Peach Rabbit looked at Lin Yi, who fell into a deep sleep, and if nothing else, Lin Yi’s appearance was indeed good.

Short purple hair, sword eyebrows, and angular facial features can be said to make people feel good at once.

Perhaps it was because of this reason, whether it was Karp, Lieutenant General He or others, they would show great kindness when they saw Lin Yi.

Of course, this is also related to their experience of watching people all year round, and Lin Yi is a reliable person in their hearts.

That’s why Karp and Vice Admiral Tsuru wanted Lalin Yi to join the navy, but the final result was naturally self-evident.

For no reason, Peach Rabbit suddenly thought of what Lieutenant General Tsuru said to him, and then blushed.

“Little peach, Lin Yi is not very good, you are not young, don’t be like my sister and me, you will be alone all your life.”

Thinking of this, Peach Rabbit made up his mind that the man in front of him definitely could not bring him back to the naval headquarters.

Otherwise, what greeted Lin Yi was only about entering the Deep Sea Great Prison.

Historically, only the Golden Lion can successfully escape from entering the Deep Sea Prison!


Lin Yi seemed to have had a long dream, and this time he finally had a good rest.

So after Lin Yi was in a coma for three days, he finally woke up, fortunately he had eighth-level physical skills, otherwise he really couldn’t wake up so quickly.

This physical technique does not only include physical fitness, but also various factors such as strength and recovery speed.

Therefore, those places that were burned by red dogs have gradually recovered, and I have to say that Lin Yi’s self-healing ability is really strong.

This point is naturally also related to the fruit of light, and the ability of this fruit can also be said to be complicated.

Even Lin Yi’s brain hole has developed a lot now.

The first is the speed of light, this body and the impact caused by the speed of light is extremely powerful, and then the use of light refraction to make their entire body invisible.

It can also emit light, create a series of explosions, and use the properties of light to become hot and heal.

For the time being, these are enough, Lin Yi’s main speed is still this speed, even if he travels through the entire One Piece world, it only takes a few minutes.

What an important hand this is for a person who calls the world home!

Finally, after lying down for three days, Lin Yi felt the hunger in his belly and slowly woke up.

In fact, Lin Yi is almost fine, and the injury has improved after the body’s self-regulation.

Opening his eyes, Lin Yi found that he was lying on a bed, and it looked like a warship?

This idea appeared in his mind, and Lin Yi immediately jumped up, but it was a little embarrassing that he didn’t seem to have any clothes.

There is no way, Lin Yi can’t go out naked.

So he began to search in the room, and finally found a set of admiral’s clothes in the closet.

“It seems that this is really a warship, but if the navy finds itself, shouldn’t it arrest itself!”

With such doubts, Lin Yi put on the clothes of a naval admiral, don’t say that this is actually a set of lieutenant general’s official uniforms.

After the blue and white navy uniform on the ship, the cloak with the word justice engraved on the back was draped.

The two epaulets on the shoulder are quite pronounced, indicating that Lin Yi is a vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

Don’t you really say, when Lin Yi wore this set of naval uniforms, he looked quite good.

Coupled with Lin Yi’s unique smile full of good feelings, it makes people feel that this is a naval rising star at a glance!

After getting dressed, Lin Yi pushed open the door and looked at the peach rabbit wearing the uniform of a lieutenant general in front of him, Lin Yi was stunned all of a sudden.

“Peach Rabbit, why are you here?”

Peach Rabbit was also blinded, originally she wanted to go to see if Lin Yi was getting better, but before she opened the door, she saw Lin Yi in a naval uniform walking out the door.

This iconic clothing was worn on Lin Yi’s body, which was a perfect admiral.

This scene, the peach rabbit who watched it was a little dumbfounded.

“Hey, how nice it would be if he really was the Navy!”

Sighing helplessly in his heart, Peach Rabbit also seemed quite helpless, perhaps this is the reason for the slow corruption of this government.

Hearing Lin Yi’s question, Peach Rabbit also came to his senses at this time, and then bit his red lips and pulled out his own Jin Biluo.

Peach Rabbit held a large knife in his hand and aimed the blade at Lin Yi, a few traces of determination appeared on his face, and he gritted his silver teeth.

As if he had made up his mind, Momo Rabbit spoke.

“Lin Yi, sinking the Island of Justice, killing members of the CP0 organization, killing a large number of navies, provoking the world government, plotting against Heliu, the crime is unforgivable, and he should be killed on the spot.”

The original peach rabbit thought of leaving when Lin Yi woke up, but there was no way to confront the justice he had insisted on all his life, so he had no choice but to make a move.

It just so happened that Lin Yi had also recovered a lot at this time, and it was not a danger to fight with him like this.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read-

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