In order to protect the rights of genuine readers and the hard work of the author, this is an anti-theft seal~ "Go in first, it's cold outside, you will catch a cold."

Her movements were a little too intimate, even with an indescribable toughness, but her tone was so calm that no emotion could be heard.

Lu Ling didn't know why, when Tan Jinxue's arm was on her shoulder, she didn't move away subconsciously.

Obviously they are not familiar with each other.

Tan Jinxue was more than ten centimeters taller than Lu Ling. If the two of them hadn't been soaked by the rain, standing together they would have been a perfect match.

He led Lu Ling to the door of the hotel's VIP room, and Tan Jinxue took out the key card from Lu Ling's handbag with ease.


The door opened in response.

Lu Ling hesitated and walked into the room.

The VIP suite of the five-star hotel is gorgeously and comfortably decorated, with a bed made of fine mulberry silk and a three-piece suit with a large rose doll on it.

"Long time no see." Tan Jinxue said. She took off her already soaked windbreaker and hung it aside.

Lu Ling sat beside the big bed, feeling a little uneasy. She looked up at Tan Jinxue and slowly said, "Yes." Then she smiled self-deprecatingly, "We haven't seen each other since graduation. I didn't expect you to see me like this."

Tan Jinxue said nothing. She looked at Lu Ling. The woman is only twenty-seven or twenty-seven years old, still very young. She is also very beautiful, with a slim figure, like a ripe fruit, bright and fragrant.

However, there is a smell of corruption from the too rich makeup.

The "man's" gaze made Lu Ling tremble slightly.

She has been looked at by many eyes, including criticism from directors, jealousy or disdain from competitors, salivation from perverts... She has seen so much that she has learned not to care.

But it's different when it comes to snow.

Tan Jinxue suddenly said: "If you need help, I can help you."

Lu Ling was stunned.

Tan Jinxue said in a calm voice: "Being a canary, does it matter who buys the cage?"

Lu Ling's face turned pale at her words, and she subconsciously sat up straight, as if doing so would make her more imposing.

"What Zongzi can give me, can you give it to me?"

Tan Jinxue slightly curved her lips, "I can."

Lu Ling stared at him. The "man's" expression was still calm, and his face looked extremely delicate under the light of the glazed chandelier.

She asked, "Do you know what I want?"

"Since your debut in the sophomore year of college, you have acted in 7 movies and 9 TV series," Tan Jinxue stated: "Among them, you have played the heroine twice, making the most of your appearance, and the movie rating is NC-17*."

Lu Ling's face turned from white to red, humiliation and anger flashed in her eyes.

"Yes, I have acted in many bad movies. Not only did I act, I also took off my clothes. As long as it can make me famous, I will do it!" Lu Ling sneered: "I just took off my clothes to become famous. Why, I soiled yours?" Eyes? Now I want to find a sponsor for myself. I will provide my body, and he will provide the opportunity, and the money and goods will be paid. You are willing to do so, but you can't stand it, and you want to go out of your way to disrupt my plan?!"

Tan Jinxue listened quietly, noncommittal.

But the more Lu Ling talked, the more angry she became. She stood up, spread her skirt in front of Tan Jinxue, twirled around, and asked, "Am I not beautiful? Do I have a bad figure?" Her voice There was an air of hostility in his face, but his face was charmingly pale, and his beautiful almond eyes were sparkling with water, as if he was about to cry.

"Are my acting skills bad?!"

"Very good." Tan Jinxue said, "You always know what you want, but you are so paranoid that you put the cart before the horse."

Lu Ling stood there, the tender and touching look on her face that filled her eyelashes with tears disappeared. She looked at Tan Jinxue quietly, and after a few seconds, she slowly said: "You have a smooth journey, naturally you won't You know how miserable my old classmate lived in order to get ahead." She smiled self-deprecatingly and sat back on the soft big bed, "Since you don't look down on me, why do you still care about me?"

Tan Jinxue stood up, poured a glass of hot water for Lu Ling and gave it to her.

"I want to see you become a movie queen cleanly."

Lu Ling suddenly raised her head and looked at the "man" opposite. After a long time, she smiled faintly and said, "I didn't expect that you would still remember what I said in school."

Lu Ling and Tan Jinxue were once called "the two most promising talents" by teachers at the Imperial Film School. At that time, Lu Ling was still a proud and conceited little girl, full of longing. She once told Tan Jinxue that she wanted to become a movie queen cleanly and show it to those with dirty thoughts. She, Lu Ling, didn't need to be rich. Even with his background, he didn’t even bother to flatter others, so he only relied on his talent to reach the highest peak in the entertainment industry.

How ironic it seems now.

Tan Jinxue said: "If you still remember this sentence, then let me help you."

Lu Ling looked at him with scrutiny in her eyes.

This "man" used to be his classmate, but now he is a rising actor, has his own studio, and has no shortage of connections, reputation, and resources in the circle. No matter what his purpose is, relying on him will never be worse than relying on Zong Zi who was drugged by him.

She decisively cleared away her sentimental emotions just now and agreed after weighing the pros and cons.

"Okay." Lu Ling paused and then asked, "What are your conditions?"

The "man" opposite looked at her deeply, as if there were a thousand words to say, but also as if it was just a simple gaze. "He" said in a gentle voice: "My condition is that you are not allowed to have any contact with Zong Zi. With his temper, if it is found out that you were the one who drugged him, I'm afraid he won't let you go easily. You'd better not provoke him."

Lu Ling raised her eyebrows: "Is it that simple?"

Tan Jinxue nodded.

It's warm in the house. The uninvited guest who originally disrupted her plan actually offered him an olive branch, which made Lu Ling's tense nerves relax a little. She suddenly recalled the fierce and forceful way Tan Jinxue treated Zong Zi in the heavy rain just now.

Lu Ling rolled her eyes, and a sly smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she asked teasingly: "Tan Best Actor, are you making this request because you are jealous?"

Tan Jinxue looked up at Lu Ling. The "man's" deep black eyes reflected the bright light of the glazed chandelier, and he said softly, "Yes."

Lu Ling, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, suddenly turned red.

chapter 7


The water in the lake was bone-chilling, turbid as far as the eye could see, and there were many impurities in the water. Lu Ling knew that she was sinking rapidly, towards death. A few reeds floated past her eyes, and her fingers feebly tightened, but she couldn't catch anything. Lu Ling, who took a few sips of water, felt as if her heart and lungs were frozen. The clothes were saturated with water, pulling her down, and she no longer had the strength to struggle.

...I knew I should have learned to swim... Lu Ling thought, the pain of drowning made her feel for the first time that life was fragile, so fragile that it was hopeless.

She finally struggled to crawl out of the mire of reality, but she hadn't done anything yet, so she was going to drown in this lake where the water was not even clean?

——She is really unwilling!

A strong hand grabbed Lu Ling's shoulder.

Lu Ling, who was almost unconscious, struggled desperately, holding on to the last glimmer of hope. She could feel that the power was taking her upstream. The dark water gradually moved away from her, and the light shone in again.

Lu Ling tried her best to open her eyes, and she saw Tan Jinxue.

The "man" was supporting her to swim towards the water. The too bright winter sun pierced the water, making the waves sparkle. All the magnificent backgrounds became the foil for that man. For a moment, Lu Ling even had hallucinations.

Tan Jinxue was given to her by God.

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