I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 14 James is about to be the first to write a letter

America's visas, especially tourist visas, are time-limited.

There are long and short days, and tourist visas and business visas are different.

Anyway, no matter what kind of visa you sign, it all depends on how long you’re approved to stay here.

Chen Yuan's stay was for a month, and several days have passed now. He has been playing and walking in this direction from Houston.

After spending some time, I arrived at Rainbow Town, completed the transaction, and ran into this thing again.

More than half a month has passed.

Now we talk about staying and offering incense.

How should I put it, it is difficult to achieve.

"Ryan, this is actually not a difficult thing to do!

If you own a church registered in the town and serve as a priest in the church.

John, can help you stay.

The premise is that you need to help John and rescue Alisa from the hands of death. "

The sly expression shouldn't appear in the eyes of this old man with a gray beard, but it did.

When James was studying, he learned about theology. Gods are greedy, especially when it comes to faith.

Countless crusades in history not only plundered wealth, but also spread faith.

So faith seems to be important to gods.

To other gods.

James was not sure whether they existed, but the gods worshiped by Father Ryan in front of him did indeed have divine power that could be used to exorcise demons and save people.

This is enough.

As for today's scientific society, an outstanding person once asked a question, how many teachers does God have?

James didn't know how many divisions God had, but when he was young, he once raised a gun and pulled the trigger on a man possessed by the devil.

However, the rifle and grenade did not cause any fatal damage to the body of the man who was just an ordinary person before he was possessed by the devil.

Just like John's daughter Alyssa, ordinary people can't eat so much food, but she can.

He even knew that if Father Ryan hadn't appeared in front of him, Alisa would have eaten a lot of food after she was completely possessed by the devil, which was completely more than what a person should weigh.

This cannot be explained by science.

So they really need a priest, a priest who can really cast out devils.

Don't ask them why they would rather have a devil appear in a few years or more than ten years and harm the next unknown victim, rather than move out of town and find another way to make a living.

Because they are farmers, they leave the farm and the land, and they have nothing.

But if you stay in Rainbow Town, you may not be the next victim. There are one or two thousand people in the town, so what are you afraid of?

But in fact, there is a sword hanging above your head that may fall down at any time. This suffocating feeling is unimaginable to others.

Now they finally seize the opportunity. There is such a person who can be used as a life-saving straw for them.

Why didn't they seize this opportunity?


What James said is true. If you want to make the person in front of you stay, you can only ask John to find a way.

When John became the mayor of this town, in addition to his family being the richest in the town, he also had the best connections.

Because he went to a prestigious school, it is very easy for the alumni network to solve the issue of the length of stay for a business visa.

In America.

Relationships and wealth are everything.

Poor people with no connections, no matter how good their grades are, can't even get a letter of recommendation to get into a good school.

So the premise is that Chen Yuan can let John's daughter Alyssa survive. As long as the little girl survives, everything will be easy.

"It's difficult now, I need incense, incense to worship the gods, and the more sincere the better!

Only by offering incense with sincere faith will the gods behind me become more powerful. "

After listening to the words of the old white man, Chen Yuan also decided to seize this opportunity. This was an opportunity for him to continue to step into another world.

If you return to China.

You will lose this opportunity.

No one will use a big seal to build a temple for themselves and seal a jurisdiction.

And here, it is indeed our own jurisdiction.


Since the other party has a way to solve the problem that is difficult for him, he must work hard for the fruits he will get in the future.

Work hard, if you can do it.

But now it seems that his divine power is gone, and he is in urgent need of incense, and incense that is worshiped devoutly is the most effective.

Where does the incense that you worship come from?

He must be a believer!

When will a devout believer appear? It must be when the other party encounters a disaster and has no choice but to pray to the gods.


Now is a good opportunity.

"I can!"

James spoke directly: "After seeing the miracle, I should be grateful that I have devout faith in a real god.

So, when will you baptize me? "


Chen Yuan is actually just an antique dealer or collector. Even Taoist believers are blind to him. Does he know about hammer baptism or some other ceremony?

But since you say you are a priest who serves the gods, you can’t say you don’t know how to do it, right?

Suddenly he remembered his special power, maybe he could try it.

But now in the car, let’s go back to Rainbow Town and try again!

"Go back to the town first. I don't know if the gods I worship are willing to have their own believers in Rainbow Town!

Let's go back to town first, and I'll take a look at the situation! "

James was overjoyed to hear that the answer was no longer rejection. He had a family and children, and his children did not have the ability to live in a big city.

He can only manage a small farm with his own funding in Rainbow Town, a place where land prices are low due to legends about devils.

But after all, it is within the scope of Rainbow Town and there are risks.

This time I found Alyssa from John’s family. What about next time?

No one is sure whether the next time will be next month, next year, or a few years from now, and who will be unlucky.

the most important is.

This town has a gap between hell and earth.

Who knows whether the gap will expand or collapse into a channel in the future.

But no matter what situation we face, there is a big difference between a town with a church and a town without a church.

Moreover, the true gods with divine power are worshiped in this church.

The difference is even greater.

After receiving the answer, James drove along the way, as if having a good time.

The police car directly passed Joseph and ran to the front.

When he arrived at the entrance to his town, James turned to ask Chen Yuan, the co-pilot: "Father Ryan, should we go directly to the abandoned church now, or go to my house first?"

Chen Yuan thought for a while and said: "Wait for Joseph!

All my stuff was with him in the car.

Decide whether you can believe in my god and what is in it. "

The words just fell.

Joseph's police car also arrived and was stopped by James with a wave of his hand.

"Why stop?"

He lowered the window and asked.

“I want to join his sect and believe in the gods he worships, but the priest said I need some props to decide whether I can believe in his gods.

And his things are in your car! "

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