"Father Ryan, how is Alyssa's health?"

John was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. Now Alyssa's face had turned pale, and the corners of her mouth were slowly dripping with blood.

Even if he didn't understand, he still knew something was wrong.

Chen Yuan sighed.

"Mr. John, very pessimistic!

The current situation is that when Eliza was possessed by the hungry ghost Erythiktun, she could not control her appetite and frantically ate all the food in sight.

In a short period of time, her stomach and intestines had been burst by the excess food.

Now, although the hungry ghost Elysikthon has been driven out of her body, it is already too late!

The gastric band and intestines have been stretched to the point of rupture by food.

Her life was also at stake.

She must have eaten all the food stored in your house! "

As Chen Yuan spoke, he held the girl's hand. John, who seemed to be in a trance after hearing the bad news, seemed to see a golden light shining from Father Ryan's arms, and then passing through his daughter's hand, to Alli. On Shah.

"What are you still doing?"

Seeing that John was frightened by the bad news, Joseph on the side immediately said: "Slowly put Alyssa down and lie flat, don't hold her!"

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the emergency number.

"Want an ambulance, there's a 10-year-old girl here who burst her intestines from eating something.

be quick!

What, it took so long, I said hurry up! "

Joseph's roaring voice brought John back to his senses. Finally, trembling, he slowly laid Alyssa down on the lawn.

"Father, we must save Alyssa, I beg you!"

He firmly believed that he had seen correctly just now, that there was a golden light coming from the priest's arms to Alyssa. Alyssa's breathing, which was a little short and weak, seemed to be a little stable.

Looking at his appearance, Chen Yuan shook his head: "Mr. John, Alyssa swallowed too much food, which caused the stomach bag and intestines to rupture, and she was bleeding internally, and there was a lot of internal bleeding.

I can only help her stabilize the situation now. I want to be a doctor now instead of panicking here.

I am just a priest. I may be good at exorcising demons and evil spirits, but I am an amateur at saving people.

I suggest that if the hospital is too far away, the ambulance will come too slowly.

We drove there and I was responsible for stabilizing Alyssa and stabilizing the bleeding in her body on the way.

Now every second counts, we have to go to the hospital to remove all the excess food from her stomach and intestines.

If these foods are allowed to stretch open, the severely damaged stomach and intestinal walls will never stop bleeding. "

"But the nearest hospital, in the county seat, can it last there?"

A female neighbor who was watching on the side, holding a pistol in her hand, couldn't help but say something.

This Chen Yuan is not sure: "I can only say that I will try my best. After all, the power of the gods I worship is still very weak, and the power I can borrow is even weaker.

You may not be able to make it to the hospital, but at least try your best.

After exhausting all efforts, if she still cannot be saved, then this is her fate! "

This is really not an excuse.

Just like what the projection of Elysikthon, the god of hungry ghosts, said, Chen Yuan is a weak god.

His divine power is only the most basic divine power brought by the Heavenly Weapon Status. Without incense, no one has worshiped him until now. Even if a stick of incense can destroy the hungry ghost projection, he doesn't know if it can protect the little girl from reaching the county. hospital in.

But there is a saying that is right, try your best, use up all your efforts, if you can't save it, it can only be fate.

"I'm going to drive!"

James hurried back. His house was in the next yard. He had an SUV that Americans rarely buy and even fewer Texans buy.

This is an urban off-road vehicle that can fold the back seat flat. It seems to be called Bisidi. The back seat folds flat and is almost like a bed.

Moreover, the shock absorption performance and comfort of this vehicle are much better than those of America or the common trucks here in Texas (pickups are called trucks in America), and it is more suitable for the injured.

During this process, Chen Yuan did not dare to let go of the little girl's hand in front of him. He knew that as long as he let go, the little girl would die of internal bleeding within a few minutes.

This is not Chen Yuan's heavenly weapon power. His heavenly weapon power does not have this effect. His heavenly weapon priesthood and authority do not have the authority to save people.


The finalized manuscript of "The Barefoot Doctor's Handbook" he placed in his arms - this is a magical book, a divine artifact of acquired merit!

He was actually able to mobilize the divine power in his body. The moment he held Alyssa's hand, the final manuscript of "The Barefoot Doctor's Manual", a god of acquired merit, had a warm power that merged with his own divine power and slowly flowed into Aili's body. Sarah's body, trying to repair her damaged organs.

But it seems to have had little effect.

A few minutes passed, and Chen Yuan also knew how to use the final manuscript of the "Barefoot Doctor's Manual".

When facing the sick or injured, the final manuscript of "The Barefoot Doctor's Manual" is like a tool that can help transform Chen Yuan's divine power into a power that can save people.

But it's just transformation, the basis is still the power of the heavenly weapons in Chen Yuan.

His heavenly weapons and supernatural powers are sufficient, so the final version of the manuscript of "The Barefoot Doctor's Manual", a divine object of acquired merit, will take even longer to transform.

It is a converter.

Converter-like functionality.

Or to be specific, like a pot.

Chen Yuan's magical power is like rice. He needs the help of this pot to turn it into rice that can save people.

James was moving very fast, and the car stopped in front of a few people. Then he quickly got out of the car and flattened the back seat to turn it into a bed.

John and Joseph quickly carried Alyssa into the car. Chen Yuan grabbed Alyssa's hand and did not dare to let go.

"Father, it's a bit far from here to the county hospital. Please hold on as long as you can. I'll use the police car in front to clear the way!"

After speaking, Joseph turned around and ran into his police car, turned on the police lights, and started the vehicle first.

James drove the car in the direction of the county seat. John and Chen Yuan sat beside Alyssa to stabilize her and prevent her from rolling or making other big movements.

Because this would make the bleeding inside her body more serious, and it would not be a situation that Chen Yuan could easily stabilize.

Although Alyssa's face is pale in the car now, thanks to Chen Yuan's constant stabilization of her condition, her breathing and heartbeat are still there even though she looks scary.

After a long drive, they finally arrived at the county hospital. Do you dare to imagine that it takes hundreds of kilometers to get from Rainbow Town to the county seat?

The emergency department of the hospital, which had already received the news, was waiting at the door.

"Oh shit! You are abusing children!"

Seeing Alyssa's condition, the first reaction of the emergency department doctors and nurses was that the child had been abused.

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