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But Zhou Jiang didn't need to think about whose stomach it was just now.




The two people screamed again in tandem.

Well, both of them have screamed. Then whose belly was screaming before, do I need to know?

Looking at the village head who came over, Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed.

After all, I was so hungry that I screamed, this is really not a glorious thing.

However, Zhou Jiang and Kou Jiangbin felt embarrassed, but the village chief did not.

In the eyes of the village chief, Zhou Jiang and the others are still empty in order to destroy the Rockets base. Isn't this a noble thing?

So he hurried over and said, "You haven't eaten your food yet. You will wait here for a while. I will ask someone to go to the best fast food restaurant in our village and pack some food."

"Uh, no, we..."

"Eh! Don't worry, although it is fast food, it is eaten by the people in our village, so don't worry about unhealthy."

"No, what..."

"Don't worry, the taste is not said, the owner Wang Yaoer also came back from learning cooking in big cities, and the cooking is absolutely top-notch! Not worse than the restaurants in those big cities!

Okay, sit down first, I'll tell him to open fire and let him have another meal! "

After speaking, the old man walked out like an enclave...

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Kou Jiangbin: "..."

The two looked at each other, and both were speechless.

"What to do?" Zhou Jiang asked.

Kou Jiangbin touched his stomach, thought for a while and said, "Should we eat here before leaving?"

After swallowing, Kou Jiangbin couldn't help thinking of the hot meal.

Originally they were going to eat dry food on the road, but the cold dry food does not have the fragrance of hot meals!

Although Zhou Jiang can take out the hot food from the space ring, he will be cleaning up the Rockets for a period of time, so he can't get supplies. If he takes out the food and distributes it to everyone, he will be empty a few times. Up.

And although he has a lot of space rings, most of them are drinks and snacks, and there are not many hot meals.

After all, he rarely visits this northern region, and all the year round, he only enjoys eating hot meals in winter, so he doesn't pretend to be much.

As for him eating alone, don’t give it to them or just give them a meal now...

Don't even think about eating alone. This is something a brainless person would do. Although he is not rare to make friends with them, it does not mean that he is going to pull them out of hatred.

He is not rare to make friends, which means that he will not take the initiative to get to know others, communicate with others and make friends, and if others come to him, he will not deliberately pretend to be cold and ignore them.

In the cold weather, after everyone finished the task together, everyone ate the dry food together. As a result, you were eating hot rice on the side and it gave off a strong fragrance...

Doing this kind of thing will definitely kill you...

Even if he can't be beaten to death, he will be isolated, and his reputation will be ugly after it spreads out.

As for not eating hot food, follow them to eat cold dry food...

Who wants to eat dry food if you have hot rice?

Although the taste will not be unpalatable, eating hot rice is definitely a supreme enjoyment in this cold and hungry time!

No need to treat yourself badly, right?

And if you just eat such a meal, you can't help it!

After eating hot meals this meal, unless the mission is over and you can go back, otherwise they will eat dry food on the road again, um, it is possible to eat instant noodles.

But these are not so cool to eat hot meals.

Unless it is over, Zhou Jiang probably couldn't help eating again.

He eats, doesn't he share it?

In this case, what is the difference from eating alone in the beginning...

So the best way is to eat this meal here. In this case, he doesn't need to think so much.

As for the delay...

Isn't this asking Kou Jiangbin!

He didn't know the specific situation. Before leaving, he went to find Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo. Xiaoqin talked to Kou Jiangbin and the others, and Kou Jiangbin was not specific about what he said to him, that is, to talk about the location of the next mission. Yes, the others are gone...

All in all, what they mean by planning or something?

If this is changed to other people, it is estimated that they will not be able to bear it, but Zhou Jiang is happy about it, so now as long as Kou Jiangbin agrees, then even if something goes wrong, 90% or more of the consequences will be borne by them. Assumed, so he is not in a hurry.

However, even though he was very excited, Zhou Jiang still had to think about their next mission, so he said with some worry: "What if the Rockets at the next base get news?"

"Probably not..."

Kou Jiangbin said hesitantly.

Although he was very moved, like Zhou Jiang, he was also hesitant, fearing that such a delay would cause the task to fall apart.

When the Rockets’ base was wiped out, the high-level officials of the base were allowed to run away with some materials, so they were not a failure. After all, they captured the base, and there were also gains from other Rocket members. Although not perfect, they are also It's a big win.

But if they haven't set off yet or found that the Rockets had already run away when they arrived at the base, then even if they left something valuable at the base, they would still be considered a failure.

If the Rockets know about the plan and let their people retreat first, this is not a matter of face, is this not a failure?

So although Kou Jiangbin was moved, and they didn't need to eat for long, he was still a little worried.

Zhou Jiang "made an idea" and said, "Would you like to ask Senior Liu Xing?"

One more person agrees, and one more person is responsible.

Moreover, if Zhou Jiang is to choose, it is really difficult for him to give up, so if he gives up, it would be nice to have someone make the decision for him.


After listening to Zhou Jiang's words, after a while of silence, Kou Jiangbin nodded, "Okay!"

Liu Xing is relatively stable. If he makes a decision, no matter what choice he makes, he will not regret it.

Well, it's actually nothing. The worst consequence is to eat dry food on the plane.

"Good? What is good?"

Just as Kou Jiangbin's voice fell, Liu Xing walked in.


Seeing Liu Xing, Zhou Jiang's conscience suddenly became inexplicably guilty.

Although they didn't do anything bad, they were inexplicably guilty.

Although their guilty conscience was only a momentary, Liu Xing, who watched them walking because of curiosity, could really see clearly.

In an instant, Liu Xing stopped and narrowed his eyes.

has a problem!

Seeing the two who had returned to their normal appearance, Liu Xing was suspicious.

Although it was only a moment, Liu Xing didn't think he was bad.

Although he is more than 40 years old, he is also in the prime of life in this world, at the peak of his life. In addition, he is a trainer. He often exercises his body and tempers his will, so his eyesight is naturally not bad, and Have enough self-confidence for myself.

Liu Xing squinted and looked suspiciously, Zhou Jiang, who had returned to his normal appearance, couldn't help but feel weak.

After all, his eyes are really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he and Liu Xing are not too familiar, so most of Liu Xing's gaze is focused on Kou Jiangbin, and his side is only being affected.

So Zhou Jiang could hold on, but Kou Jiangbin directly recruited.

I saw Kou Jiangbin's face collapsed, and then he held a teacup with one hand and his stomach with the other, and said with a wry smile: "After hearing the sound of our hungry screaming, the village elder called someone to cook. We can't stop it, we are thinking about what to do."

After speaking, Kou Jiangbin's stomach yelled out with a "gu~".

As we all know, hungry sounds are contagious.



Two voices of protest sounded one after another.

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Kou Jiangbin: "..."

Liu Xing: "..."

The three were silent.

Zhou Jiang and Kou Jiangbin looked at Liu Xing and suppressed their smiles and did not make them laugh.

That's right, Liu Xing's stomach was also cried out.

After all, being hungry is everyone's business, not their two.

Before, there was something to do that could distract attention, so the stomach did not protest, but after entering the room, under the action of the heating, the body relaxed, and then was attracted by the "similar" sound again, and Liu Xing's stomach was also Involuntarily cried out...

Being watched by Zhou Jiang and Kou Jiangbin in this way, even Liu Xing couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and then in the protest of the hungry stomach, he couldn't help thinking of the hot meal.


Liu Xing's Adam's apple slipped, and he couldn't help swallowing.

Who can stand this!

But the task...

Liu Xing was also entangled.

Although he is not a foodie, it is not usual!

He couldn't help thinking of the hot meal.

In the final analysis, everyone is living in a civilized society, and fighting is based on elves. Even if they are stationed on the front line, they can eat hot meals every meal, and it is not too bitter.

Now they have destroyed a Rockets base, tired and hungry, let them eat cold dry food?

Anyway, this is too much, right?

"Or, let's stay and eat before leaving? As long as we eat faster, there should be no problem, right?" Kou Jiangbin suggested.

Liu Xing was a little moved, but his responsibility made him hesitate.

Although Zhou Jiang and the three of them are the leader of the team, Zhou Jiang doesn't matter, Kou Jiangbin mostly depends on his opinion, so now he is basically the leader.

He has the heaviest burden, so even if he is a little moved, he will not make a decision lightly.

Zhou Jiang looked at Liu Xing and counted the time. He felt that the village chief had been out for a while. Judging from the speed of his previous outing, he should have almost reached that fast food restaurant, right?

So he pretended to be serious and said: "The task is important, or let's go chasing the village chief. He hasn't been out for a long time, and we should be able to catch up. If he has already started, then we can't just leave. Right?"

After Zhou Jiang had finished speaking, Kou Jiangbin looked at him in surprise, but he didn't expect Zhou Jiang to leave?

But Liu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Let's go, if you really start cooking, it will be troublesome."

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded, and said: "If it's boiling, then we're not going to leave like this. If it's not boiling, we'll go directly, and if it's boiling, we will stay and leave after eating. How about ?"

"Okay!" Liu Xing nodded and agreed.

Anyway, if he is allowed to make a choice, he can't make a decision easily. Now, depending on luck, there is a half probability, no matter which one he wins, he will not regret it.

This can be said to be God’s will?

After Zhou Jiang and Liu Xing had finished speaking, Kou Jiangbin came back to his senses, and the look at Zhou Jiang was different.

It's been a while since the old man of the village head left here, and he naturally saw the speed of the village head going out.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the walking speed of the village elders is no less than the walking speed of their young people!

They are now chasing the old man of the village head, basically it is impossible to catch him before the head of the village gets there.

Although he doesn't know where the fast food restaurant that the village chief said is opened, since it is in the village, it must not be too far away?

So, although the probability of staying and leaving is one-half, in fact, the probability that they can stay is as high as 80% or more?

Unexpectedly, Zhou Jiang is an honest person who doesn't talk much at ordinary times. When he speaks, he is such a deep trap. These days, honest people are not honest!

Not to mention the feeling in Kou Jiangbin's heart, Zhou Jiang got up and prepared to go to the village chief with Liu Xing. Kou Jiangbin saw him and quickly got up to catch up with them.

When the three of them went out, the other team members were also busy and were about to enter the house to take a rest.

Of course, it is also possible that they came to Liu Xing and prepared to leave.

But no matter what, Zhou Jiang and the others didn't think about them anymore.

"You stay in the house for a while, let's go out."

Passing in front of the players, Liu Xing said to them.

The players were taken aback for a moment, and then Zhou Jiang and the others had already passed them and had already gone far.

Looking at the back of Zhou Jiang and the three of them, the team members were a little confused, wondering what they were doing in such a hurry?

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the confusion in their eyes, but soon, everyone stopped thinking about it.

"Forget it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com anyway, let's take a break, it's freezing cold outside."

One person walking in front opened the door of the room and walked in while complaining. The others were baffled by the heating in the room and complained about the weather, and then walked in.

Although Zhou Jiang and the others didn't know where the village chief had gone, Liu Xing saw the direction he was walking in the beginning. He was talking to Miss Junsha outside before, and he saw it when the village chief came out.

Although seeing the direction he left doesn't mean they can find each other, they can ask people along the way!

Fortunately, this is the center of the village, and there are still many people here.

I learned from the village chief that the fast-food restaurants in this village have a great taste, and they should be famous, so they only need to hold them and ask them where the fast-food restaurants are, not afraid to find a place.

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