The reason why top streamers are called top streamers is that they have a group of extremely loyal fans. If their fans know that their idol is actually a person with extremely low moral character, I believe that many fans with a relatively positive outlook will leave, and then the so-called top streamers will no longer exist. "

Zhou Chen stared at Lu Bai blankly. He found that he had underestimated the young man in front of him. Although he seemed to be playing around, he was actually very wise.

It even made Zhou Chen feel scared.

"Lu Bai, if one day you become a top streamer. "

"Director Zhou, do you think I am not a top streamer now?" Lu Bai asked back.

Lu Bai is indeed a top streamer, and has surpassed the scope of top streamers. After all, Weibo has never set up a special area for one person since its establishment, and Lu Bai has done it.

The process is a bit bizarre, but in terms of the number of fans and fan stickiness, Lu Bai is now definitely the well-deserved number one in the Chinese entertainment industry.

"Lu Bai, I heard from Lao Liu that you are going to start an entertainment company. If one day your company develops into a company like Xinglong Entertainment today. "

"Director Zhou, first of all, I will not become Huang Long, and secondly, my entertainment company will not develop into a company like Xinglong Entertainment.

The world is inclusive, and I think the entertainment industry should also be all-inclusive. It will accommodate all kinds of talented people, all kinds of unique good voices, all kinds of novel good music, and good works.

Rather than being a stagnant pool of water wrapped in capital like it is now.

Take Cai Yi as an example. He became a top star just by wearing overalls and playing basketball. This kind of sissy, I have to slap him twice, and then hang him on the basketball hoop and ask him, do you deserve it.

Two old men, you are both here, let me ask you, do you think he deserves it? "

When Lu Bai said this, he glanced at Zhou Chen and Liu Xin.

The two old men blushed unconsciously.

It felt like Lu Bai's two slaps in the air were hitting their faces.

Do you deserve it?

Does he deserve it?

Well said.

Chapter 4 Sabin, why do I feel like I've been cheated again?

Is it worthy?

In Zhou Chen's opinion, none of the four top stars in the entertainment industry are worthy.

But they are the top stars in the hearts of netizens.


Because they have the capital to support them behind the scenes.

Do they have works? No.

Just like Lu Bai said, wearing dungarees and playing basketball can be promoted to a top star, what is this.

And Lu Bai's words are actually a disguised accusation against him and Liu Xin. As the director and director of China Central Radio and Television, have you really tried your best to maintain a fair environment in the entertainment industry?

Now it depends on me, a banned 18th-tier artist, to carry it forward.

Lu Bai actually felt He was somewhat resentful. If he was banned because of a principled mistake, he would admit it.

But he was banned for no reason just because he didn't want to sleep with an old, ugly, fat woman named Huang Shan, and this even indirectly led to the death of "Lu Bai".

Why shouldn't he be resentful?

It was actually inappropriate to say this in front of Liu Xin and Zhou Chen, but Lu Bai still said it under the influence of alcohol today.

Zhou Chen said with some guilt: "Liu Xin and I couldn't do anything before, but now that I am in this position, I will definitely try my best. Lu Bai, since you want to start an entertainment company now, is there anything you need from us two old men to help you with?"

Zhou Chen regretted it after saying this. He felt that Lu Bai might really not be polite to him.

"Mr. Zhou, you mentioned this and I suddenly remembered it. I really have two things I want you and Mr. Liu to help me with.

There must be a lot of media and gossip editors on the Internet now. Mr. Zhou, you said that for media like this that wantonly spread rumors without evidence, shouldn’t you, China National Radio, issue an article to rectify it? Speaking of which, I actually helped you in this matter. "

Liu Xin and Zhou Chen wanted to leave after hearing what Lu Bai said. This guy asked us for help, and later, they would have to thank him.

How shameless.

"Lu Bai, I will go to the station to deal with this matter tomorrow."

"Mr. Zhou, there is another thing. You also know that I want to start an entertainment company, but I am short of people now. You and Mr. Liu know a lot of people. You can send some singers with unique voices to me. I will write songs for them and make them famous. What do you think? "

Lu Bai just said that the entertainment industry should be tolerant of everything and hoped that talented people could come to the fore.

But when it comes to talent, he wants to be the first and no one dares to be the tenth.

There are too many things in his mind.

It can't be used up, it can't be used up at all.

"Hey, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Liu, don't leave, I'll think about it, maybe I can come up with something else."

Liu Xin and Zhou Chen left, but fortunately before leaving, the two of them settled the bill, otherwise this meal would make Lu Bai bankrupt.

He really didn't have much money in his hand, and the money was all in the account of NetEase Cloud Music.

Looking at the almost finished food on the table, Lu Bai was too lazy to be frugal, and got up and walked towards his presidential suite.

16888 One night, Lu Bai felt that he was losing out if he slept less.

Although he didn't have to pay for it himself.


Liu Xin and Zhou Chen were not actually drunk. At this time, the two old men were walking on the prosperous streets of Yanjing. On the streets with shining neon lights and heavy traffic, they were slightly insignificant in the crowded crowd. What they were talking about was enough to influence an industry.

"Liu Xin, do you think Lu Bai was speaking from the heart? What if he becomes another Huang Long one day?"

"I know Lu Bai a little better than you do. I don't think he will. Some of Lu Bai's behaviors seem absurd, but judging from his conduct, I think he is far better than 99% of people in this world.

Take his conversation with Song Peng just now as an example. I think that except for the self he made up, everything else he said was sincere.

And his assistant named Sabin, even if he betrayed Lu Bai several times, you see Lu Bai didn't really want to do anything to him. In the end, I think Lu Bai might even help him.

In addition, I had a meal with Lu Bai in Shanghai before. He talked about his charity work. He said that no matter how much money he made in the future, he would use 20% of his income for charity.

I really think he will do it, not just talk about it, or put the money into a fund to avoid taxes under the guise of charity."

Zhou Chen looked at Liu Xin with some surprise. It was rare to hear so many good words from Liu Xin.

"Old Liu, Lu Bai was just making indirect accusations and almost slapped us in the face."

"Old Zhou, do you think Lu Bai is wrong? And I admire him even more for pointing out the problem in front of us.

Over the years, we have seen so many flattering stars, artists, and bosses. Have you ever seen anyone who speaks to us from the bottom of his heart?

No, not one."

"Old Liu, do you want to help Lu Bai?"

"No, I think we are helping ourselves, those talented artists who are not liked by netizens. Of course, I think Lu Bai can help them more now."

"Okay, I understand. Go back tomorrow and give some of the artists you like to Lu Bai, but don't give them all to him at once. Give them one by one. I want to see how far Lu Bai can go."

. . . . . .

Lu Bai returned to his room, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and lay down on the bed to start Weibo.

The news of having a child out of wedlock has been revealed, and he wants to see how netizens and cult members react.

The first hot search on Weibo fell to Lu Bai as expected. "Singer Lu Bai, revealed to have a child out of wedlock."

But when he saw the second hot search on Weibo, Lu Bai was a little dazed, "Cult members, congratulations to the leader for having a baby, the cult has hope of inheritance."

Fuck, am I blind?

I didn't see it wrong.

I'm a celebrity who has a child out of wedlock, you guys are congratulating me, but you guys are standing up and scolding me.

Something's wrong, something's wrong.

And the third hot search on Weibo: "Chen Huayu angrily denounced Lu Bai on Weibo for his low character and playing with women's feelings."

Seeing this, Lu Bai was finally happy.

I knew, Chen Huayu, you can't help it.

If it were me, I couldn't help it either.

After all, he and Song Qian had been in a relationship, and now Song Qian was revealed to have given birth to my child, any man would be angry for a while.

What's more, Chen Huayu is so petty. He released a new song a few days ago, but it didn't sell as well as me, so he slandered me crazily in his trumpet. Now you can't help it.

Most of the hot searches below are about Lu Bai and Song Qian. There are scolding, congratulations, slander, and all kinds of hot searches. This is not surprising at all. Netizens have different preferences. Lu Bai thinks it's normal to scold a few words.

He even went to see if there were any new insults.

In the end, he didn't find any.

Very disappointed.

Everything is under control, except for his cult followers. What's wrong with you?

Why don't you stand up and scold me? I want to release an EMO song again.

Then Lu Bai came to his Weibo area.

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