight, she did not refuse, but she knew the current troubles, but actually didn't want to fight at this time. As Zhou Jiang thought before, she wanted to keep her state at the peak, so that she could calmly face the crisis that did not know when it would come.

   But there is no way, this is Zhou Jiang's order, she will not, and does not want to refuse any request from Zhou Jiang, even if it is not what she wants.

   Fighting is unavoidable, then she can only try to make herself consume a little less physically, so she will not enter into a war of attrition with it, even if she can win 100%.

   Although she said that even if she did not fight for physical exertion, her winning rate could reach over 95%...

   pulled away again, and back on the battlefield, Shanaido's shadow ball flew towards the approaching lord Shanaido, but compared to the previous shadow ball, the speed of this shadow ball was not slower.

  Although the distance was shortened and the time to react to it was reduced a lot, it still turned around and avoided it.

   However, Shanaido's shadow ball was just a starter, in order to focus Lord Shanaido's attention on it.

Seeing the lord Xanadu dodging the shadow ball, the corners of Xanadu's mouth were slightly tilted, and the energy that quietly condensed suddenly exploded. In an instant, a head-sized shadow ball condensed in front of Xanadu, and then straightly evaded the attack The lord Xanadu flew over there.

Although this shadow ball is more than twice as fast as the previous two, but the speed is not slow, at least not slower than the first shadow ball. After all, this can be regarded as Shanaido’s ultimate move. If the speed is slow, then she will definitely reduce the size to increase the speed.

   After all, at this time, you make a hit if you hit it. If you want to get high damage and give up speed and miss a hit, you will lose money.

   The "appetizer" that Xanaduo released before, although not as fast as the first shadow ball, was not much slower, so lord Xanaduo must focus on it.

After all, if the lord Xanadu did not focus on the shadow ball, it would be really difficult for him to avoid it. When hit by the ghost shadow ball, under double restraint, Xanadu Even if the special defense is very high, it is unbearable.

The lord Shaneduo has a difference in strength with Shaneduo, and if it is hit by a shadow ball, then it can't play, so it can't take risks, and focus on Shaneduo behind the shadow ball. , This is Xanadu's plan.


   The distance was too close, and there was no time for it to react. In addition, the speed of the shadow ball was too fast. In the end, Lord Shanaido could not avoid it, and was hit by this enhanced version of the shadow ball.

   The pitch-black shadow ball burst out, like a smoke bomb. A large amount of black smoke spewed out from the lord Shanaido's side.

   Black smoke drifted slowly over the windless wilderness. At this time, the benefits of being in the air were experienced. For example, now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Lord Shanaido ate the shadow ball, his figure was also covered by the black smoke, but as long as it is a normal-minded person, you can see at a glance whether Lord Shanaido has Lose the ability to fight.

   If it loses the ability to fight, can it continue to float in the air without falling?

  Of course, it doesn't matter if it is in the air or not, anyway, Shanaido has the power to see the scene in the smoke clearly.

   Shanaduo is going to make a quick fight, trying to keep herself more stamina, so she will not be on a regular field, waiting for the opponent to rush out of the smoke before continuing to attack. Starting

   After seeing the sight of Xanadu in the smoke, he raised his hand and another shadow ball flew over.

   However, the shadow ball hadn't even rushed into the smoke. It was hit by a beam of pink energy, and then both exploded, causing the smoke that was blown away by the strong wind caused by the skill to diffuse again. A genius remembers one Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   Looking at the shadow ball that was detonated with the force of thought, Xanadu slightly narrowed his eyes.

She could see that the energy contained in the thought power used by Lord Shanaido was far less than the shadow ball she launched. It stands to reason, but if the two collide, the shadow ball will directly break through it, at most It was just a stalemate, and then broke through, but the reality is that after the shadow ball collided with the thought force, the two skills were directly destroyed.

   Although she doesn't understand how it is done and what techniques it uses, she doesn't care.

   You break one simple, then two, three, more?

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