In order to protect the rights of genuine readers and the hard work of the author, this is an anti-theft seal~

There was silence in the box. Zongzi stared at the tea leaves floating in the glass pot and was lost in thought for a while.

His imagination was limited, and he didn't know how much pain and struggle Tan Jinxue had gone through before making such a choice. But just the few lines of words on the investigation materials made Zongzi think of that man's pair of obsidian eyes. His eyes, as tall and tall as everlasting pines and cypresses, are cold and sharp.

She really has deep reasons for this. And this difficulty made Zongzi feel a slight pain in his heart.

A person who is outstanding and dazzling should not have to endure the torture of the past.

He called Xue An: "Give me a copy of Tan Jinxue's recent work schedule."

Xue An's tone over there was a little panicked, "Boss, the actor Tan has just been exposed in a negative light. Do you want to know more about it?"

His boss paid more attention to Tan Jinxue than ordinary people. Xue An, who had been the president's secretary for four years, had already become a good person and was used to trying to figure out Zong Zi's thoughts, so he boldly asked one more question.

Zongzi said as expected: "What negative?"

Xue An hurriedly said: "I will send you the data report right now."

Xingchen Entertainment has a whole professional team doing media monitoring. Xue An even saw signs of it on Weibo early in the morning and urged a report. Ten minutes later, Zong Zi received a message from Tan Jinxue on his mobile phone. Report.

He glanced twice and stood up suddenly.

Before the light on the mobile phone screen went out, there was an unsightly picture.

The two people still sitting in the booth in the lobby were definitely not in the mood to eat at this moment. Lu Ling's face looked defeated. She couldn't help but grab Tan Jinxue's hand on the table, her voice trembling: "These are not true."

Her eyes were almost filled with tears, full of panic and pleading.

When a woman meets someone she really likes, she can't bear even the slightest possibility of being doubted.

Tan Jinxue's voice was still calm as she said, "I know." But there was a coldness in her eyes.

Someone hiding in the dark took action against them.

A large number of scandals suddenly broke out on Weibo that Lu Ling had been kept, used her body to get a position, and even sat in a sex venue before her debut. Pictures of Lu Ling in scantily clad clothes were used in a pretentious manner. In addition to the revealing scenes, there are also a few blurry nightclub photos. The heroine has similar eyebrows to Lu Ling.

And this crisis is not just for Lu Ling.

Just when the topic of # being exposed as a third-level movie star was trending on # , another photo was exposed, causing a stir.

——That was a "chuang photo" of Tan Jinxue and Lu Ling.

In the photo, "Lu Ling" was posed in a humiliating pose. Although the male protagonist's face was not shown, the room in the background was exactly the same as the background of the movie star's private photos released by Tan Jinxue's studio a few years ago. After the "careful person" pointed it out, he was immediately checked.

The normal life of an adult is completely different from the nature of a movie star and an S\u0026amp;M tertiary film actress.

Fans exploded, and passersby got high after eating melons and sunspots. Weibo was paralyzed.

Someone in the studio was calling Tan Jinxue. The phone was vibrating on the table and was turned off by the "man" without even looking at it.

"I will solve the matter and send you back now."

"There are reporters waiting in front of the hotel. If you go out through the side door, my driver will take you back." A man's voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Ling turned around like a frightened rabbit and saw Zong Zi who had just left.

Tan Jinxue raised her eyebrows, and their eyes met.

Zong Zi's words were concise and concise: "You have to protect her, and I want to protect you."

Tan Jinxue stood up and motioned Lu Ling to go to the side door first, then nodded to Zong Zi, "Thank you."

This time she owed Zongzi a favor.

Xue An's car had stopped at the side entrance of the hotel. Tan Jinxue pulled Lu Ling into the car. Lu Ling's eyes and nose were red. Her originally bright appearance now looked particularly fragile and pitiful.

Xue An couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but said: "Mr. Tan, Miss Lu, this matter can definitely be solved..."

Tan Jinxue smiled lightly and said, "I will." It was as if the ups and downs of the whole day had not affected her at all.

As if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him but remained unchanged, Lu Ling gradually calmed down under the influence of such a demeanor.

This uproar lasted for two months, during which time Lu Ling was forced to film on the set while her cell phone was confiscated by Tan Jinxue. I was so tired all day long that I wanted to fall asleep, but for a moment I forgot about the unexpected incident that happened that day.

Because Tan Jinxue has always been by her side.

Zhan Hanqiu didn't care about the recent overwhelming controversy surrounding Lu Ling's peace talks. Instead, he felt like he had found a treasure.

——The actor Tan Da, who originally only played a supporting role for him, is now almost a permanent resident of the set. He comes to visit his girlfriend's class every day. Sometimes he just moves a folding chair and sits behind the machine to watch the actors interact with each other. His interest is stimulated. There are two sentences, and there are even demonstrations in person.

Free superstar acting tutor, make money.

Zhan Hanqiu secretly called a stage manager over, "You, put everything else aside first and talk to me about Jinxue. Don't be too obvious and don't annoy others."

The young girl was a little uneasy and asked, "Is it possible? Will Teacher Tan not like it?" She had just graduated and had always been a good student. She had never been a celebrity, so she casually called Tan Jinxue teacher.

Zhan Hanqiu waved his hand, "No." He looked a little funny, looked at the little girl again, and patted her on the shoulder, "If you pat her well, you will definitely gain something."

The little stage manager cringed and took the DV and left.

The next day, Tan Jinxue noticed the child circling around her, and she smiled casually - facing the camera.

The stage manager girl looked at Tan Jinxue through the camera, and felt that smile slow down infinitely, directly into her eyes, and her face turned red.

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