In order to safeguard the rights and interests of genuine readers and the hard work of the author, this is an anti-theft seal~ Chapter 12

The lanterns are on. Leaving the crew, Tan Jinxue went to Zongzi's appointment. Although this male protagonist is arrogant and arrogant, which is really disgusting, he still has to give her some face after helping her.

What's more, he now holds his biggest secret.

"Good evening."

A handful of white roses was handed to Tan Jinxue. Tan Jinxue frowned.

"I don't remember such etiquette among same-sex people."

Zong Zi had no intention of taking it back, and smiled and said, "Just think of it as a little thought from a new fan."

Tan Jinxue took the bouquet of white roses expressionlessly.

The "man" was wearing a crisp suit, with a handsome figure, and holding a large bouquet of white flowers, which was a bit unconventional, but also had a strange sense of beauty.

Zongzi admired it for two seconds and then said: "Please."

The flower language of white roses is, "You are the only one who matches me."

The two people climbed up the steps.

The Ballet Company of Country R held its first performance in the imperial capital this winter. The auditorium could only accommodate 200 people, so it was difficult to get a ticket. The audience has all entered the venue, and they are dressed in fragrant clothes and look a bit like the upper class.

While Tan Jinxue was enjoying the ballet, she temporarily forgot about Zong Zi next to her.

The man seemed to be watching the performance on the stage attentively, with bright lights reflected in his dark eyes, but inexplicably, her real appearance in the hotel that day emerged in his mind.

He couldn't help but tilt his head slightly to look at Tan Jinxue.

The person who is unaware of it has a sharp profile, but it also reveals a bit of delicacy, and there is no distinction between male and female. Even if he looks calm, he is still stunningly beautiful.

The actors on the stage took their final call, and there was thunderous applause. Zongzi leaned slightly and suddenly said: "I have a role for you."

Tan Jinxue didn't hear clearly for a moment and looked at Zong Zi with some confusion: "What?"

Zong Zi looked at her opening and closing lips, suddenly feeling distracted. He didn't answer Tan Jinxue's question, but quickly pecked the corner of the "man's" lips.

Then he saw her eyes suddenly widen in the dim light.

Like a frightened deer.

After reacting, Tan Jinxue gritted her teeth and her face was slightly distorted. In this situation, Zong Zi only dared to be so presumptuous because he was sure that she would not act rashly!

She pinched her fingers and her knuckles made a soft "click" sound before she managed to suppress her anger.

Zongzi still smiled politely and gently, as if nothing had happened.

The audience left one after another, and Tan Jinxue suddenly stood up.

Zongzi looked at her calmly and apologized: "I'm sorry, I was rude."

His tone was sincere and his eyes sincere, but Tan Jinxue could not detect any sign of repentance.

She said coldly: "If Mr. Zong doesn't want news about homosexuality to spread, he'd better pay attention to his words and deeds."

"If it's with you, I don't mind." Zong Zi looked frank and fearless.

Tan Jinxue walked away in a hurry. Zong Zi didn't chase him, he still sat in his seat, looking at Tan Jinxue's back with a smile.

On the way home, Tan Jinxue vaguely remembered what the man said at the end of the dance drama. She pinched her eyebrows and felt a little headache.

After being distracted all the way, the ringtone and vibration of her cell phone brought Tan Jinxue back to her senses. She answered subconsciously: "Hello."

There was a clear male voice on the phone, but he seemed hesitant.

"Hey...yes, is it Brother Tan?"

Tan Jinxue felt that the voice was familiar and looked at the display on her phone - Yue Wenjia.

"I am, what's the matter?"

"Well...I just...I just want to remind Brother Tan that...Mr. Zong from Xingchen Entertainment, he...his recent actions may have some intentions towards Brother Tan," Yue Wenjia hesitated. In the middle of speaking, he quickly added: "I-I'm not saying that Brother Tan, you are that one, but after all, Brother Tan is really handsome... Mr. Zong may also be..."

His words were incoherent and he was almost sweating on the other end of the phone. He was afraid of offending Tan Jinxue, but he was also afraid that he did not make his meaning clear and would not be able to "remind" his idol.

The phone was so wet that he squeezed it.

Then Yue Wenjia heard the "man" chuckle softly.

"His" voice passed through the current, became magnetic, and had an inexplicable tenderness.

He said, "Thank you," and then said, "I'll be careful."

Yue Wenjia held her phone stupidly and laughed.

"Well, um, then it's okay. I, I'll hang up now..."

Tan Jinxue said: "Good night."

Yue Wenjia took a deep breath before hanging up the phone. He took a picture of himself with his phone and blushed. It’s normal to call your idol for the first time. He comforted himself.

Tan Jinxue put down her cell phone and threw the handful of white roses in her hand into the trash can before opening the door.

The flowers are very fragrant and the meaning is beautiful, but she doesn't need the extra emotions.

Tan Jinxue opened the door, but there was no one in the living room. She frowned - Lu Ling should be at home at this time. It has been a few months since they "lived together", and the filming of "Red" has also ended. Except for the favorability score which has been stuck at 97, everything is going smoothly.

She took off her suit jacket, hung it on her arm, and went upstairs.

Every conversation with Zong Zi was like a confrontation, which made her feel exhausted at the moment and just wanted to rest.

However, she did not fall smoothly on her bed||.

Because there is already a person sitting there.

Lu Ling was wearing a silk nightgown, and her black curly hair fell on her shoulders. Through the moonlight shining in the window, you could see a faint blush on her face.

She stood up slowly and walked towards Tan Jinxue.

Under the snow-white nightgown is a body with uneven texture.

Even Tan Jinxue was stunned for a moment and her breathing stopped.

As Lu Ling got closer, he could see the twinkling light in her eyes. She was nervous, but still mustered up the courage to pretend to be natural.

"It's very late. I've been waiting for you to come back." She blushed and moved closer to Tan Jinxue, but she was talking about him a little bit.

Tan Jinxue suddenly felt like "he is a scumbag".

She reached out and held Lu Ling's shoulder.

The woman trembled slightly under her palm.

"You don't have to do this." Tan Jinxue said softly.

Lu Ling trembled again, and her voice was strong and calm: "I do." She was a little eager: "I like you! I want to be with you! There are some normal couples who don't..."

The only thing missing from their relationship was this thin layer of paper. Tan Jianxue couldn't stand it, but Lu Ling felt uneasy. She doesn't know if this layer of window paper is broken, whether she will get a true love or a crueler and colder reality.

At first, she just talked about a canary raised by Jin Xuebao, but her owner never asked for more than to make her fly high.

But she wanted more. She became greedy, as I just said, she liked this "man" and she wanted to be with "him". What Lu Ling wanted was no longer an exchange of benefits between supporting and being supported.

But if Tan Jinxue is not even willing to touch her, how can we talk about being "together" in an upright manner?

Tan Jinxue interrupted her, "Like it shouldn't be a burden."

Lu Ling's face immediately turned pale.

"You think I'm dirty?"

When she spat out the word "dirty", she was already shaking.

Even if Tan Jinxue has a heart of stone, she can't help but have such an attitude. She hugged Lu Ling and said, "No."

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