They are still entertaining themselves at home.

"Damn, today is another day when our leader takes the blame. I'm so sad, hahahahaha!!!"

"I heard that country Y has developed an instrument that can do evil, and the evil is very accurate. It is worthy of being the Great Y Empire. It is really fucking awesome. I admire it."

"Where is Guo Taiming? Why don't you quickly issue a statement to condemn the people of country Y? He has lost all the wealth you have accumulated all your life to the evil sect. If you don't do it to them, if you do it to him, I will donate two tea eggs to you. Damn it." This is the most valuable thing in our family.”

"The people of Country Y are so crazy. Guo Taiming has such a big company, but they say it's evil, so they just let it go?"

Blue Star United Nations.

"Mr. Zhou Zhenggang, I would like to ask, what do you think of the mysterious disappearance of Guo Mechanical and Electrical Company that just happened?"

"Ahem, Mr. Lewis, I think you should ask the representative of country Y this question. Wasn't it done by their country Y people? What do you mean by asking us Chinese people?

Mr. Lewis, do you think our China is still the China of more than 100 years ago, and you can bully us if you want? If you really think so, then ask Lu Baitong if he agrees. "

"Mr. Zhou Zhenggang, please don't misunderstand me. I didn't mean that. I really respect Mr. Lu Bai."

"I'm sorry, I didn't see it, but I don't care whether you really respect it or not. Lu Bai is my good friend. I will tell Lu Bai truthfully what you are targeting today. When Lu Bai goes to your beautiful country, I think He will have a good chat with you."


Zach: "Mr. Gates, have you read the news on the Internet?"

Gates looked at the photo of Guo Electromechanical becoming a huge black hole that was circulated on the Internet, and said tremblingly: "What news? I haven't read it yet. Zach, have you discovered anything else?"

"It's China's leader Lu Bai. He just sent a tweet on behalf of the Queen of Country Y. Then Guo Electromechanical was hit by an earthquake. Now Guo Electromechanical has completely disappeared from the Blue Star world."

"No way, is this leader Lu so evil now?"

"Yes, Mr. Gates. When I saw today's news, I suddenly felt that the evil skills of this leader Lu Bai seemed to have become more sophisticated. Now he can even achieve precise strikes. Mr. Gates, do you think he has any It might hit us."

"Given the generous character of Master Lu Bai, I think it is very possible."

"I think so too. Mr. Gates, I have now decided that I will be present at the birthday party of the Queen of Country Y."

"Zach, you've received that death invitation, haven't you."

"Just received."

"Oh, I haven't received it yet. I'll tell you when I receive it."

At the same time, the rich people from all over the world were also communicating with some business rich people on the phone. They felt that Lu Bai was doing such evil things just for rich people like them. Now Lu Bai The evil sect has reached this point, so how dare they not go to the birthday banquet of the Queen of Country Y.

Even if a layer of skin is peeled off, they still admit it.

It's better than being disappeared silently by Lu Bai's evil sect.

So there are only two topics left in Blue Star World today, one is "Go", and the other one is where everyone is discussing where Guo Electromechanical went.

Guo Electromechanical covers an area of ​​more than 4,000 square kilometers. It is one of the largest manufacturers in the world. How can it just disappear?

Some land science experts think this is unrealistic.

After all, it was completely unreasonable for someone as stingy as Lu Bai to see such a big piece of fat slipping out of his hands.

Under the black hole, Guo Taiming had sent someone to check, and his Guo Electromechanical had indeed disappeared.

How could such a big factory like Guo Electromechanical disappear out of thin air?

At this moment, Lu Bai tweeted again: "I heard that if you often walk in the desert, you may have unexpected surprises."

As soon as Lu Bai's tweet was sent out, netizens were a little confused at first.

It's inexplicable why the leader posted such a tweet again.

But when it comes to the disappearance of Guo Electromechanical, netizens' imaginations suddenly opened up.

Could it be that the disappeared Guo Electromechanical has now appeared in the desert?

Not to mention, according to the analysis of land science experts, this is really possible.

But there are so many deserts in the world, where will this Guo Electrical Machinery grow from?

After thinking about it, netizens soon focused their attention on the eight deserts of China. If a big factory could really grow in the desert, Lu Bai's character would definitely leave good things to his country.

Not long after Lu Bai posted his tweet, China began to conduct exercises in the desert, and the scale was huge. The Army alone dispatched hundreds of thousands of people. People who didn’t know about this battle thought that there was something growing underground in the desert of China. There are dwarves.

According to rumors, countless military vehicles were dispatched from all over China on this day. Later, when there were not enough military vehicles, tens of thousands of heavy trucks were recruited to pull goods into the desert.

But you have to ask these drivers what they are pulling?

Their opinions were inexplicably the same, saying that they were going to pull out sand.

There's really nothing wrong with going to the desert to pull sand.

But in the afternoon of the same day, Huaxia officials suddenly announced that Huaxia Qingbei Research Institute had overcome the technical barriers to 7nm chips this afternoon and could now achieve mass production of 7nm chips. Major technology companies were welcome to discuss cooperation.

After receiving this news, Guo Taiming was completely dumbfounded.

You Chinese have been researching for decades but have not conquered it. You conquered it in less than a day. Do you think I am a fool?

You obviously robbed my Guo Jidian.

It is my Guo Jidian.

That is mine.


Woohoo, this is simply too much bullying.

Chapter 50 Lu Bai's biological parents

When Lu Bai loves to the extreme, he always thinks of those homeless little money. When he thinks of these little money, Lu Bai is very sad.

These little money are lonely and their lives are really too hard.

Although Lu Bai now has a little money, Lu Bai still feels that it is not enough.

When the night turns to the other hemisphere, the dawn light sneaks into his bedroom. When Lu Bai wakes up from his sleep again, he suddenly feels extremely lonely. He wants to do business again.

The business of robbery is really addictive. It can't be stopped. It can't be stopped at all.

Reluctantly suppressing the idea of ​​doing business in his heart, Lu Bai received a call from Zhou Zhenggang early in the morning.

Now Zhou Zhenggang has been serving as the Chinese representative in the Blue Star United Nations for more than half a month. To be honest, Zhou Zhenggang is very, very satisfied with his current position.

In China, he was also a big director, and there were many people who flattered him, but it was not as satisfying as the current position.

Every day, representatives from countless countries came to brag and flatter him, asking about his well-being. This feeling is more than ten thousand times better than in China, because these people are all foreigners.

Now he doesn't even want to go back to China. He feels that it's not bad to work in the United Nations for a lifetime. Maybe in a few years, the position of the boss of the Blue Star United Nations will be his, Zhou Zhenggang.

Even now, if there are disagreements between two or more countries, they will take the initiative to ask Zhou Zhenggang: "Representative Zhou, what do you think about this matter? We listen to you."

Zhou Zhenggang was so excited and vigorous.

He doesn't have much work to do now, but there is one thing Zhou Zhenggang has never let go of, that is, the contact with Lu Bai.

You know, he can live so comfortably now and has a promising future all thanks to Lu Bai.

Lu Bai would go to him himself if there was anything, and never go to others.

Most of the time, the higher-ups would go to Lu Bai through him.

Although sometimes, he was also mad at Lu Bai's words, but he was cheap, and he liked it.

Today, Zhou Zhenggang received a task, asking Zhou Zhenggang to contact Lu Bai and tell Lu Bai about a world-class chip factory found in the desert.

How could tens of thousands of trucks transport sand in the desert? Those transported were all instruments of Guo Jidian, and what was even more surprising was that these instruments were intact after they were found.

The higher-ups just wanted to tell Lu Bai that we found a chip factory in the desert, and as for giving it to Lu Bai, that was impossible. The old man meant that China still needed to develop and didn't have that much money.

In fact, there was no need to inform Lu Bai about this matter, and everyone knew it tacitly, but for some reason, the old man insisted on asking him to call Lu Bai and tell Lu Bai, which was quite strange.

Of course, there was another piece of news, and Zhou Zhenggang didn't know whether he should tell it or not.

"Representative Zhou, what's the matter with you calling so early in the morning?"

"Haha, Lu Bai, nothing, just a good news to tell you, we Chinese found a chip factory in the Taklamakan Desert yesterday."

Lu Bai knew what this meant when he heard it. If it was found, it's not mine. They wanted to embezzle my factory. Lu Bai felt so sad. Mine, mine, all of this is mine.

Are you all bandits? You actually started to rob.

But he also said on Twitter that this matter had nothing to do with him.

With the thick skin of these old men, they will never admit that he got this factory back.

"Haha, congratulations, I didn't expect there would be such treasures hidden in the desert, but I saw the news online, it seems that Guo Jidian mysteriously disappeared yesterday, is it possible that what you picked up is Guo Jidian's chip factory."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I heard from people in China that the words "Huaxia" are printed on the machine, it must be left to us by our Chinese ancestors."

This speed is fast enough, the words "Huaxia" are printed on it, is it rushed out by working overtime overnight?

Netizens always praise my dog, damn, my dog ​​didn't learn it from you.

"Then what do you mean by telling me this, Representative Zhou?"

"No meaning, I just want to tell you this good news."

"Representative Zhou, if you say so, I won't answer your calls in the future, I want to hear the truth, who asked you to tell me?"

"Uh... Lu Bai, actually, this is something the old man asked me to tell you, I want you to have fun with us."

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