"Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world (

"Hey, Zhou Jiang!"

Just when Zhou Jiang took the baby bear plush doll and was about to say something, Zhou Jiang heard Zhou Nan's voice.

Not only him, but Wang Qingyan and Jiang Shui who looked at him also heard it, so everyone turned their heads and looked outside.

I saw Zhou Nan and Xu Feng greet them at the long wooden counter, and there were two people beside them, a little girl about seven or eight, and the other a middle-aged woman. The girl's mother.

Are they the masters of Lu Lili?

Seeing their first glance, Zhou Jiang's mind popped up with this idea.

Sure enough, just when Zhou Jiang's thought came up, the little girl pulled both hands on the ghost sky, and shouted excitedly.

"Lu Lili!"

And Lu Lili, who was in Jiang Shui's arms, also found her little master. After a cry, she broke free from Jiang Shui's embrace, and then jumped over the counter in three or two steps and plunged into the little girl's arms.

Watching Lu Lili holding Lu Lili, she looked happy and happy, Zhou Jiang glanced at the river, and sure enough, she showed a lost expression for a moment.

Think about it, even though she didn't get along with Lu Lili for long, she couldn't stand Lu Lili's cuteness!

The skin of the body is also smooth and tender. Although it may be a bit cold to hold at this time, it is still comfortable.

Moreover, it was always carried by the river before. Except for the river, Zhou Jiang and others did not follow it. Now after seeing the master, she has directly abandoned her and put it into the arms of the master. Loss is inevitable.

It's like when a friend wants to go out and put his pet dog in your place for a few days. You get along with your pet dog very happily. A few days later, while playing with the pet dog who gets along well, the owner returns. The pet dog that was playing immediately fell into the arms of the owner, without even looking at you...

Zhou Jiang and the others came to the long counter to talk to the little girl and her mother across the counter.

Although the boss took away the big prize by Zhou Jiang, he still wouldn't let them go quickly, so don't delay his business.

The boss didn’t say anything, so no one who was waiting in line said anything, and they still wanted to watch the show...

The little girl and Lu Lili are immersed in the joy of reunion, so of course her mother must say thank you, and this is indeed the responsibility of an adult or guardian.

The girl's mother bowed slightly to several people, and said very seriously: "Thank you very much for helping to find Lu Lili."

Seeing a woman about the same age as his mother bowed to herself, Jiang Shui became a little embarrassed and waved her hand in a fluster, saying, "Ma...Ma, it's actually not a troublesome thing, just find Lu Lili back. Up."

As she said, she glanced at Lu Lili who was being held by the little girl and rubbed her chest happily, feeling sour.

Obviously me... ahem.

Seeing Jiang Shui glance at his daughter, the girl's mother also looked at her daughter who was holding a happy face with Lu Lili, with a gentle smile on her face.

Caressing her head gently, the girl's mother said: "Jiajia, thank you big brothers and sisters, it is the big sisters who helped you find Lulili."

After hearing her mother's words, the girl recovered from the joy of meeting Lu Lili again.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Shui and Zhou Jiang, and then he bent over and bowed, and said crisply, "Thank you, big brother, big sister!"


Lu Lili, who was in the girl's arms, also waved her hands and shouted, she should also be thanking...

Well, anyway, it's just a thank you.

"Well, it's okay, but next time you have to take a good look at Lu Lili." Seeing the girl thank you sweetly, Jiang Shui said with a smile.

"Yeah!" The girl nodded solemnly, and at the same time she held Lu Lili tightly in her arms.

Seeing the girl's serious look, Zhou Jiang felt adorable, and even wondered if she came to her with tears of tears and asked her to ask her to kill him by the God of Creation?

Sure enough, loli is power for a macho...

Not to mention Zhou Jiang, who stared at the little girl who was YY over there.

Because the place is not good, people still want to do business, so everyone didn't talk much. The girl's mother quickly waved with the girl and said goodbye to Zhou Jiang.

They live nearby. They originally said that they wanted to entertain and entertain them to thank them, but Jiang Shui and the others refused to play with the ring.

The girl's mother naturally knew that it was just an excuse to want a ring, but she didn't need their gratitude, so she didn't say anything, and took her daughter to say goodbye to Zhou Jiang and the others.

After the girl and her mother left, Zhou Jiang also walked out of the ring.

Wang Qingyan wants to accompany Jiang Shui and Li Linghui, Zhou Jiang will not stand there anymore.

As for the big plush teddy bear?

Go directly to the space behind the backpack.

Otherwise, it would be too ostentatious to take it to the temple fair. He didn't want to be watched by people all the way later.

And not to mention this, it’s troublesome to just hold it, I don’t have much to eat for dinner, and I have to eat supper afterwards, how can I use my precious hands on the teddy bear?

There is a set of big prizes, so when Zhou Jiang came out and walked towards Zhou Nan and the others, the road was smooth. Even if someone was in front of him, when Zhou Jiang walked towards that side, they would Get out of the way, and then look at Zhou Jiang with a curious look, and some even greet Zhou Jiang with a smile, and then Zhou Jiang responds one by one.

Zhou Nan and the others were at the end of the long wooden counter. After Zhou Jiang passed by, Zhou Nan gave Zhou Jiang a light punch and said, "Good fellow, you won the jackpot! How much did you spend?"

"Hey, not much, only forty yuan!"


Upon hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Zhou Nan and Xu Feng both looked at him in surprise.

They came late, and only saw the scene where Zhou Jiang received the grand prize, so I don't know how much he spent. I thought it was not too small, but it was only forty yuan!


Seeing them in surprise, Zhou Jiang showed a proud expression after a long absence.

Sure enough, this matter can be blown for a while.

"By the way, what about you?" Zhou Jiang suddenly thought that they were playing wooden cards before, so he asked.


Hearing Zhou Jiang's question, the two were slightly embarrassed.

Well, judging by their appearance, it is estimated that there is nothing to gain, or perhaps they have lost their money?

Otherwise, he wouldn't show this expression, especially Xu Feng.

Seeing their embarrassment, Zhou Jiang didn't ask any more, and said: "Forget it, let's look at them."

As he said, he looked at Jiang Shui and Li Linghui who were still casting the ring.

Ten rings, it’s not like Zhou Jiang who has lost the big prize. As long as Jiang Shui and Li Linghui find something pleasing to the eye or beautiful, they will throw it towards it, except when the wind passes. , The rest was basically nothing to stop, so it was over quickly.

In the end, the results of the two of them are also average. The forty ring probably only covers more than 20 items, but except for paper towels and a few crooked things, they all like it, and this It can be considered to have experienced the fun of ringing, so it is not a loss.

Lu Lili's master has also been found, and Zhou Jiang and the others don't need to stay here anymore.

Go on walking along the street.

In the evening, although they had strolled through it, they did it when there were no people. At that time, there were no stalls, not talking about pedestrians, but now it’s different. The pedestrians are bustling with the stalls. Compared with what I saw before, it is a different scenery now.

And don’t talk about it, I’m going to eat too!

As a person who likes to eat, although I can't say that I am a foodie, Zhou Jiang's dedication to food is still acceptable.

Even if the stomach is full, you can eat anything that smells good, let alone the stomach is not full.

Had it not been for Lu Lili, he would have dragged Zhou Nan and the others to find food.

Now Lu Lili is also sent away, and finally can go to eat!

Speaking of temple fairs and the like, the most popular food is naturally the barbecue stalls!

Although there will be a lot of barbecue stalls in this place, the taste is also worth looking forward to.

The world admires nature, so more ingredients will not cause too much burden to your body, as long as you don't eat such heavy ingredients often.

Zhou Jiang took the lead on the street to sprint forward, and finally let him find a stall for roasting lamb, and there was also a barbecue stall next to the roasting lamb, which contained some chicken hearts, sausages, large ribs and so on.

"That's it!" Zhou Jiang stopped and said to Zhou Nan and the others.

"I knew..." Jiang Shui sighed helplessly as he looked at the roast lamb stall that Zhou Jiang was staring at.

"Zhou Jiang likes to eat roast lamb." Wang Qingyan also laughed when she looked at the familiar stall.

"The lamb skewers are so delicious, of course I like it!" Zhou Jiang retorted with some dissatisfaction when he heard what they said, but after a gust of wind blew and the smell of roast lamb floated over, he lost the thought of talking to them.

The food on his stomach has been digested and he is very hungry now!

I thought of the sizzle of the oil dripping on the charcoal on the skewers and the cumin pepper sprinkled on the end...


Zhou Jiang couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and then squeezed into the crowd.

"Well, I'm hungry too." Zhou Nan touched her stomach and got in too.

Xu Feng behind them had no choice but to keep up.

In addition to Zhou Jiang and the others, there are eight people waiting in front of the mutton skewers stall. They order them and wait for the boss to grill them.

Behind the stall is a family of three busy, the father and son are grilling, and the mother is cutting lamb and skewers.

Even so, they did not roast as fast as the guests. After Zhou Jiang and the others ordered, two more people came...

After Zhou Jiang ordered, he went directly to the barbecue booth nearby.

Although lamb skewers are delicious, they are only the same after all!

There are more than 20 kinds of things that can be grilled at the barbecue booth, just to make up for it.

After waiting for nearly ten minutes, Zhou Jiang got the hot skewers.

Although the vendors in this world are still more conscientious, the meat on skewers like skewers is not so small, but Zhou Jiang still has more than 60 skewers in total, of which mutton skewers account for 40. string……

"Wow~" Looking at the handful of skewers in Zhou Jiang's plastic bag, Jiang Shui made an exaggerated sound of surprise. Zhou Nan and the others also looked at Zhou Jiang's eyes twitching.

No matter how many times I watch it, it still feels a bit exaggerated.

There are more than sixty big skewers, but he dares to buy it...

With so many skewers, I’m afraid I’m going to eat it, right?

However, Zhou Jiang ignored them and continued to eat his skewers after giving them a glance.

For him, whose stomach is already full of stomach acid, now there is nothing more important than eating.

Zhou Jiang was captured by the gourmet food, and it was no longer useful, so Xu Feng could only lead the way on the top of the banner, and the others followed.

Zhou Jiang generally doesn't eat outing food. Even if it's ice cream, he returns home to eat as much as possible. Even if he is far away from home, he will eat it where he is before leaving.

Not only because it is unsightly to eat, but also because there will be dust...

Zhou Jiang has a habit of cleanliness, UU reads www.uukanshu.com, but his habit of cleanliness is expressed in the aspect of "mouth", that is to say, he is particularly concerned about whether the things in contact with his mouth are clean, and he will not touch the water that others have drunk. He won't eat what others have bitten unless he is dying of thirst, unless he is starving to death.

But it is different now.

At temple fairs, or this kind of mass gathering, the atmosphere is the most important thing.

Although people are crowded and there are many dust and bacteria, he doesn't care much about it. It can be said to be quite contradictory.

At 7:30, Zhou Jiang and others finally stopped their behavior of wandering on the street.

Not because I was tired, but because the finale performance of the temple fair began!

The performance of this temple fair was invited to perform by the Elf Acrobatic Troupe. Zhou Jiang had never seen Elf Acrobatics, so he would not comment before watching it. However, judging from the evaluation of Zhou Nan and others, it should be worth looking forward to. .

The square in Qingshui Temple is very large. It should be no problem to accommodate more than a thousand people. However, Zhou Jiang and the others still felt very crowded when they came inside. They didn't want to think about the good location. They were all taken away. The location is the same, they are completely out of their turn.

The elves can't be used either, otherwise, the flying elves can be allowed to fly them in the sky or Xanadu can directly support them.

There is no way, they can only squeeze in the crowd, and squeeze as far forward as possible.

Because of the presence of the three girls, Zhou Jiang also released Shanaido to protect them from malicious beatings.

The show started not long after Zhou Jiang settled down in a relatively forward position.

First, a chubby group leader stood up and said thank you everyone for attending the temple fair, and then briefly introduced Qingshui Temple. Then he retreated behind the scenes and the performance officially began.

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