"But I like Lu Bai's evil, I really hope he can continue to be evil."

The followers of the cult are all very happy today, and they feel that they are not so happy during the Chinese New Year. Although the cult was established only two days ago, every cult member who hangs the cult avatar is proud of their cult and their leader from the bottom of their hearts.

Later, they talked about the past online and said that after experiencing the 826 incident, they really began to feel a sense of belonging to the cult.

Rather than pure entertainment.


The hot searches on Weibo were also completely occupied by spies and cults at this time. Almost all of the fifty hot searches were related to the story that happened tonight. Even the program "Sing My Songs in China" was mentioned by countless netizens because of Lu Bai's joining.

But this is not the end. The technical department of Weibo's background has been caught off guard by the huge traffic at this time. Countless users who have not logged in to Weibo for a long time or even uninstalled Weibo have been summoned back by Lu Bai.

At 0:05 on the 27th, Weibo's background collapsed for the first time under the impact of huge traffic.

Zhao Kai, the director of Weibo operations, was also a bystander online at this time.

It was so fun, and Lu Bai was such an interesting artist.

But while scrolling, he suddenly found that Weibo had crashed.

This was the company he was responsible for managing. The backend suddenly crashed. Isn't this a slap in his face? He was so angry that he wanted to call the technical department immediately.

But he didn't expect that Ma Chao from the technical department had called him at this time.

"Mr. Zhao, our backend crashed." Ma Chao said nervously and excitedly.

"If the backend crashed, solve it quickly. What's the point of you looking for me? This kind of thing has happened before."

"But, Mr. Zhao, today's crash is different from the past. Today, it's because the traffic is too large and our backend is overloaded."

"Is it related to Lu Bai?" Zhao Kai's heart moved, and he found the source instantly.

"Yes, Mr. Zhao."

"Then is there any way to solve it as soon as possible?"

"There is only one way now, which is to divert the traffic as soon as possible."

"How to divert?"

"Maybe we need to set up a special area for Lu Bai. His personal traffic is too large now, and our Weibo can no longer bear it."


One person broke down our huge Weibo backend.

This...has never happened in all the years of Weibo's development.

Zhao Kai smiled bitterly helplessly, thought for a moment, and then made a decisive decision: "Then set up a special area for Lu Bai. What's the name..."

Zhao Kai almost blurted out that it was called the Cult Special Area, but the word "cult" is not a commendatory word and has a bad influence.

"Then call it the Lu Bai Special Area. In the future, try to transfer all the posts about Lu Bai to the Lu Bai Special Area, giving his fans a place of their own for them to play.

In addition, it also represents our Weibo official to give some benefits to Lu Bai's fans, just as a commemoration."

Commemorate a person who changed their Weibo history with his own efforts.

Chapter 64 Lu Bai: Danger Level S+

Weibo has been established for fifteen years. There have been several crashes in their backend, but they were all technical failures. It has never been because of one person or one organization that their server was overwhelmed.

The four recognized top stars in the Chinese entertainment industry, Wang Kai, Chen Huayu, Cai Yi, and Wu Fan, could not crash their backend even if they performed acrobatics together.

But Lu Bai and his cult organization only need one piece of news.

Is Lu Bai's current traffic so shocking?

This makes many people unable to understand.

It's not that they can't understand Lu Bai's popularity. In terms of appearance, temperament, and personality, Lu Bai can be said to be far better than the four top stars, and Lu Bai can now write songs and sing, so it's not surprising that he can become popular.

Everyone just didn't expect that Lu Bai could suddenly become so popular.

Even Lu Bai himself didn't think that he could become so popular so quickly, and it wasn't the goods he imported from Earth, but his own attributes.

This is outrageous.

It will take time to repair the Weibo crash. There is no other way, Weibo can only issue an apology statement on its own news website.

"At 0:05 on August 27, due to the surge in the number of fans and topics of artist Mr. Lu Bai, the Weibo backend system crashed, causing Weibo to crash. For this reason, our Weibo technical team is repairing it overnight.

In addition, due to the high degree of discussion of Lu Bai and his fans, our Weibo official has opened a Lu Bai special area for Lu Bai and his fans. In the future, topics about Lu Bai will be transferred to the Lu Bai special area.

For the inconvenience caused to all users by this incident, Weibo officials will distribute 500,000 Weibo members in the Lu Bai special area, specially customized Lu Bai badges and other gifts to express their apologies."

As soon as the news came out, netizens were stunned.

"What does Weibo mean by this apology? He said they will collapse the day after tomorrow. Is it us who did it?"

"Your system is rubbish. What does it have to do with us?"

"That's not right. There are four top stars in the Chinese entertainment industry, and dozens of traffic stars with tens of millions of fans. They didn't destroy your backstage. How could our Lu Bai, an 18th-tier artist, be destroyed by your backstage?"

"We, a cult, were destroyed by an official. The official took the initiative to apologize to us, gave us gifts, and even set up a single entertainment zone for the leader."

"Fuck, brothers, I suddenly feel that our cult seems to be a bit awesome."

"What do you mean by 'seemingly'? It's just awesome. This first-line star, that top star, are all garbage in front of our cult. If you have the guts, let your fans crash Weibo's backstage and let Weibo set up a separate area for your idols. They are all garbage."

"Our leader is still awesome. He can create, sing well, and stir up trouble."

"The leader is mighty!"

"The leader is domineering!"

"The leader has unparalleled evil skills!"

"I'll ask you quietly, leader, do you still want to disband the cult?"


At this moment, in addition to netizens, there are many people who are thinking about Lu Bai.

Zhou Min, the promoter of the incident, was holding her stomach and laughing on the bed.

This action has been maintained for nearly ten minutes, and she still can't help it. When she thinks of Lu Bai, she wants to laugh.

Lu Bai also said that he is a serious person, opened champagne for herself in advance, and wanted to disband the cult.

Hahahaha, it really made me laugh to death.

This person is so weird. He just found a novel to read and actually dug up a spy organization.

I can't take it anymore. I'm almost dying of his laughter.

That spy named Yang Jun is really unlucky. You said you have nothing to do, why write novels? You can write novels, but why do you write all your subordinates in the novels?

Now it's all right. He's been caught in one fell swoop.

Zhou Zhenggang was also very excited. After 23 years, he finally caught Yang Jun's gang of spies, and caught them all in one fell swoop. Thinking of those comrades, subordinates, and colleagues who had died in the pursuit of spies, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

After quitting drinking for twelve years, under the temptation of complex emotions, he couldn't help but want to have a drink.

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhenggang still held back.

Lu Bai didn't come to the table. This wine is boring to drink.

That artist named Lu Bai is really as weird as netizens say. We have to find a way to see if we can get Lu Bai to their national security. When Lu Bai is weird once a day, let's see which country's spies dare to run to our China.


Far away in the United States, on the other side of the ocean, at the FBI headquarters, the Director of Intelligence, James, was having lunch, but just as the lunch was served, he received intelligence from his subordinates.

"Leng Feng and his 17 spies were caught by the Chinese National Security Department."

The moment he saw the news, James almost fainted.

Then he shook his head with a forced calmness, and his originally dark complexion became a little darker at this time.

But James still didn't want to believe this fact.

In order to develop China's spy power, their FBI spent a lot of resources and invested countless manpower and material resources to cultivate the current spy organization led by Leng Feng. Was it just wiped out by the Chinese National Security?

Absolutely impossible.

If one or two of them had problems, he believed it, but it would definitely not be all of them.

"Charlie, is the news true?"

"Yes, Chief, it has been confirmed repeatedly."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I have fought with Huaxia National Security countless times. They definitely don't have the ability to wipe out Leng Feng's spy organization. I am still very clear about Leng Feng's ability. Except for being a little proud, he has always been cautious in doing things and will never have big problems."

"Chief, this is the news from Huaxia. Would you like to take a look first?" Charlie handed an IPAD to James.

The top of the "IPAD" shows Lu Bai's "beat you to death" animated picture.

The following is the course of events.

"Leng Feng, he wrote all his subordinates into his novel?"

"FUCK, this idiot, how could he do such a stupid thing."

"Was it reported by this singer named Lu Bai?"

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