When Zhou Jiang returned to the camp, the battle between Guai Li and the Centipede King had ended.

Just as he thought, this time, the Centipede King never got up again. After all, this was the third time. It would be strange if the strange power was merciful.

Looking at the dilapidated Centipede King's corpse randomly thrown in the big pit, Zhou Jiang shook his head without saying anything, just thinking that the Thunder Beast's younger brother would deal with the corpse.

After all, they are stationed here. A corpse here is nothing, and although the weather is not too hot now, it is gradually warming up. After a few days, when the corpse rots, it is called despair, so this stuff should be dealt with earlier. Well done.

Back to Chen Yongan and the others, at this time Lord Xanadu and Bronze Bell are no longer here, Lord Xanadu and Thunderbolt are arranging its little brothers together, and Bronze Bell is eating there with the energy cube...

Yes, just eat.

Although the bronze clock does not have a mouth and does not need to take food from outside, this does not mean that it cannot eat.

It eats in a very special way, sending the energy cube into the mouth of the clock with thought force, and then it is "eaten"...

I don't know what it looks like inside. He hasn't really thought about it yet. Thinking about it now, it's really curious.

But curious to curious, Zhou Jiang would not ask about the bronze bell, after all, he was not familiar with it, and he would certainly not simply show it to him.

After returning to the original position and sitting down, Chen Yongan and the others looked at Zhou Jiang and asked him, "How is it?"

Zhou Jiang naturally knew what they were asking. He nodded and said, "Well, Brother Zhao has already reported during the meeting. Now the people in the Alliance are preparing. They should be able to arrive by tomorrow night?"

Chen Fan said: "It should be possible. After all, they have airplanes, such as mountains. They don't need to climb and fly over."

"Yes." Zhou Jiang nodded, agreeing.

The Alliance’s support is not like they had come in before, they need to rely on their own feet to walk, they came directly as a transport helicopter.

After all, time is tight and there are a lot of things to bring, so flying is inevitable.

The only thing that needs attention is that they need to pay attention to the height of the plane and don't be hit by the elves in the forest.

The undeveloped areas of the Alliance in the Deep Forest are no joke, there are wild elves everywhere, and most of them are aggressive. If one is not careful, and the plane flies low, it is not impossible to be taken away by the elves on the ground.

Don't look at the way Zhou Jiang and the Leiden Beast have a very good relationship now. Isn't this the energy cube automatic production machine and the injury medicine exchanged from the system?

Not to mention the energy cube, it is the wound medicine. The amount Zhou Jiang exchanged from the system to use has exceeded the amount they brought. Chen Yongan and the others have already suspected him, just because it is not a bad thing. It was not a big deal, and they didn't know how to ask him, so they kept pretending not to know.

If there is no energy cube to bribe the lord of Thunder Beast, and there is no wound medicine that Zhou Jiang exchanges from the system, they want to stay here safely and train with the little brothers of Thunder Beast?

Don't even think about it!

And this is what they need to face after they come to the destination, and they need to settle down, and before they reach the depths of the forest, the undeveloped areas of the alliance, the various dangers they have experienced along the way are beyond ordinary people's experience. of.

In the depths of the inaccessible forests, because there are no roads, they need to open them themselves. Even with the help of the elves, unless they directly rely on the elves to advance, they need to use their feet to conquer the harsh environment.

And during this period, various wild elves' attacks and harassment also need to be vigilant.

Compared with the middle of the forest and the periphery of the forest near the human society, the elves living in the deep forests are stronger and have more brutal personalities. They rush down one day, and every day they have to deal with twenty elves who suddenly attack them. Above, this is what they encountered when they were on the way. When they were eating, they were attracted by the aroma of the food and saw the bonfire at night and then came and attacked them.

This is the reason that Zhou Jiang and the others came here with strong strength. If they were replaced by a weak trainer, they would not be able to return once they set foot here. Even if they were a trainer, a careless one would Something happened, exposing the corpse to the wilderness.

Next, Zhou Jiang talked to Chen Ziang and the others about how he entrusted Zhao Feng to ask him to call in the people from the supporting alliance to help them bring food.

This part of the money has always been paid by them. As I said before, they use the energy cube automatic production machine provided by Zhou Jiang, and then they pay for the materials. The main reason for the expensive energy cube is the craftsmanship. As well as labor costs, it would not cost much for materials, so Zhou Jiang did not refuse.

Speak to them now, so as not to let people from the alliance come, and if he has something that is not here, there will be problems during the handover.

The Alliance will send people to station here, and with the help of Lord Xanadu and Bronze Bell, Zhou Jiang and the others don't have to worry too much about the passage of this "different world".

Next, they just need to stay here, before the people from the Alliance arrive. I believe that within a day or two, this channel will not change much, right?

The worse situation is that dozens of "different world" elves will come out, and there are nearly two hundred elves with an average strength of elite middle-level elves, plus Zhou Jiang and the three heavenly kings of the thunder beast. The strength of the elves is appropriate to deal with the "different world" elves that emerged earlier.

Well, the premise is that the channel doesn't come out like a honeycomb.

In the afternoon, after Thunder Beast and Lord Shanaido arranged their little brothers, the little brothers of the bronze bell also arrived.

Since the bronze bell had already told them that its younger brothers would also come, they were also taken into consideration when clearing the open space, so they could directly settle in after they came.

There is nothing wrong with stationing these, mainly food, but after talking to the Thunder Beast, it agreed to the lord Xanadu and the elves of the bronze bell to eat the food in its territory. After all, after a wave of earthquakes, the fruit tree fell at least halfway. This half of the fruit is enough to feed these elves for several weeks.

Anyway, they can't finish it by themselves, and they will rot if left, so they can just take it out.


Raiden beast is generous and understands the overall situation?


Even if the tree fruits can't be eaten by themselves, they will rot. At the beginning, the Thunder Beast was a little bit resistant to let the lord Shaneduo and the men of Bronze Bell who were stationed here eat their fruits. In the end, it agreed. It was only under Zhou Jiang's persuasion and Lord Shanaido that they didn't help and threatened to go home.

But this is also normal. Here, tree fruits and fruit trees are everything. For example, the competition between the two lords of the Thunder Beast and the Giant Vine developed to the battle between the territories, and finally developed to the ring, their The bets are also based on fruit trees. One can imagine what the fruit, that is, food means here.

It’s a matter of habit that it’s too important to look at the fruit of the tree, so even if the fruit trees fall, the fruit on the fallen fruit tree can’t be eaten by themselves and will rot later. Even so, it resists sending them to the lord. Shanait them.

Because in the subconscious, Thunder Beast still feels that Lord Shanaido and Bronze Bell are enemies, and if they give important food to them, they are enemies!

Time flies quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye. The only elves who came from the "other world" were the centipede king who came out at about noon in the morning and a ring bear who came out in the afternoon.

The Centipede King was beaten to death by a strange force, and the circle bear is not much better, but the only thing that makes the circle bear happy is that it has not undergone "torture"...

The Centipede King was beaten down twice, and was killed for the third time, while the ring bear was killed by a group of elves after he came out.

Although it hangs fast, at least there is no need to experience the pain of the centipede king, um, no loss~

Naturally they can’t relax their vigilance at night, but fortunately, there are not many others here, that is, there are many elves, nearly 300 elves, even if the elves have been standing guard for ten minutes, they can almost reach the day after all rounds, so Zhou Jiang can Sleep at ease.


After two o'clock in the morning.


A sudden explosion awakened Zhou Jiang and the others who were asleep. Suddenly, and the explosion sounded around him, not only Zhou Jiang and the others, but also the sleeping elves who were not standing guard were also awakened.

The awakened elves made some complaining babbles. One or two words were okay. Nearly more than 300 babbles gathered together into a noisy movement.

No way, Zhou Jiang and the others can only come out to see the situation.

If there was only an explosion, they knew that there was a sound of elves from the "other world" coming out and fighting with the guarded elves. When there is no follow-up sound, it means that the matter has been resolved by them, and they can continue to close their eyes and sleep, but Now a large group of elves are talking there, and the sound is amazing in the silent night.

Holding his hair, Zhou Jiang reluctantly got out of the tent.

"Why did you get out of the big needle bee?" Zhou Jiang looked a little surprised at the big needle bee outside the tent.

Big Needle Bee’s Elf Ball was placed outside the tent by Zhou Jiang, right at the exit. As long as there is a danger, Big Needle Bee will come out to intercept it, but now things don’t seem to be serious, how come the Big Needle Bee also came out?

Big Needle Bee waved his hand and shook his head. Zhou Jiang guessed what it meant in a daze, "It's nothing, come out and have a look."

Well, very good, this is a big bee.

Since Big Needle Bee didn't find anything, but came out bored to take a look, Zhou Jiang didn't care about it.

At this time, the zippers of the tent on the side were opened one after another, and Chen Ziang and the others also came out. Since I was awakened in the middle of the night and lacked sleep, everyone was yawning and rubbing their eyes, looking sleepy. When Chen Yongan came out, he was still talking complaints.

Zhou Jiang glanced at Chen Ziang and they averted their gazes and looked at Dakeng.

However, it is a pity that today is the first quarter of the moon, and there are a lot of clouds, so the visibility is not high. Although his eyes have adapted to the dark, he has good eyesight, and he has no night blindness, but he has to see clearly 20 to 30 meters under the black light. It is still very difficult to open things outside.

And because of the presence of several "light sources" in the forest, like blazing horses, who are always radiating light all over the body, Zhou Jiang's eyes were "blind" soon...

He just looked at them for a few seconds, and when he looked at the dark place again, it was already blurred...

Chen Ziang and the others came to Zhou Jiang. Chen Ziang rubbed his temples and asked him: "Is there a "other world" elves coming out? Has it been solved?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head and said helplessly: "I don't know, I just came out a little bit earlier than you guys, and it's dark here, you can't see anything."

At this time, Zhou Jiang found that the voices of the surrounding elves had become quieter. He squinted his eyes and looked towards the light source before discovering that it was Lord Shanaido who had come out.

Also, their bosses have all come out, and they won’t be quiet anymore. Who dares to be presumptuous in front of their bosses?

"Let's go, let's take a look, we can't see clearly when we are far away." Zhou Jiang said to Chen Ziang and the others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then took the lead and walked towards them.

Their status is now the lowest level with the lords of Thunder Beasts, so in the past, there were elves who got in the way, and after seeing them, they gave way.

The four people came to the Thunder Beasts, Zhou Jiang released Shanaido, and then asked the Thunder Beasts, "What happened?"

The three lords glanced at each other, and finally the Thunder Beast, which Zhou Jiang and others are more familiar with, stood up.

'Hey...it's nothing, it's just that an elf from the "other world" came out and was spotted by a guard on guard. After spotting the enemy, they all shot it and killed it together. Although they killed it all at once, The noise was still a bit big, and it woke everyone up. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded and looked at Dakeng again, but because of the darkness, he still couldn't see anything clearly, and because he adjusted to the light, he saw even more blurry. He looked at about seven or eight meters away. It's dark.

I didn’t see clearly what the elves were, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, they have been killed. The question now is whether the affairs of the elves who were talking before have been done right, and when they are done, go back to sleep. He hasn't got enough sleep yet.

Zhou Jiang looked at the elves around him and asked, "What about them, why have they been arguing just now? Now that they are quiet, are you okay?"

Raiden beast nodded and let out a low growl, indicating that there is no problem.

Zhou Jiang nodded, looked around at the elves who were waiting quietly to look at them, and said, "Since there is no problem, let them go away. Go back to sleep at night."

As he said, Zhou Jiang couldn't help yawning himself. When he thought of sleeping, his sleepiness kept coming up.

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