Biquge, the fastest update to seduce love rivals, I am a professional [quick wear]!

chapter 23

"Are you crying?!"

Tan Jinxue blurted out and asked.

She was really frightened by the two drops of water and almost rushed over.

The big rooster succeeded with one blow and tried to peck again, but was knocked away by Tan Jinxue. Then he walked majestically to the two little hens and showed off his beautiful tail feathers.

Zongzi held the back of the pecked hand with his other hand, took a deep breath, and then quickly wiped his face.

"No!" he said firmly.

——Also has a little nasal sound.

Tan Jinxue couldn't help but curl her lips. She glanced at the back of the boy's hand and turned red.

"Is the skin broken? If so, I'll find you a band-aid."

Zong Zi still said the same two words, deliberately saying angrily: "No!"

Tan Jinxue turned around and went to the back room, pulling up the fat little Xi Zheng who was covered in dirt on the ground.

Jiang Xuan stood under the eaves not far away, watching the commotion just now, and then looked at Tan Jinxue who was walking over, and said calmly: "Mom has prepared the rice, let them come in to eat. "

Tan Jinxue nodded, not caring about Jiang Xuan's cold attitude, and turned to the fat man following behind, "Wash your hands and eat."

Zong Zi followed from behind.

Xi Zheng had no idea what an "earth-shattering" event had just happened. As soon as he heard that it was time to eat, he ran to the main room happily.

"I'm not crying. I'm just sensitive to pain." The boy explained in a low voice. After he finished speaking, he felt embarrassed again and glared at Tan Jinxue, "You don't understand even after I told you!"

He turned around and stormed into the house.

Tan Jinxue raised her eyebrows.

From the pretentious Mr. CEO to the arrogant and coquettish little crybaby, the character of the male protagonist has changed a bit.

The male protagonist in the original world seems to have taken the path of character development from a middle school boy to a mature wolf-dog. Doesn’t she remember that there was a plot where he was so sensitive to pain that he shed tears after being pecked by a chicken? ? ?

Jiang Xiuhua personally organized dinner.

White flour pancakes, four dishes, a scrambled egg with green onions, a stir-fried cabbage, a cabbage stewed with tofu, and a tofu soup.

Jiang Xuan didn't dare to sit down and stood in the corner of the main room, looking at the steaming food on the table.

Except for the Chinese New Year, my family rarely has such a sumptuous meal.

Polished rice and white noodles must be mixed with whole grains, and cooking four dishes at once is even more luxurious. Usually, the eggs at home are collected carefully and sold at the market. Jiang Xuan and Tan Jinxue can only eat a boiled egg if they get first place in the exam, and Jiang Xiuhua is even more reluctant to eat it.

"Axue, Xiaoxuan, come and eat." Jiang Xiuhua warmly invited the two city children to sit down, and then said to Tan Jinxue and Jiang Xuan.

Under the light, the skin and tender flesh of the two city boys looked like green onions at fifteen or sixteen years old. Both boys looked paler than her girl, which made Jiang Xiuhua feel a little sad. It was even more uncomfortable to see his two children still standing. Knowing that they were sensible, he deserved to personally pick up a piece of pancake and put it in their place.

A total of nine cakes were baked. When the three boys officially grew up, each of the three boys had two and a half cakes, Jiang Xuan had one cake, and Jiang Xiuhua ate half of one cake by herself.

The pancakes at home are cut into four pieces, and eating them in small pieces seems to make you feel fuller.

But it was obvious that the two city children did not appreciate Jiang Xiuhua's hard work.

The little fat man Xizheng was doubting his life while looking at the half piece of pancake in the bowl.

——He has never eaten pancakes that are so dry, hard, bland, and have a weird taste. There was almost no oil star on the thin pancake, and it had no flavor when bitten into it. Not only was it not soft, but it was also extremely tough. He almost had to tear it off to get it off. a small bit.

The little fat man's face wrinkled up.

Zong Zi felt something bad when he saw Xi Zheng's expression, but he looked at the Tan Jinxue brothers and sisters who were engrossed in eating pancakes and seemed to cherish them very much, so he picked up his share with the mentality of giving it a try.

——He used all the table manners from his family education to restrain the urge to spit out the contents of his mouth.

Tan Jinxue, who was sitting next to him, glanced at him indifferently, as if she knew it was difficult for him to swallow, but said nothing and poured a bowl of hot soup for him.

Zong Zi didn't react. He stared at the bowl of soup with cabbage leaves and tofu residue floating in it. Then he watched Tan Jinxue tear his pancake into small pieces, dip it into her soup, and then eat it quickly. over.

The other party ate very quickly, but it didn't make people feel rude. On the contrary, it made Zongzi feel a bit elegant inexplicably.

He shook his head to clear away the weird thoughts, and imitated Tan Jinxue, soaking his pancakes in cabbage and tofu soup.

Jiang Xiuhua gave Xi Zheng and Zong Zi each a chopstick of eggs.

Xi Zheng blinked his eyes and finally said in a loud voice: "Mama Jiang, um, stop picking up the food for me."

Jiang Xiuhua was puzzled, "You've been traveling all day and you're all hungry. Why are you so polite? You can't do that if you're starving!"

With that said, he put another large piece of tofu into the Xizheng bowl.

This child is chubby, how can he not eat more?

Xi Zheng watched the brown soup on the piece of tofu slowly flow to the bottom of the bowl, but couldn't help but ask, " you have serving chopsticks at home?"

Both of his parents are doctors, and their family pays great attention to hygiene. He has always used serving chopsticks to eat since he was a child, and he has never stirred a spoon in the same pot with others like this.

Jiang Xiuhua was stunned. She reacted and suddenly realized that this city kid disliked her.

Even if she was so enthusiastic about bringing out the best food at home, and even if she tried her best to make four dishes from the only three things, she still made people suffer.

Sometimes the world is just unfair.

The happiness that you enjoy as sweet as glutinous rice may be more bitter than Coptis chinensis in the eyes of others.

Jiang Xiuhua froze while picking up food for Zong Zi, and the atmosphere was particularly awkward for the moment.

Jiang Xuan glared at Xi Zheng. If eyes could eat people, this meddlesome and talkative fat man would have no bones left.

Zong Zi didn't say anything. He stretched his bowl forward and motioned to Jiang Xiuhua to put the vegetables in his bowl.

Then he ate the scrambled eggs with chopsticks in a natural manner.

Xi Zheng regretted it endlessly. Why couldn't he endure it? !

Tan Jinxue put down the bowl.

A sound that was neither light nor heavy made Xi Zheng, who was already a little frightened, tremble violently.

This rural boy is obviously the same age as him, but he is a whole head taller than him. In addition, he only saw the way Zong Zi refused to give in at noon today, which made him have a feeling for Tan Jinxue in his heart. Fear.

He has always been timid, lazy and greedy. Although he has no evil intentions and rarely gets into trouble, he can't cure his laziness. He can lie down but not sit, and he can sit but not stand. This is also the name of the family. The reason why he was assigned to this show.

At first, seeing Zong Zi's strong character, Xi Zheng immediately became his little brother. Now, seeing Tan Jinxue's serious expression, his heart trembled again, he shrank his neck and quickly thought about how to beg for mercy.

Unexpectedly, Tan Jinxue just stood up, picked up a pair of brand-new chopsticks, and placed them next to the plate.

"Use this to pick up vegetables."

He used his chopsticks to add some food to Jiang Xiuhua and said, "Mom, this is the living habit of people in the city. It's not to dislike us."

Jiang Xiuhua was a little hesitant, but Xi Zheng immediately got off the road and said quickly: "Yes, yes, brother Xue is right."

Zongzi almost choked on a mouthful of soup.

I just knew this guy was a piece of cake.

Tan Jinxue glanced at Xi Zheng with a half-smile, then sat down and finished her dinner by herself.

She put down the bowl and said to Jiang Xiuhua and Jiang Xuan, "I'll go out and see Director Kang and the others first."

There was a camera in their room for dinner, and the other staff were in the yard, and they also ate a large pot of rice made temporarily by the village.

Kang Baiyu was wrapped in a coat and sitting in a van drinking soup. When he saw Tan Jinxue coming out, he waved to him.

"Come on, is dinner ready?"

Tan Jinxue nodded, and then Kang Baiyu asked: "Do you usually have any other work at night?"

Tan Jinxue's eyes flashed, and she immediately understood what Kang Baiyu meant, and the corners of her lips curled up.

"There are two pigs at home, and they need to be fed at night."

Kang Baiyu's eyes also lit up. He patted Tan Jinxue on the shoulder and said, "Let's assign this job to the two of them." He tried not to laugh too badly.

Tan Jinxue nodded calmly.

"Have you finished eating? You still have to work after eating, so come with me."

The food was not delicious, and neither of them ate much. Tan Jinxue saw that they no longer moved their chopsticks, so she spoke.

Xi Zheng blinked innocently: "Do you still have to work at night?"

Zong Zi sat there expressionlessly, "I protest!"

The cold look on his face was exactly the same as the CEO whom Tan Jinxue met in the last world.

Xi Zheng didn't have enough to eat at night, and he didn't do any work at home. When he heard that he had to work at night, he immediately complained.

Zongzi was assigned to this show because of his father's dissatisfaction.

He was born in a single-parent family in a military compound. His father was busy with work and didn't care about his studies. He didn't even know that he was sensitive to pain. He just felt that he was too delicate and lacked manliness.

As a result, Zongzi grew up like he is now - with a mean mouth, delicate body and expensive body, and he despised neither study nor labor.

A young man with an extremely awkward temper.

"Those who don't come will have no food tomorrow." Tan Jinxue said.

Jiang Xiuhua was shocked when she heard this, and quickly tried to persuade her son. If the city kids are a bit squeamish, you can let them change slowly. It is not good to be so overbearing.

My son said that this was a TV shoot, and there were so many people watching. What if everyone felt that these two children were being treated badly? !

Tan Jinxue shook her head first.

Jiang Xiuhua now unknowingly regarded her "son"'s words as a guide and regarded him as her backbone, so she hesitated for a few seconds and swallowed the words that came to her lips.

Zong Zi raised his eyebrows and looked at her coldly, "Why?"

Tan Jinxue also imitated his tone and said coldly: "Just because you are a member of this family."

"If you don't want to do it, you can leave now. I'll count you as running away."

Zongzi stood up with a bang, the legs of the stool scraping against the ground making a harsh sound.

Tan Jinxue looked at him lightly and smiled.

Xi Zheng felt that this scene was inexplicably familiar.

Twenty minutes later.

Tan Jinxue, Zong Zi and Xi Zheng stood in front of the pig pen.

The pig pens and feed troughs made of simple bricks and stones could be seen to be cleaned frequently, but they still inevitably emitted a peculiar smell. Two big white pigs were pacing in the pen boredly, making grunts from time to time.

This is also the first time in their lives that Zongzi and Xizheng have seen a live pig, not in the form of a dish.

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