The Internet has been busy for a long time. Netizens did not expect that the first time Lu Bai stood up and spoke was on the Douyin account of the Chinese police.

"Police, I'm honored to be the first person you follow, but if I don't want this attention, can you unfollow me? As you know, I can tell fortunes. I think this attention is unlucky."

Lu Bai just finished replying.

Netizens exploded instantly.

"Brothers, come on, I caught a fresh Lu Bai."

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. Lu Bai came out to speak out for the first time today, and it was actually under the Chinese police Douyin account. He was begging the police officer to cancel following him."

"Damn it, I just realized now that the police officer paid a lot of attention to Lu Bai."

"It cannot be cancelled. I firmly oppose the cancellation. Just follow him and keep following him. I believe that peace in the world will soon be achieved."

Lu Bai's reply on China Police Douyin was pinned to the top of the post less than a minute later. Obviously someone is watching this account.

Then, the Chinese police Douyin interacted with Lu Bai.

"Sorry, once you follow this account, you cannot unfollow it."

Chapter 29 Changing Songs

After Sabin woke up, he saw the news that Lu Bai had become popular on the Internet.

Especially Lu Bai’s comments on China Police Douyin.

When he saw it, the number of likes on the account had exceeded five million. In such a short period of time, reaching five million likes was absolutely phenomenal.

As a journalist, Sabin quickly realized that Lu Bai was really popular now, and had even become popular outside the circle.

Seeing that it was almost five o'clock in the evening, Sabin quickly got up and ran to Lu Bai's room. He wanted to ask Lu Bai what he had for dinner so that he could order takeout.

Knocking on the door, Lu Bai's door soon opened.

Sabin looked at Lu Bai and said excitedly: "Boss, you have seen the news on the Internet. You are really popular now and have become famous in the entertainment industry."

Lu Bai shook his head and said calmly: "It is indeed popular, but Sabin, haven't you noticed that no one in the entertainment industry except Huang Tao has come forward to say anything, even if I am so popular now, they are Don’t dare to rub it.”

Sabin didn't react until he heard it. At this time, Sabin also discovered the seriousness of the problem.

Lu Bai's popularity today is unprecedented in the history of the entertainment industry. However, no star has come out to take advantage of the popularity. This shows that Lu Bai has been completely blocked by the entertainment industry.

Judging from the current situation, there is little hope of lifting the ban on Julong Entertainment.

Sabin said worriedly: "Boss, what should we do now? We really can't get into this entertainment industry at all."

"Squeeze, even if you can't squeeze in, you have to squeeze in."

"I don't believe it. Xinglong Entertainment can still dominate the entertainment industry with one hand."

"Sabin, I just wrote a new song. I won't release "Decent" today. Let's change it to a more serious one."

Lu Bai has written a new song again? Hearing this, Sabin couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Is this songwriting going to the vegetable market to buy cabbage? Lu Bai has already written seven songs this afternoon.

Just thinking about it, he felt that this was a terrible thing.

No wonder Lu Bai is not worried about being banned by Xinglong Entertainment and is still very motivated.

Not to mention seven songs a day, he just writes one song a day with a similar level. One day he can also squeeze into the entertainment industry.


Enter the door and get a new song written by Lu Bai, called "The Lonely Warrior".

Sabin couldn't understand the music, but just reading the lyrics made him excited.

"Boss, is this the new song you just wrote? The lyrics are so good. I, Sabin, have listened to thousands of songs. I dare say that there is no song with lyrics that are more inspiring than this one. , I feel full of power just by reading the lyrics.”

"The title of the song is also good, "The Lonely Brave Man", a lonely brave man."

"But, boss, you are not alone. You still have me. I will always be with you."


At eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Bai posted a comment on the Chinese police's Douyin account for the second time. This time, he posted an update on his own Douyin account.

"The new song "Lonely Brave" is dedicated to myself and to all of you who work bravely."

As soon as the video was released, countless fans received reminders and ran to Lu Bai's new works. They wanted to hear Lu Bai's new songs as soon as possible.

On the eve of Chinese Valentine's Day, Lu Bai posted a song "Happy Breakup" to disgust them.

Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, so it shouldn't be that outrageous.

"The song is called "The Lonely Brave Man". Fortunately, it's not a song like "Happy Breakup" anymore. If two more "Happy Breakup" songs come out, I feel like I really want to break up with my girlfriend."

"'Happy Breakup' is actually really good, but it's a bit unlucky to listen to it in the past two days. Who the hell wants to listen to 'Happy Breakup' during the Chinese Valentine's Day?"

"Let's listen to this song "Lonely Warrior" and see if it can still reach the level of yesterday's "Happy Breakup".

Countless fans have already begun to look forward to it before they even start listening to it.

Open the work and select play. The first thing that appears in the video is a picture of Lu Bai standing in the corner with his head lowered. Then the accompaniment of high-pitched piano and flute sounded in the video.

It sounded a bit muffled at first, but as Lu Bai's clear voice sounded, everyone listening to the song held their breath in unison.

"Both are brave. The wound on your forehead is different from the mistakes you made."

"No need to hide, your old doll, your mask, your self."

"They say, bring the light and tame every monster."

"They say, stitch up your wounds, no one loves a clown."

"Why is it lonely? It's impossible. It's glorious. People are only imperfect and deserve to be praised."

"Who said someone covered in mud is not a hero?"

"I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, and the way you don't kneel down."

"I love you and have endured despair and refused to cry."

"I love your tattered clothes, but dare to block the gun of fate."

"I love that you are so much like me, even the gaps are the same."

"Go, are you worthy of this tattered cloak?"

"Fight, fight, with the humblest dream."

"To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night."

"Who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes?"

After the first verse was sung, everyone listening to the song couldn't help but feel excited.

"It's so hot. This song is so hot."

"The lyrics are also very well written, especially the line "Who said those who stand in the light are heroes? Yes, those who stand in the light are heroes. Are those who work silently behind the scenes not considered heroes?"

"I have lived for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I have heard such a beautiful song. Really, damn, it is so beautiful and so passionate. I feel like I am full of power after listening to this song. "

"I, Ke Biao, predict here that this year's Golden Melody Award will definitely go to "The Lonely Warrior"."

Fans commented excitedly.

The professional music critics were completely shocked by this song and were speechless.

As fans said, the song "Lonely Warrior" is very nice.

How good is it?

Whether it's lyrics or music, this song would be the pinnacle of the Blue Star music scene alone. What's more, the lyrics and music are combined into one. It's not just as simple as one plus one equals two, it's much greater than two, or even Three or four.

In the more than ten years of development of the Blue Star music scene, there has never been such a perfect and inspirational song.

Especially the last sentence: "Who says that only those who stand in the light are heroes." This is to encourage all people who are in the darkness. In fact, each of you is your own hero.

The song goes on.

The emotion in the chorus increased again, and the entire song completely completed a sublimation at this moment.

The song lasted for four and a half minutes, and everyone who listened to the song was completely shocked by the song.

Both the ears and the mind.

They seem to see a warrior walking in the darkness in the lyrics. In the corners that no one can see, there are countless beasts fighting hard.

His unyielding body, his ragged cloak, and his proud back all inspire every audience who hears this song.

Coupled with Lu Bai's perfect vocal coordination, everyone felt the powerful power emanating from the song throughout the song.

At this moment, they knew for the first time that songs also had soul and power.

Chapter 30 Lu Bai, worth it

Not long after Lu Bai's "Lonely Warrior" was released, it quickly became popular all over the Internet.

The combination of passionate lyrics and Lu Bai's clean and magnetic voice is like a match made in heaven.

"Lonely Warrior" is a phenomenal song on Earth Star. When it comes to Blue Star, a world with poor music, it is like a huge wave entering the sea and finally stirring up the waves.

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